Obama on Kenya: There's a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama (Yes, We Know Why)

couldnt obama un-seal his Occidental college transcript and REALLY close the matter leftard?

Why should he? What does he have to gain? He doesn't care what you or I think and he has the left in his pocket, for some unknown reason, so why would he give a crap?
Goes deeper than that.
Hiding his past not only allows him to continue playing president even though he is an illegal, but its also his way of saying F-You to Americans.
All we can hope for is that one day the truth comes out, and after a full trial to prove beyond a doubt that he is illegal and guilty of treason, he hangs at the hands of our American military leaders.

OK, regardless of what Obama's grandmother says, Michelle Obama says, a Literary Agent fact checking error, or what Kenya believes, Obama was born in Hawaii to me there is little doubt. So he isn't illegal. But I have to wonder why there are so many that apparently want America to believe he was born in Kenya.

Can you cite one person that claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Just one.


Looks liuke you got the job of explaining basic facts to the idiots today...

Can we point out that anyone saying Obama is a muslim should be in future ignored for being a wack job conspiracy nut.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship. Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.
No offense meant to the un-American filthy muslims.

Apart from you being a racist piece of trash.

Obama could have been born on North Pole believing jedi force and he would be still elegible for President.

His mother was american.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship. Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.
No offense meant to the un-American filthy muslims.

Apart from you being a racist piece of trash.

Obama could have been born on North Pole believing jedi force and he would be still elegible for President.

His mother was american.

You really need to turn down the pompus ass a bit and learn some stuff:

Presidential Eligibility
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship. Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.
No offense meant to the un-American filthy muslims.

Apart from you being a racist piece of trash.

Obama could have been born on North Pole believing jedi force and he would be still elegible for President.

His mother was american.
however he did become a citizen of another country, and there no proof that he ever became an American citizen again.
and why do people like you defend the animals that would love to see this country fail.
Unless you happen to be one of those animals also.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship. Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.
No offense meant to the un-American filthy muslims.

Apart from you being a racist piece of trash.

Obama could have been born on North Pole believing jedi force and he would be still elegible for President.

His mother was american.
No...not true. The 1961 laws at the time said she was too young to confer U.S. citizenship to her son.
I see on CNN where after Kenya's President Kenyatta and Kenya told him don't be bringing that gay shit here he went right ahead and mentioned gay shit...then promptly got smacked down by Kenyatta.

The man is a moron
The man stands for what he believes in, you are the moron, and obviously a coward also.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.

have you ever been out of the country idiot left-wing nutjob?

barack hussein obama most certainly is a Muslim name. there ARE christians in the Middle East and south asia, africa etc, but you will have to look REALLY REALLY HARD to find one named barack or hussein
But they do exist, right? I've been out of this country and I can tell you people in other countries think the US right wing are loons. Dangerous and ignorant loons. I have never heard anyone from Germany, Spain or France or the Japanese or Chinese that come here to visit say anything good about US right wingers. In fact, they don't understand why America votes for people so wrong, ignorant and dangerous. This is absolutely true.

The sad thing is you think we're buying that nonsense
Of course not, you just hide your head in the sand.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.

have you ever been out of the country idiot left-wing nutjob?

barack hussein obama most certainly is a Muslim name. there ARE christians in the Middle East and south asia, africa etc, but you will have to look REALLY REALLY HARD to find one named barack or hussein
But they do exist, right? I've been out of this country and I can tell you people in other countries think the US right wing are loons. Dangerous and ignorant loons. I have never heard anyone from Germany, Spain or France or the Japanese or Chinese that come here to visit say anything good about US right wingers. In fact, they don't understand why America votes for people so wrong, ignorant and dangerous. This is absolutely true.

you're a complete idiot

so why would anybody be surprised you found other complete idiots in foreign countries?
Another one who hides his head in the sand because of ignorance.

And who says that Mrs. Obama thought it was 'so important'? You're attributing overwhelming significance to this little youtube video. Show me evidence that Mrs. Obama does the same.

Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Your claim was that he was using the name Barry Soetero. Yet your own source contradicts that assumption, affirming that he want by Obama.

And 'poof', another big dallup of innuendo and speculation leaves a brown streak and it circles the bowl.

