Obama Said This with a Straight Face


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
We all know the cascade of lies he spouted to initiate ObamaCare.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

The snake.

Now...some more of a more contemporary nature:

1."Thousands of people are signing up and saving money as we speak.”
Yes, President Obama actually said that yesterday ...

2. SAVING MONEY? Heritage research revealed that in 43 out of 47 states with information available, premiums are higher in the Obamacare marketplaces than in the individual insurance market.

a. The first problem—website signups—can be fixed. The second—Obamacare’s price—cannot.

3. ....young people can stay on their parents’ plans until they are 26. But what about parents whose premiums are going up? Or people who are turning 27....

4. He touted the law’s Medicaid expansion, which puts more Americans on a broken-down program where one out of three primary care doctors already won’t accept new patients.

5. He claimed Obamacare would bring “competition” and “more choices.” In reality, the opposite is true.

a. "The Obamacare health insurance exchange system, though often sold as a mechanism to provide consumer choice and competition, is, in fact, a vehicle for the detailed federal regulation of insurance. Americans can expect less choice and less competition. Given the extreme degree of that regulation, private health plans will soon become “private” in name only."
Obamacare's Insurance Exchanges: Private Health Coverage in Name Only

Reminder: under Liberalism, the same is true of private property and of capitalism itself. It exists on in the dictionary.

b. "Let’s be clear about the fact that nobody has proposed anything close to a government takeover of health care."
—President Barack Obama, August 20, 2009

How many folks have noticed that his tongue is actually forked?

6. He claimed Obamacare is “high quality” health insurance. But it’s a one-size-fits-all deal—and that doesn’t work for health care. A high quality system would put patients and their needs first."
Obama Defends Obamacare As "High Quality" Health Insurance

It's about rationing of access to healthcare professions, and to the medicine available. Thus, the Death Panels.

So, once again....the Right was correct, the Left swallowed the lies.

As usual....we've proven to be smarter than Liberals....

Sadly, for America, our being smarter than Liberals is just one more straw in the wind...
....and there seems to be no turning back.
Under the plan, you can't get a colonoscopy after a certain age because they are encouraging people to die. Have you heard the news stories about "The Great Prostate Mistake"? They say the statistics say that prostate surgery helps one out of 48 or something like that. CPR only helps one out of five people. If CPR only helps one out of five, does that mean we shouldn't do CPR? The question is, "How do you know if it will help you unless you place yourself in the statistics?"

They are encouraging people to not get medical help after a certain age so they will no longer get medical care. They are counselling people to give up their lives.
Under the plan, you can't get a colonoscopy after a certain age because they are encouraging people to die. Have you heard the news stories about "The Great Prostate Mistake"? They say the statistics say that prostate surgery helps one out of 48 or something like that. CPR only helps one out of five people. If CPR only helps one out of five, does that mean we shouldn't do CPR? The question is, "How do you know if it will help you unless you place yourself in the statistics?"

They are encouraging people to not get medical help after a certain age so they will no longer get medical care. They are counselling people to give up their lives.

Not only colonoscopys or prostate exams, older women are denied mammograms too, and routine pap tests.

BUT, as the government is quick to tell you, these tests are absolutely FREE. You just can't get them, but they are free.

One of the major jokes of the obamasurance is that parents can keep their infant children on their insurance until age 26. No mention was made that the 26 year old's insurance premiums was going to be higher than the parent's premiums. It was necessary to provide for parents to pay the premiums for the adult/infants because the 26 year olds surely can't pay their own premiums, half of them have moved back in with mom and dad.
Any rational person understands that Obama is a Very Adept Liar.
And the underlying message is: You will Like ObamaCare, or No Health Care For You.
It's ironic that during Watergate the Left lectured us that Nixon's Greatest Crime was "lying to the American People" when that's Obama's Greatest Asset
And the underlying message is: You will Like ObamaCare, or No Health Care For You.

In fact....here is Dikembe Mutombo explaining that healthcare is not an element of ObamaCare:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mnpQesDLWQ][SOUND FILES] - NBA GEICO COMMERCIAL - NOT IN MY HOUSE - DIKEMBE MUTOMBO - ONLY - YouTube[/ame]
We all know the cascade of lies he spouted to initiate ObamaCare.....

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

The snake.

Now...some more of a more contemporary nature:

1."Thousands of people are signing up and saving money as we speak.”
Yes, President Obama actually said that yesterday ...

2. SAVING MONEY? Heritage research revealed that in 43 out of 47 states with information available, premiums are higher in the Obamacare marketplaces than in the individual insurance market.

a. The first problem—website signups—can be fixed. The second—Obamacare’s price—cannot.

3. ....young people can stay on their parents’ plans until they are 26. But what about parents whose premiums are going up? Or people who are turning 27....

