Obama On Oscar 'White out': Hollywood Should ‘Provide Opportunity to Everybody’

....so then you can cry about the Essence and BET awards right? But grab your popcorn for the Country Music Awards huh man?
So you have a bias against country music now? LOL. Just kidding...on a serious note, however -

A group of people, who have their own color-based/named Awards program, complaining whining about the lack of minority nominations for an award - yet another in which the stars/industry pats themselves on the back, awards in which 'politics' play a large part in who is nominated/wins anyway, is ridiculous. Trying to make this a racial issue is ridiculous.

The fact is NO ONE CARES about the Oscars. Wait, let me correct that: LESS people care about the Oscars than at any time in the last 6 years. The 2015 Oscars rating, for example, was down 18% in viewership.

'ABC's Oscars telecast draws smallest audience in six years ...'
'Oscar Ratings 2015: 36.6 Million Viewers Down 18% From ...'
'The Oscars flops: TV audience drops 16%, tweets fall 47%'

The only people who give a cr@p about this made-up issue are those participating in the division in this country, the race baiters and race peddlers...oh, and the minority actors / actresses who feel they were slighted. (Ok I will admit that since Samuel Jackson is 'THE' black guy in almost every movie made these days you would think he would get one nomination for at least ONE of them :p).

But this whole argument / story / 'scandal' is ridiculous.

Country Music / Country Music Awards Prejudice?

CMA: Cowboy Troy is equivalent to BET MA's Eminem. :p


Black Country Music stars include but are not limited to Darius Rucker, Aaron Neville, Charlie Pride, and even RAY CHARLES.
- Yes, THAT Ray Charles! "I Can't Stop Loving You," a country tune, was one of his biggest hits ever, and Willie Nelson later credited Charles for doing more for country music than any other artist ever.
I can see 17 pages of not caring right here. Gosh, it was right in front of my face the whole time darnit!
...17 pages of people having nothing better to do / talk about - mostly consisting of the same people chiming in again and again - and hardly reflective of the world outside 'USMessageBoard.com'. FAIL.
Golly if you folks have the time to bitch about a non event piece of fluff like the Oscars all this "the world is going to hell " shit being whined about by the conservatives must not mean much.
You don't like the way the Oscars evaluate excellence? Fine, Then start your own organization for evaluating excellence. That's how things are done in a FREE COUNTRY.

....so then you can cry about the Essence and BET awards right? But grab your popcorn for the Country Music Awards huh man?

You have no right to force the academy or its judges to vote in a certain way.

But it surprises me to hear that your leftists friends in the academy are not leftists enough.

You don't like the way the Oscars evaluate excellence? Fine, Then start your own organization for evaluating excellence. That's how things are done in a FREE COUNTRY.

....so then you can cry about the Essence and BET awards right? But grab your popcorn for the Country Music Awards huh man?

You have no right to force the academy or its judges to vote in a certain way.

But it surprises me to hear that your leftists friends in the academy are not leftists enough.


It surprises me you think I said something I didnt like someone should force the academy to vote certain ways

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