Obama Ruins Thanksgiving for Millions. Again.

America is the greatest nation in the world, I only hope you will join Obama in helping change America.

Seems he has done pretty well at changing the greatest nation, maybe we should be thankful he hasn't changed it even more.
And that his power to change it evaporates in about 13-1/2 months.
What an asshole!


Obama's serve Thanksgiving dinner to homeless and vets - CNNPolitics.com
Yes he is. Travelling from the comfort of the WH all of what, 5 miles, heavily protected by SS so he can get a photo op.
I recall when presidents actually sacrificed their own comforts for others.
Heard climate change was supposed to be on the agenda , too. Thanksgiving is for getting along, and being thankful, rather than at each others throats..
If Trump drops out, that would go a long way towards reducing global hot air. DISCUSS
Talk about deflection. Why arent you supporting your president's call to discuss gun control?
The fact that we have a black, liberal president has ruined Thanksgiving for conservatives for seven years
Actually the fact that Democrat policies have ushered in the worst recovery ever in post war history, lower household incomes, lower levels of household wealth, and higher unemployment and gov't dependence has ruined Thanksgiving for years.

$30 trillion in household wealth has been added since Obama became President
All of it to the top 1%. The very people you despise and think are ruining this country.

There goes Rabbi with his redistribution of wealth again
Heard climate change was supposed to be on the agenda , too. Thanksgiving is for getting along, and being thankful, rather than at each others throats..
If Trump drops out, that would go a long way towards reducing global hot air. DISCUSS
Talk about deflection. Why arent you supporting your president's call to discuss gun control?

You never actually posted where Obama said that
I do not support political "discussion" during rare FAMILY get together or during
heavy eating

right Stephanie-----the hospital emergency rooms have ENOUGH to do at this
time of the year

for sure. can you imagine they (er) ask how did you get hurt?

they say: I did what my ugly President told me to do, get in my relatives face while sitting down for a ONCE a year thanksgiving dinner and they knocked my teeth out. there's something seriously wrong with a person who suggest that dumb crap. and it all comes out of the DNC

Yes, that's what Mr. President said...he said for everyone to knock each others teeth out during Thanksgiving dinner. lol

This is about as ignorant as it gets, folks. :)

do you think he can be sued for dental bills------based on INCITEMENT?

of course. personal responsibility demands suing the government if you get in a fist fight and lose your tooth.
If Trump drops out, that would go a long way towards reducing global hot air. DISCUSS
Talk about deflection. Why arent you supporting your president's call to discuss gun control?
It's a suggestion, not an order. Trump isn't president yet. We can still think for ourselves.
So why arent you on here supporting it? Dont you support your president? Or are you holding off because he's a black man?
So why arent you on here supporting it? Dont you support your president? Or are you holding off because he's a black man?
Talk about deflection!!! You really don't get irony, do you? I've never seen someone so big on committing the fallacies they point out in others. :laugh2:
no kidding, they can thank whoever dreamed up that ad. that's how they see all you "men" democrat/voters. from: barackObama.commie/taking you all to the cleaners suckers.
Steph's notion of a "real man".

So why arent you on here supporting it? Dont you support your president? Or are you holding off because he's a black man?
Talk about deflection!!! You really don't get irony, do you? I've never seen someone so big on committing the fallacies they point out in others. :laugh2:
Deflection? THe point of the thread, professor, is that Obama is encouraging people to talk about gun control at Thanksgiving dinner. Or did you mss that in the mass deflections you are putting out? Did you even read the OP?

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November 23, 2015
Why the media don't want to talk about Muslim support for 9/11
By Ed Straker

The media jumped on Donald Trump for saying that some Muslims cheered 9/11 in New Jersey, attempting to rewrite history to their liking, 1984 style.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump defended comments he made Saturday saying he saw thousands of people in Jersey City, New Jersey cheering when the World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11, 2001.

"There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey where you have large Arab populations,” he told George Stephanopoulos today on ABC’s “This Week.” "They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down -- as those buildings came down, and that tells you something. It was well covered at the time."

