Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins

He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

I don't blame Obama for answering the question. The fact that the AP wastes time asking softball questions of the President during a government shutdown is what pisses me off.

Of course the first Saturday of this crisis Obama spent on the golf course with DNC campaign contributors and this week he spent time posing for his portrait. After all, he only has 3 years and 3 months left to get his Presidential portrait done. Gotta get that important stuff out of the way.
I fail to see what the fuss is about...

If the Washington Redskins changed their name there are plenty of other names available to them

The Cheap Jews
The Drunken Irishmen
The Greasy Italians
The Stupid Polocks

Drunken irishmen is already taken. See the fighting irish guy.

and the proper term is "greeesey." try to get your stereotypes right.

Are you trying to denote a voiced S there? (as in "sleazy")?

Because that's a regional effect.
He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

I don't blame Obama for answering the question. The fact that the AP wastes time asking softball questions of the President during a government shutdown is what pisses me off.

Of course the first Saturday of this crisis Obama spent on the golf course with DNC campaign contributors and this week he spent time posing for his portrait. After all, he only has 3 years and 3 months left to get his Presidential portrait done. Gotta get that important stuff out of the way.

Voilà.. there's the outrage, placed where it belongs. :thup:
Is that considered an Irish person or a mythical leprechaun?

Its typical of the basic irish sterotype of a fisty brawler, it even leans on the more simean portrayals of the irish from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

I'm 1/2 irish, and this doesnt offend me, although it is culled from various Irish sterotypes.

This is a good example of it.


Can you post more source info on that graphic? I can't even read it.

I'm interested because I wonder if they're conflating the "Black Irish" population said to come from invasions of the Spanish Armada. That's part of my heritage.


The Iberians are believed to have been originally an African race, who thousands of years ago spread themselves through Spain over Western Europe. Their remains are found in the barrows or burying places on sundry parts of these countries. The skulls are of low prognathous type. They came to Ireland and mixed with the natives of South and West, who themselves are supposed to have been of low type and descendants of savages of the Stone Age, who in consequence of isolation from the rest of the world, had never been out competed in the healthy struggle of life and thus made way, according to the laws of nature for superior races.

Black Africans have an extensive history of being in Europe before the ice age that produced the so called European type and afterwards as well. Funny how in their ignorance they actually end up validating the African presence back then but deny it now.
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I fail to see what the fuss is about...

If the Washington Redskins changed their name there are plenty of other names available to them

The Cheap Jews
The Drunken Irishmen
The Greasy Italians
The Stupid Polocks

Drunken irishmen is already taken. See the fighting irish guy.

and the proper term is "greeesey." try to get your stereotypes right.

Are you trying to denote a voiced S there? (as in "sleazy")?

Because that's a regional effect.

When denoting an italian's americans over-use of hair styling products we do tend to use the "z" sound, with the extended "eeee" shound.

Its a New York thing, considering how many of the damn guido dagos we have around here.

(and I'm 1/2 italian).
Its typical of the basic irish sterotype of a fisty brawler, it even leans on the more simean portrayals of the irish from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

I'm 1/2 irish, and this doesnt offend me, although it is culled from various Irish sterotypes.

This is a good example of it.


Can you post more source info on that graphic? I can't even read it.

I'm interested because I wonder if they're conflating the "Black Irish" population said to come from invasions of the Spanish Armada. That's part of my heritage.


The Iberians are believed to have been originally an African race, who thousands of years ago spread themselves through Spain over Western Europe. Their remains are found in the barrows or burying places on sundry parts of these countries. The skulls are of low prognathous type. They came to Ireland and mixed with the natives of South and West, who themselves are supposed to have been of low type and descendants of savages of the Stone Age, who in consequence of isolation from the rest of the world, had never been out competed in the healthy struggle of life and thus made way, according to the laws of nature for superior races.

Black Africans have an extensive history of being in Europe before the ice age that produced the so called European type ad afterwards. Funny how in their ignorance they actually end up validating the African presence back then but deny it now.

Thanks for that translation. Old eyes.

Poking around from the image's URL it appears to be part of, or related to, this page, which is fascinating in itself.
Drunken irishmen is already taken. See the fighting irish guy.

and the proper term is "greeesey." try to get your stereotypes right.

Are you trying to denote a voiced S there? (as in "sleazy")?

