Obama on Kenya: There's a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama (Yes, We Know Why)

couldnt obama un-seal his Occidental college transcript and REALLY close the matter leftard?

Why should he? What does he have to gain? He doesn't care what you or I think and he has the left in his pocket, for some unknown reason, so why would he give a crap?
If you go by his character and how many lies he has told. I don't know what to believe. Also if you go by Hillary's character and how many lies she has told. You realize your party will go to all lengths to destroy America.

Uh-huh. And its not Obama you'd have to ignore. He doesn't remember his birth. Its the State of Hawaii you'd have to ignore. As the State of Hawaii has affirmed and reaffirmed Obama's place of birth over and over and over again.

And Hillary? What the fiddler's fuck does she have to do with anything we're discussing. You're just dripping with desperation to change the topic.
No, I was just showing you that the leaders in your party have no character and cannot tell the truth, but we are suppose to believe the bullshit they tell us.

No, you're just desperately abandoning the topic of discussion and scrambling to change it to Hillary.
Okay then, Obama hasn't hardly told the truth since he has been in office. So don't be offended when I don't believe what he tells me. Is that better?

Again, its not Obama you have to ignore. Its the State of Hawaii.
His social security number came from Connecticut, imagine that?
couldnt obama un-seal his Occidental college transcript and REALLY close the matter leftard?

Why should he? What does he have to gain? He doesn't care what you or I think and he has the left in his pocket, for some unknown reason, so why would he give a crap?
Goes deeper than that.
Hiding his past not only allows him to continue playing president even though he is an illegal, but its also his way of saying F-You to Americans.
All we can hope for is that one day the truth comes out, and after a full trial to prove beyond a doubt that he is illegal and guilty of treason, he hangs at the hands of our American military leaders.
couldnt obama un-seal his Occidental college transcript and REALLY close the matter leftard?

Why should he? What does he have to gain? He doesn't care what you or I think and he has the left in his pocket, for some unknown reason, so why would he give a crap?
Goes deeper than that.
Hiding his past not only allows him to continue playing president even though he is an illegal, but its also his way of saying F-You to Americans.
All we can hope for is that one day the truth comes out, and after a full trial to prove beyond a doubt that he is illegal and guilty of treason, he hangs at the hands of our American military leaders.

OK, regardless of what Obama's grandmother says, Michelle Obama says, a Literary Agent fact checking error, or what Kenya believes, Obama was born in Hawaii to me there is little doubt. So he isn't illegal. But I have to wonder why there are so many that apparently want America to believe he was born in Kenya.
He received a full scholarship to Occidental, why? He admits his grades up to that time were not good. Although there is no evidence that one of them was a Fulbright scholarship there equally isn't evidence that it was not, the evidence is sealed.

There's no evidence he *didn't* get a Fulbright scholarship....so you want his college records? Um, no. You've already admitted your speculation is baseless and backed by absolutely no evidence. Which obligates no one to do anything.

And everyone's college records are sealed. They're personal documents.

2. He attended a Muslim school under an assumed name. Doesn't make him a Muslim but it does indicate dishonesty in his past, his parents dishonesty.

He was 9. The 'assumed name' you're referring to what his step father's last name. A little boy using his stepfather's name isn't very good conspiracy fodder. Which is why you omitted any mention of any of it. Oh, and he want to a Catholic School just as long.

3. He has a SS number from a state he or his parents never lived.

Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

4. He did live overseas under the assumed name Barry Soetoro. A name he apparently used in the US and Occidental College even called him Barry.

Again, he was 9 years old and it was his step father's name. If you have any evidence that he want to college under the name 'Barrry Soetero' present it.

But you've got jack shit. And you know it. You're offering us innuendo and speculation backed by absolutely nothing. Which is what Birther's always do.

How does one go from a small college in CA to Columbia?
By applying and being accepted. Just like anyone else. Affirmative Action may have had something to do with it.

