Obama OWNS Tax Increases

What "tax increases"?

My taxes won't go up. How will yours?

Apparently he doesn't have insurance and plans to continue to leech off the rest of us.

Actually Ravi, I'm one of those people who have seen health insurance (tax) premiums skyrocket thanks to Obamatax. We self employed people already pay higher rates than those of you who have those big corporations taking care of you. We pay our own ( tax) premiums without expecting that it should be someone else's responsibility
I studied Keynesian economic theory in college, Consverva. Keynes advocated raising taxes in economic boom times to repay the monies that he advocated spending by government in economic slow times.


And it is a sound theory - but it suggests that governments would also raise taxes and balance budgets in good times.

Whereas Reagan never submitted a balanced budget, and both he and Bush slashed taxes when Keynes might have suggested raising them and using that money to pay down the sovereign debt.

Both Reagan and Bush borrowed enormous amounts of money during times when organic growth in the economy should have meant debts could be repaid. This is not sound economics, and it caused the disaster Obama inherited.
The tax increases of ObamaTax are going to be hung around his neck like a giant millstone.


HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes

By Charles Hurt

Conservatives gathering now for a low-tech lynching of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. need to take a quick breath of air and think about what he managed to accomplish by upholding President Obama’s highly unpopular, signature piece of legislation.

Though he shocked many by joining the left plank on the high court, Justice Roberts. pretty much did what he was supposed to do. He finally put a boundary on how much freedom the federal government can gobble up from states and individuals under the “commerce clause” — that most specious scheme for so much federal thievery.

Then he told President Obama and his kleptocrats in Congress that they can have their health care law, but they cannot keep lying about it. A tax is a tax and they are liars if they call it anything else. And they just stuck the crippled American taxpayer with one of the biggest, broadest, most regressive tax-hikes in history — and during a deep recession!

HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes - Washington Times

I'm not worried about it.

As far as personal income tax goes, the ACA only increases the tax for those making more than 200/250k a year and for morons who don't buy health insurance.

Since I'm neither of those - my income tax remains unchanged.
Why are tax increases always bad?

Maybe Americans need to be smart enough to figure out that taxes can not always go down and down and down, and sometimes you are actually better off when they go up.

Your taxes on money earned from shares are far too low, and the US would be in much better financial shape overall if they were at 35%, not 15%.

Your joking right... I mean it isn't exactly the best of economic times in case you have not been paying attention. Unreal.

Yeah, but you are willing to keep paying for Bush's wars. Of all the things that cost a lot of money and did not benefit the american taxpayer in any single way. I guess it is something you are willing to spend money on, but imagine that some people might find their health care is a good thing to spend money on.
Why are tax increases always bad?

Maybe Americans need to be smart enough to figure out that taxes can not always go down and down and down, and sometimes you are actually better off when they go up.

Your taxes on money earned from shares are far too low, and the US would be in much better financial shape overall if they were at 35%, not 15%.

Your joking right... I mean it isn't exactly the best of economic times in case you have not been paying attention. Unreal.

Yeah, but you are willing to keep paying for Bush's wars. Of all the things that cost a lot of money and did not benefit the american taxpayer in any single way. I guess it is something you are willing to spend money on, but imagine that some people might find their health care is a good thing to spend money on.

Two separate issues.
The tax increases of ObamaTax are going to be hung around his neck like a giant millstone.


HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes

By Charles Hurt

Conservatives gathering now for a low-tech lynching of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. need to take a quick breath of air and think about what he managed to accomplish by upholding President Obama’s highly unpopular, signature piece of legislation.

Though he shocked many by joining the left plank on the high court, Justice Roberts. pretty much did what he was supposed to do. He finally put a boundary on how much freedom the federal government can gobble up from states and individuals under the “commerce clause” — that most specious scheme for so much federal thievery.

Then he told President Obama and his kleptocrats in Congress that they can have their health care law, but they cannot keep lying about it. A tax is a tax and they are liars if they call it anything else. And they just stuck the crippled American taxpayer with one of the biggest, broadest, most regressive tax-hikes in history — and during a deep recession!

HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes - Washington Times

I'm not worried about it.

As far as personal income tax goes, the ACA only increases the tax for those making more than 200/250k a year and for morons who don't buy health insurance.

Since I'm neither of those - my income tax remains unchanged.

You assume wrong

In Depth: 10 Surprising Ways Health Reform Will Cost You
The tax increases of ObamaTax are going to be hung around his neck like a giant millstone.


HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes

By Charles Hurt

Conservatives gathering now for a low-tech lynching of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. need to take a quick breath of air and think about what he managed to accomplish by upholding President Obama’s highly unpopular, signature piece of legislation.

Though he shocked many by joining the left plank on the high court, Justice Roberts. pretty much did what he was supposed to do. He finally put a boundary on how much freedom the federal government can gobble up from states and individuals under the “commerce clause” — that most specious scheme for so much federal thievery.

Then he told President Obama and his kleptocrats in Congress that they can have their health care law, but they cannot keep lying about it. A tax is a tax and they are liars if they call it anything else. And they just stuck the crippled American taxpayer with one of the biggest, broadest, most regressive tax-hikes in history — and during a deep recession!

HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes - Washington Times

I'm not worried about it.

As far as personal income tax goes, the ACA only increases the tax for those making more than 200/250k a year and for morons who don't buy health insurance.

Since I'm neither of those - my income tax remains unchanged.

You assume wrong

In Depth: 10 Surprising Ways Health Reform Will Cost You
scary ain't it?
I'm not worried about it.

As far as personal income tax goes, the ACA only increases the tax for those making more than 200/250k a year and for morons who don't buy health insurance.

Since I'm neither of those - my income tax remains unchanged.

You assume wrong

In Depth: 10 Surprising Ways Health Reform Will Cost You
scary ain't it?

It will be like most of the Left's programs

Failures and they underestimate the true costs

Just like the estimates of Medicare

In the 1960s, the government projected that 25 years down the road would be $10 billion.

In 1990, 25 years later, the costs were $107 billion.
Government estimates were off by a factor of more than 10!

Sounds about right for the Left's failed programs
I studied Keynesian economic theory in college, Consverva. Keynes advocated raising taxes in economic boom times to repay the monies that he advocated spending by government in economic slow times.


And it is a sound theory - but it suggests that governments would also raise taxes and balance budgets in good times.

Whereas Reagan never submitted a balanced budget, and both he and Bush slashed taxes when Keynes might have suggested raising them and using that money to pay down the sovereign debt.

Both Reagan and Bush borrowed enormous amounts of money during times when organic growth in the economy should have meant debts could be repaid. This is not sound economics, and it caused the disaster Obama inherited.

Actually, Keynes would suggest taxes during inflationary periods
Raising taxes during a slowdown are not advisable

He preferred private investment over big government spending, as the source of durable job creation

Every President "inherits" the prior

Papa Obama has made things worse
The Left and Papa Obama wasted too much time on passing the biggest tax increase
in history, PapaObama Care, during a recession

Instead of working on real job creation
I studied Keynesian economic theory in college, Consverva. Keynes advocated raising taxes in economic boom times to repay the monies that he advocated spending by government in economic slow times.


And it is a sound theory - but it suggests that governments would also raise taxes and balance budgets in good times.

Whereas Reagan never submitted a balanced budget, and both he and Bush slashed taxes when Keynes might have suggested raising them and using that money to pay down the sovereign debt.

Both Reagan and Bush borrowed enormous amounts of money during times when organic growth in the economy should have meant debts could be repaid. This is not sound economics, and it caused the disaster Obama inherited.

