Obama Removes Hezbollah and Iran from Terror List

Maybe the fact that Iranians are now dying where Americans might have been fighting ISIS helps.

Or maybe it's more caving by our commander-in-chief to save face on his non-treaty treaty with Iran to not stop their nuclear program.

First of all the President didn't write the assessment. Second of all why are you claiming he did?

I know that he is weak, but are you claiming he has no control over his own cabinet?

Are you really claiming it's just a coincidence that Iran want out from under sanctions as part of the non-treaty treaty and it just so happens that they and their surrogates Hezbollah are omitted from the terrorist threat list?

Surely you're not actually that gullible.
Iran is still on the State Department's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism: State Sponsors of Terrorism

So, basically Hezbollah is still listed as a terrorist organization and Iran actually never was listed as such but was and still is listed as a State Sponsor of Terrorism?

In otherwords the OP is bogus?

They were omitted from an assessment, not removed from the list.
Oh, so they were omitted from an assessment. That's totally different.

It's clear this is simply word gymnastics.

Maybe the fact that Iranians are now dying where Americans might have been fighting ISIS helps.
Iranians are also butchering innocent Sunnis as well.
Guess what, everybody? Terrorists are now our friends and we no longer have to worry about them attacking us. NOT. The number one state sponsor of terrorism has been erased from the list. Un-fucking-real.

"You know the country responsible for killing hundreds of Marines, which provided sanctuary to al-Qaida and whose terrorist proxies helped give al-Qaida the skills to carry out 9/11? They’re no longer terrorists. Sure their terrorist groups currently control parts of Lebanon and Yemen, but they’re not terrorists. Because if Iran was a state sponsor of terror, then Obama letting them have the bomb might look bad. This way it’s fine."


Neither Iran nor Hezbollah are terrorist groups.

You can not identify one single country invaded by either group.

Hezbollah is a Lebanese Patriotic group whose mission is to prevent Israel from stealing the land up to and including the Litani River.

So now you have to invade a country in order to be considered a terrorist group?
What on Earth is going on here?

First the Obama admin announced they will grant a plan to let Iran develop an atomic bomb soon.

Then they drop them from their official lists of terrorist nations.

Is today "Opposites Day" or something?

What exactly is our government trying to do? What do they hope to accomplish by essentially giving a known murderer access to the largest weapons imaginable, and letting them out of jail with a full pardon?

This can't be happening.



U.S. Omits Iran and Hezbollah From Terror Threat List

By Jack Moore 3/16/15 at 2:18 PM

An annual security assessment presented to the U.S. Senate by James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, has excluded Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah from its list of terror threats to U.S. interests, despite both being consistently included as threats in previous years.

The unclassified report, issued by Clapper on February 26 and entitled the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Communities, was published by the Times of Israel amid Israeli concerns that Iran was omitted simply because of Tehran’s efforts to combat ISIS.

In a previous report from January 2014, Clapper included Iran and Hezbollah in the ‘Terrorism’ section, writing that both “continue to directly threaten the interests of U.S. allies. Hizballah [sic] has increased its global terrorist activity in recent years to a level that we have not seen since the 1990s”. Iran was also given its own sub-heading in the ‘Terrorism’ section of such assessments in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Yet in the latest report, Clapper omits both Iran and Hezbollah from this section, only mentioning the Shiite Muslim militant group once in reference to the threat it faces from radical Sunni groups - such as ISIS and the al-Nusra Front - on Lebanon’s borders. In regard to Iran, the report names it as both a cyber and regional threat to the U.S. because of its support for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

However, the report speaks of Tehran’s assistance in preventing “ISIL [another term for ISIS] from gaining large swaths of additional territory” in Iraq. It adds that the Islamic Republic has “intentions to dampen sectarianism, build responsive partners, and deescalate tensions with Saudi Arabia”.

