Obama reached out to Republicans, who left him with a handful of cancel

Elections have consequences. Maybe even more so after some are encouraged to punish their opposition or relegating them to the back seat. All in the spirit of bipartisan politics of course.

One of the keys to understanding politics is being able to differentiate between what's election year bluster, designed to whip a party's base into acting, and what's actual policy. Clearly, Obama-in-action is not attempting to keep the Republicans in the back seat.

Elections aren't decided on policy though. Would that they were, it would be a saner world. They aren't though, they are decided on emotion and that "vision thing."
The republicans are better at communicating vision, and while the dems are better at crafting policy, they CAVE like the spineless cowards they are when implementation is debated in the corporate driven "public" (although most of the "public" is left out of the conversation except to tell us what we think) debate. Republicans NEVER shift left because of overwhelming "public"" demand. Democrats, in every administration I was alive for have shifted right. The democrats would have more successful policy initiatives if they simply said: the voters have spoken, this was our platform, the American people voted for it, and we're implementing it, so suck it up.
Fucking pussies. Not one and all, some have heart. They are gutted ruthlessly, and never more ruthlessly than by their own party.

Ah yes. The ole "Democrats just didn't get their message out" and "Republicans vote in lockstep" meme. Unfortunately both of those are wrong.
Dems got their message out loud and clear: We want your money.
Republican don't vote in lockstep. Remember Olympia Snowe? Susan Collins? Do they vote with Jim DeMint all the time? The last Congress was an aberration. Even those RINOs knew the Obama agenda sucked and had to be defeated.
This group of R will not help anything happen this session.

If Obama is for something they will block it.

Their voters are not concerned with making America work.

Their voters are only concerned with party politics and winning one for the party.

They will cavil about anything and everything and America is just going to have to live with this idiot anchor tied arround its neck until these block brained fools pass on.

Their numbers will dwindle and in a generation we will be able to make some real headway.

For now and while they survive it is a step forward and a step backward and very slow progress in this country.

Its sad but its just what is going to happen.

The corprations will love it and spend their asses off to keep this lamed brained crowd spewing bullet points based on truthiness and outright lies.
Come on now. You are smarter than to believe the GOP actually wants to work with Obama on anything, right? Their #1 priority is to make Obama a one term President, per Mitch McConnell.

That's a fine priority to me. Why would I want that Marxist to have the ability to fuck up our country for another four years with ramifications that will be felt for generations? He is ten times worse than George Bush.
Yeah.....George Bush was quite the Accomplisher....in private-business....AND, government!!!!

Isn't OL'BO the guy who said he won??

Didn't he also tell the Reps to sit in the back and STFU??

Since he's lost his super majority he will have to work with the GOP. No choice. Unless he wants to be a lame duck for the next two years.

Oh wait. I forgot. He'll be running for Prez for the next two years.

Silly me. Ah well. It would be nice if he decided not to run for a second term but I don't see that happening.

No he doesn't. The Democrats still control the White House and the Senate. If they start acting like Republicans circa 2000, 2004, 2006 they will do just fine.

Vote lockstep. Concede nothing. Don't allow votes on anything they don't want.

IF the Democrats could have worked together amongst themselves, when they actually HAD the power, we would not even be having this conversation today. They could not, and we ended up with a watered down Healthcare reform bill. The Dems and President Obama will now pay the price for their own infighting. They can try to lay blame on the GOP if they want, but everyone knows that they did not need a single Republican vote to get any Healthcare legislation passed while they had a super majority.

It was STUPID to cave, it was craven CYA, and they'll lose, again, because of it.
It does no good to call them pussies. It isn't even rational to do so. The pussy never caves. The pussy rules the world. The democrats can't even order their own party, enact their party platform, enunciate a clear and universally agreed upon vision, or tell the corporate owned media to fuck off: they'll state their own position and conduct their own polling, thank yew.

Nope. Our dems are all about serious stuff, policy stuff, stuff that's incomprehensible to (yet ultimately beneficial to) the very majority of people who vote against themselves.
The dems need a better communications system.
But the public too needs to improve.
Policy is boring, technical language is hard, I'm going for the candidate I want to have a beer with. Boo fucking HOO. WHY do all my dreams turn to shit?
Indeed. The Dems had a filibuster proof majority.

Look what they did and did not accomplish with it.

If the GOP keeps them from doing further damage for the next couple of years, that works for me.
This group of R will not help anything happen this session.

If Obama is for something they will block it.

Their voters are not concerned with making America work.

Their voters are only concerned with party politics and winning one for the party.

They will cavil about anything and everything and America is just going to have to live with this idiot anchor tied arround its neck until these block brained fools pass on.

