Obama Regime charges Hero Snowden with espionage

And considering the suspicious death of the Rolling Stone journalist, Snowden's flight to safety appears very rational.
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To point out the danger of such a mass surveillance state is appropriate. To suggest that it is a partisan machine meant to keep the Democrats in power is something else.

This theory loses steam when one realizes that Chris Hedges and Michael Moore are among the people in praise of Snowden.
Breaking News: Justice Dept. Charges NSA Whistleblower Snowden with Espionage, Asking Govts to Arrest Him | Spread Liberty News

Get somewhere safe Mr Snowden. Know that what you did was the right thing and millions of us thank you.

You had to know this was coming.
Yes I knew it was coming....its no surprise the regime that ranks right up there with Hitler,Stalin and Mao had it coming for this hero.

Not that you had any credibility to begin with, but with inane posts such as this you only confirm the fact you have no credibility.

And there’s a sad aspect to this, where a young man has needlessly thrown away his life, as his ‘leaks’ really revealed nothing new or activities not already suspected.

Moreover, the domestic surveillance program is not illegal, nor has any court determined the programs un-Constitutional. Indeed, earlier this year the Supreme Court determined Americans have no standing to sue the government with regard to FISA surveillance. See: Clapper v. Amnesty International (2013).

Again, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment protections address the rights of persons concerning procedural due process with regard to criminal prosecutions, and substantive due process with regard to attempts by the government to restrict or otherwise preempt the exercising of fundamental rights such as privacy and voting.
To point out the danger of such a mass surveillance state is appropriate. To suggest that it is a partisan machine meant to keep the Democrats in power is something else.

This theory loses steam when one realizes that Chris Hedges and Michael Moore are among the people in praise of Snowden.

Yes: paranoid, delusional, and partisan idiocy.
To point out the danger of such a mass surveillance state is appropriate. To suggest that it is a partisan machine meant to keep the Democrats in power is something else.

This theory loses steam when one realizes that Chris Hedges and Michael Moore are among the people in praise of Snowden.

Yes: paranoid, delusional, and partisan idiocy.

Paranoid and delusional maybe. Partisan, not so much. Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington are condemning and defending programs like PRISM to varying degrees. I wish there was something the GOP could do to weed the crackpots who find every opportunity to expose a so-called left-wing conspiracy out of the party, but there doesn't seem to be much they can do. The mistake made by some members of the GOP to court the Tea Party was devastating. Now we are plagued by a good number of foil hats that we can't seem to shake off. As a result we are increasingly seen as the party of extremists who would rather blame a "Hitler boogeyman" than get down to business and get back into the political game. Sad.

At one time the liberals were the counter-culture and the conservatives were the establishment. The tables have turned and some Republicans are having a hard time coping. What's more, they don't have as much experience at being counter-culture and it shows.

But, they're my party and I still have hope. If it means I'm unpopular because I can make fun of my own party, so be it. I like to think of myself as the new Sonny Bono.
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Breaking News: Justice Dept. Charges NSA Whistleblower Snowden with Espionage, Asking Govts to Arrest Him | Spread Liberty News

Get somewhere safe Mr Snowden. Know that what you did was the right thing and millions of us thank you.
Not really a surprise they weren't going to give him a parade and a medal.

That was not going to happen. However, they are doubling down on their stupidity b/c they think we're (society is) lemmings. I'm not sure they're wrong. We'll see.
You had to know this was coming.
Yes I knew it was coming....its no surprise the regime that ranks right up there with Hitler,Stalin and Mao had it coming for this hero.

Not that you had any credibility to begin with, but with inane posts such as this you only confirm the fact you have no credibility.

And there’s a sad aspect to this, where a young man has needlessly thrown away his life, as his ‘leaks’ really revealed nothing new or activities not already suspected.

Moreover, the domestic surveillance program is not illegal, nor has any court determined the programs un-Constitutional. Indeed, earlier this year the Supreme Court determined Americans have no standing to sue the government with regard to FISA surveillance. See: Clapper v. Amnesty International (2013).

Again, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment protections address the rights of persons concerning procedural due process with regard to criminal prosecutions, and substantive due process with regard to attempts by the government to restrict or otherwise preempt the exercising of fundamental rights such as privacy and voting.

First off....you're nobody to talk about credibility.

And disregarding your likely fallacious interpretation of recent rulings/events, the 4th amendment is quite clear:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The government has no right to do warrantless spying upon innocent civilians. And if the courts are in bed with the politicians; they suck a dick. Snowden said, this is our country. We're taking it back.
Actually, I have no fucking clue what you think you're talking about. Regardless, my comeback was on point and you have no real response to it b/c you don't believe in the Constitution except for when it suits you.

So you admit you have no clue check. And you are making a clueless rep request to boot. heard one. Challenge accepted. Please link to any post where I have said I believe in the Constitution only when it suits me.:eusa_whistle:
Actually, I have no fucking clue what you think you're talking about. Regardless, my comeback was on point and you have no real response to it b/c you don't believe in the Constitution except for when it suits you.

So you admit you have no clue check. And you are making a clueless rep request to boot. heard one. Challenge accepted. Please link to any post where I have said I believe in the Constitution only when it suits me.:eusa_whistle:

I could give a fuck about your spin or your nonsense challenge. The 4th amendment is clear.
Breaking News: Justice Dept. Charges NSA Whistleblower Snowden with Espionage, Asking Govts to Arrest Him | Spread Liberty News

Get somewhere safe Mr Snowden. Know that what you did was the right thing and millions of us thank you.

You had to know this was coming.
Yes I knew it was coming....its no surprise the regime that ranks right up there with Hitler,Stalin and Mao had it coming for this hero.

Like Obama, none of them every came to power campaigning on mass murder and oppression; that all came once they got into power, just like Obama
Breaking News: Justice Dept. Charges NSA Whistleblower Snowden with Espionage, Asking Govts to Arrest Him | Spread Liberty News

Get somewhere safe Mr Snowden. Know that what you did was the right thing and millions of us thank you.
Not really a surprise they weren't going to give him a parade and a medal.

That was not going to happen. However, they are doubling down on their stupidity b/c they think we're (society is) lemmings. I'm not sure they're wrong. We'll see.

"A.....aaaaaa...A.hem! I have an announcement! I submit that if my opinion on this matter does not align with the majority of the citizens, it must be that the majority of citizens are foolish lemmings! Thank you......thank you berry much."
And it's been 2 years now yet Mexico is still holding Jesus Leonel Sanchez Meza, the guy Obama and Holder assisted in murdering Brian Terry.
Not really a surprise they weren't going to give him a parade and a medal.

That was not going to happen. However, they are doubling down on their stupidity b/c they think we're (society is) lemmings. I'm not sure they're wrong. We'll see.

"A.....aaaaaa...A.hem! I have an announcement! I submit that if my opinion on this matter does not align with the majority of the citizens, it must be that the majority of citizens are foolish lemmings! Thank you......thank you berry much."

WTF are you babbling about? Most citizens agree they have no 4th Amendment right?
what happened here, we thought libs loved whistleblowers?

really he should be a hero for EXPOSING what this frikken government is up to...

and who didn't expect this administration to go after the guy...it will by YOU next
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Of more concern is obama's throwing around vague "threats". Especially since he's being pointedly ignored by every other country.

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