Obama outlaws more light bulbs on his way out the door

Leave it conservatives to be stuck on their ignorance. Most developed and even some third world countries have phased out light bulbs that are harmful to the environment.

Energy saving light bulbs cost slightly more but last longer than incandescent light bulbs. You actually save money in the long run.

Slightly more????????????

I paid $11.00 for a 150 watt light bulb last week!

That's ONE bulb!

But they last much longer. I hardly buy light bulbs anymore since switching to energy savers. Perhaps the price should be reduced. As in other countries they only run about 3-5 bucks.

But the thing is you use less of them unlike incandescent bulbs.
Leave it conservatives to be stuck on their ignorance. Most developed and even some third world countries have phased out light bulbs that are harmful to the environment.

Energy saving light bulbs cost slightly more but last longer than incandescent light bulbs. You actually save money in the long run.

Slightly more????????????

I paid $11.00 for a 150 watt light bulb last week!

That's ONE bulb!

But they last much longer. I hardly buy light bulbs anymore since switching to energy savers. Perhaps the price should be reduced. As in other countries they only run about 3-5 bucks.

But the thing is you use less of them unlike incandescent bulbs.
Do you dress yourself with the same guidelines? Do you only wear clothes that last a long time so you don't have to change? Or do you like to choose how you dress yourself? Would you like Obama to outlaw clothes you like to wear?
Leave it conservatives to be stuck on their ignorance. Most developed and even some third world countries have phased out light bulbs that are harmful to the environment.

Energy saving light bulbs cost slightly more but last longer than incandescent light bulbs. You actually save money in the long run.

Slightly more????????????

I paid $11.00 for a 150 watt light bulb last week!

That's ONE bulb!

But they last much longer. I hardly buy light bulbs anymore since switching to energy savers. Perhaps the price should be reduced. As in other countries they only run about 3-5 bucks.

But the thing is you use less of them unlike incandescent bulbs.
Do you dress yourself with the same guidelines? Do you only wear clothes that last a long time so you don't have to change? Or do you like to choose how you dress yourself? Would you like Obama to outlaw clothes you like to wear?

Actually I do buy quality clothing that last a long time. But thats beside the point. Clothing doesn't burn energy or fill up landfills. Clothing doesn't become garbage after a month.
Yeah I forgot about the price of these LED bulbs. We paid like $20 a bulb for the T8 replacements - then the stupid things didn't work >.<

RoshawnMarkwees Not a perfect solution but RGB LED's could duplicate that color for you. The new systems are blue tooth controlled by your smart phone. Won't do anything for the bugs really, but there's a yard spray that works awesome. I'll have to ask my husband what it's called as the bottles are in the shop, but it gets rid of all the skeeters with one or two spray applications, way, way better than the propane skeeter vacuum machines, cheaper too. We've been using it for like four years now and it's made the yard so much nicer to hang out in.
Anyone who likes electric guitar music -- and almost all American music of the past seventy years features electric guitar -- tough shit on you. To be consistent, the green nazis (Democrats) must outlaw vacuum tubes because they use too much energy. All tube amps, the technology that gives electric guitar its sound, must be replaced by solid state. Same exact thing as what is happening with incandescent light bulbs.

Mr. Obama can have my 1960s-vintage Tektronix 502A oscilloscope when he pries it from my cold, dead fingers.

I paid $11.00 for a 150 watt light bulb last week!

That's ONE bulb!

But they last much longer. I hardly buy light bulbs anymore since switching to energy savers. Perhaps the price should be reduced. As in other countries they only run about 3-5 bucks.

But the thing is you use less of them unlike incandescent bulbs.

It costs much more to manufacture a CFL or an LED-based“bulb” than to manufacture an incandescent bulb. This necessarily means that it will cost more to buy them as well. How do you think the price is going to be reduced to make CFLs or LEDs competitive with incandescents?
Leave it conservatives to be stuck on their ignorance. Most developed and even some third world countries have phased out light bulbs that are harmful to the environment.

Energy saving light bulbs cost slightly more but last longer than incandescent light bulbs. You actually save money in the long run.

Slightly more????????????

I paid $11.00 for a 150 watt light bulb last week!

That's ONE bulb!

But they last much longer. I hardly buy light bulbs anymore since switching to energy savers. Perhaps the price should be reduced. As in other countries they only run about 3-5 bucks.

But the thing is you use less of them unlike incandescent bulbs.
Do you dress yourself with the same guidelines? Do you only wear clothes that last a long time so you don't have to change? Or do you like to choose how you dress yourself? Would you like Obama to outlaw clothes you like to wear?

Actually I do buy quality clothing that last a long time. But thats beside the point. Clothing doesn't burn energy or fill up landfills. Clothing doesn't become garbage after a month.
Light bulbs aren't being outlawed because they are made of glass. It's because they use fossil fuel generated electricity. So what about those who rely on hydroelectric or nuclear? Should they be exempt? This is all a global warming scam show. At the expense of taste. More democrat fascism.
Yeah I forgot about the price of these LED bulbs. We paid like $20 a bulb for the T8 replacements - then the stupid things didn't work >.<

RoshawnMarkwees Not a perfect solution but RGB LED's could duplicate that color for you. The new systems are blue tooth controlled by your smart phone. Won't do anything for the bugs really, but there's a yard spray that works awesome. I'll have to ask my husband what it's called as the bottles are in the shop, but it gets rid of all the skeeters with one or two spray applications, way, way better than the propane skeeter vacuum machines, cheaper too. We've been using it for like four years now and it's made the yard so much nicer to hang out in.
LED is dead light. It has no soul. You can try to dress it up but it doesn't work. It's like using electronic musical instruments in lieu of real instruments.
Anyone who likes electric guitar music -- and almost all American music of the past seventy years features electric guitar -- tough shit on you. To be consistent, the green nazis (Democrats) must outlaw vacuum tubes because they use too much energy. All tube amps, the technology that gives electric guitar its sound, must be replaced by solid state. Same exact thing as what is happening with incandescent light bulbs.

