Obama outlaws more light bulbs on his way out the door

The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

infowars.com - the news site for dumbasses.

That's an insult to dumbasses.
Leave it conservatives to be stuck on their ignorance. Most developed and even some third world countries have phased out light bulbs that are harmful to the environment.

Energy saving light bulbs cost slightly more but last longer than incandescent light bulbs. You actually save money in the long run.

I hope all those third world countries don't throw their used bulbs in the landfill, those CFLs contain mercury.

Factsheet: the three main health risks associated with energy saving lamps (CFLs)

and herein we see the "beauty" of big government who always knows whats best for us. Thank you liberals for caring so much.

You know energy production itself results in mercury emissions, right?

OK, well those energy saving cfl's are not all they are billed to be. disposing of them requires more regulation and care than the old ones which were simply glass. over years, these things will be causing more pollution unless they can develop something else. CFLs are also bad for your eyes
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Outlawing taste is a bad thing. Democrats are the league of morons.
Anyone who wants to remain ignorant, go ahead. But Democrats legislate everyone into their democrat ignorance.

Democrats are the league of extraordinary morons.
Leave it conservatives to be stuck on their ignorance. Most developed and even some third world countries have phased out light bulbs that are harmful to the environment.

Energy saving light bulbs cost slightly more but last longer than incandescent light bulbs. You actually save money in the long run.

If that was true then the free market would phase them out.

But you know progressives...never leave a free choice to the people.

I'm luke-warm on replacing my bulbs overall. We have replaced most of the "normal" bulbs with cool white LEDs - and those I like, more light is good and we don't have to worry about those stupid glass shades getting broken anymore (we replaced all the bedroom lights with LED panels.) We've also replaced our exterior "Christmas" lights (which us city folk in Alaska leave on pretty much all winter as part of "City of Lights" to stave off the pitch black of minimal daylight) - I really like those because they can do neat multi-color chaser patterns for fun - as well as the front porch light (haven't found any LED replacements for all our flood lights yet, we've got like 15 of those on motion sensors.) However, when we put replacement LED tubes in the florescent kitchen lights the stupid bulbs only work half the time - irritating as fuck. Each of our fixtures has 3 tubes, sometimes only one fixture comes on, sometimes only some of the bulbs light, sometimes one or the other does work at all. The fixtures were perfect with florescent bulbs, now it's just annoying as hell and I am constantly having to flip the switch trying to get all three lights on by the sink or on the other side of the kitchen so I can see into the pantry. It's /very/ frustrating. I still have the florescent tubes in my computer room, I'm afraid to change them because I'll flip out big time if this light does the same thing (It's basically the same fixture but smaller tubes.)

Replacing our light bulbs hasn't done jack for our electric bill - we thought we would see it drop at least a little bit, but nope.
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months
I wonder how many turds he left under the furniture and behind doors?

/---- you mean he left Manchella and Crazy Joe Biden behind?
1) It's not legislation, it's rule by decree.

2) It's not the business of government, your inconsequential opinion of who cares and/or who is impacted is irrelevant
I agree with this, but I also switched over to all LED YEARS ago. I will never buy another incandescent -- stupidly inefficient in the 21st century.
Replacing our light bulbs hasn't done jack for our electric bill - we thought we would see it drop at least a little bit, but nope.

That was my motive. Same result. The big electrical consumers for me are the refrigerator, ac, and the furnace blower motor during the winter months. Changing over to LED made no noticeable change in my electric bill
1) It's not legislation, it's rule by decree.

2) It's not the business of government, your inconsequential opinion of who cares and/or who is impacted is irrelevant
I agree with this, but I also switched over to all LED YEARS ago. I will never buy another incandescent -- stupidly inefficient in the 21st century.
As is the infernal combustion engine, er, 'internal' combustion. Sorry, couldn't seem to breathe there for a minute.
America does not want to economize on its grotesque energy consumption. Even modest amounts would make the redundant nuclear capacity totally useless and oil consumption plummet. It seems much more in vogue to complain and maintain.
Do you not think that legislating to reduce waste, when in reality it has no impact on someone's life, that it's not a good thing?

In 10 years time how many people will care that they can't get a particular light bulb and they have to buy a different one? No one, that's who.

They're not outlawing taste at all.

As for your insults, wow, really intelligent dude.
1) It's not legislation, it's rule by decree.

2) It's not the business of government, your inconsequential opinion of who cares and/or who is impacted is irrelevant.

