Obama On Oscar 'White out': Hollywood Should ‘Provide Opportunity to Everybody’

If you want to stop racism you have to end the division. The very fact that a 'BET' exists, the very fact that a 'Natl Association of COLORED People' is allowed to exist perpetuates racial division.

The fact is 'Racism' is a multi-faceted TOOL people and organizations use for their own benefit.
- Politically, Saul Alynski teaches it best when he goes into detail about pitting races against each other, keeping the people divided, making enemies of each other instead of allowing them to unite and focus on what government/political leaders are doing.
- Economically, 'racism' is a MULTI-Billion dollar INDUSTRY. If racism suddenly ended tonight - peace and harmony, Kum-bah-ya, etc...think of the money lost and people out of 'business': NAACP, BET, Al Sharpton would have to get a REAL job, Jesse Jackson would suddenly have to find work, and on and on and on.....

It is not economically viable or preferred to eradicate racism because it is too great of a political tool and puts too much money into people's pockets. Until people stop focusing on the 'white' and the 'black' and instead start noticing the 'Green' ($) racism will NEVER end!

(Stepping down off the soap box now...)

But if you just think he is a Race Baiting Asshole, then you are in perfect health.
you just did what you accuse him of doing ...what does that make you?

Yes, I am well aware of the new tactic by the left to pretend to not understand what Race Baiting means.

It's just another flavor of your standard lefty dishonesty and of no interest to anyone.

So, save it for someone who cares.

Obama, race baited. I called him on it.

Do you have reply that is not dishonest bullshit and that actually addresses what I said?
show me where the president race baited or STFU ..
don't be pissy because I caught you at it.

When he said "As a whole, the industry should do what every other industry should do, which is to look for talent, and provide opportunity to everybody,” the President said. “I think the Oscar debate is really just an expression of this broader issue of are we making sure that everybody is getting a fair shot?”

Because he knows damn well that the Oscars are not racist, and that this little scandal is complete bullshit.


In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population.

But if you just think he is a Race Baiting Asshole, then you are in perfect health.
you just did what you accuse him of doing ...what does that make you?

Yes, I am well aware of the new tactic by the left to pretend to not understand what Race Baiting means.

It's just another flavor of your standard lefty dishonesty and of no interest to anyone.

So, save it for someone who cares.

Obama, race baited. I called him on it.

Do you have reply that is not dishonest bullshit and that actually addresses what I said?
show me where the president race baited or STFU ..
don't be pissy because I caught you at it.

When he said "As a whole, the industry should do what every other industry should do, which is to look for talent, and provide opportunity to everybody,” the President said. “I think the Oscar debate is really just an expression of this broader issue of are we making sure that everybody is getting a fair shot?”

Because he knows damn well that the Oscars are not racist, and that this little scandal is complete bullshit.


In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population.
best you could do?
can you justify any harder ?
I guess there could be Whites Only Movie Award, but the Oscars supposedly aim more broadly.
they do, but it's a business like any other you make what sells .
that's why you don't see many white supremacist and bible thumping movies,

Actually you're right about White Supremacist Movies.

However, Christiab themed movies always do well when Hollywood can bring themselves to do one.

Which is not often.
not really, I've been in the bizz religious themed movies do well with a small number of movies goers, it's a niche market.
the biggest bible blockbuster ever was the ten commandments not for it's message but it's effects kinda like star wars.

The Passion of the Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The film has been controversial and received mixed reviews, with some critics claiming that the extreme violence in the film "obscures its message."[10][11][12][13] Catholic sources have questioned the authenticity of the non-biblical material upon which the film drew.[5][14] The film, however, was a major commercial hit, grossing in excess of $600 million during its theatrical release.[15]The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing R-rated film in United States history, the highest grossing religious film,[16] and the highest grossing non-English-language film of all time.[17]

That's a hell of a niche.
still a niche, most Christians hated it .
high grossing films stats are only good till they are broken ,like base ball stats
keep grasping at nothing..

Then how much could a Christian themed movie, that "most Christians" not hate make, if one that most hated made 600 million dollars?

We don't know, because Hollywood can't bring itself to find out.

The Ten Commandments was in 1956.
But if you just think he is a Race Baiting Asshole, then you are in perfect health.
you just did what you accuse him of doing ...what does that make you?

Yes, I am well aware of the new tactic by the left to pretend to not understand what Race Baiting means.

It's just another flavor of your standard lefty dishonesty and of no interest to anyone.

So, save it for someone who cares.

Obama, race baited. I called him on it.

Do you have reply that is not dishonest bullshit and that actually addresses what I said?
show me where the president race baited or STFU ..
don't be pissy because I caught you at it.

When he said "As a whole, the industry should do what every other industry should do, which is to look for talent, and provide opportunity to everybody,” the President said. “I think the Oscar debate is really just an expression of this broader issue of are we making sure that everybody is getting a fair shot?”

Because he knows damn well that the Oscars are not racist, and that this little scandal is complete bullshit.


