Obama: Re-election Bid More Important Than American Lives

Oh, but they don't. You can't prove that. That was just pitiful, Sallow.

Of course I can.

Ralph Reed is a conservative leader.

"I honesty believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians . . . and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time."

That's basically the agenda.

So, you can only provide one example. That's not proof, buddy! I can find multiple examples of how people like you want to enforce your secular ideals on America.

NEWSFLASH: The American government, by design, is secular.
Of course I can.

Ralph Reed is a conservative leader.

That's basically the agenda.

So, you can only provide one example. That's not proof, buddy! I can find multiple examples of how people like you want to enforce your secular ideals on America.

NEWSFLASH: The American government, by design, is secular.

NEWSFLASH: No it isn't. Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists Association in 1802 proves it. Religion should be protected from government, not the other way around.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

Of course this is true. Obama is a Narcissist in Chief. It's always been All About Him.
So, you can only provide one example. That's not proof, buddy! I can find multiple examples of how people like you want to enforce your secular ideals on America.

NEWSFLASH: The American government, by design, is secular.

NEWSFLASH: No it isn't. Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists Association in 1802 proves it. Religion should be protected from government, not the other way around.
This government isn't based on peoples' private correspondence.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

That's not just crazy talk, that's highly charged partisan rhetoric that's been rattling around the echo chamber. Fact is you have no facts. First, the attack was not ignored on any level.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack - CNN.com

Panetta said the initial reports of the attack were given "almost immediately" to the U.S. Embassy in the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

Within 17 minutes, Panetta said, an unarmed, unmanned surveillance aircraft was dispatched to give U.S. officials a better idea of what was happening. It arrived at the site about 70 minutes after the attack, he said.

Soon, Panetta and Dempsey met with President Barack Obama, the secretary told lawmakers.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.


The quickest response option available was a Tripoli-based security team, he said.

Within hours, Panetta said, that six-person team, including two U.S. military personnel, chartered a plane and flew to Benghazi.

Within 15 minutes of arriving at the annex facility, they came under attack by mortar and rocket-propelled grenades, he said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack - CNN.com
Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, who was killed along with three other Americans after terrorists stormed the mission, twice turned down offers from senior military officials for additional security at the facility, McClatchy news services reported.

Yessiree..never let facts get in the way..of a good lie.

As the article points out, these offers came from the military. This is far outside the usual way security is arranged for consulates and embassies, where it is normallly arranged by the State department.

Being the career diplomat he was, Stevens turned down the unusual offers and kept sending cable after cable to the State Department, begging for reinforcements and security personnel. His trust in the State Dept. cost him his life, and the lives of three other Americans.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good lie, sallow.
I believe that the Obama administration placed such importance on his re-election bid, that they were more than willing to sacrifice American lives to make it happen. "That's crazy talk," you say. Well, I not only believe it's true, but the facts tell us that it must be true.

  1. The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended. All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known and there's no sense rehashing them at length. But the fact is, 4 Americans died because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed to rest up for a campaign fund raiser, and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes. The clear intent here was, they couldn't justify the attack with an armed response, or their campaign narrative would be exposed as false.

  2. A global effort was made to spark outrage and violence against America. As we all know now, the intelligence briefing--both during and immediately following the Benghazi attack--advised both Obama and Hillary that in fact, it was a well planned, premeditated terrorist attack. However, in an obvious attempt to keep Obama's narrative (Al Qaeda is impotent and on the run, everything is fine) intact, a cover-up was implemented, announcing that the reason for the attack was a youtube video mocking Mohammed. Immediately after the terrorist attack, the maker of the video was swooped down upon by a host of Federal agents, who perp-walked him and then threw him in jail where he remains to this day. In addition, Obama and Hillary created a video of their own--spending nearly 100 million of our taxpayer dollars--which was distributed all over the Pakistan airwaves, apologizing for the horrible video. This is a crucial point; as we already know, Obama and Hillary were fully aware the video was not a precursor to the Benghazi attack, so why did they go so far as to perp-walk the video producer and throw him in jail, then apologize about the video on Pakistan's public airwaves? The answer is simple. They were intentionally trying to spark global outrage--and more importantly, violence--against America in response to the video. Had their plan succeeded, the global Muslim community would have reacted in protest and violence against America over the video... which would have played right into Obama's and Hillary's hands because their story would have been proven accurate. What other reason could Obama and Hillary have had for what they did when they knew the video had nothing to do with anything? There is no other plausible reason. And this whole effort to gin up outrage and violence against America was for the simple purpose of keeping Obama's re-election bid from taking damage. Success would have meant an all-out global jihad against America over the video... surely costing many American lives before it was over.

And these facts go far in helping us understand how sinister, arrogant, dishonest, anti-American, loathsome and disgraceful the Obama administration is to its very core.

What else did the shiny metal hat tell you?
Republicans just can't accept the fact that a black man was re-elected despite a horrible economy, so they keep making excuses.
As expected.

I laid out a very logical, fact-based argument and my conclusion was reasonable. And all you can respond with is that I'm a racist.