But I'm sure it'll be legislation when Trump passes it though, right? It is legislation, that is what legislation is, making laws. Just because it was done by the executive, doesn't make it any less legislation.

Whether you think it is the business of the govt is neither here nor there, they have the power and they use it. You can choose to vote for someone who won't use it if you wish.
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Outlawing taste is a bad thing. Democrats are the league of morons.
Anyone who wants to remain ignorant, go ahead. But Democrats legislate everyone into their democrat ignorance.

Do you not think that legislating to reduce waste, when in reality it has no impact on someone's life, that it's not a good thing?

In 10 years time how many people will care that they can't get a particular light bulb and they have to buy a different one? No one, that's who.

They're not outlawing taste at all.

As for your insults, wow, really intelligent dude.
Just because you and your tasteless, ignorant ilk have no eye doesn't mean you have the moral authority to impose your tasteless ignorance onto everyone.

What the hell are you talking about taste and having an eye for something for?

You're making attacks, and I have no idea why. I mean I could easily guess, and in most cases people attack because they don't have the ability to make a good argument, would I be right?
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Outlawing taste is a bad thing. Democrats are the league of morons.
Anyone who wants to remain ignorant, go ahead. But Democrats legislate everyone into their democrat ignorance.

Do you not think that legislating to reduce waste, when in reality it has no impact on someone's life, that it's not a good thing?

In 10 years time how many people will care that they can't get a particular light bulb and they have to buy a different one? No one, that's who.

They're not outlawing taste at all.

As for your insults, wow, really intelligent dude.

Even though it sounds stupid outlawing a light bulb, the importance lies where most don't understand or have no idea about.
1. by taking these bulbs away which are affordable to mostly everyone at this point. It begins to force people into having to buy the alleged gov. approved light bulbs it begins to move people into more expensive type bulbs it create a money market for certain corporations because people are forced to buy them now.

or compare it to Organic foods, if we were forced to buy organic food because we had no choice it would not benefit the people but the Organic food industy.

Are you having problems buying light bulbs?

The reality is when I was a kid a light bulb was a light bulb and it lost its ability to work after a short while. Now we have these energy saving bulbs and I save money in the long term. I've been living in this place for 2 years now and I haven't changed the energy saving bulbs once. I've had to replace the normal ones, and replaced them with energy saving ones.
So, trying to make things better is bad?
Yes. That isn't why the founders fought and created a new nation. Government that big feeds on itself like a black hole gobbling up more and more to feed itself and justify its' existence.

The light bulb is a shining example, no pun intended. Technology is what solves problems, not government bureaucracies and agencies. The government forced CFLs on us and they were a shitty substitute. Yes, they used less energy but the color temperature was to high for normal people, don't function well in the cold and aren't dimmable. Plus disposal is a ecological hazard as well.

Now that the technology of LEDs has come along CFLs are doomed and had a very short run. Solves all the problems above and can run on pennies a year. Smart people, innovation, the entrepreneurial spirit in a capitalist marketplace was/is the answer. Not some fat cat in DC that couldn't run a hot dog stand.
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months
And the orange clown will be grabbing every pussy that enters Trump Tower. Just as much validity as the crap you posted.

What you can bet is that President Obama will be around, and active in politics. And that he will feel free to critisize the present President.
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months
I wonder how many turds he left under the furniture and behind doors?
Looks like one just posted. And you wonder why we are going to skewer the orange clown.
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Outlawing taste is a bad thing. Democrats are the league of morons.
Anyone who wants to remain ignorant, go ahead. But Democrats legislate everyone into their democrat ignorance.

Democrats are the league of extraordinary morons.
Compared to assholes like you that believe that we can solve global warming by eliminating any reference to it? LOL
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Apparently, your dim bulb has at last burnt out. And Trump said, "let there be light!"
The Department of Energy (DOE) outlawed more light bulbs Thursday in a final regulatory surge from the outgoing Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s DOE expanded the class of bulbs covered by a 2007 light bulb ban to include bug lights, three-way bulbs, “rough service lamps,” and some decorative bulbs, such as globe-shaped bulbs. Bulbs that had previously been exempt from the ban are now included in the new regulation.....................

The law doesn’t go into effect for another three years
Obama Outlaws More Light Bulbs On His Way Out The Door

but you can bet Obama will have every light on in his house, and have an electric bill higher than what someone makes in six months

So, trying to make things better is bad?
Apparently, your dim bulb has at last burnt out. And Trump said, "let there be light!"

Apparently your "argument" is just an insult.

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