In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population.
best you could do?
can you justify any harder ?

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Does anyone really give a rats ass about Hollywood and the Oscars?
if it were not the Oscars and was the plastic bag makers yearly service awards or some other company shindig nobody would give a fuck.
The oscars are rediculous . It's not like it's based on any objective criteria .

But this is good example of institutional racism . The academy is like 90% white , and old . So they'll trnd to favor white performances . It's not some evil purposful plot . But the result is biased against minorities .

I don't think there's a Hispanic or Asian in the mix either .
show me where the president race baited or STFU ..

Obama: 'If I had a son he would look just like Trayvon Martin'

Obama: 'Although I do not know any of the details and thus don't know what the hell went on, it 'looks' like the Cambridge Police acted stupidly'.

Michelle Obama claimed a white woman was racist because she asked the taller Michelle Obama to get something for her off of a high shelf....

Huffington Post: Obama Recalls Getting Followed, People Locking Doors On Him -- In Other Words, Being A Black Man In America
(- Some of the stories Obama has told have been proven to be false or 'half-truths'. He is known for making shite up - when asked about the woman he wrote about in his own book he admitted that she did not exist but was instead a 'compilation' of girls he had dated.)

Inviting to the WH and praising several times BLM, the group whose members called for the murder of all whites and policemen...

Obama admittedly was mentored for over a decade by a hate-spewing racist pastor...whom he called his MENTOR....
It is ironic that Hollywood is getting shit from the Left...when Hollywood is comprised of leftists.

Self-Described DemocratsEdit
Attended a Democratic conventionEdit

Attended a Democratic Party fundraiser or campaigned for a Democratic candidateEdit

Have donated money to a Democratic candidateEdit

Have officially endorsed a Democratic Party member in a recent electionEdit
Participants in the "Vote for Change" Tour in support of Democratic Party candidates in 2004[159]Edit
The oscars are rediculous . It's not like it's based on any objective criteria .

But this is good example of institutional racism . The academy is like 90% white , and old . So they'll trnd to favor white performances . It's not some evil purposful plot . But the result is biased against minorities .

I don't think there's a Hispanic or Asian in the mix either .

Except it's not.


"In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population."
"In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population."

That can't be. Blacks, Liberals, and Obama have declared ,claimed, insinuated, implied, etc that this Oscar 'White Out' is indicative to the rampant racism in Hollywood. You can't argue with Liberal 'science'! To imply otherwise makes you a 'racist'. :p
The oscars are rediculous . It's not like it's based on any objective criteria .

But this is good example of institutional racism . The academy is like 90% white , and old . So they'll trnd to favor white performances . It's not some evil purposful plot . But the result is biased against minorities .

I don't think there's a Hispanic or Asian in the mix either .

Except it's not.


"In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population."

I'm sure it was a mistake that you cut the quote early. Here is the whole quote: In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population. But this does not mean Hollywood has no problems of prejudice. As the data show, it clearly does.
they do, but it's a business like any other you make what sells .
that's why you don't see many white supremacist and bible thumping movies,

Actually you're right about White Supremacist Movies.

However, Christiab themed movies always do well when Hollywood can bring themselves to do one.

Which is not often.
not really, I've been in the bizz religious themed movies do well with a small number of movies goers, it's a niche market.
the biggest bible blockbuster ever was the ten commandments not for it's message but it's effects kinda like star wars.

The Passion of the Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The film has been controversial and received mixed reviews, with some critics claiming that the extreme violence in the film "obscures its message."[10][11][12][13] Catholic sources have questioned the authenticity of the non-biblical material upon which the film drew.[5][14] The film, however, was a major commercial hit, grossing in excess of $600 million during its theatrical release.[15]The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing R-rated film in United States history, the highest grossing religious film,[16] and the highest grossing non-English-language film of all time.[17]

That's a hell of a niche.
still a niche, most Christians hated it .
high grossing films stats are only good till they are broken ,like base ball stats
keep grasping at nothing..

Then how much could a Christian themed movie, that "most Christians" not hate make, if one that most hated made 600 million dollars?

We don't know, because Hollywood can't bring itself to find out.