And as you already know, Snopes has an excellent article on the topic:

snopes.com Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig

Asking questions is fine. Ignoring answers isn't. And you're utterly ignoring the very answers you're asking for.

snopes is an extremely liberal site, you cant find anything that they will agree with with it comes to the illegal ones status and right to be president.
Snopes is full of shit on this one, if it was false why would obamas own lawyers spend so much energy blocking any information that would in your mind obviously prove he is eligible to be president.

How is Snopes full of shit on this one? Tell us specifically what they got wrong.

Didja get a chance to read this article?

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues Obama Social Security Numbers

No real mention of Obama stealing any SS numbers, only that it appears he has had many.

There's also the matter of his Selective service card being a pitiful forgery. The date stamp is set in two digits for the year... "80", when the stamps used for such are listed in four digits. The stamp also contains rather obvious signs that it was pieced together, likely from a stamp from 2008; which just happens to be the year obama's Selective Service Card was 'released'.

Says you citing you, pretending to be a document's expert. And the 'forgery' schtick is the answer of birthers to every document ever released by every government agency. No matter the source, no matter how many times its been directly affirmed by the releasing agency, no matter the original vital records...

.....your ilk ignores it all. But why would we ignore what you must to cling to your little turd of a conspiracy?
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship.

Other than his Certificate of Live Birth which stands as prima facie evidence in any court of law? Other than the Director of the Department of Health of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen? Other than TWO affidavits from the Registrar of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii?

Remember, hun....just because you ignore overwhelming evidence doesn't mean that we can't see it.

Oh, and show us the evidence that Obama has Indonesian citizenship. You'll find that you can't...as you have no idea what you're talking about.

Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.

And hey......a heaping helping of naked hateful bigotry to go with your willful ignorance. The 'peas and carrots' of conspiracy idiocy.
Says the gal that is utterly and completely confused, stumped and stymied by one simple question:

Where did Snopes screw up regarding

Oh look, the bugger eater thinks I can be insulted by him calling me a gal.
So special.

Now, Im going to ask you once more, see if you can come up with an answer.
How is it that Snopes is able to get a hold of documents to prove what they say if the illegal ones lawyers have them locked down so tight that even congress cant get into them.
Do you really think snopes has that much political power? really?

And still you can't answer. You dismissed Snopes on the social security card question. But you can't tell us why.

I don't think you even know. You were simply told to ignore them. And so you do. Despite the fact that you can't find any flaw in their analysis nor have even reviewed it.

Really, is there anything to you but naked, willful ignorance?
Says the gal that is utterly and completely confused, stumped and stymied by one simple question:

Where did Snopes screw up regarding

Oh look, the bugger eater thinks I can be insulted by him calling me a gal.
So special.

Now, Im going to ask you once more, see if you can come up with an answer.
How is it that Snopes is able to get a hold of documents to prove what they say if the illegal ones lawyers have them locked down so tight that even congress cant get into them.
Do you really think snopes has that much political power? really?

And still you can't answer. You dismissed Snopes on the social security card question. But you can't tell us why.

I don't think you even know. You were simply told to ignore them. And so you do. Despite the fact that you can't find any flaw in their analysis nor have even reviewed it.

Really, is there anything to you but naked, willful ignorance?
and yet you are still unable to answer a simple question, how is it that snopes is able to get documents that the rest of the world has been blocked from seeing.
or do you just believe them because they fit your idea of the truth
Says the gal that is utterly and completely confused, stumped and stymied by one simple question:

Where did Snopes screw up regarding

Oh look, the bugger eater thinks I can be insulted by him calling me a gal.
So special.

Now, Im going to ask you once more, see if you can come up with an answer.
How is it that Snopes is able to get a hold of documents to prove what they say if the illegal ones lawyers have them locked down so tight that even congress cant get into them.
Do you really think snopes has that much political power? really?

And still you can't answer. You dismissed Snopes on the social security card question. But you can't tell us why.

I don't think you even know. You were simply told to ignore them. And so you do. Despite the fact that you can't find any flaw in their analysis nor have even reviewed it.

Really, is there anything to you but naked, willful ignorance?
and yet you are still unable to answer a simple question, how is it that snopes is able to get documents that the rest of the world has been blocked from seeing.
or do you just believe them because they fit your idea of the truth

What documents are you referring to. Specifically?

