Obama Pressures Great Britain Not to Leave European Union


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

King Barrack scolding the Brits

Not everyone is happy with UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to give the British people an opportunity to leave the European Union (EU). If he is re-elected, Cameron has promised to hold an in-or-out vote before the end of 2017.

Yet with the EU’s stability already in question, foreign leaders have quickly moved to voice their opposition. Most notably, the Obama adminis
tration has said the UK’s continuing membership in the EU is "in the American interest."

Read more of this unbelievably arrogant stuff from King Barry Hussein @ Obama Pressures Great Britain Not to Leave European Union

If it turns out to be a bad idea, his LMSM will rewrite that Obama pressured the UK to leave the EU
Good Lord!

This "news" is at least two months old!!!!!!!

Yes, it's old, certainly.

But its shock value lingers.

For myself, speaking as a Brit, Obama can take a running jump. We have a right to decide these things for ourselves. Given half a chance, we'll do so. No amount of posturing from a Leftie President will sway us.

Isn't it rich, for the supposed Leader of the Free World, wanting to curtail our freedom to be an autonomous Nation !!
What is wrong with a statement about US interests? He would say that it is in the interests of the US that China become a true democracy. Is that 'pressuring' China?

I'm no Obama supporter, but absurdity is not necessary. It is also in British interests to join Europe (one can hardly say they are presently part of it), but if they can't realize that, too bad.
Good Lord!

This "news" is at least two months old!!!!!!!

Yes, it's old, certainly.

But its shock value lingers.

For myself, speaking as a Brit, Obama can take a running jump. We have a right to decide these things for ourselves. Given half a chance, we'll do so. No amount of posturing from a Leftie President will sway us.

Isn't it rich, for the supposed Leader of the Free World, wanting to curtail our freedom to be an autonomous Nation !!

You folks didn't seem to have any trouble with that for most of your existence.

British empire anyone?
Yes, it's old, certainly.

But its shock value lingers.

For myself, speaking as a Brit, Obama can take a running jump. We have a right to decide these things for ourselves. Given half a chance, we'll do so. No amount of posturing from a Leftie President will sway us.

Isn't it rich, for the supposed Leader of the Free World, wanting to curtail our freedom to be an autonomous Nation !!

You still don't understand that you have as many rights as power elites that currently congregate around the US give you?

As far back as 2005 Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski said that "Greater West" will stretch from Portugal to Vladivostok, and it will be based on "Western values". Meaning: all the countries you currently see on a map (out of Africa, Australia, S.America and ME) will lose their sovereignty and will be under external control.

So, the only way UK will leave the EU is if congregated around US global power elite will allow it to do so.

So because Brezinski passed such a judgment, it has to be true ??

I am not aware of any form of 'natural law' which demands such a thing. OK, there are those who want, and are working towards, a form of Globalism in which national autonomies disappear. But just because this is desired, doesn't make it an inescapable reality.

We have been offered a Referendum on continued European membership, should our Conservative Party win our next election. Nowhere in any discussion of what YOU are alleging must take place, has this been hinted at. All being well, we will have our chance to exercise our wish for autonomy at the due time.

Brzezinski might not approve. Evidently, neither does Obama. To which I say .. TOUGH. Let Lefties pass judgment all they like. We are NOT obligated to obey their high-handed expectations !!!
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What is wrong with a statement about US interests? He would say that it is in the interests of the US that China become a true democracy. Is that 'pressuring' China?

I'm no Obama supporter, but absurdity is not necessary. It is also in British interests to join Europe (one can hardly say they are presently part of it), but if they can't realize that, too bad.

Obama stated his wish that the UK remain in the EU. This is more than just a statement of preference. It strongly infers that Obama would disapprove of the opposite occurring.

Which means what, in practical terms ? That there would be no political pressures, no consequences, from an America which disapproved ?

China, by comparison, is a rival world power far more to be reckoned with than is the UK. It can afford to shrug off criticism from Obama.

As for its being in British interests to 'join Europe', I thought we already WERE joined to them ?? Where on earth do you get the idea that we aren't ?? OK, so we haven't tied ourselves into the Euro (.. just as well !!!). But we have had an avalanche of EU dictatorship forced upon us in recent years - to say nothing of the BILLIONS of pounds it costs our economy !

If you like, I'll dig out a list of rules, regulations, diktats, emanating out of mainland Europe, which we're expected to defer to. From legislating against bananas with too much of a 'bend' to them (!!!), to being instructed to give our incarcerated felons the vote (this in defiance of current British law), to having all sorts of judgments passed our way from the ECHR which override our own courts.

News that we aren't currently part of Europe would delight our UK Independence Party, and I'm sure they'd be happy to immediately disband were it true. Sadly, however, the REALITY is that UKIP are fighting on, have been for many years, to have us EXTRICATED from Europe.

Convince me that UKIP doesn't exist, or, accept that your assertion is far removed from reality.
Obama Pressures Great Britain Not to Leave European Union

And then what happened?

And British PM tells his nation that they will have referendum on EU, but not just yet, some time in the future, if they will behave...

To a great extent this is, indeed, a fair point. Tony Blair promised us a referendum (reneged upon). Ditto Gordon Brown (again, reneged upon). Moral of the story - don't trust Leftie promises - they'll happily sell out an entire nation if they prefer to.

Cameron's position was different. He took the position that if, by the time of the 2010 General Election, the UK hadn't been signed up to the Lisbon Treaty, then the UK would not have treaty obligations to honour (seems obvious to me !) and, therefore, our whole commitment to Europe was open to immediate review. So, what happened ? Gordon Brown saw to it that we were signed up to it with (in political terms) breakneck speed. By the time of the 2010 election, the signing of the Treaty was a done deal - with a 'referendum' conveniently forgotten about.