The Ten Commandments was in 1956.
false! there are a whole line of epic Christian themed films made in Hollywood the peak was in the late 1950's and early 60's
back then people ate them up.
Highest-grossing films[13]
Rank Peak Title Worldwide gross Year Reference(s)
1 1 Avatar $2,787,965,087 2009 [# 1][# 2]
2 1 Titanic $2,186,772,302 1997 [# 3][# 4]
3 3 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
$1,948,345,219 2015 [# 5]
4 3 Jurassic World $1,668,984,926 2015 [# 6][# 7]
5 3 The Avengers $1,519,557,910 2012 [# 8][# 9]
6 4 Furious 7 $1,515,047,671 2015 [# 10][# 11]
7 5 Avengers: Age of Ultron $1,405,035,767 2015 [# 12][# 11]
8 3 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 $1,341,511,219 2011 [# 13][# 14]
9nb1 5 Frozen $1,279,852,693 2013 [# 15][# 16]
10 5 Iron Man 3 $1,215,439,994 2013 [# 17][# 18]
11 10 Minions $1,157,275,017 2015 [# 19][# 7]
12 4 Transformers: Dark of the Moon $1,123,794,079 2011 [# 20][# 14]
13 2 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $1,119,929,521 2003 [# 21][# 22]
14 7 Skyfall $1,108,561,013 2012 [# 23][# 24]
15 10 Transformers: Age of Extinction $1,104,054,072 2014 [# 25][# 26]
16 7 The Dark Knight Rises $1,084,939,099 2012 [# 27][# 28]
17 3 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest $1,066,179,725 2006 [# 29][# 30]
18 5 Toy Story 3 $1,063,171,911 2010 [# 31][# 32]
19 6 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides $1,045,713,802 2011 [# 33][# 34]
20 1 Jurassic Park $1,029,939,903 1993 [# 35][# 36]
21 2 Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace $1,027,044,677 1999 [# 37][# 4]
22 5 Alice in Wonderland $1,025,467,110 2010 [# 38][# 39]
23 14 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $1,021,103,568 2012 [# 40][# 41]
24 4 The Dark Knight $1,004,558,444 2008 [# 42][# 43]
25 2 The Lion King $987,483,777 1994 [# 44][# 36]
26 2 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone $974,755,371 2001 [# 45][# 46]
27 20 Despicable Me 2 $970,761,885 2013 [# 47][# 48]
28 5 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End $963,420,425 2007 [# 49][# 50]
29 10 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 $960,283,305 2010 [# 51][# 52]
30 24 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug $958,366,855 2013 [# 53][# 54]
31 26 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies $956,019,788 2014 [# 55][# 56]
32 6 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix $939,885,929 2007 [# 57][# 50]
33 9 Finding Nemo $936,743,261 2003 [# 58][# 22]
34 8 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince $934,416,487 2009 [# 59][# 60]
35 5 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers $926,047,111 2002 [# 61][# 62]
36 6 Shrek 2 $919,838,758 2004 [# 63][# 64]
37 8 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire $896,911,078 2005 [# 65][# 66]
38 10 Spider-Man 3 $890,871,626 2007 [# 67][# 68]
39 15 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs $886,686,817 2009 [# 69][# 60]
40 6 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets $878,979,634 2002 [# 70][# 71]
41 41 Spectre
$877,470,327 2015 [# 72]
42 29 Ice Age: Continental Drift $877,244,782 2012 [# 73][# 28]
43 5 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring $871,530,324 2001 [# 74][# 75]
44 34 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire $865,011,746 2013 [# 76][# 77]
45 43 Inside Out $856,809,711 2015 [# 78][# 7]
46 11 Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith $848,754,768 2005 [# 79][# 80]
47 19 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen $836,303,693 2009 [# 81][# 82]
48 33 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 $829,746,820 2012 [# 83][# 84]
49 24 Inception $825,532,764 2010 [# 85][# 32]
50 7 Spider-Man $821,708,551 2002 [# 86][# 75]
nb1Box Office Mojo stopped updating its main total for Frozen in August 2014, while it was still in release. The total listed here incorporates subsequent earnings up to the end of 2014.

List of highest-grossing films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
use the link to see top grossing films by year since 1915.
"In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population."

That can't be. Blacks, Liberals, and Obama have declared ,claimed, insinuated, implied, etc that this Oscar 'White Out' is indicative to the rampant racism in Hollywood. You can't argue with Liberal 'science'! To imply otherwise makes you a 'racist'. :p

It is...Since you didnt read the article I'll post what Correll innocently forgot to include in that quote.

In fact, as our analysis of film casts and awards shows, the number of black actors winning Oscars in this century has been pretty much in line with the size of America's overall black population. But this does not mean Hollywood has no problems of prejudice. As the data show, it clearly does.
show me where the president race baited or STFU ..

Obama: 'If I had a son he would look just like Trayvon Martin'

Obama: 'Although I do not know any of the details and thus don't know what the hell went on, it 'looks' like the Cambridge Police acted stupidly'.

Michelle Obama claimed a white woman was racist because she asked the taller Michelle Obama to get something for her off of a high shelf....

Huffington Post: Obama Recalls Getting Followed, People Locking Doors On Him -- In Other Words, Being A Black Man In America
(- Some of the stories Obama has told have been proven to be false or 'half-truths'. He is known for making shite up - when asked about the woman he wrote about in his own book he admitted that she did not exist but was instead a 'compilation' of girls he had dated.)

Inviting to the WH and praising several times BLM, the group whose members called for the murder of all whites and policemen...

Obama admittedly was mentored for over a decade by a hate-spewing racist pastor...whom he called his MENTOR....
Why is it that blacks just want to patronized all of the time? Aren't they embarrassed?

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