Obama: Reagan could not survive in 'radical' GOP


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama: Reagan could not survive in 'radical' GOP | General Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — In combative campaign form, President Barack Obama accused Republican leaders on Tuesday of becoming so radical and dangerously rigid that even the late Ronald Reagan, one of their most cherished heroes, could not win a GOP primary if he were running today.
He took a couple of digs at Romney, playing up the Republican presidential front-runner's support for a budget-slashing plan the House has approved.

That plan is doomed to die in the Senate
, but Obama held it up as a sign of the disaster that would come if Republicans got their way: poor children not getting food, grandparents unable to afford nursing homes, more airline flights getting canceled and weather forecasts becoming less reliable.

He will destroy this Country with his unsustainable Social programs, soon a dollar will be worth a dime ,yet people follow this guy to there own peril....
Obama: Reagan could not survive in 'radical' GOP | General Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — In combative campaign form, President Barack Obama accused Republican leaders on Tuesday of becoming so radical and dangerously rigid that even the late Ronald Reagan, one of their most cherished heroes, could not win a GOP primary if he were running today.
He took a couple of digs at Romney, playing up the Republican presidential front-runner's support for a budget-slashing plan the House has approved.

That plan is doomed to die in the Senate
, but Obama held it up as a sign of the disaster that would come if Republicans got their way: poor children not getting food, grandparents unable to afford nursing homes, more airline flights getting canceled and weather forecasts becoming less reliable.

He will destroy this Country with his unsustainable Social programs, soon a dollar will be worth a dime ,yet people follow this guy to there own peril....

He's right...they'd tear him apart over Lebanon, Illegals, tax hikes, etc.
I imagine the GOP would treat Reagan today much like they treat Ron Paul today. But not, of course, for the reasons Obama cites in his rhetoric.

REASON: Governor Reagan, you have been quoted in the press as saying that you’re doing a lot of speaking now on behalf of the philosophy of conservatism and libertarianism. Is there a difference between the two?

REAGAN: If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals–if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is.
Inside Ronald Reagan - Reason Magazine
Obama: Reagan could not survive in 'radical' GOP | General Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — In combative campaign form, President Barack Obama accused Republican leaders on Tuesday of becoming so radical and dangerously rigid that even the late Ronald Reagan, one of their most cherished heroes, could not win a GOP primary if he were running today.
He took a couple of digs at Romney, playing up the Republican presidential front-runner's support for a budget-slashing plan the House has approved.

That plan is doomed to die in the Senate
, but Obama held it up as a sign of the disaster that would come if Republicans got their way: poor children not getting food, grandparents unable to afford nursing homes, more airline flights getting canceled and weather forecasts becoming less reliable.

He will destroy this Country with his unsustainable Social programs, soon a dollar will be worth a dime ,yet people follow this guy to there own peril....

Laughable on its face. But we have seen how in tune this president is. His Violin is missing a few strings.
I'm only 31 so I really don't remember much about Reagan when he was the president but what I do know via my interest in politics (reading books/watching videos) is IMO he was pretty good president. Of course he had a few policies I didn't agree with, dropping weapons to the Taliban (which ultimately collapsed the USSR) and amnesty for illegals are a couple - but I thought he was alright.

He certainly fixed the economic problems stemming from the inept Carter...
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Funny, I dont think Reagan would have a problem at all in our current party set up.
Obama: Reagan could not survive in 'radical' GOP | General Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — In combative campaign form, President Barack Obama accused Republican leaders on Tuesday of becoming so radical and dangerously rigid that even the late Ronald Reagan, one of their most cherished heroes, could not win a GOP primary if he were running today.
He took a couple of digs at Romney, playing up the Republican presidential front-runner's support for a budget-slashing plan the House has approved.

That plan is doomed to die in the Senate
, but Obama held it up as a sign of the disaster that would come if Republicans got their way: poor children not getting food, grandparents unable to afford nursing homes, more airline flights getting canceled and weather forecasts becoming less reliable.

He will destroy this Country with his unsustainable Social programs, soon a dollar will be worth a dime ,yet people follow this guy to there own peril....

*shrugs* reagan had a hard enough time, in fact he lost to Ford in the primary of 76 and didn't have an easy road in 1980 either, he was seen as an outsider, he lost the Iowa caucuses to Bush 1, fired his campaign manager etc... I am sure thats news to you so carry on with the idiotic revisionist knee jerk history.

and no offense but for the leader of a party who is intellectually bereft, refuses to pass a budget ( 3 years running now) how's on the cusp of losing his biggest 'achievement' that was rammed thru with nary a Republican vote, hes no one to talk. he should stick to his own patch.
I am just amused at these people who seem to think Romney, Newt, or Santorum, as suddenly radical.
Why Obama channels Reagan and not Clinton is beyond me.

Reagan was a fucking treasonous bastard with nice hair..and a great smile. That doesn't change the fact he was a terrible president.

Clinton..on the other hand was a great president who made horrible choices in mistresses.
I think that there are plenty of historically beloved members of either party who would not cut it with today's members. I don't think that Pelosi would have gotten along well with JFK.
Obama: Reagan could not survive in 'radical' GOP | General Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — In combative campaign form, President Barack Obama accused Republican leaders on Tuesday of becoming so radical and dangerously rigid that even the late Ronald Reagan, one of their most cherished heroes, could not win a GOP primary if he were running today.
He took a couple of digs at Romney, playing up the Republican presidential front-runner's support for a budget-slashing plan the House has approved.

That plan is doomed to die in the Senate
, but Obama held it up as a sign of the disaster that would come if Republicans got their way: poor children not getting food, grandparents unable to afford nursing homes, more airline flights getting canceled and weather forecasts becoming less reliable.

He will destroy this Country with his unsustainable Social programs, soon a dollar will be worth a dime ,yet people follow this guy to there own peril....

This is BS meant to appeal to Obama's uneducated base. In my lifetime, the majority of reps during any admin have been pawns on virtually all of the issues. There's only so many Ron Pauls or even Ron Paul Lites. The president is fully responsible for the direction of the nation. I guess the good ole Truman days are gone for Dems b/c the buck doesn't stop at Obama.
Reagan was a fucking treasonous bastard with nice hair..and a great smile.
I will ignore the dumb treasonous bastard part and just point out the nice hair and great smile could be applied to the current President as well. In fact that is pretty much what got Obama elected.
Reagan was a fucking treasonous bastard

Why do you think that?

don't encourage him, hes a lunatic, he doesn't even know what hes babbling about, seriously. hes been shredded on this particular topic any number of times...he'll just ignore whatever you say and the say exactly what he said here 2 days later like hes never been corrected or educated.
Why Obama channels Reagan and not Clinton is beyond me.

Reagan was a fucking treasonous bastard with nice hair..and a great smile. That doesn't change the fact he was a terrible president.

Clinton..on the other hand was a great president who made horrible choices in mistresses.

What did Reagan do that was so treasonous???

Clinton only forced banks into forced lending (CRA amendments) - creating our present fucked up economy.

Forcing private lenders to lend is treasonous....

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