And what did Snopes get wrong about Social Security cards? I asked you first. And you're still running.
I wonder if the formerly curious "investigative' arm of the liberal media will ever look into allegations that Barry Sotoro Hussein received a discount in tuition at Harvard for being an alien resident?

I wonder if ever occurred to wingers, birthers and their conspiracy addled ilk that you don't have the slightest bit of evidence to back that batshit narrative up. And you never have.

Try as you might, you've never found anything to substantiate your fairy tale. And yet you continue to repeat it, continue to cling to it.

Demonstrating elegantly that evidence has nothing to do with your perspective.
This is a great video that lays out the fraud of obama in specific detail.

He is in every conceivable way: The Manchurian Candidate.

Birthers do love themselves Youtube.

So much easier to sling the bullshit on Youtube- so much easier for the birthers to lies, speculate and use innuendo.
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship. Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.
No offense meant to the un-American filthy muslims.

Apart from you being a racist piece of trash.

Obama could have been born on North Pole believing jedi force and he would be still elegible for President.

His mother was american.
No...not true. The 1961 laws at the time said she was too young to confer U.S. citizenship to her son.

So Birthers keep telling us. Yet that is merely the opinion of uneducated and barely literate Birthers.

Not that it matters, since Birthers can't even read a Birth Certificate that says Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship. Muslim is more of a political agenda than it is a religious one, a political agenda that is at odds with the United States. And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. I dont use their station just because of the foul body stench that permeates the entire area around them.
So, he has no right to be destroying this country as he is.
No offense meant to the un-American filthy muslims.

Apart from you being a racist piece of trash.

Obama could have been born on North Pole believing jedi force and he would be still elegible for President.

His mother was american.
however he did become a citizen of another country, and there no proof that he ever became an American citizen again.

What Country?

Barack Obama was born a dual citizen- but lost his secondary citizenship when he didn't claim it at 19 or 21(experts disagree on what year it needs to be claimed). Since then he has been only a U.S. citizen.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
no proof of his birth in Hawaii, no proof he became an American citizen and renounced his Indonesian citizenship.

No proof President Obama was born in Hawaii- you mean other than:
  • two contemporary birth announcements
  • Hawaiian Birth certificate
  • Confirmation by the State of Hawaii(confirmed 4 or 5 times) that Barack Obama was born there
  • Listing of Barack Obama in Hawaii's birth index
The BC alone would be enough for any court of law- but anyone who still believes there is no 'proof' President Obama was born in Hawaii is willfully ignorant- i.e. a Birther.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever became an Indonesian citizen, and the law made that virtually impossible- since the State department doesn't allow 6 year old's to renounce their citizens.
And again, Snopes already addressed this years agol

His home zipcode and the conneticut zip code that his SSN matches are 1 digit apart.
and again, snopes is full of shit. They are a liberal organization that is covering for the illegal one in the white house.

And again, what did Snopes get wrong. Specifically. If they're full of shit, it should be remarkably easy for you to tell us what they got wrong. If you're full of shit, you'll remain uselessly vague.
lets put it this way, how is it that snopes is so important that they can get the answers to the questions that the rest of the country cant get?
if that is not just a bit odd to you, then you are certainly well up there on the idiot index.

And for the third time, what did Snopes get wrong?

You can't say. You merely reject them without even reviewing what they said. Its not Snopes that full of shit. You are.
I thinking you might be covered in shit with the way you have your head up the shoe shine boys ass.
tell me now. How does snopes get the needed information to be so sure they are correct when the rest of the world is not able to do so.

So you are unable to identify what you think that Snopes got wrong.

You just disagree because it doesn't agree with the lies your Birther overlords have told you.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider
So, the last thing this country needed was to have an illegal filthy muslim in a position of power.
They have their own country to play in. He needs to go there and try to lead them.
He was born in Hawaii which makes him a legal, bonafide American citizen and eligible for the office he currently holds. His name was given to him at birth and no more means he is Muslim than Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist. Nor does it matter what his religious beliefs are. America isn't a theocracy.
And yes, muslims are nasty, the ones that run the gas station down the road from me smell like they have no idea what a shower is for. .

Well there you go- the mindset of a Birther.

Yep- this is never about racism- this guy knows muslims who run a gas station- so he knows all about muslims......

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