Obama Orders Shinseki to Investigate VA Allegations

Dollars to donuts they will find nothing wrong in the SYSTEM, but will find a scapegoat or scapegoats who are close to retirement and let them take that retirement a bit early

They are lifting the rug for the sweep
He had to be ordered to investigate it? There's your problem right there.
Dollars to donuts they will find nothing wrong in the SYSTEM, but will find a scapegoat or scapegoats who are close to retirement and let them take that retirement a bit early

They are lifting the rug for the sweep

Of course. What gets me is he really is unaware how inept he sounds, to say after all this he is just now asking Shinseki to investigate to begin with. When he knew so many years ago about the supposed problems, why didn't he order it then?
First question asked......no answer. Just rhetoric.

I had to turn it off. What did they ask?

First question asked......If he knew about it years ago, why did it take so long to address it. He went into some speech about how much he has done for the va.

Second question was.....Did Shineski offer to resign. Never answered it. Just talked about how Shineski is a dedicated servant.
First question asked......no answer. Just rhetoric.

I had to turn it off. What did they ask?

First question asked......If he knew about it years ago, why did it take so long to address it. He went into some speech about how much he has done for the va.

Second question was.....Did Shineski offer to resign. Never answered it. Just talked about how Shineski is a dedicated servant.

Thanks. S sounds like the usual. Deflection, deflection, deflection.

He talked about how much effort has been put into fixing the "wait time" issue....

Yet no one at the top recognized those that were gaming the game?
"Don't make this a political football"

In other words, don't criticize. Don't mention it.

While it shouldn't be a political football it should be a political basketball since that's what obama was doing when he should have been taking care of business.

He talked about how much effort has been put into fixing the "wait time" issue....

Yet no one at the top recognized those that were gaming the game?

The very fact he doesn't even see the irony in that statement, shows how little he is aware in the real world.
Nothing to see here. Move along. Only 40 dead vets. BTW...I've been waiting 5 months for my first appointment with the VA.
Nothing to see here. Move along. Only 40 dead vets. BTW...I've been waiting 5 months for my first appointment with the VA.

Wow, Bloodrock. That just isn't right. And thank you for your service. You deserve better.
Didn't Senator Obama use the VA as one of his campaigning issues in 2008? Then Bagdad Bob Carney says Obama heard about the VA scandal in the news? (like the IRS, Wiretapping, Fast and Furious, Benghazi...). Now, they're walking back that "formerly true position":

"Today, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney sought to partially walk back his statement yesterday in which he said President Obama learned about the growing scandal at the Veterans Administration by watching a report on the topic on CNN. After realizing just how bad that sounded, Carney returned to the daily briefing with the White House press corps today to say that his statement was being misinterpreted. According to Carney, what he really meant to say was that the president had only heard of the “specific allegations” about misconduct at VA hospitals by watching television. But, he insisted, the president was aware of problems at the VA, as proved by statements he had made during his 2008 presidential campaign when he promised to fix the agency."

Woops. Those pesky videos and news clips of the Wonder of 2008. And this is a HEALTH CARE ISSUE. You mean that the IRS and Big Brother may not be able to deliver health care to the unwashed masses?! Narrative must be changed immediately.

"The president may have gotten away with treating the IRS scandal as no big deal and questions about Benghazi as merely a Republican witch hunt. But the spectacle of widespread corruption at the heart of a government health-care system that led to the deaths of veterans is not one you can pass off as a product of the fevered imaginations of his opponents. That’s especially true when you consider that Rep. Jeff Miller, the chair of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, wrote specifically to the president a year ago to bring to his attention what was already believed to be a widespread problem involving inefficiency and deceptive practices."

It's clear by now the Boy King was good at campaigning but has little interest or capability in leading. Who would have seen that coming?

"While no president can micromanage every Cabinet department, if Obama really did care about veterans, how is it that in the years between his first use of the issue as a campaign tactic and the moment when it exploded in the media he managed never to do a thing about the issue, even when specifically warned about the “allegations” that Carney claims he didn’t know about?

The lack of confidence in government is a natural response to events like the VA scandal, but it is compounded by a presidential response that makes it clear that Obama doesn’t pay much attention to the issues he raised in his own campaigns and that he is slow to act even after learning about such disasters on television."

When a President Learns Everything on TV
by Jonathan S. Tobin |

When a President Learns Everything on TV « Commentary Magazine
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