Obama: Re-election Bid More Important Than American Lives

As the article points out, these offers came from the military. This is far outside the usual way security is arranged for consulates and embassies, where it is normallly arranged by the State department.

Being the career diplomat he was, Stevens turned down the unusual offers and kept sending cable after cable to the State Department, begging for reinforcements and security personnel. His trust in the State Dept. cost him his life, and the lives of three other Americans.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good lie, sallow.

Oh boy.

There really is no getting through to you guys.

This person apparently has no reply to well-presented and documented facts, other than to hurl vague denials, or to throw up his hands and run away.

Sallow is missing an H.
He's also missing testosterone.
Both "arguments" were specious and devoid of fact.
Not true. There were plenty of facts laid out in my argument and for you to claim they were ALL lies, is a ridiculous thing to allege, especially without providing counterarguments of your own. But I've learned to expect such blanket, baseless statements from Liberals. You might as well have just trotted out the usual "racist," or "sexist" accusations.

  • Obama new the attack was a terrorist attack just 24 hours after the attack began, yet he did everything he could to gin up outrage vs. a video most Muslims had never even seen. That's a fact.
  • The attack lasted several hours and came in multiple waves, with the last American dying 7 hours after the attack started. Fact.
  • Help was only 480 miles away and plenty close enough to react and save American lives. Passenger aircraft fly over 500 mph, so we can safely assume with loading and unloading time, we could have had boots on the ground in less than 2 hours. Fact.
  • At least *2* separate Special Ops forces were ordered to stand down and not help. Fact.

My conclusions are based on facts and logic. Obama knew it was a preplanned, premeditated terrorist attack. He spread an absolute lie all over the world, specifically targeting the Muslim population, blaming a video, ostensibly trying to gin up Muslim outrage vs. the video. He spent most of the evening of the attack in bed, preparing for a fundraiser the next day. Obama and Hillary had multiple opportunities to save lives but simply chose not to. The reasons for that are hardly debatable; a re-election campaign was underway and this Benghazi attack--if given the proper attention--would have damaged the campaign. Therefore, with the facts in hand, one must assume that Americans died because Obama had more important things to do than save them. I'm guessing that if you privately asked about this, most Liberals would tell you that Obama's re-election actually was more important than a few American lives.
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