Their numbers will dwindle and in a generation we will be able to make some real headway.

For now and while they survive it is a step forward and a step backward and very slow progress in this country.

Its sad but its just what is going to happen.

The corporations will love it and spend their asses off to keep this lamed brained crowd spewing bullet points based on truthiness and outright lies.

They aren't going to die off. They've invested fortunes on their young, They've invested fortunes on their lawyers, talking heads, education, politicians, and on the media.
You have to get over the idea that the republican party, at the nationals, are stupid. You HAVE to.
They are WAY ahead of the dems at exploiting the masses, learning their triggers, and employing people to push those buttons and pull those levers. They ARE smart. Both at the policy levers (the one thing and think leads to another) and at the buttons to push.

The truth has jack shit to do with anything given those leads.
Isn't OL'BO the guy who said he won??

Didn't he also tell the Reps to sit in the back and STFU??
Yeah.....like any other parent, with a bunch o' kids (in the back-seat), screaming "NO!!".

They need to understand they can't have things, their way, all-the-time....

Bend over and grab your ankles <> reaching out

Nice try fellas. Obama and the Progressives were told to take a hike.

There will be no compromise.
The Universe is just serving Obama a big steaming pile of Karma.
....'Cause, the Republicans/'Baggers gave everyone-else.....


....a "PASS"!!!!!
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The Universe is just serving Obama a big steaming pile of Karma.
....'Cause, the Republicans/'Baggers gave everyone-else.....


....a "PASS"!!!!!


The twenty percenters who identify themselves as Progressive/Marxist/Socialist, etc. were told to FUCK OFF. Deal with it Ms. Sheman.

And, BTW, Mahar is an unhinged lunatic.
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The Universe is just serving Obama a big steaming pile of Karma.
....'Cause, the Republicans/'Baggers gave everyone-else.....


....a "PASS"!!!!!


The twenty percenters who identify themselves as Progressive/Marxist/Socialist, etc. were told to FUCK OFF. Deal with it Ms. Sheman.

Your day comes around too, sweetness. You Do understand that the % you represent IS the 20? 1012 will be a teachable moment. If not, you will, at the time, understand why. If your party adapts or not, is up yo your party.
....'Cause, the Republicans/'Baggers gave everyone-else.....


....a "PASS"!!!!!


The twenty percenters who identify themselves as Progressive/Marxist/Socialist, etc. were told to FUCK OFF. Deal with it Ms. Sheman.

Your day comes around too, sweetness. You Do understand that the % you represent IS the 20? 1012 will be a teachable moment. If not, you will, at the time, understand why. If your party adapts or not, is up yo your party.

If the Republicans become Progressive Light.. then so be it... honey. And you're wrong on the numbers sweetie... the U.S. is a center-right nation. We're not Cuba. And the vast majority of us do not want to be Cuba.
Vote lockstep. Concede nothing. Don't allow votes on anything they don't want.
Quit trying to derail the thread into another Obammycare argument! :eusa_whistle:
.....Primarily, because.....every time you clueless-'Baggers are challenged to point-out (with) what parts of Health Care Reform you disagree.....you simply....


It's an old-story with you delusional/clueless-clowns....

Vote lockstep. Concede nothing. Don't allow votes on anything they don't want.
Quit trying to derail the thread into another Obammycare argument! :eusa_whistle:
.....Primarily, because.....every time you clueless-'Baggers are challenged to point-out (with) what parts of Health Care Reform you disagree.....you simply....


It's an old-story with you delusional/clueless-clowns....


Peter Ferrara has done a very in-depth analysis of the national disaster known as Obamacare. It matters not however, for you see, you are a nanny-stater. You relish big government in your life at every turn because you are essentially, a parasite. The idea of life being mapped out for you with no worries is vary appealing. Unfortunately for you, you and your ilk are a very small segment of the population. A very noisy bunch for sure, but still a negligible number. And again, for the record, the rest of us told you and your Messiah to FUCK OFF.
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The Republicans knew they were going to loose big time in 2008. Maybe that's why the fucked everything up so bad that the next president would spend at least two years trying to clean up after them. They knew they had Faux Noose to spread their misleading propaganda against the next president. Even before he was in office the hate-wing was blaming him for the ecomonic colaspe of 2008. Pricking the underlying racism was as easy as saying "Teabagger". Everything was planned for a psuedo-conservative rebound in 2010. They execuited there plan to perfection. Guilible Americans (70% were convinced by the same media shit that Saddam was behind 9-11) bought it and deserve what they get.