The report fails to mention that Hezbollah is labelled as a terrorist organisation by both the U.S. and the European Union, while it receives the majority of its funding from Tehran. The omission comes as Washington and other world powers continue to negotiate with Iran to strike a deal over its nuclear program and capabilities.
Iran, Hezbollah left off US terror threat listing

see the word threat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ^^^^^^ It appears in the headline of the story which you misquoted.

try and figure it out squirrel food.

Iran killing ISIS more or less helps us out.

How does Iran eliminating the competition for "Baddest Jihadi On The Block" help us out?

I forgot. RW's would rather send OUR troops to die fighting ISIS than they had see Iran fight them.

silly me.
What on Earth is going on here?

First the Obama admin announced they will grant a plan to let Iran develop an atomic bomb soon.

Then they drop them from their official lists of terrorist nations.

Is today "Opposites Day" or something?

What exactly is our government trying to do? What do they hope to accomplish by essentially giving a known murderer access to the largest weapons imaginable, and letting them out of jail with a full pardon?

This can't be happening.



U.S. Omits Iran and Hezbollah From Terror Threat List

By Jack Moore 3/16/15 at 2:18 PM

An annual security assessment presented to the U.S. Senate by James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, has excluded Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah from its list of terror threats to U.S. interests, despite both being consistently included as threats in previous years.

The unclassified report, issued by Clapper on February 26 and entitled the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Communities, was published by the Times of Israel amid Israeli concerns that Iran was omitted simply because of Tehran’s efforts to combat ISIS.

In a previous report from January 2014, Clapper included Iran and Hezbollah in the ‘Terrorism’ section, writing that both “continue to directly threaten the interests of U.S. allies. Hizballah [sic] has increased its global terrorist activity in recent years to a level that we have not seen since the 1990s”. Iran was also given its own sub-heading in the ‘Terrorism’ section of such assessments in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Yet in the latest report, Clapper omits both Iran and Hezbollah from this section, only mentioning the Shiite Muslim militant group once in reference to the threat it faces from radical Sunni groups - such as ISIS and the al-Nusra Front - on Lebanon’s borders. In regard to Iran, the report names it as both a cyber and regional threat to the U.S. because of its support for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

However, the report speaks of Tehran’s assistance in preventing “ISIL [another term for ISIS] from gaining large swaths of additional territory” in Iraq. It adds that the Islamic Republic has “intentions to dampen sectarianism, build responsive partners, and deescalate tensions with Saudi Arabia”.

The report fails to mention that Hezbollah is labelled as a terrorist organisation by both the U.S. and the European Union, while it receives the majority of its funding from Tehran. The omission comes as Washington and other world powers continue to negotiate with Iran to strike a deal over its nuclear program and capabilities.

There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person.
he dropped Iran from the list because it is against US law to negotiate with terrorists. And seeing as he will not be seeking ratification of a treaty, any agreement he makes with Iran will be a gentleman's agreement and not a treaty...so, in essence, Obama and his appointees negotiating with Iran are nothing more than Americans negotiating with terrorists.

In other words, he covered his tracks so his legacy is not clouded with the fact that he broke the law by negotiating with terrorists.
You seriously love to make your boss look even worse when you try to suggest he isn't in charge...
Maybe the fact that Iranians are now dying where Americans might have been fighting ISIS helps.

Or maybe it's more caving by our commander-in-chief to save face on his non-treaty treaty with Iran to not stop their nuclear program.

First of all the President didn't write the assessment. Second of all why are you claiming he did?
innocent Sunnis
They're gonna take away your Wingnut Card.
I figure because Obama wanted to take credit for ending the war there is somewhere around 100,000 fewer people alive in Iraq. First the Shiites started murdering Sunnis, then the Sunnis started murdering Shiites and Kurds. Also, the Syrian war has been raging for about 4 years and a quarter of a million people are dead there as well. Add tens of thousands of slaughtered folks in Libya, Obama sure is building himself a legacy of blood.
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