Obama: Re-election Bid More Important Than American Lives


Certifiably Audacious
Jun 7, 2013
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.
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And sadly, it's only one example of the calloused disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution. Corruption is what Americans have come to expect from this administration.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

There was no political advantage to anything that happened or could have happened with Benghazi. It became a big mess and Obama still won, so how could it have been worse? Republicans just can't accept the fact that a black man was re-elected despite a horrible economy, so they keep making excuses. The reason for all the excuses? They do not want to accept responsibility for pursuing an agenda that is supported by less than half of all Americans.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

1. Complete bullshit.
2. Complete bullshit.

The larger issue is the almost dangerous hypocrisy of the conservatives on this issue. They were hampering both statecraft and military operations, which possibly could have gotten more people killed to further a domestic political agenda. Romney, the conservative candidate, in an historic and radical move, criticized a sitting President while an attack against the United States was ongoing. Despicable.

And all this given what happened during the Clinton administration, when, a foreign CIA trained (During the Reagan/Bush) era insurrection leader went rogue, by the name of Osama Bin Laden. This guy openly declared war on the US and instead of giving President Clinton every resource and support available, conservatives worked feverishly to embarrass him and obstruct his efforts to thwart this individual. Even AFTER an extremely embarrassing impeachment, Clinton warned the conservative administration about this threat..and that warning was not heeded. Then 9/11 happened. Right in the most powerful and visible city in the US and it was able to happen while we, as tax payers, pay billions in a military infrastructure made specifically to stop such attacks. Did conservatives call for an investigation? Nope. In fact:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That came directly after the attack and was put out there by 2 men that had the ear of President Bush.

It was full year after that attack there was even an investigation. The results? It implicated Clinton and called for a massive new agency.
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Hell. Barry had his priorities and they sure weren't Benghazi and the loss of HIS ambassador.

His State Department, under Hilbilly, dropped the ball big time on Benghazi and four very good men died because of the ineptness of Barry's State Department. The buck stops at his desk.

His consulate under attack sure didn't stop him from jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser. Priorities after all.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

The core of the Obama re-election was: GM is alive and bin Laden is dead, Biden took a different route and in 2012 said that the middle class had been buried these past 4 years.

So, of course Obama lied about Benghazi.

Welcome to USMB

The Useful Idiots will call you a "Racist" and if they were honest about Obama sexuality a "Homophobe"
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

1. Complete bullshit.
2. Complete bullshit.

The larger issue is the almost dangerous hypocrisy of the conservatives on this issue. They were hampering both statecraft and military operations, which possibly could have gotten more people killed to further a domestic political agenda. Romney, the conservative candidate, in an historic and radical move, criticized a sitting President while an attack against the United States was ongoing. Despicable.

And all this given what happened during the Clinton administration, when, a foreign CIA trained (During the Reagan/Bush) era insurrection leader went rogue, by the name of Osama Bin Laden. This guy openly declared war on the US and instead of giving President Clinton every resource and support available, conservatives worked feverishly to embarrass him and obstruct his efforts to thwart this individual. Even AFTER an extremely embarrassing impeachment, Clinton warned the conservative administration about this threat..and that warning was not heeded. Then 9/11 happened. Right in the most powerful and visible city in the US and it was able to happen while we, as tax payers, pay billions in a military infrastructure made specifically to stop such attacks. Did conservatives call for an investigation? Nope. In fact:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That came directly after the attack and was put out there by 2 men that had the ear of President Bush.

It was full year after that attack there was even an investigation. The results? It implicated Clinton and called for a massive new agency.

"Bush did it" basically. Lets not go there. We are talking about Obama here, and you simply cannot face the facts. "Complete bullshit" is not a refutatory argument, so I suggest you come up with one.

One attack is completely different from another. One president responded by launching a war, the other ignored the death of four men to launch his re-election campaign. See the stark contrast? Your little rant is something I would expect from a bona-fide class A-1 conspiracy kook. What the "700 Club" said is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
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Hell. Barry had his priorities and they sure weren't Benghazi and the loss of HIS ambassador.

His State Department, under Hilbilly, dropped the ball big time on Benghazi and four very good men died because of the ineptness of Barry's State Department. The buck stops at his desk.

His consulate under attack sure didn't stop him from jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser. Priorities after all.

What difference does it make?
Hell. Barry had his priorities and they sure weren't Benghazi and the loss of HIS ambassador.

His State Department, under Hilbilly, dropped the ball big time on Benghazi and four very good men died because of the ineptness of Barry's State Department. The buck stops at his desk.

His consulate under attack sure didn't stop him from jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser. Priorities after all.

Where did the buck stop for David Foy.