Now, we have the possible prospect of a Referendum promised to us, IF the Conservatives win (Labour don't want one, being far more pro-Europe). It is to be hoped that the Conservatives - obviously, cynically waving that electoral carrot in front of our noses - will keep their word.

We already know that our Left will happily break THEIRS at the drop of a hat.
Good Lord!

This "news" is at least two months old!!!!!!!

Yes, it's old, certainly.

But its shock value lingers.

For myself, speaking as a Brit, Obama can take a running jump. We have a right to decide these things for ourselves. Given half a chance, we'll do so. No amount of posturing from a Leftie President will sway us.

Isn't it rich, for the supposed Leader of the Free World, wanting to curtail our freedom to be an autonomous Nation !!

You folks didn't seem to have any trouble with that for most of your existence.

British empire anyone?

Point taken. But even so, so what ??

The British Empire was an entity ran by people from past generations. The very idea of such an Empire is alien to modern-day thinking amongst the British. It is something that existed in our past, dreamed up from a psychology which no longer exists.

Harping on about the old British Empire is maybe a bit like my likening modern-day America to the old days when you were fighting Red Indians. What's done is done. You have shaped your society to be what it is today. And, so have we.

Times change. The world moves on. Or, would you perhaps insist that the sins of the fathers MUST be visited upon their sons ? And maybe their grandsons, too ?
British empire anyone?

British Empire was undemocratic, totalitarian, etc.

US, on the other hand, is beacon of freedoms and custodian of democracy!

See the difference?

Since you ask - - I WOULD, had Obama not seen fit to try and intervene !!

But I've covered much of this already. The old British Empire is an historical fact, but that Empire belongs to history. It does not represent either modern-day Britain, nor its current generations.

You say that the US is a beacon of freedoms and the custodian of democracy. Fine words ! However, to remain such, it needs to maintain that position. Any slackening of resolve against forces which are the polar opposite of that, would indicate that the US's right to maintain such 'beacon' status would be undergoing significant compromise.

Consider the lessening resolve to maintain opposition against terrorist forces. Your Leftie leader, Obama, has for years been keen to get troops out of Afghanistan, in the hope that the Afghan forces themselves will prove an effective counter to terrorists such as the Taliban. Sounds reasonable on the face of it, but for (a) the fact that success is NOT guaranteed, and (b) Obama even made success LESS likely, by giving insurgents years of advance warning of the intended timetable for withdrawal !!!

Such a warning cannot help but be an advantage to the enemies of democracy !

So, then. IS today's America - courtesy of Obama - really such a 'beacon' as you'd claim, in real terms ? My opinion is that it will regain that status only when Obama's Party stops giving advantages to democracy's enemies - and when the War on Terror is wholeheartedly taken on once more.
When British produced language books refer to English companies exporting to Europe, it is clear what the attitude is. Alaska does not speak of exporting to the US.

And the British attitude in general is separate, contemptuous and demeaning toward what should be the UK's neighbors and partners, especially France. All the gratuitous and petty nit-picking aimed at that great nation should be embarrassing to anyone otherwise claiming to speak for England.

If England feels it is necessary to deny a small minority of its citizens their vote, I suppose it shows that they think Americans are off the mark about inalienable rights.
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British empire anyone?

British Empire was undemocratic, totalitarian, etc.

US, on the other hand, is beacon of freedoms and custodian of democracy!

See the difference?

Since you ask - - I WOULD, had Obama not seen fit to try and intervene !!

But I've covered much of this already. The old British Empire is an historical fact, but that Empire belongs to history. It does not represent either modern-day Britain, nor its current generations.

You say that the US is a beacon of freedoms and the custodian of democracy. Fine words ! However, to remain such, it needs to maintain that position. Any slackening of resolve against forces which are the polar opposite of that, would indicate that the US's right to maintain such 'beacon' status would be undergoing significant compromise.

Consider the lessening resolve to maintain opposition against terrorist forces. Your Leftie leader, Obama, has for years been keen to get troops out of Afghanistan, in the hope that the Afghan forces themselves will prove an effective counter to terrorists such as the Taliban. Sounds reasonable on the face of it, but for (a) the fact that success is NOT guaranteed, and (b) Obama even made success LESS likely, by giving insurgents years of advance warning of the intended timetable for withdrawal !!!

Such a warning cannot help but be an advantage to the enemies of democracy !

So, then. IS today's America - courtesy of Obama - really such a 'beacon' as you'd claim, in real terms ? My opinion is that it will regain that status only when Obama's Party stops giving advantages to democracy's enemies - and when the War on Terror is wholeheartedly taken on once more.

The greater part of the dimming of the 'beacon' was done under 'W' & Co., Uninc.
Not everyone is happy with UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to give the British people an opportunity to leave the European Union (EU). If he is re-elected, Cameron has promised to hold an in-or-out vote before the end of 2017.

Yet with the EU’s stability already in question, foreign leaders have quickly moved to voice their opposition. Most notably, the Obama adminis
tration has said the UK’s continuing membership in the EU is "in the American interest."

Settle down Americanos .
The whole game has been well rehearsed .
There is no chance whatsoever of the UK leaving the EU .
That issue is not part of the real game plan . But we do want to increase our leverage even further so that we run the northern based caucus with Germany , once inevitable changes come into force . And we do want to claw back much greater independence of law making and action in certain well defined areas .
Also the EU is rotten to its core and needs tree shaking on a massive scale with the old breed metaphorically put up against the wall and shot .
There are many scenes and acts to follow

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