Obama’s First Term Approval Ratings Now Equal Clinton and Reagan


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
President Obama’s latest increase in his approval rating has put him on at the same level as Bill Clinton and Ronald Ronald Reagan during their first terms.

The right loves to compare President Obama to Jimmy Carter but a comparison of presidential approval ratings using Gallup’s data reveals that Obama has much more in common with Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan than he does with recent one term only presidents.

President Obama’s current Gallup weekly approval rating is 52%. At the same point in their first terms, Bill Clinton’s approval rating was 58%, and Ronald Reagan’s was 54%. At roughly the same date in his presidency, Jimmy Carter’s approval rating was 37%. (After losing the 1980 election to Ronald Reagan, Carter would sink to 31%.) George H.W. Bush’s approval rating was 34% in mid-October 1992.

Even though Republicans will never admit it, Obama’s approval ratings curve has much more in common with Ronald Reagan than it does with Jimmy Carter. What these numbers tell us is that presidents who either inherit recessions or have one occur during their first terms have lower approval ratings during their first years in office. Once the economy starts to recover, the incumbent president’s approval ratings go up.

As the economy has shown real signs of improvement, Obama has seen his approval rating increase by 6 points in less than two months. Mitt Romney is attempting to argue that President Obama is an economic failure despite the fact that economic data, and the president’s approval ratings suggest the opposite.

Obama's First Term Approval Ratings Now Equal Clinton and Reagan
Clinton and Reagan won by landslides in their bids for re-election.

Right now, your affirmative action "boy" is sinking fast.

And you somehow have the partisan gall to post this ?

Are you truly this stupid or did you just start drinking to early today ?
Clinton and Reagan won by landslides in their bids for re-election.

Right now, your affirmative action "boy" is sinking fast.

And you somehow have the partisan gall to post this ?

Are you truly this stupid or did you just start drinking to early today ?

Hey!!! Leave booze out of it. Its done nothing to you.....
IBD/TIPP 2012 Presidential Election
Daily Tracking Poll

Day 2: Oct. 10, 2012

Romney: +5.0

Romney’s lead widened to 5 points from 2 points on Tuesday, as he continues to chip away at key Obama support.
Romney’s edge among independents widened to 20 points from 18 just a day before.
Obama’s lead among women narrowed from 10 points to 8 points.
Romney also continues to make inroads among middle-class voters, moving from a 6-point lead against Obama with this group to a 10-point lead.
The current data include only polls taken after Romney’s resounding debate win over Obama on Oct. 3.

IBD/TIPP POLL - Investors.com
President Obama’s latest increase in his approval rating has put him on at the same level as Bill Clinton and Ronald Ronald Reagan during their first terms.

The right loves to compare President Obama to Jimmy Carter but a comparison of presidential approval ratings using Gallup’s data reveals that Obama has much more in common with Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan than he does with recent one term only presidents.

President Obama’s current Gallup weekly approval rating is 52%. At the same point in their first terms, Bill Clinton’s approval rating was 58%, and Ronald Reagan’s was 54%. At roughly the same date in his presidency, Jimmy Carter’s approval rating was 37%. (After losing the 1980 election to Ronald Reagan, Carter would sink to 31%.) George H.W. Bush’s approval rating was 34% in mid-October 1992.

Even though Republicans will never admit it, Obama’s approval ratings curve has much more in common with Ronald Reagan than it does with Jimmy Carter. What these numbers tell us is that presidents who either inherit recessions or have one occur during their first terms have lower approval ratings during their first years in office. Once the economy starts to recover, the incumbent president’s approval ratings go up.

As the economy has shown real signs of improvement, Obama has seen his approval rating increase by 6 points in less than two months. Mitt Romney is attempting to argue that President Obama is an economic failure despite the fact that economic data, and the president’s approval ratings suggest the opposite.

Obama's First Term Approval Ratings Now Equal Clinton and Reagan

We are coming after your foodstamps right away boys!

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid!

President Obama’s latest increase in his approval rating has put him on at the same level as Bill Clinton and Ronald Ronald Reagan during their first terms.