Any talk of bipartisanship on the part of the President will be fruitless. Better have that veto pen ready.
The Republicans knew they were going to loose big time in 2008. Maybe that's why the fucked everything up so bad that the next president would spend at least two years trying to clean up after them. They knew they had Faux Noose to spread their misleading propaganda against the next president. Even before he was in office the hate-wing was blaming him for the ecomonic colaspe of 2008. Pricking the underlying racism was as easy as saying "Teabagger". Everything was planned for a psuedo-conservative rebound in 2010. They execuited there plan to perfection. Guilible Americans (70% were convinced by the same media shit that Saddam was behind 9-11) bought it and deserve what they get.

Any talk of bipartisanship on the part of the President will be fruitless. Better have that veto pen ready.

While they may not be smart enough to come up with such a plan, they were able to take advantage of exactly that.

Around 49 of the Democrats who lost were in districts that John McCain won. Those districts have always been Republican, but went to Democrats in 2006 and 2008 in protest to what Republicans were doing to the country. With Bush gone, it was only natural they vote again Republican. Especially with a black guy in the White House.

The only white demographic that voted for Obama were from age 18 to 29, a group that never votes in midterms.

Then there were the Democratic Blue Dogs. Democrats in name only who always vote with the Republicans. They lost half their members. Because they voted against the "Public Option", which 70% of Americans wanted.

There have always been many conservatives in the Democratic Party because it's a party made of coalitions. There are zero liberals in the Confederate Conservative Republican Party. They vote in a block. Some idiot Republican will say, "What about Olympia Snow? She only votes 95% of the time with Republicans, not 99% like the rest of them?" Well, once it's above 90%, does it really matter? Like the Republican Party itself, 90% white. There is no diversity there. Which is good. That's why they are able to target Hispanics one week, blacks the next, Muslims the next, gays the next and then back to the Hispanics.

Republicans have one policy. Cut taxes for the rich. That's it. They have nothing else to run on. They are against anything that's good for this country. They want us to BE Afghanistan.
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The Republicans knew they were going to loose big time in 2008. Maybe that's why the fucked everything up so bad that the next president would spend at least two years trying to clean up after them. They knew they had Faux Noose to spread their misleading propaganda against the next president. Even before he was in office the hate-wing was blaming him for the ecomonic colaspe of 2008. Pricking the underlying racism was as easy as saying "Teabagger". Everything was planned for a psuedo-conservative rebound in 2010. They execuited there plan to perfection. Guilible Americans (70% were convinced by the same media shit that Saddam was behind 9-11) bought it and deserve what they get.

Any talk of bipartisanship on the part of the President will be fruitless. Better have that veto pen ready.

While they may not be smart enough to come up with such a plan, they were able to take advantage of exactly that.

Around 49 of the Democrats who lost were in districts that John McCain won. Those districts have always been Republican, but went to Democrats in 2006 and 2008 in protest to what Republicans were doing to the country. With Bush gone, it was only natural they vote again Republican. Especially with a black guy in the White House.

The only white demographic that voted for Obama were from age 18 to 29, a group that never votes in midterms.

Then there were the Democratic Blue Dogs. Democrats in name only who always vote with the Republicans. They lost half their members. Because they voted against the "Public Option", which 70% of Americans wanted.

There have always been many conservatives in the Democratic Party because it's a party made of coalitions. There are zero liberals in the Confederate Conservative Republican Party. They vote in a block. Some idiot Republican will say, "What about Olympia Snow? She only votes 95% of the time with Republicans, not 99% like the rest of them?" Well, once it's above 90%, does it really matter? Like the Republican Party itself, 90% white. There is no diversity there. Which is good. That's why they are able to target Hispanics one week, blacks the next, Muslims the next, gays the next and then back to the Hispanics.

Republicans have one policy. Cut taxes for the rich. That's it. They have nothing else to run on. They are against anything that's good for this country. They want us to BE Afghanistan.

Crazy Fucktard right on queue with an evil rich post. Well done!!!!
The Republicans knew they were going to loose big time in 2008. Maybe that's why the fucked everything up so bad that the next president would spend at least two years trying to clean up after them. They knew they had Faux Noose to spread their misleading propaganda against the next president. Even before he was in office the hate-wing was blaming him for the ecomonic colaspe of 2008. Pricking the underlying racism was as easy as saying "Teabagger". Everything was planned for a psuedo-conservative rebound in 2010. They execuited there plan to perfection. Guilible Americans (70% were convinced by the same media shit that Saddam was behind 9-11) bought it and deserve what they get.

Any talk of bipartisanship on the part of the President will be fruitless. Better have that veto pen ready.

With a democrat majority Congress, and a democrat majority Senate??? I think your post belongs in the conspiracy forum. :lol:

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