Obama Regime charges Hero Snowden with espionage

Breaking News: Justice Dept. Charges NSA Whistleblower Snowden with Espionage, Asking Govts to Arrest Him | Spread Liberty News

Get somewhere safe Mr Snowden. Know that what you did was the right thing and millions of us thank you.

I'd definitely advise him to get somewhere safe. The Rolling Stones Journalist who did the hit piece on Obama with interview with Gen. McKrystal ( who made some very serious insults to obama in the interview ) told Wikileaks he was being watched by the FBI - sources say he was about to leak something huge about CIA / FBI when he was assassinated - his car exploded into a ball of fire - later going off the road and hitting a tree according to eyewitnesses. ( who are now afraid to come forward as Police now report it was an accident ) I notice no one at Rolling Stone seems to want to state the obvious. Their own journalist was just assassinated. - Jeri

He was about to leak something about the CIA / FBI when he was assassinated? Sources say?

Do you trust those sources? Because if you do, I have a business opportunity for you in Nigeria.

Have you moved into the bunker already?
Breaking News: Justice Dept. Charges NSA Whistleblower Snowden with Espionage, Asking Govts to Arrest Him | Spread Liberty News

Get somewhere safe Mr Snowden. Know that what you did was the right thing and millions of us thank you.

I'd definitely advise him to get somewhere safe. The Rolling Stones Journalist who did the hit piece on Obama with interview with Gen. McKrystal ( who made some very serious insults to obama in the interview ) told Wikileaks he was being watched by the FBI - sources say he was about to leak something huge about CIA / FBI when he was assassinated - his car exploded into a ball of fire - later going off the road and hitting a tree according to eyewitnesses. ( who are now afraid to come forward as Police now report it was an accident ) I notice no one at Rolling Stone seems to want to state the obvious. Their own journalist was just assassinated. - Jeri

He was about to leak something about the CIA / FBI when he was assassinated? Sources say?

Do you trust those sources? Because if you do, I have a business opportunity for you in Nigeria.

Have you moved into the bunker already?

Do I trust Wikileaks who said he contacted them right before his death that he was being followed? Well, as his car just exploded into a fire ball and he is dead now I'd say something is up. Yes.

Moved into a bunker? No, that is what the elitists are doing in this hour but they didn't count on the fact that these cement guys who do the underground bunkers took photos of their work and the locations are listed as to where these homes are located. I have links to several of their chat rooms where they share the photos. The people who employed these cement guys had them sign contracts no divulging the locations of these underground bunkers. They can forget about that. The stories are all over the place in underground info news. They don't have the privacy they thought they had thanks to american patriots who know what these folks are up to. Underground bunkers. You are a funny guy, LL. - Jeri
Snowden broke the law and this is an appropriate charge. He signed an agreement that he would not disclose and he took an oath. While his information is nice to know he did it the wrong way.

Except I don't think he took any oath...that's part of the problem.
So... our government was UNCONSTITUTIONALLY SPYING on us, basically BREAKING THE LAW, and someone ratted their spy ring out, so the guy that spilled the beans is being charged with wrong doing but the government isn't?

OOOOoooohh.... OOoooohh... right... I get it... our fucking GOVERNMENT can BREAK THE LAW but some single little citizen can't. The LAW only pertains to US, not the GOVERNMENT. They can break the fucking law as they see fit.

Ya know what... FUCK THAT! If no heads are going to roll over this massive SPYING ON PEOPLE by the NSA, then leave Snowden the fuck alone TOO.

You had such a different view under Bush...what happened?

It's like this... "do I WANT someone listening in on my phone conversations"? Well, actually, I don't give a rats ass. I have nothing to "hide". Is it an intrusion? Yes. But, WE'RE AT FREAKIN' WAR! "SHOULD" America's intelligence agencies listen in on "SUSPECTED" communications with "KNOWN TERRORIST COUNTRIES"?


You're an IDIOT and a damn TERRORIST SYMPATHISER if you think otherwise.

(Why are some young people so mother fucking STUPID?)

Blast From the Past
So... our government was UNCONSTITUTIONALLY SPYING on us, basically BREAKING THE LAW, and someone ratted their spy ring out, so the guy that spilled the beans is being charged with wrong doing but the government isn't?

OOOOoooohh.... OOoooohh... right... I get it... our fucking GOVERNMENT can BREAK THE LAW but some single little citizen can't. The LAW only pertains to US, not the GOVERNMENT. They can break the fucking law as they see fit.

Ya know what... FUCK THAT! If no heads are going to roll over this massive SPYING ON PEOPLE by the NSA, then leave Snowden the fuck alone TOO.

You had such a different view under Bush...what happened?

It's like this... "do I WANT someone listening in on my phone conversations"? Well, actually, I don't give a rats ass. I have nothing to "hide". Is it an intrusion? Yes. But, WE'RE AT FREAKIN' WAR! "SHOULD" America's intelligence agencies listen in on "SUSPECTED" communications with "KNOWN TERRORIST COUNTRIES"?


You're an IDIOT and a damn TERRORIST SYMPATHISER if you think otherwise.

(Why are some young people so mother fucking STUPID?)

Blast From the Past

That is fucking classic. Thank you.
So... our government was UNCONSTITUTIONALLY SPYING on us, basically BREAKING THE LAW, and someone ratted their spy ring out, so the guy that spilled the beans is being charged with wrong doing but the government isn't?