Actually, Keynes would suggest taxes during inflationary periods
Raising taxes during a slowdown are not advisable

He preferred private investment over big government spending, as the source of durable job creation

Every President "inherits" the prior

Papa Obama has made things worse
The Left and Papa Obama wasted too much time on passing the biggest tax increase
in history, PapaObama Care, during a recession

Instead of working on real job creation

we are no longer losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 jobs a month like we were under bush.

in fact, we are gaining jobs... even in the face of the teatard onslaught which has resulted in the loss of one government job for every job created in the private sector.

gdp is increasing at a steady, if slow, rate.

gas prices are low. inflation is low.

the stock market is higher than at any time during the last six years

so i'm kind of curious how things are 'worse'... but i suppose if the obama deranged whiners say it, it must be true.
The tax increases of ObamaTax are going to be hung around his neck like a giant millstone.


HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes

By Charles Hurt

Conservatives gathering now for a low-tech lynching of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. need to take a quick breath of air and think about what he managed to accomplish by upholding President Obama’s highly unpopular, signature piece of legislation.

Though he shocked many by joining the left plank on the high court, Justice Roberts. pretty much did what he was supposed to do. He finally put a boundary on how much freedom the federal government can gobble up from states and individuals under the “commerce clause” — that most specious scheme for so much federal thievery.

Then he told President Obama and his kleptocrats in Congress that they can have their health care law, but they cannot keep lying about it. A tax is a tax and they are liars if they call it anything else. And they just stuck the crippled American taxpayer with one of the biggest, broadest, most regressive tax-hikes in history — and during a deep recession!

HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes - Washington Times

I'm not worried about it.

As far as personal income tax goes, the ACA only increases the tax for those making more than 200/250k a year and for morons who don't buy health insurance.

Since I'm neither of those - my income tax remains unchanged.

You assume wrong

In Depth: 10 Surprising Ways Health Reform Will Cost You

Americans for Tax Reform : Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes
And it is a sound theory - but it suggests that governments would also raise taxes and balance budgets in good times.

Whereas Reagan never submitted a balanced budget, and both he and Bush slashed taxes when Keynes might have suggested raising them and using that money to pay down the sovereign debt.

Both Reagan and Bush borrowed enormous amounts of money during times when organic growth in the economy should have meant debts could be repaid. This is not sound economics, and it caused the disaster Obama inherited.

Actually, Keynes would suggest taxes during inflationary periods
Raising taxes during a slowdown are not advisable

He preferred private investment over big government spending, as the source of durable job creation

Every President "inherits" the prior

Papa Obama has made things worse
The Left and Papa Obama wasted too much time on passing the biggest tax increase
in history, PapaObama Care, during a recession

Instead of working on real job creation

we are no longer losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 jobs a month like we were under bush.

in fact, we are gaining jobs... even in the face of the teatard onslaught which has resulted in the loss of one government job for every job created in the private sector.

gdp is increasing at a steady, if slow, rate.

gas prices are low. inflation is low.

the stock market is higher than at any time during the last six years

so i'm kind of curious how things are 'worse'... but i suppose if the obama deranged whiners say it, it must be true.

Deranged of course


Perhaps if Papa Obama did not pass the biggest tax
increase in history, things would be better
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Actually, Keynes would suggest taxes during inflationary periods
Raising taxes during a slowdown are not advisable

He preferred private investment over big government spending, as the source of durable job creation

Every President "inherits" the prior

Papa Obama has made things worse
The Left and Papa Obama wasted too much time on passing the biggest tax increase
in history, PapaObama Care, during a recession

Instead of working on real job creation

we are no longer losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 jobs a month like we were under bush.

in fact, we are gaining jobs... even in the face of the teatard onslaught which has resulted in the loss of one government job for every job created in the private sector.

gdp is increasing at a steady, if slow, rate.

gas prices are low. inflation is low.

the stock market is higher than at any time during the last six years

so i'm kind of curious how things are 'worse'... but i suppose if the obama deranged whiners say it, it must be true.

Deranged of course


Perhaps if Papa Obama did not pass the biggest tax
increase in history, things would be better

It's not a tax don't you know that obama told us so. :eusa_whistle:
I studied Keynesian economic theory in college, Consverva. Keynes advocated raising taxes in economic boom times to repay the monies that he advocated spending by government in economic slow times.