6. How does a literary agent make such a gross "fact checking" error about Obama's place of birth?

The newspaper articles that they were using as reference stated that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. And Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii. Presumably, they got them mixed up. As mistakes go, its not that big a deal.

7. Why did Mrs. Obama think it so important to call Kenya Obama's home country?

Who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? Is this where you pretend to be the first lady again?
couldnt obama un-seal his Occidental college transcript and REALLY close the matter leftard?

Why should he? What does he have to gain? He doesn't care what you or I think and he has the left in his pocket, for some unknown reason, so why would he give a crap?
Goes deeper than that.
Hiding his past not only allows him to continue playing president even though he is an illegal, but its also his way of saying F-You to Americans.
All we can hope for is that one day the truth comes out, and after a full trial to prove beyond a doubt that he is illegal and guilty of treason, he hangs at the hands of our American military leaders.

OK, regardless of what Obama's grandmother says, Michelle Obama says, a Literary Agent fact checking error, or what Kenya believes, Obama was born in Hawaii to me there is little doubt. So he isn't illegal. But I have to wonder why there are so many that apparently want America to believe he was born in Kenya.

Can you cite one person that claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Just one.
...before he became a Christian?

just exactly when the fuck was that ? he is a muslime by birth, do you know why the ayatollah hominy posted a pic of a gun pointed at his head ? because if a muslime renounces his/her muslime faith they must be killed........., by beheading !!

BTW ............. :up_yours: ...... :asshole:

6. How does a literary agent make such a gross "fact checking" error about Obama's place of birth?

The newspaper articles that they were using as reference stated that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya.
Which newspaper articles did literary agent Miriam Goderich use back in 1991 that referenced Obama being born in Kenya? Be specific because I think you just stepped in it big time.
...before he became a Christian?

just exactly when the fuck was that ? he is a muslime by birth, do you know why the ayatollah hominy posted a pic of a gun pointed at his head ? because if a muslime renounces his/her muslime faith they must be killed........., by beheading !!

BTW ............. :up_yours: ...... :asshole:
the day that happens, the beers are on me. And I dont even drink.
...before he became a Christian?

just exactly when the fuck was that ? he is a muslime by birth, do you know why the ayatollah hominy posted a pic of a gun pointed at his head ? because if a muslime renounces his/her muslime faith they must be killed........., by beheading !!

BTW ............. :up_yours: ...... :asshole:
the day that happens, the beers are on me. And I dont even drink.
You don't drink yet are this stupid???...please keep that a secret.
He received a full scholarship to Occidental, why? He admits his grades up to that time were not good. Although there is no evidence that one of them was a Fulbright scholarship there equally isn't evidence that it was not, the evidence is sealed.

There's no evidence he *didn't* get a Fulbright scholarship....so you want his college records? Um, no. You've already admitted your speculation is baseless and backed by absolutely no evidence. Which obligates no one to do anything.

And everyone's college records are sealed. They're personal documents.

2. He attended a Muslim school under an assumed name. Doesn't make him a Muslim but it does indicate dishonesty in his past, his parents dishonesty.

He was 9. The 'assumed name' you're referring to what his step father's last name. A little boy using his stepfather's name isn't very good conspiracy fodder. Which is why you omitted any mention of any of it. Oh, and he want to a Catholic School just as long.

3. He has a SS number from a state he or his parents never lived.

Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

4. He did live overseas under the assumed name Barry Soetoro. A name he apparently used in the US and Occidental College even called him Barry.

Again, he was 9 years old and it was his step father's name. If you have any evidence that he want to college under the name 'Barrry Soetero' present it.

But you've got jack shit. And you know it. You're offering us innuendo and speculation backed by absolutely nothing. Which is what Birther's always do.

How does one go from a small college in CA to Columbia?
By applying and being accepted. Just like anyone else. Affirmative Action may have had something to do with it.

6. How does a literary agent make such a gross "fact checking" error about Obama's place of birth?

The newspaper articles that they were using as reference stated that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. And Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii. Presumably, they got them mixed up. As mistakes go, its not that big a deal.