Let's get back to New Jersey in a moment. It is curious, when the media take on this question, that they carefully skirt the larger issue: did many Muslims in general, worldwide, celebrate the 9/11 terrorist attack? The media did not examine this question because there is a lot of evidence that yes, in fact, many Muslims celebrated all over the world.

In Germany, Muslims celebrated with rockets: Altogether, hundreds of rockets were shooting skyward in celebration, just as most Berliners were searching for words to express their horror.

BEIRUT-- Walking downtown, I realized that the offspring of this great civilization were celebrating a terrorist outrage. And I am not talking about destitute people. Those who were cheering belonged to the elite of the Paris of Middle East: professionals wearing double-breasted suits, charming blond ladies, pretty teenagers in tailored jeans.

A poll of Egyptians: 91% said they supported and rejoiced the attacks of 9/11....

I stood in the home of a very close friend in Bahrain watching the towers go down. They were Bahrainis and they cheered as lives were lost. I was absolutely shocked to see this reaction to wanton murder....

I was working in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, in my office at the King Faisal Hospital I look up at them, the Head of Personnel, several men from the finance department, and the rest of them, and the second plane is coming in. Live. You have never seen such broad smiles. They were joyous.

From the suburbs of Washington, DC, a former tenant witnesses the reaction in the Skyline Towers, Pentagon-area apartments popular with Saudi diplomats and Muslim immigrants:

"As the World Trade Center collapsed from the earlier attacks by Hanjour's confederates, residents could be heard rejoicing throughout the complex....

And, not to be left out, here's a video of Palestinians looking ecstatic.

But the media didn't inquire if many Muslims throughout the world celebrated 9/11. That wasn't a question that interested them.

So let's get back to New Jersey.

I can't link to a video showing Muslims celebrating in New Jersey, but I can say that I, too, personally remember seeing the same video that Trump described, of Arabs (or Arab-Americans?) celebrating in the suburbs of New Jersey right after 9/11. I have a very clear memory of this.

And in case you don't believe me, or Donald Trump, there was a story in the Washington Post confirming this:

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

Why does any of this matter? The media continue to try to paint Trump as a bigot. This all ties into the refugee question. If we admit more refugees, will some be sympathetic to terrorists? It's easy to get to "yes" if you know, as I do, that some here already support terrorism.

Since our refugees come from other countries, not New Jersey, you would think the media would want to examine foreign Muslim support for radical Islam. You would think they would want to see these polls showing alarming percentages of foreign Muslims who support attacks on America. And have a look at this poll, which shows that 5% of Muslim Americans support radical Islam and 14% of American Muslims claim to have "no opinion" of radical Islam. Admitting more Muslims to America during this time of war exposes Americans to large and unwarranted risks.

But this is not the question the media want to look at. They are only interested in Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey. Perhaps they should look into the arrest of this Islamic bomber who lived in Jersey City, or how the Islamic Center of Jersey City promotes jihad, or the arrest of this West New Yorker (that's right next to Jersey City) who was providing support for ISIS.

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

I prefer articles written 14 years ago over the opinion piece of a propagandist written 14 years after the fact.

Research--go back to the weeks after 9/11 and check the news articles of that time period.

An editorial of past events could easily promote falsehoods and will not beheld accountable for misrepresenting facts. Hence, why most nut-dailies has turned to opinion pieces!
So back in 2013 it was Pajama Boy, urging people to spend the holiday enthusing over Obamacare and signing up.
This year it's gun control. Obama actually encourages people to engage in fruitless divisive conversation on gun control rather than focusing on how thankful we are for all the good America has done in the world and for us.
Obama: ruining American tradition since 2007/

Conservatives thankful ? All you do is bitch and moan about everything!
So back in 2013 it was Pajama Boy, urging people to spend the holiday enthusing over Obamacare and signing up.
This year it's gun control. Obama actually encourages people to engage in fruitless divisive conversation on gun control rather than focusing on how thankful we are for all the good America has done in the world and for us.
Obama: ruining American tradition since 2007/

Conservatives thankful ? All you do is bitch and moan about everything!
Why arent you answering your president's call?
As in all Thanksgivings, we will thank Obama for our many blessings

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