And it is a sound theory - but it suggests that governments would also raise taxes and balance budgets in good times.

Whereas Reagan never submitted a balanced budget, and both he and Bush slashed taxes when Keynes might have suggested raising them and using that money to pay down the sovereign debt.

Both Reagan and Bush borrowed enormous amounts of money during times when organic growth in the economy should have meant debts could be repaid. This is not sound economics, and it caused the disaster Obama inherited.

John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush ALL slashed taxes in response to economic slowdowns. Since you've made the claim to have studied economics I'm curious to see where Keynes EVER suggested raising taxes during economic slowdowns. Care to share that?

I'm amused by your contention that it was Republicans that are responsible for borrowing enormous amounts of money. Were the Democrats not THERE in Washington while this was going on? If I recall, it was Tip O'Neill running the Congress in Reagan's time and Nancy Pelosi running it during the latter part of W's time in office. Where is your condemnation of THEM for the spending that they did? In contrast, the President who came closest to having a balanced budget was Bill Clinton but that took place with a Republican, Newt Gingrich running Congress. Notice a trend?

As for what caused the "disaster" that Obama inherited? We experienced a cyclical "bubble" in the real estate market that was driven by sub prime loans being given to people that would NEVER have qualified for a mortgage loan before our political leaders decided that THEY knew better than bankers and pressured them into writing "liar loans" to people that they KNEW couldn't make the payments if there were even the slightest hiccup in the economy. So what happens? We have an economic downturn and the whole house of cards comes crashing down with hundreds of thousands of loan defaults as people walked away from properties that were "under water" and in which they had invested practically nothing. Think I'm wrong? Look at the difference between what happened in the US and what happened in Canada where home buyers are still required to have a substantial down payment and good credit in order to get a mortgage. They didn't experience the bubble or the burst.
And it is a sound theory - but it suggests that governments would also raise taxes and balance budgets in good times.

Whereas Reagan never submitted a balanced budget, and both he and Bush slashed taxes when Keynes might have suggested raising them and using that money to pay down the sovereign debt.

Both Reagan and Bush borrowed enormous amounts of money during times when organic growth in the economy should have meant debts could be repaid. This is not sound economics, and it caused the disaster Obama inherited.

Actually, Keynes would suggest taxes during inflationary periods
Raising taxes during a slowdown are not advisable

He preferred private investment over big government spending, as the source of durable job creation

Every President "inherits" the prior

Papa Obama has made things worse
The Left and Papa Obama wasted too much time on passing the biggest tax increase
in history, PapaObama Care, during a recession

Instead of working on real job creation

we are no longer losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 jobs a month like we were under bush.

in fact, we are gaining jobs... even in the face of the teatard onslaught which has resulted in the loss of one government job for every job created in the private sector.

gdp is increasing at a steady, if slow, rate.

gas prices are low. inflation is low.

the stock market is higher than at any time during the last six years

so i'm kind of curious how things are 'worse'... but i suppose if the obama deranged whiners say it, it must be true.

I keep hearing this "refrain" from progressives, Jillian and it's become almost laughable at this point. Yes, we were losing jobs at a huge clip when Obama took over...it was the height of the recession! It's now 4 YEARS after the recession bottomed out and our job creation is glacially slow...something that has NOTHING to do with the Tea Party. GDP growth is slow. Gas prices and inflation ARE low but that's due to demand being so low BECAUSE the economy is so bad.

So what is Barry's plan to fix things?

A tax on the wealthy? ObamaCare? I'm sorry but those things are going to further dampen any recovery we MIGHT experience. Our economy is grinding along BECAUSE of the policies that this Administration either HAS gotten passed or has proposed to pass. What's really scary is that if he IS reelected then he's going to have nothing keeping him from using the EPA to impose new restrictions on emissions like he was proposing to do last year. He backed off on that trying to get reelected but you'd have to be naive as heck to think he won't go right back to it is he gets another four years.
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