Obama proposes another 2 billion dollar scam to fleece the American taxpayer

Okay, let's go through this again. FIRST you pay off your debt THEN you invest in something new.

oooooooooooooooooooh another failed investment broker here I see "FIRST you pay off your debt THEN you invest in something new" ... does that say dirt stupid or what ??? if you cut off revenues how the hell are you going to pay for the debt???? ooooooooooooooooooh you can't !!!!!! another right wing investment broker nut case to our rescue :clap2:
The hydrocarbon extraction industries need NO public money seeding new developments.
Washington Post

It never ends with this crook.

He needs to pay back his donors like he did the first time around on the first "green energy" scam. 80% of that money went to his donors.

19 companies are already belly up.

Money laundering all in the name of "green energy" :lol:.

Via this Gateway Pundit link it will take you to Watts up with that and my favorite anti global warming writer at the Telegraph, James Delingpole.

Green Scam: Obama Assures Donors That Cash Will Keep Flowing to Their Green Energy Ventures | The Gateway Pundit

And yes he's a crook. He's a politician from Chicago after all. :eusa_angel:
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