Because that's a regional effect.

When denoting an italian's americans over-use of hair styling products we do tend to use the "z" sound, with the extended "eeee" shound.

Wait -- you're saying that in your area you distinguish between greasy with a voice S and greasy with an unvoiced S as two different meanings?

This is a linguistic question. I'm fascinated. I know about the regional speech variation but I'm not aware of disparate definitions. Please elaborate.

Its a New York thing, considering how many of the damn guido dagos we have around here.

(and I'm 1/2 italian).

There's a restaurant in my Mother's town that calls itself "Li'l Dagos". As long as they keep that name I'll never go in there. I have a Sicilian girlfriend.
I'm a mutt - mixed German and Irish roots.

I would be just fine, patronizing a restaurant called the Sour Kraut.

I would be just fine, patronizing a tavern called the Drunken Mick.

It's a wee bit o' faux acknowledgment and cultural memory-preservation, as well as mildly humorous.

I'm not offended in the slightest, even though my own heritage holds some genuine meaning for me.

No problem.

And, come to think of it, if I DID have a problem with it, I don't expect the rest of the world to change, because I turn into a whiney little biotch over it.

Like everyone else, I'm an adult, and can vote with my dollars.

My dollars... my choice.
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Are you trying to denote a voiced S there? (as in "sleazy")?

Because that's a regional effect.

When denoting an italian's americans over-use of hair styling products we do tend to use the "z" sound, with the extended "eeee" shound.

Wait -- you're saying that in your area you distinguish between greasy with a voice S and greasy with an unvoiced S as two different meanings?

This is a linguistic question. I'm fascinated. I know about the regional speech variation but I'm not aware of disparate definitions. Please elaborate.

Its a New York thing, considering how many of the damn guido dagos we have around here.

(and I'm 1/2 italian).

There's a restaurant in my Mother's town that calls itself "Li'l Dagos". As long as they keep that name I'll never go in there. I have a Sicilian girlfriend.

Not everyone does it, but its done more to add flow, because you typically say "greezy "I" talian.
I'm a mutt - mixed German and Irish roots.

I would be just fine, patronizing a restaurant called the Sour Kraut.

I would be just fine, patronizing a tavern called the Drunken Mick.

It's a wee bit o' faux acknowledgment and cultural memory-preservation, as well as mildly humorous.

I'm not offended in the slightest, even though my own heritage holds some genuine meaning for me.

No problem.

And, come to think of it, if I DID have a problem with it, I don't expect the rest of the world to change, because I turn into a whiney little biotch over it.

Like everyone else, I'm an adult, and can vote with my dollars.

My dollars... my choice.


In the example above, Li'l Dagos obviously doesn't want my bidness. So I'm happy to accommodate their wish, even though I love Italian food.

I would be just fine, patronizing a restaurant called the Sour Kraut.
I would be just fine, patronizing a tavern called the Drunken Mick.

We've all got a line somewhere. Would you patronize a Mexican place called the Lazy Wetback? Or a soul food establishment called the Uppity ******?

In one sense it makes sense to, since words that are charged with emotion become discharged with regular use.

In my case I can't go into Li'l Dagos and then look my girlfriend in the eye. Don't have the heart for it.
I'm a mutt - mixed German and Irish roots.

I would be just fine, patronizing a restaurant called the Sour Kraut.

I would be just fine, patronizing a tavern called the Drunken Mick.

It's a wee bit o' faux acknowledgment and cultural memory-preservation, as well as mildly humorous.

I'm not offended in the slightest, even though my own heritage holds some genuine meaning for me.

No problem.

And, come to think of it, if I DID have a problem with it, I don't expect the rest of the world to change, because I turn into a whiney little biotch over it.

Like everyone else, I'm an adult, and can vote with my dollars.

My dollars... my choice.

I agree with most of what you said but why is it being "whiny" when someone else does it but "free speech" when someone you agree with does it?
"...We've all got a line somewhere..."
Yep. And, apparently, the hundreds of thousands (millions?) who patronize the Redskins' NFL franchise, do not, for the most part, share a 'line' with a relative handful of surviving natives.

"...Would you patronize a Mexican place called the Lazy Wetback? Or a soul food establishment called the Uppity ******?..."


But I would not patronize a placed called the Lazy Redskin or the Uppity Injun, either.