4. He touted the law’s Medicaid expansion, which puts more Americans on a broken-down program where one out of three primary care doctors already won’t accept new patients.

5. He claimed Obamacare would bring “competition” and “more choices.” In reality, the opposite is true.

a. "The Obamacare health insurance exchange system, though often sold as a mechanism to provide consumer choice and competition, is, in fact, a vehicle for the detailed federal regulation of insurance. Americans can expect less choice and less competition. Given the extreme degree of that regulation, private health plans will soon become “private” in name only."
Obamacare's Insurance Exchanges: Private Health Coverage in Name Only

Reminder: under Liberalism, the same is true of private property and of capitalism itself. It exists on in the dictionary.

b. "Let’s be clear about the fact that nobody has proposed anything close to a government takeover of health care."
—President Barack Obama, August 20, 2009

How many folks have noticed that his tongue is actually forked?

6. He claimed Obamacare is “high quality” health insurance. But it’s a one-size-fits-all deal—and that doesn’t work for health care. A high quality system would put patients and their needs first."
Obama Defends Obamacare As "High Quality" Health Insurance

It's about rationing of access to healthcare professions, and to the medicine available. Thus, the Death Panels.

So, once again....the Right was correct, the Left swallowed the lies.

As usual....we've proven to be smarter than Liberals....

Sadly, for America, our being smarter than Liberals is just one more straw in the wind...
....and there seems to be no turning back.

1."Thousands of people are signing up and saving money as we speak.”
Yes, President Obama actually said that yesterday ...

Someone should ask Slick to explain how they're already saving money when SlickCare doesn't start until Jan 1st. :dunno:
And now we see the ugly truth.
People are being dropped from their policies by the hundreds of thousands.
And Obama goes on his merry way.The media outside of FOX will not even talk about it.
The left on this board still support Obama care like there is nothing wrong with it.

Scary stuff.
Notice how there is not one shred of proof for these lies?

How about we make this The Official Lie About ObamaCare Thread?
"Heritage research revealed..." :rolleyes:

Put down the Koch kool aid PC. Start a thread w/ a credible source THEN I'll respond in kind.

Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ using Tapatalk 4
And now we see the ugly truth.
People are being dropped from their policies by the hundreds of thousands.
And Obama goes on his merry way.The media outside of FOX will not even talk about it.
The left on this board still support Obama care like there is nothing wrong with it.

Scary stuff.

Murders Americans Citizens, takes their health care away from them, takes their money for health care away from them, forces citizens that can't get pregnant to pay for pregnancy plans, forces citizens that have no pre-existing conditions to pay for people who have pre-existing conditions, reads everyone's personal email, messages, and mines our meta data, arms his SS with military weapons, starts half a dozen wars in the middle east, claims he can't wait to kill his grandchildren in the womb, friends are known domestic terrorists and communists, ...

Never in our history has there been such a vile despicable human being, must be why the democrats like him so much.
The ODS crowd has a serious boy-who-cried-wolf problem. They've been lying so hard for so many years, most people now just automatically assume they're lying again about whatever their newest outrage is, and thus nobody pays them any attention. If they actually did manage to tell the truth somehow, nobody would listen.
The ODS crowd has a serious boy-who-cried-wolf problem. They've been lying so hard for so many years, most people now just automatically assume they're lying again about whatever their newest outrage is, and thus nobody pays them any attention. If they actually did manage to tell the truth somehow, nobody would listen.

Says the leader of the BDS crowd that has been blaming Bush for caving to the democrat led congress over spending for a decade.
Maybe Obama can open up a string of used car lots across the nation after he's done here.
He can travel from lot to lot.
Have some folks from the area behind him as he tapes his commercials to be played around 3 AM on the local channels.

Valerie Jarrett will produce these commercials.
The ODS crowd has a serious boy-who-cried-wolf problem. They've been lying so hard for so many years, most people now just automatically assume they're lying again about whatever their newest outrage is, and thus nobody pays them any attention. If they actually did manage to tell the truth somehow, nobody would listen.

Says the leader of the BDS crowd that has been blaming Bush for caving to the democrat led congress over spending for a decade.

When has America never had a deficit? The reason Al Gore talked about putting a lock box on social security is because we save anything. Each person owes more than $55,000 in national debt. Keep raising the ceiling.
If the Democrats don't get a quick fix on Obama Care they will suffer greatly.
And for the dumb ass republicans out there who just can't wait to step on a steaming pile of bear shit.
Keep your friggin mouths shut about....

Birth Control....

And for the dumb ass republicans out there who just can't wait to step on a steaming pile of bear shit.
Keep your friggin mouths shut about....

Birth Control....

Don't leave out gay marriage, pubs really like to step on the rights of gays, makes em feel all patriotic like.

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