Obama rips Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Obama rips Trump, GOP in fiery speeches for Midwest Dems

Obama used the subject of Hillary Clinton's private email server to accuse Republicans of trying to "scare the heck out of people before every election"

Americans have a 100% right to alarmed at Hillary and Obama's abuses of power and epic corruption.

"Now the latest, they're trying to convince everybody to be afraid of a bunch of impoverished, malnourished refugees a thousand miles away,"

Americans have a 100% right to be worried about mass illegal immigration because it's a threat to our

Referring to Trump's promise to "drain the swamp," Obama said that instead "they have gone to Washington and just plundered away."

Obama and the Dirty Democrats ran our government without a budget for three year to hide their $trillion dollar$ looting spree.

"In Washington they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team," he said. "Nobody in my administration got indicted."

Obama is correct. The Dirty Democrats have gotten away with their epic corruption and abuses of power.
Shitstain obama's speeches are I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. And another thing, me me me me me me me me me me me me me me.
If Obama was relevant to this election, democrats would have used him more by now. The lack of leadership is telling.
Obama rips Trump, GOP in fiery speeches for Midwest Dems

Obama used the subject of Hillary Clinton's private email server to accuse Republicans of trying to "scare the heck out of people before every election"

Americans have a 100% right to alarmed at Hillary and Obama's abuses of power and epic corruption.

"Now the latest, they're trying to convince everybody to be afraid of a bunch of impoverished, malnourished refugees a thousand miles away,"

Americans have a 100% right to be worried about mass illegal immigration because it's a threat to our

Referring to Trump's promise to "drain the swamp," Obama said that instead "they have gone to Washington and just plundered away."

Obama and the Dirty Democrats ran our government without a budget for three year to hide their $trillion dollar$ looting spree.

"In Washington they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team," he said. "Nobody in my administration got indicted."

Obama is correct. The Dirty Democrats have gotten away with their epic corruption and abuses of power.

What can you say? Obama is a PROFESSIONAL politician with a lifetime of expertise on how to snowjob the Left and the Left want MORE of it. They think that made him a better president!
Obama rips Trump, GOP in fiery speeches for Midwest Dems

Obama used the subject of Hillary Clinton's private email server to accuse Republicans of trying to "scare the heck out of people before every election"

Americans have a 100% right to alarmed at Hillary and Obama's abuses of power and epic corruption.

"Now the latest, they're trying to convince everybody to be afraid of a bunch of impoverished, malnourished refugees a thousand miles away,"

Americans have a 100% right to be worried about mass illegal immigration because it's a threat to our

Referring to Trump's promise to "drain the swamp," Obama said that instead "they have gone to Washington and just plundered away."

Obama and the Dirty Democrats ran our government without a budget for three year to hide their $trillion dollar$ looting spree.

"In Washington they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team," he said. "Nobody in my administration got indicted."

Obama is correct. The Dirty Democrats have gotten away with their epic corruption and abuses of power.


One of the reasons I can’t stand him is bc I don’t think he really believes half of what he preaches. He just recites talking points to a bunch of brainwashed drones.
That sickening America hating, kenyan, muslim dog turd is just as pathetic and full of BULL SHIT now as he was when he was illegally president. President Trump eclipses that filthy little radical shit stain by every possible measure as president. Just the sound of Barry's voice still makes me wanna vomit.
Its funny how little Obama matters, after 8 years they country abandoned him and his dumb ass policies.
Barack Obama Complains About Media Coverage of Donald Trump


This is hilarious. The “I Guy” complaining that President Trump gets more media coverage than he and his minions. Could it be that our current president understands the media a whole lot more than he does?

Former President Barack Obama griped about the media and Fox News on Friday, returning to old complaints he expressed as president.

He appeared frustrated that President Donald Trump continued to raise fears about the migrant caravan forcing their way to the southern border and that the media followed suit by reporting it.

At a campaign rally in Detroit, Obama accused Fox News of having a business interest in amplifying fears throughout the country.

That’s what they do,” he said. “But even the outlets that aren’t in the can, you know, they kind of get distracted too.”

Obama lectured “the serious outlets” for not showing better news judgment when covering Trump.

I guess they can’t help themselves, so they just cover it,” he said in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

More of this @ Barack Obama Complains About Media Coverage of Donald Trump

Obama unleashes torrent of insults and mockery against Trump at Democrat rally @ Obama unleashes torrent of insults and mockery against Trump at Democrat rally

No other ex-president in recent history has ever done this. The I-Guay just can’t help himself.

LIttle lop eared Barry plays to tens of people... while President Trump plays to tens of thousands, with people standing outside...


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