Obama Ruins Thanksgiving for Millions. Again.

So back in 2013 it was Pajama Boy, urging people to spend the holiday enthusing over Obamacare and signing up.
This year it's gun control. Obama actually encourages people to engage in fruitless divisive conversation on gun control rather than focusing on how thankful we are for all the good America has done in the world and for us.
Obama: ruining American tradition since 2007/

Conservatives thankful ? All you do is bitch and moan about everything!
Some gems from dem. underground.

Some gems:

I dont associate with rethugs, even family

When my neo-Nazi brother tells me that "Arab kids blow up so quickly these days," I'm going to smack him with the bread pudding--bowl and all.

I still have to go to my Mom's tonight and I already know she is a Trump supporter. And then there will be my brother who I am sure is going for Cruz or Rubio. It will take everything within my power not to lose my shit as we debate politics and social issues. My mom already calls me a pinko commie liberal which I am pretty proud about.

I'm ignoring them this Thanksgiving. They all have everything they need, yet they have to whine about some brown people somewhere who are allegedly victimizing them somehow.

Heard so far at dad's house:

Ted Cruz's star is rising.

Ted Cruz is brilliant.

Black -on- Black crime is way up.

Ted Cruz is brillant. When I hear something like that I imagine someone in a suit saying: "They're coming to take me away..to the funny farm...where life is beautiful all day long and..."

My wife's family is pretty much all Republican. My response today to much of any of their campaign comments will be "The Democrats can run a cardboard box in 2016 and will win the White House. "

Can't wait to break bread with the slightly evolved ape people
So back in 2013 it was Pajama Boy, urging people to spend the holiday enthusing over Obamacare and signing up.
This year it's gun control. Obama actually encourages people to engage in fruitless divisive conversation on gun control rather than focusing on how thankful we are for all the good America has done in the world and for us.
Obama: ruining American tradition since 2007/

You're either numb above the shoulders or you're.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A MAJOR DUMBASS:

2009 Two Wars Hot In The Middle East
2009 Bodies Of Young Americans Arriving At Dover Every Day
2009 Stock Market Dropped From About 14,000 To 8800.
2009 Unemployment riding at 7.5%
2009 Bush Handed Banks Nearly A Trillion Dollars

2015 Wars Ended
2015 No Warriors Being Delivered To Dover
2015 Stock Market at 17,500
2015 Unemployment at 5.0%
2015 67 Consecutive Months of Job Growth

Just curious.....do you folks ever get any news from anyone or anything except Faux??
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CrusaderFrank 's fav pic ;)
So back in 2013 it was Pajama Boy, urging people to spend the holiday enthusing over Obamacare and signing up.
This year it's gun control. Obama actually encourages people to engage in fruitless divisive conversation on gun control rather than focusing on how thankful we are for all the good America has done in the world and for us.
Obama: ruining American tradition since 2007/

Conservatives thankful ? All you do is bitch and moan about everything!
Some gems from dem. underground.

Some gems:

I dont associate with rethugs, even family

When my neo-Nazi brother tells me that "Arab kids blow up so quickly these days," I'm going to smack him with the bread pudding--bowl and all.

I still have to go to my Mom's tonight and I already know she is a Trump supporter. And then there will be my brother who I am sure is going for Cruz or Rubio. It will take everything within my power not to lose my shit as we debate politics and social issues. My mom already calls me a pinko commie liberal which I am pretty proud about.

I'm ignoring them this Thanksgiving. They all have everything they need, yet they have to whine about some brown people somewhere who are allegedly victimizing them somehow.

Heard so far at dad's house:

Ted Cruz's star is rising.

Ted Cruz is brilliant.

Black -on- Black crime is way up.

Ted Cruz is brillant. When I hear something like that I imagine someone in a suit saying: "They're coming to take me away..to the funny farm...where life is beautiful all day long and..."

My wife's family is pretty much all Republican. My response today to much of any of their campaign comments will be "The Democrats can run a cardboard box in 2016 and will win the White House. "

Can't wait to break bread with the slightly evolved ape people

Can't wait until we deport these anti-American malcontents
So back in 2013 it was Pajama Boy, urging people to spend the holiday enthusing over Obamacare and signing up.
This year it's gun control. Obama actually encourages people to engage in fruitless divisive conversation on gun control rather than focusing on how thankful we are for all the good America has done in the world and for us.
Obama: ruining American tradition since 2007/

You're either numb above the shoulders or you're.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A MAJOR DUMBASS:

2009 Two Wars Hot In The Middle East
2009 Bodies Of Young Americans Arriving At Dover Every Day
2009 Stock Market Dropped From About 14,000 To 8800.
2009 Unemployment riding at 7.5%
2009 Bush Handed Banks Nearly A Trillion Dollars

2015 Wars Ended
2015 No Warriors Being Delivered To Dover
2015 Stock Market at 17,500
2015 Unemployment at 5.0%
2015 67 Consecutive Months of Job Growth

Just curious.....do you folks ever get any news from anyone or anything except Faux??
You've already proven you are an intellectual moron. No need to belabor the point here.
In case you hadnt noticed the war in Afghanistan is still going on. A bunch of other really really negative metrics as well that get posted here about 10 times a day and you ignore too.
Total. Brain. Fart.

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