Assassinating someone's character with ad hominem attacks is what someone does when they've lost the debate and don't have the humility and honor to accept it. And you came out with it straight out of the gate before even attempting to make a counter-claim or presenting facts that support something other than what I concluded.

I'd be happy to engage someone who is willing to take an honest approach to the issue. But I'd sooner debate a brick wall than a low-information Liberal drone.
Republicans just can't accept the fact that a black man was re-elected despite a horrible economy, so they keep making excuses.
As expected.

I laid out a very logical, fact-based argument and my conclusion was reasonable. And all you can respond with is that I'm a racist.

Assassinating someone's character with ad hominem attacks is what someone does when they've lost the debate and don't have the humility and honor to accept it. And you came out with it straight out of the gate before even attempting to make a counter-claim or presenting facts that support something other than what I concluded.

I'd be happy to engage someone who is willing to take an honest approach to the issue. But I'd sooner debate a brick wall than a low-information Liberal drone.

Both "arguments" were specious and devoid of fact.

The Issa witch hunt revealed that Issa's conclusions, which he made prior to the investigation, were wrong.
Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, who was killed along with three other Americans after terrorists stormed the mission, twice turned down offers from senior military officials for additional security at the facility, McClatchy news services reported.

Yessiree..never let facts get in the way..of a good lie.

As the article points out, these offers came from the military. This is far outside the usual way security is arranged for consulates and embassies, where it is normallly arranged by the State department.

Being the career diplomat he was, Stevens turned down the unusual offers and kept sending cable after cable to the State Department, begging for reinforcements and security personnel. His trust in the State Dept. cost him his life, and the lives of three other Americans.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good lie, sallow.

Oh boy.

There really is no getting through to you guys.
Yessiree..never let facts get in the way..of a good lie.

As the article points out, these offers came from the military. This is far outside the usual way security is arranged for consulates and embassies, where it is normallly arranged by the State department.

Being the career diplomat he was, Stevens turned down the unusual offers and kept sending cable after cable to the State Department, begging for reinforcements and security personnel. His trust in the State Dept. cost him his life, and the lives of three other Americans.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good lie, sallow.

Oh boy.

There really is no getting through to you guys.

This person apparently has no reply to well-presented and documented facts, other than to hurl vague denials, or to throw up his hands and run away.

Sallow is missing an H.
As the article points out, these offers came from the military. This is far outside the usual way security is arranged for consulates and embassies, where it is normallly arranged by the State department.

Being the career diplomat he was, Stevens turned down the unusual offers and kept sending cable after cable to the State Department, begging for reinforcements and security personnel. His trust in the State Dept. cost him his life, and the lives of three other Americans.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good lie, sallow.

Oh boy.

There really is no getting through to you guys.

This person apparently has no reply to well-presented and documented facts, other than to hurl vague denials, or to throw up his hands and run away.

Sallow is missing an H.

What "well presented" facts?

Here are the facts.

A consulate in a very dangerous country was attacked by militants.

By the way..that's been happening for several decades, including during the Bush administration when many Americans, including David Foy, were killed.

No peep from you peeps about that.

Here's another newsflash.

The Largest and Most important city in the United States was attacked by foreign terrorists on Bush's watch. This was the biggest terrorist attack in history..and killed over 3000 Americans. This happened despite the BILLIONS we spend in defending our homeland.

No elected official blamed that on Bush.
It took over a year to investigate.
The conclusions shared blamed with Clinton.
And the remedy, which included no punitive actions against the Bush administration, were enacted in a bi-partisan fashion.

With Benghazi?

The opposition candidate, in an unprecedented and historical fashion, put the blame on Obama. DURING THE ATTACK.

Multiple elected Republicans were floating theories that Obama had some hand in the attack.

Investigations were immediately held..and before the findings were fully analyzed, Issa said Obama was "covering up" and had a hand in the talking points.

All that is completely despicable..and should bar conservatives from participating in the government..since they are so focused on destroying it.

Hopefully the electorate purges the nuts in 2014.
"That's crazy talk," you say.
No Agent Tom, YOU ARE Crazy.

The Benghazi terrorist attack went ignored and undefended.
Except for the half dozen CIA operatives and the FIFTY Local security team who responded to the CRIES FOR HELP in 23 minutes.

All the facts surrounding the attack are well-known
Yet here YOU are making up your own!

because while the Benghazi attack was being carried out, Obama went to bed
The Attack started at 5:30 pm Washington time, while Panetta and Obama were in a meeting.
What did Panetta testify?
"Obama told me to do what I could to help them."

and our State Dept. prevented our forces from responding, going as far as telling them to stand down and not board airplanes.

MILITARY units can't just drop into a city of a million people without INTEL, let alone invade a foreign country.

Even The forces from Tripoli were DETAINED at the airport for hours.
Sovereign nations seem to have issues with foreign forces moving around in their country.

the closest forces were in EU and that's over an hr away IF they are sitting on an aircraft

The initial battle was over in 45 minutes.

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