Obama popularity

Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:
Obama leaves with the of the highest approval ratings, which is a more significant number since it tends to represent a sum total view of a president's tenure.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.

You righties live in bizzaro world . You have the never to cry "fake news" when you post trash like above ?

And what the fuck is "average popularity ". lol I can imagine the fuzzy math that went into that specific created stat targeting obama .
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:
Nah, I think it is great that the worst President in US history was popular. Carter did not become popular until he had left office and became such a humanitarian, doing more with that than he ever did as President.
Obama leaves with the of the highest approval ratings, which is a more significant number since it tends to represent a sum total view of a president's tenure.

I am afraid, just like everything else Obama related, his popularity will be "seasonally adjusted" to a more realistic number.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.

You righties live in bizzaro world . You have the never to cry "fake news" when you post trash like above ?

And what the fuck is "average popularity ". lol I can imagine the fuzzy math that went into that specific created stat targeting obama .

Apparently you missed the last 8 years. So let's talk. Are you aware that he overthrew The Egyptian government and put the Brotherhood in it's place? If you missed it, google it. Then we'll move on to his role in reviving Iran.
Obama leaves with the of the highest approval ratings, which is a more significant number since it tends to represent a sum total view of a president's tenure.

I am afraid, just like everything else Obama related, his popularity has been "seasonally adjusted" to a more realistic number.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.

You righties live in bizzaro world . You have the never to cry "fake news" when you post trash like above ?

And what the fuck is "average popularity ". lol I can imagine the fuzzy math that went into that specific created stat targeting obama .

Apparently you missed the last 8 years. So let's talk. Are you aware that he overthrew The Egyptian government and put the Brotherhood in it's place? If you missed it, google it. Then we'll move on to his role in reviving Iran.

Umh, no. He did not overthrow the Egyptian government.

A more realistic number? You're saying the higher rating is a more realistic number? I agree.
And what the fuck is "average popularity ".
Welcome to polls, where there are a hundred different ways to manipulate the polls to say anything you want. (Over-sampling, carefully written verbiage in questions, 'fuzzy math', etc....)
Obama leaves with the of the highest approval ratings, which is a more significant number since it tends to represent a sum total view of a president's tenure.

I am afraid, just like everything else Obama related, his popularity has been "seasonally adjusted" to a more realistic number.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.

You righties live in bizzaro world . You have the never to cry "fake news" when you post trash like above ?

And what the fuck is "average popularity ". lol I can imagine the fuzzy math that went into that specific created stat targeting obama .

Apparently you missed the last 8 years. So let's talk. Are you aware that he overthrew The Egyptian government and put the Brotherhood in it's place? If you missed it, google it. Then we'll move on to his role in reviving Iran.

Umh, no. He did not overthrow the Egyptian government.

A more realistic number? You're saying the higher rating is a more realistic number? I agree.

He did not install the Muslim brotherhood either . They were elected by the Egyptian people!
Obama leaves with the of the highest approval ratings, which is a more significant number since it tends to represent a sum total view of a president's tenure.

I am afraid, just like everything else Obama related, his popularity has been "seasonally adjusted" to a more realistic number.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.

You righties live in bizzaro world . You have the never to cry "fake news" when you post trash like above ?

And what the fuck is "average popularity ". lol I can imagine the fuzzy math that went into that specific created stat targeting obama .

Apparently you missed the last 8 years. So let's talk. Are you aware that he overthrew The Egyptian government and put the Brotherhood in it's place? If you missed it, google it. Then we'll move on to his role in reviving Iran.

Umh, no. He did not overthrow the Egyptian government.

A more realistic number? You're saying the higher rating is a more realistic number? I agree.

Umh, Yes he DID overthrow Egypt. He DID put the Brotherhood in it's place and had Muslim Brotherhood advisers in the White House. He DID money launder his gift to Iran then lied about why the money had to be laundered, when his ass got caught.
As just as every phony number he put out to show just how great he's doing, his approval rate will also be adjusted downward, like his employment figures and the like.
He was right when he said this election was a reflection of his term. His record is being corrected as we speak. We hired Trump to rid us of all things Obama. There is the bellwether of Obomb's popularity.
He did not install the Muslim brotherhood either . They were elected by the Egyptian people!
After having ousted Mubarak, who had been a US ally, Barry injected himself into the Egyptians' politics / elections - which snowflakes accused / condemned Russia of / for doing - by demanding they hold elections immediately instead of hold off for a time as they planned to do, which would have given htem time to set up the elections and given persons / parties to form and prepare.

No one expected Mubarak to be forced out, so no one was prepared for an election, no one except for the Muslim Brotherhood.

What Barry did was the equivalent of a foreign leader declaring to the United states in 2015, 'You have 1 month to hold a Presidential campaign / election ...except worse. At least here we have established parties and are much farther along than Egypt was.

Barry might as well have 'yanked the crown' of Mubarak's head and placed it on Mohammed Morsi's head.
The truth is snowflakes squealed like stuck pigs about possible Russian intervention in our election, calling such political intervention un-acceptable, yet have not blinked an eye at Obama doing the same thing 4 separate times in other nations' politics / ruling / governance: Egypt, Libya, Israel, and Syria. That does not include how the Ukraine and the Hillary campaign worked together against Trump.
Yet there wasn't a word about Obama sending our money and his people to Israel to thwart Netanyahu's election... Selective outrage is a lib trait.
Obama leaves with the of the highest approval ratings, which is a more significant number since it tends to represent a sum total view of a president's tenure.

I am afraid, just like everything else Obama related, his popularity will be "seasonally adjusted" to a more realistic number.
Going by the number of threads, It just burns you guys that Obama was popular doesn't it? :lol:

It is who he was popular with that burned me. Releasing his friends from Gitmo to kill us some more. Millions money laundered to Iran. Creating ISIS. Overthrowing allies in Egypt to put terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power. Importing them here to kill us. There is all kinds of reasons to feel burned by Obama. Popularity isn't even on the radar.

You righties live in bizzaro world . You have the never to cry "fake news" when you post trash like above ?

And what the fuck is "average popularity ". lol I can imagine the fuzzy math that went into that specific created stat targeting obama .

Apparently you missed the last 8 years. So let's talk. Are you aware that he overthrew The Egyptian government and put the Brotherhood in it's place? If you missed it, google it. Then we'll move on to his role in reviving Iran.

Who told you to say that?

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