Mr. Obama can have my 1960s-vintage Tektronix 502A oscilloscope when he pries it from my cold, dead fingers.

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Good for you!
Are you having problems buying light bulbs?

The reality is when I was a kid a light bulb was a light bulb and it lost its ability to work after a short while. Now we have these energy saving bulbs and I save money in the long term. I've been living in this place for 2 years now and I haven't changed the energy saving bulbs once. I've had to replace the normal ones, and replaced them with energy saving ones.
I relly dont care if the electrical efficiency of these bulbs was so good it CREATED energy, lol.

The government should be minding its own fucking business and not grand-standing by outlawing certain kinds of toilets, light bulbs or motor vehicle engines.

The government becomes tyrannical when it interferes with you personal choices that are harmless, like smoking pot or wanting a soft brassy glow to your light instead of cold white.

The amount of energy saved by using these new lights is minor compared to what i takes to run a computer in your home.

Maybe the government should also limit daily computer use to only tow hours to save the planet?

It is all horse shit.
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Do you not think that legislating to reduce waste, when in reality it has no impact on someone's life, that it's not a good thing?

In 10 years time how many people will care that they can't get a particular light bulb and they have to buy a different one? No one, that's who.

They're not outlawing taste at all.

As for your insults, wow, really intelligent dude.

Even though it sounds stupid outlawing a light bulb, the importance lies where most don't understand or have no idea about.
1. by taking these bulbs away which are affordable to mostly everyone at this point. It begins to force people into having to buy the alleged gov. approved light bulbs it begins to move people into more expensive type bulbs it create a money market for certain corporations because people are forced to buy them now.

or compare it to Organic foods, if we were forced to buy organic food because we had no choice it would not benefit the people but the Organic food industy.

Are you having problems buying light bulbs?

The reality is when I was a kid a light bulb was a light bulb and it lost its ability to work after a short while. Now we have these energy saving bulbs and I save money in the long term. I've been living in this place for 2 years now and I haven't changed the energy saving bulbs once. I've had to replace the normal ones, and replaced them with energy saving ones.
That's all fine for practical reasons but some people like to generate an ambience. Whatever happened to pro-choice?

And who is saying they can't generate an ambience? They're not banning all light bulbs in the world. You can buy more efficient light bulbs that do the same thing you know.

Pro-choice doesn't mean you can choose EVERYTHING.
Nope, incandescents aren't duplicated by fluorescent or led. Many people can't tell the difference. No biggie. It's their own personal ignorance. But when they impose that ignorance onto others, that's fascism.

Fascism huh?

If you want a certain ambience, there are plenty of ways of achieving this. The light bulb industry was fully behind these changes anyway, so it's quite simple to say that it would probably have happened anyway, all this law did was make one federal law rather than 50 state ones which the industry would have had to figure out. But hey, you keep up the fascism talk.
Do you not think that legislating to reduce waste, when in reality it has no impact on someone's life, that it's not a good thing?

In 10 years time how many people will care that they can't get a particular light bulb and they have to buy a different one? No one, that's who.

They're not outlawing taste at all.

As for your insults, wow, really intelligent dude.
Just because you and your tasteless, ignorant ilk have no eye doesn't mean you have the moral authority to impose your tasteless ignorance onto everyone.

What the hell are you talking about taste and having an eye for something for?

You're making attacks, and I have no idea why. I mean I could easily guess, and in most cases people attack because they don't have the ability to make a good argument, would I be right?
Ambience. Lighting, visuals. It requires an eye to appreciate. Outlawing taste in the name of a fascist agenda. It would be like legislating all black and white movies to be colorized. No problem with people who can't comprehend the difference. That's their own personal issue. But forcing that ignorance on those who can recognize the difference is nothing short of fascism.

Again, the choice of having certain types of lighting is still there. Why you think that has gone away, I have NO idea.
It is NOT there. That's what the thread is about. Obama imposing more fascism. I light my yard in warm weather months that with GE bug lights. They create a hue that isn't duplicated. If you can't tell the difference, I don't care. But I can and when I'm denied that choice, that freedom, it needs to be pointed out for the fascism it is.

Do you think you can live with it? Or will you go crazy because you can't have the color you had before?
Time to stock up. Table lamps are 3ways with reveal bulbs.
How free are you when govt can stroke of a pen outlaw common everyday items
Time to stock up. Table lamps are 3ways with reveal bulbs.
How free are you when govt can stroke of a pen outlaw common everyday items

How free are you when there is govt? Well, maybe more free than if there were no government.

You live in a society, freedom includes responsibilities.
Time to stock up. Table lamps are 3ways with reveal bulbs.
How free are you when govt can stroke of a pen outlaw common everyday items
They make 3 way LEDs now, warm color too. I replaced mine a few weeks ago and it was not expensive. Maybe $6 but you'll save more than that on your electric bill.
Have yet to see any with the reveal coating, can find fluorescent one ways with it.....But no led so far
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Outlawing taste is a bad thing. Democrats are the league of morons.
Anyone who wants to remain ignorant, go ahead. But Democrats legislate everyone into their democrat ignorance.

Do you not think that legislating to reduce waste, when in reality it has no impact on someone's life, that it's not a good thing?

In 10 years time how many people will care that they can't get a particular light bulb and they have to buy a different one? No one, that's who.

They're not outlawing taste at all.

As for your insults, wow, really intelligent dude.

So you proud that Obama destroyed a 1,000 plus jobs direct and indirect?

How compassionate of you when little 4 year old girls cry when their daddy lost his job.

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