Obama Orders Deportation Of 12 Christian Children

Pack of lies and misinformation. Look at that site in the OP used for this bullshit story.
These people are not being deported back to Iraq. They were given residence and some even citizenship in Germany and Sweden years ago. They came to the US via the Mexican border, got caught and lied on their applications for asylum to hide the fact that they were not coming directly from Iraq. Asylum is given in emergency situations where return to the country they came from would put them in danger. They are in no danger if they are deported because they will be deported back to Germany and Sweden and Germany or Sweden decides to deport them too.

Here is the story without the right wing extremist Obama bashing angle.

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This admin actively blocks legal Christian refugees, while waving in terrorists and other illegal. Hopefully Obama and all those that are engaged in this will die screaming before they're dumped in hell.
The OP's intent aside, I would be in favor of letting the children stay. One of the articles I read about this said they have family members living in the US. To me this is worse than the typical person crossing the southern border after making the journey up from Central America. A religious group is funneling what they claim to be persecuted Christians across the border with fake papers. I don't doubt some of their good intent, rather the efficacy of their background checks, if any were/are done. I don't know whether they knew some of these people were already citizens of European countries or not. Regardless, several of these "refugees" were not fleeing persecution but using the plight of other Chaldeans to gain entry to the United States. Isn't that what some politicians and the media are telling us to be vigilant about with respect to Syrian refugees?
This admin actively blocks legal Christian refugees, while waving in terrorists and other illegal. Hopefully Obama and all those that are engaged in this will die screaming before they're dumped in hell.
Such ugliness and hatred at 5 am. Try some waffles with real maple syrup and a tall glass of orange juice or milk. Maybe even put some blueberries and whip cream on top of the waffles.
"Obama Orders Deportation Of 12 Christian Children"

Yet you and other hateful bigots on the right cheer when Muslim children are deported.
This is proof of leftist hatered.

and link to anyone cheering when Muslim children are deported
Maybe you could go down to the border and give instructions to the border agents about which illegals should be allowed to sneak into the country with fake ID's and pretend stories.
"Obama Orders Deportation Of 12 Christian Children"

Yet you and other hateful bigots on the right cheer when Muslim children are deported.
This is proof of leftist hatered.

and link to anyone cheering when Muslim children are deported
Maybe you could go down to the border and give instructions to the border agents about which illegals should be allowed to sneak into the country with fake ID's and pretend stories.
They didn't sneak in you lying pile of evil shit.

they were given sanctuary, but they are white and christian, so they can go fucking die. Right?

you're all pissed off about the idea of turning away muslim men, but send christian children to their death is just so cool.
They should be allowed to stay to here. We should be doing more to help the refugees from that area as we had a hand in creating that mess. It seems the only the reason some people are upset is the fact that they have the right faith.

And there it is.

A white supremacist.

Who'd of thunk?
"Obama Orders Deportation Of 12 Christian Children"

Yet you and other hateful bigots on the right cheer when Muslim children are deported.
This is proof of leftist hatered.

and link to anyone cheering when Muslim children are deported
Maybe you could go down to the border and give instructions to the border agents about which illegals should be allowed to sneak into the country with fake ID's and pretend stories.
They didn't sneak in you lying pile of evil shit.

they were given sanctuary, but they are white and christian, so they can go fucking die. Right?

you're all pissed off about the idea of turning away muslim men, but send christian children to their death is just so cool.
You are mistaken. They were arrested at the border for trying to sneak in. They were never given sanctuary. They were arrested for trying to sneak in. I provided a link to an objective local newspaper. Try reading it. My comments are properly sourced. If you have a problem with the source or data provided in the source, lets here it. Otherwise you are just a mouthy asshole fool that talks trash with no legs to walk on.
What source are you using?


There, I made it easy for you.
Everybody has a sob story about why they should be allowed in. It sucks for them that they're getting sent back to a shithole, but if they're here illegally then too bad.
They WERE granted asylum and brought here. Key word WERE. They did NOT hop a border they came LEGAL. But they are WHITE and CHRISTIAN. So they have to go back.
that's not true.
  1. Syrian Christians Denied Entry Into The United...Syrian Christians Denied Entry ... said that while they do not believe the discrimination against giving Christians visas goes all the way to the top of America ...

  2. Syrian Christians denied entry into the United...
    Aug 06, 2015 · Syrian Christians denied entry into the United States, archbishops say ... Elite Are In A Panic About Whats Coming To America Insider Warns ...

for all we know, these children are the children of the two women with the Syrian Christian group that lied about their status, that are being deported to Germany where they already hold refuge status....
THIS makes me want to puke. 12 children who escaped Islamic State are being sent BACK per orders of Obama.

You will notice the children are white AND christian. Fair skinned blue eyed children do not live long under islamic rule. They are raped, beaten and killed.


There are a total of 27 white Christian children he is trying to deport. Those children are HERE and SAFE now but will be sent back soon.


There IS such a level of dishonor of hate of pure EVIL in the heart of that "man" it's just about to disgusting to think about. Pray for the children each and everyone PLEASE. They WERE granted ASYLUM and their dream their desire to simply stay alive has now been yanked from them.

The man and party running our country kills white people. The man and party running our country kills Christians. The man and the party running our country kills children.

We have one of the most disgusting inhumane group of people to ever run a country running ours. There is simply NO WAY God would EVER bless a nation run by such a group. My thoughts.


This administration has deported thousands and thousands of Christians and Christian children.

Apparently you only care when the Christians being deported happen to be 'white'
"Obama Orders Deportation Of 12 Christian Children"

Yet you and other hateful bigots on the right cheer when Muslim children are deported.
This is proof of leftist hatered.

and link to anyone cheering when Muslim children are deported
Maybe you could go down to the border and give instructions to the border agents about which illegals should be allowed to sneak into the country with fake ID's and pretend stories.
They didn't sneak in you lying pile of evil shit.

they were given sanctuary, but they are white and christian, so they can go fucking die. Right?

you're all pissed off about the idea of turning away muslim men, but send christian children to their death is just so cool.
Leftists hold children hostage. IF you don't allow criminals and terrorists in, then we will send children to their deaths. That's how they work.

IF you don't sign off on obamacare, we will see to it that veterans die. If you refuse to fund Moochelle's lunch programs, we'll deny food to the kids who get it now. If you refuse to fund PP, we will make it impossible for women to get treatment anywhere else by yanking funding to those places.

They're scum. They should die and do the world a favor.

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