But that's not what's happening here.
I'm a mutt - mixed German and Irish roots.

I would be just fine, patronizing a restaurant called the Sour Kraut.

I would be just fine, patronizing a tavern called the Drunken Mick.

It's a wee bit o' faux acknowledgment and cultural memory-preservation, as well as mildly humorous.

I'm not offended in the slightest, even though my own heritage holds some genuine meaning for me.

No problem.

And, come to think of it, if I DID have a problem with it, I don't expect the rest of the world to change, because I turn into a whiney little biotch over it.

Like everyone else, I'm an adult, and can vote with my dollars.

My dollars... my choice.

I agree with most of what you said but why is it being "whiny" when someone else does it but "free speech" when someone you agree with does it?

Quiet down now boy; adults are speaking.
"...We've all got a line somewhere..."
Yep. And, apparently, the hundreds of thousands (millions?) who patronize the Redskins' NFL franchise, do not, for the most part, share a 'line' with a relative handful of surviving natives.

The problem here is, you're back to the fallacious argument that social offense (or racism, or what-you-may-call-it) is OK if it sells.

By the way, have you seen the Redskins play? I tend to doubt that warrants "millions". Just sayin'. :p

"...Would you patronize a Mexican place called the Lazy Wetback? Or a soul food establishment called the Uppity ******?..."


But I would not patronize a placed called the Lazy Redskin or the Uppity Injun, either.

But that's not what's happening here.

Isn't it?
Is the adjective "lazy" even necessary when you've got "Redskin"? Not that that is a stereotype anyway...

For more analysis on "Isn't it" may I refer you to post 66. Would love to hear reflection on that from an intellect such as yours.
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"...I agree with most of what you said but why is it being 'whiny"'when someone else does it but 'free speech' when someone you agree with does it?"
I made no such connection between whining and free speech.

Each of us is completely free to speak in such a way as to be construed as a whiney biotch by some of their listening audience...

You're on the right track, but you've gotta use a better grade of 'bait' than that...
"...I agree with most of what you said but why is it being 'whiny"'when someone else does it but 'free speech' when someone you agree with does it?"
I made no such connection between whining and free speech.

Each of us is completely free to speak in such a way as to be construed as a whiney biotch by some of their listening audience...

You're on the right track, but you've gotta use a better grade of 'bait' than that...

I made the connection for you since you have said this before on other threads to my recollection. They are one and the same. Someone voices their opinion and if you agree its free speech. If you dont agree then its construed as "whiny". Just like those that criticize the POTUS are whiny lil biotches. See what I mean? Why is an opinion less valid if you dont agree with it?
"...Is the adjective 'lazy' even necessary when you've got 'Redskin'?..."
Yes, to my way of thinking, and based upon my own life-experiences, and in all sincerety (not just to vaguely reinforce a discussion-point)... yes.

You say 'Redskin' to me, and you conjure up imagery of the Brave Savage; the Red Man of North America; regardless of tribe or region; the proud legacy of proto-civilization and a valiant multi-generational, multi-century and doomed struggle against Invading Europe.

According to the 2010 US Census, there are only about 2.9 million who identify as Native Americans / Indians, or 9/10 of 1 percent (.009) of the total US population.

So, the other 99.1% of the population celebrates their legacy (and expunges a bit of lingering and largely inoperative White Man's Guilt) by remembering them and their Free Lives and their Savage Innocence and their Bravery by naming things after them.

Sometimes it's more specific, pertaining to a particular cultural attribute or tribal or regional association or some-such, and sometimes it manifests in the vernacular of bygone days and in a manner that strikes much of the 99.1% as neutral and remembering and honoring the entire race and its bravery and its fighting spirit rather than as a brickbat.

But, if the Native Indian folk win this one, it's my hope that the Washington NFL franchise abandons anything whatsoever to do with Native folk, and switches to an entirely different motiff altogether, so that this former Honor Rendered to the bravery and fighting spirit of their ancestors is lost to the collective memory.

Rather than deriding Native Americans, the name conjures-up imagery and sentiments which actually HONOR those now long-dead or long-enfeebled Peoples in the minds of most, but, if they insist upon taking yet another step towards Cultural Oblivion, I can't stop them.
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He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

You're correct, i'm outraged, but not surprised that the lapdog media asks a question like this at a time like this.........

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