Obama on video finally discloses his socialist agenda this weekend!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
I couldn't believe it--a video on Fox News. Over this weekend a self-employed plumber asks BO about his tax policies. BO says--well I am taxing so I can re-distribute it around. The plumber then says--well doesn't that punish the sucessful in this country? BO didn't know how to answer that.

Barack Obama just admitted that he plans on a very socialist agenda for this country. It's called re-distribution of wealth--also known as socialism.

If the RNC uses this video in an advertisment--it's a slam dunk.
Take it from a socialist .. Obama ain't (eb) socialist.

He's a plutocrat through and through.
This should help BO:

Barack Obama just admitted that he plans on a very socialist agenda for this country. It's called re-distribution of wealth--also known as socialism.

But not as bad as the Socialism we've gotten from Bush, who has redistributed half a trillion dollars of our kids' wealth to Chinese central bankers.

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