7. Why did Mrs. Obama think it so important to call Kenya Obama's home country?

Who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? Is this where you pretend to be the first lady again?[/QUOTE]

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues Obama Social Security Numbers

Finally, the one Social Security number Obama most frequently used, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period Obama would have been 15-16 years old and living in Hawaii at the time.
...before he became a Christian?

just exactly when the fuck was that ? he is a muslime by birth, do you know why the ayatollah hominy posted a pic of a gun pointed at his head ? because if a muslime renounces his/her muslime faith they must be killed........., by beheading !!

BTW ............. :up_yours: ...... :asshole:
the day that happens, the beers are on me. And I dont even drink.
You don't drink yet are this stupid???...please keep that a secret.
its not called stupid, its called Patriotic American.
evidently as long as the illegal one is giving you free drugs and booze, you are perfectly ok with his destruction of the country.
I hope one day to see all that support his actions also be rounded up and tried for treason.

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

snopes is an extremely liberal site, you cant find anything that they will agree with with it comes to the illegal ones status and right to be president.
Snopes is full of shit on this one, if it was false why would obamas own lawyers spend so much energy blocking any information that would in your mind obviously prove he is eligible to be president.

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

The Snopes article is bogus. Ludwig had a total different number and is not the issue. Snopes is deflecting.........as usual for Obama. Now answer my prior question. What specific articles from 1991 did Miriam Goderich use at that time that referenced Obama being born in Kenya as you stated she did.
6. How does a literary agent make such a gross "fact checking" error about Obama's place of birth?

The newspaper articles that they were using as reference stated that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya.
Which newspaper articles did literary agent Miriam Goderich use back in 1991 that referenced Obama being born in Kenya? Be specific because I think you just stepped in it big time.

It helps if you don't cut off my post:

Sklyar said:
The newspaper articles that they were using as reference stated that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. And Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii. Presumably, they got them mixed up. As mistakes go, its not that big a deal.

Barack Hussein Obama was his father. Barack Hussein Obama II is our president. Which, of course, you know. But intentionally omitted.

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

snopes is an extremely liberal site, you cant find anything that they will agree with with it comes to the illegal ones status and right to be president.
Snopes is full of shit on this one, if it was false why would obamas own lawyers spend so much energy blocking any information that would in your mind obviously prove he is eligible to be president.

How is Snopes full of shit on this one? Tell us specifically what they got wrong.

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

snopes is an extremely liberal site, you cant find anything that they will agree with with it comes to the illegal ones status and right to be president.
Snopes is full of shit on this one, if it was false why would obamas own lawyers spend so much energy blocking any information that would in your mind obviously prove he is eligible to be president.

Watch white house press secretary Robert Gibbs dodge and deflect when asked by a reporter why Obama is using a Connecticutt social security number In a state where he never lived.

obamas social security number robert gibbs - YouTube

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

snopes is an extremely liberal site, you cant find anything that they will agree with with it comes to the illegal ones status and right to be president.
Snopes is full of shit on this one, if it was false why would obamas own lawyers spend so much energy blocking any information that would in your mind obviously prove he is eligible to be president.

Watch white house press secretary Robert Gibbs dodge and deflect when asked by a reporter why Obama is using a Connecticutt social security number In a state where he never lived.

obamas social security number robert gibbs - YouTube

And again, Snopes already addressed this years ago

The most likely explanation for the discrepancy is a simple clerical or typographical error: the ZIP code in the area of Honolulu where Barack Obama lived at the time he applied for his Social Security number in 1977 is 96814, while the ZIP code for Danbury, Connecticut, is 06814. Since '0' and '9' are similarly shaped numbers and are adjacent on typewriter keyboards, it's not uncommon for handwritten examples to be mistaken for each other, or for one to be mistyped as the other (thereby potentially resulting in a Hawaiian resident's application mistakenly being routed as if it had originated from Connecticut).

Read more at snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

His home zipcode and the conneticut zip code that his SSN matches are 1 digit apart.

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