Oh yeah..no where.

Cry me a river.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

1. Complete bullshit.
2. Complete bullshit.

The larger issue is the almost dangerous hypocrisy of the conservatives on this issue. They were hampering both statecraft and military operations, which possibly could have gotten more people killed to further a domestic political agenda. Romney, the conservative candidate, in an historic and radical move, criticized a sitting President while an attack against the United States was ongoing. Despicable.

And all this given what happened during the Clinton administration, when, a foreign CIA trained (During the Reagan/Bush) era insurrection leader went rogue, by the name of Osama Bin Laden. This guy openly declared war on the US and instead of giving President Clinton every resource and support available, conservatives worked feverishly to embarrass him and obstruct his efforts to thwart this individual. Even AFTER an extremely embarrassing impeachment, Clinton warned the conservative administration about this threat..and that warning was not heeded. Then 9/11 happened. Right in the most powerful and visible city in the US and it was able to happen while we, as tax payers, pay billions in a military infrastructure made specifically to stop such attacks. Did conservatives call for an investigation? Nope. In fact:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That came directly after the attack and was put out there by 2 men that had the ear of President Bush.

It was full year after that attack there was even an investigation. The results? It implicated Clinton and called for a massive new agency.

"Bush did it" basically. Lets not go there. We are talking about Obama here, and you simply cannot face the facts. "Complete bullshit" is not a refutatory argument, so I suggest you come up with one.
One attack is completely different from another. One president responded by launching a war, the other ignored the death of four men to launch his re-election campaign. See the stark contrast? Your little rant is something I would expect from a bona-fide class A-1 conspiracy kook. What the "700 Club" said is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Sure it is.

Additionally..events that were much worse occurred under Bush.

Where were you guys?

Still rolling out that cardboard cut out of Bush to mask over Obama, heh shallow?

I'm shocked!
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.[/QUOTE]

Can you really expect anything else from a Kenyan? You know how those Muslims are, they are out to destroy America.

Nobody ever believed Obama was a REAL American did they?

It is all part of a Master Plan orchestrated from the day Obama was born
Hell. Barry had his priorities and they sure weren't Benghazi and the loss of HIS ambassador.

His State Department, under Hilbilly, dropped the ball big time on Benghazi and four very good men died because of the ineptness of Barry's State Department. The buck stops at his desk.

His consulate under attack sure didn't stop him from jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser. Priorities after all.

You need to understand who these people are.

Obama is a coke addict who lies about just about everything. Hillary is a lesbian who used her office to party just about everywhere she went. It's no surprise that her Secret Service officers were caught banging Colombian hookers because Hillary was most likely down the hall doing the same thing.

When you don't sweat the little things eventually the big things catch up with you. These folks figure that they can use their state run media to bail them out no matter what. They use Bush or the GOP to explain away every program they abuse. They figure that if they just bullshit everyone long enough and never admit to any wrongdoing eventually people will get bored and move on. This leaves the Republicans holding the bag wondering if there is anything that matters to American voters.
To be honest, I don't think anything really matters to them anymore. Consequently we all get the government we deserve.

Get into an argument with any lib and they say first of all that you're wrong. When you prove without a doubt that you were right they switch to saying that both sides do it, like that is any kind of an excuse.

If you show that both sides aren't doing it the libs' last resort is to claim racism or some other fake stereotype that they've somehow been able to attach to the GOP or conservatives in general. We all hate children, women, clean air, clean water, Muslims, the planet, or cute little puppies. We are the worst people in the world. Even worst than murdering terrorists who set off bombs at sporting events, and we deserve every nasty little trick they pull on us.
What conservatives pretty much want is a theocracy..like Saudi Arabia..which is the pinnacle of Conservative Society.

And they will do anything in their means to achieve that. Lying, stealing, and murdering are no big deal when it comes to getting their way.
What conservatives pretty much want is a theocracy..like Saudi Arabia..which is the pinnacle of Conservative Society.

And they will do anything in their means to achieve that. Lying, stealing, and murdering are no big deal when it comes to getting their way.

Oh, but they don't. You can't prove that. That was just pitiful, Sallow.
What conservatives pretty much want is a theocracy..like Saudi Arabia..which is the pinnacle of Conservative Society.

And they will do anything in their means to achieve that. Lying, stealing, and murdering are no big deal when it comes to getting their way.

Dude, you sound more and more like TM everyday. :cuckoo:
What conservatives pretty much want is a theocracy..like Saudi Arabia..which is the pinnacle of Conservative Society.

And they will do anything in their means to achieve that. Lying, stealing, and murdering are no big deal when it comes to getting their way.

Taliban USA

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