The right loves to compare President Obama to Jimmy Carter but a comparison of presidential approval ratings using Gallup’s data reveals that Obama has much more in common with Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan than he does with recent one term only presidents.

President Obama’s current Gallup weekly approval rating is 52%. At the same point in their first terms, Bill Clinton’s approval rating was 58%, and Ronald Reagan’s was 54%. At roughly the same date in his presidency, Jimmy Carter’s approval rating was 37%. (After losing the 1980 election to Ronald Reagan, Carter would sink to 31%.) George H.W. Bush’s approval rating was 34% in mid-October 1992.

Even though Republicans will never admit it, Obama’s approval ratings curve has much more in common with Ronald Reagan than it does with Jimmy Carter. What these numbers tell us is that presidents who either inherit recessions or have one occur during their first terms have lower approval ratings during their first years in office. Once the economy starts to recover, the incumbent president’s approval ratings go up.

As the economy has shown real signs of improvement, Obama has seen his approval rating increase by 6 points in less than two months. Mitt Romney is attempting to argue that President Obama is an economic failure despite the fact that economic data, and the president’s approval ratings suggest the opposite.

Obama's First Term Approval Ratings Now Equal Clinton and Reagan

Can anyone, anyone? Come up with more than delusional?
Right now, your affirmative action "boy" is sinking fast.

Bigot pigs like you need to move back to Europe.

Or kill yourself in a trailer park accident.

Or get AIDS from your sister.

Somebody's in a snit.

Did you watch Racheal Maddcow this evening....she thinks she's going to single handedly turn this around on Romney's abortion "flip flop" which isn't a flip flop.

She's quit smiling....a sure sign she knows that come January.....she's going to irrelevant.

Just like you.

We're watching a collective metltdown... it's very amazing. The moonbats have been touting Obama as the greatest thing EVER... and here we sit... he's a liar, he's incompetent, he's demonstrated an inability to talk about anything unless it's perfectly scripted, the media is slowly turning on him.... he's imploding before our very eyes... and so are his supporters.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
RCP average 49.7.

Your story contradicts itself in the first tow paragraphs :rofl:
President Obama’s latest increase in his approval rating has put him on at the same level as Bill Clinton and Ronald Ronald Reagan during their first terms.
President Obama’s current Gallup weekly approval rating is 52%. At the same point in their first terms, Bill Clinton’s approval rating was 58%, and Ronald Reagan’s was 54%.
Last time I checked math, 52% (which is from a single poll, not an average of multiple polls), was LESS than either 58% or 54%.


Right now, your affirmative action "boy" is sinking fast.

Bigot pigs like you need to move back to Europe.

Or kill yourself in a trailer park accident.

Or get AIDS from your sister.

That really is to much man.

Advocating death of another poster or bringing in family is against the rules.

I flagged this.

And that's why i respect you. Don't agree often, hell maybe never but this is what we have to do. Call out our own if we ever expect the opposition to respect us.

Plus I've got that tool on ignore
Right now, your affirmative action "boy" is sinking fast.

Bigot pigs like you need to move back to Europe.

Or kill yourself in a trailer park accident.

Or get AIDS from your sister.

Ooooohhhh..... wishing AIDS and death on people now?

How classy.

I'm not offended.

I know she does not mean it.

She's just pissed because Bamaboy is in the final stages of "the swirl" just before the trap opens.

After he loses, you'll see "Flushed Away II" come out as a documentary on his getting booted.
Bigot pigs like you need to move back to Europe.

Or kill yourself in a trailer park accident.

Or get AIDS from your sister.

That really is to much man.

Advocating death of another poster or bringing in family is against the rules.

I flagged this.

And that's why i respect you. Don't agree often, hell maybe never but this is what we have to do. Call out our own if we ever expect the opposition to respect us.

Plus I've got that tool on ignore

Maybe I'll take Sallow off ignore... perhaps I had him all wrong.
That Gallup poll was conducted from October 1-7 Obama's less that impressive debate performance was on the 5th let's see what it looks like with that factored in.

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