OOOOoooohh.... OOoooohh... right... I get it... our fucking GOVERNMENT can BREAK THE LAW but some single little citizen can't. The LAW only pertains to US, not the GOVERNMENT. They can break the fucking law as they see fit.

Ya know what... FUCK THAT! If no heads are going to roll over this massive SPYING ON PEOPLE by the NSA, then leave Snowden the fuck alone TOO.

The government wasn't breaking the law.

Of course not. They wrote the law.

This isn't a question of legal status. Obviously, Snowden is the one who broke the law. And it's a law that badly needed to be broken. Good for him.
Have you considered that... Perhaps you're just an idiot?
Why would I do that. I am in the right so why would I think I was an idiot or in the wrong?
Snowden broke the law and this is an appropriate charge. He signed an agreement that he would not disclose and he took an oath. While his information is nice to know he did it the wrong way.

Seconded. Snowden may have done what his conscience told him to, and to some he may indeed to a "hero." That said, there is nothing inappropriate or invalid about the charge, and no amount of dissatisfaction with the current administration will alter that.
Strictly by law you may have a point but put me on that jury or anyone that doesn't listen to the news like a sheep and forms their own opinions and appreciates their privacy and rights and they will find my not guilty..that is if the regime even allows him to make it back to the US to face these idiotic charges.

The charges are not idiotic. They're valid because of the nature of his service and the oath he took. That's not meant as an insult to either Snowden or anybody who considers him heroic. Acts of conscience are sticky because they are almost always illegal, and while the acts may be noble, the laws they break in the process are usually there for a good reason.

Snowden is a big boy and he knew the risks, and knew the consequences. If he feels he can answer for what he has done and his conscience is clean, that's great, but then that's really on him and nobody else, and it doesn't remove his legal culpability, nor make the "regime" in the wrong for enforcing it.

Some people consider Julian Assange a hero too. Unless you're talking about a clearcut case of heroism, i.e. somebody running into a burning house to rescue a child, the word can be pretty subjective.
We find out the scope of the government's stasi-like activities and the democrats scream "We don't wanna know". Put the man who uncovered these nefarious activities in prison.

No. I want to hear what he has to say and so do millions of others.
We find out the scope of the government's stasi-like activities and the democrats scream "We don't wanna know". Put the man who uncovered these nefarious activities in prison.

No. I want to hear what he has to say and so do millions of others.

Millions of people want to hear any of the loads of clandestine information kept from us by our government. Wish in one hand and shit in the other and let me know which one fills up first.

Asshole thing to say, I know, but really, governments keep all kinds of unsavory shit from our eyes. This is nothing new. Do you honestly think that the previous administration, with technological means nearly as advanced as now, weren't up to the same things?
We find out the scope of the government's stasi-like activities and the democrats scream "We don't wanna know". Put the man who uncovered these nefarious activities in prison.

No. I want to hear what he has to say and so do millions of others.

Millions of people want to hear any of the loads of clandestine information kept from us by our government. Wish in one hand and shit in the other and let me know which one fills up first.

Asshole thing to say, I know, but really, governments keep all kinds of unsavory shit from our eyes. This is nothing new. Do you honestly think that the previous administration, with technological means nearly as advanced as now, weren't up to the same things?

Governments need to keep secrets. The secret that this government wanted to keep was that it considers the public its enemy and must know their every move.

PRISM and Darkstar is nothing more than an electronic stasi.
We find out the scope of the government's stasi-like activities and the democrats scream "We don't wanna know". Put the man who uncovered these nefarious activities in prison.

No. I want to hear what he has to say and so do millions of others.

Millions of people want to hear any of the loads of clandestine information kept from us by our government. Wish in one hand and shit in the other and let me know which one fills up first.

Asshole thing to say, I know, but really, governments keep all kinds of unsavory shit from our eyes. This is nothing new. Do you honestly think that the previous administration, with technological means nearly as advanced as now, weren't up to the same things?

Governments need to keep secrets. The secret that this government wanted to keep was that it considers the public its enemy and must know their every move.

PRISM and Darkstar is nothing more than an electronic stasi.

This is the kind of thing that is indicative of the "Patriot Act" age in which we live, and certainly not something that was ushered in by the stasi-like administration of which you speak. I don't like unwarranted surveillance either. However, how much of this concern is over the unfortunate realities of a world after 9/11 and how much of it is partisan? I am confident it leans heavily to the latter.
The government surveillance isn't looking for terrorists. It has nothing to do with terrorists. They are looking for dissidents, for people who are critical of the government and who might be in communication with others who are critical of the government. The government wants to disrupt organization to keep democrats in power. They are identifying voting blocs. They are doing what the IRS did when it denied 501c4 approval for conservative groups. The IRS attacks the group effort while the NSA goes after the individuals.
The government surveillance isn't looking for terrorists. It has nothing to do with terrorists. They are looking for dissidents, for people who are critical of the government and who might be in communication with others who are critical of the government. The government wants to disrupt organization to keep democrats in power. They are identifying voting blocs. They are doing what the IRS did when it denied 501c4 approval for conservative groups. The IRS attacks the group effort while the NSA goes after the individuals.

It's a theory. Far from proven. You are entitled to it. Me, I'll do what I've always done, which is pay as close attention as I can and try not to get dragged into partisan hackery.

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