Obama Said "Trayvon Martin Could Have Been My Son"

Z had a very legitimate reason to follow Trayvon....though he only did that for a short period of time.
Again, the FL stalking statute stipulates

"course of conduct as "a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose"​

If Martin was in any distress it was of his own making. Since he was high on drugs I doubt he was in any distress whatsoever. More likely he was just having fun and thought beating up Z would even be more fun and impress his g/f who he was talking with on the phone most of the time he was out of sight of Z after running off.

If the toxocology report had indicated that Martin was actually under the influence at the time of the shooting, don't you think O'Mara would have pounded that point home, especially after they were granted their motion to introduce the tox report into evidence so that the jury would be privy to it's content? Instead the report indicated that Martin had "trace amounts" of THC in his system

The levels of THC detected don’t reflect Martin’s character or even his state of mind the night he was shot. For one, they are so low as to almost certainly not be connected to recent intoxication: 1.5 nanograms of THC were found as well as 7.3 nanograms of THC-COOH, a metabolite of THC that can stay in the system for weeks after cannabis has been smoked. Immediately after inhaling, THC levels typically rise to 100 to 200 nanograms per milliter of blood, although there can be a great deal of variation.​

The FBI did a thorough investigation of Z and issued a statement that Z was not a racist. He even had a black grandfather, his mother was peruvian. So he was a mixture, not even to mention he had volunteered to tutor black kids.
I'd like to read that report, do you have a link?

If a non-black person has black family members or associates, etc., yet still refers to any other black people not in their own circle as the n-word or using any racial slur, that means that they still are a racist, irrespective of their seeming acceptance of the black people that are peripheral to their life.

But Z never did that.
FBI: George Zimmerman Is Not a Racist
I think you have to read my posts carefully.
I try to post very precise ideas.
I don't know if the "No" refers to my first question, the second one or both. I do realize that you're very precise in your responses but you're equally precise in your derogatory racist and demeaning comments and I don't understand why.
Since when is reality racist?
I’d love to know where you frequent.
Notice she never points out any specifics.
You STILL haven't posted your credentials, is that specific enough? It's been days and still nothing.

Your alleged reality consists of calling people who are equally or more educated/accomplished than you uneducated and unsuccessful.
There you go: Lying again. Zimmerman even as just a private citizen(not to even take into account he was a watchman) has the right to call the police and report a suspicious person. Zimmerman did not confront Trayvon...you got it ass backwards. Check the link I posted about the trial. Zimmerman was on his phone when he got sucker punched by trayvon.
Why is your ego so fragile that you cannot bear someone not agreeing with you to the point that you have to accuse them of lying? The fact of the matter is, unless you were actually there you don't know what happened, you can only rely on what others have stated. You're presenting facts as you see them and I am presenting them as I see them and we have different perspectives yet I have never accused you of lying about what you're stating, at most I've indicated that you've been mistaken about certain details or facts in the case and that your perspective is tinted by your inherent racial bias.

For example, calling the police and reporting a suspicious person, even if the caller is motivated by a racial bias is entirely different than following someone or continuing to follow them after you've reported them to the police AND have been told by the police to stop following the individual. And I have no idea why you seem unable to understand how frightening it might be for an underaged individual to discover some creep following you to your home, particularly if you think you've lost him only to have him pop up again, thereby proving that he is indeed stalking you and it's not just your imagination or coincidental.

Lastly because Martin is no longer living Zimmerman was free to tell whatever story he wanted completely unchallenged. Just to give you some insight listen to Zimmerman on the original 911 tape and then listen to Zimmerman embellishing his call to 911 as he does his reenactment for the police detectives.

If I can locate the video of the two detective coaching him on how to beat the charges, I'll post it for you.

I agree with you, we should be able to disagree on things like this without being insulting. It should happen a lot more that way
Just a side note here. If anyone should appreciate the jury system is is the Negroes....had they rather go back to the days when there was a lot of vigilante justice? Me think not...thus they are shooting themselves in the head when they dirty dog our legal system, which of course is not perfect due mainly to the fact it has been so heavily subverted by liberal judges.

Also regarding the days of vigilant justice....most of them victims of lynching were guilty and there also were many whites lynched.

Just a side note here, Z should be in prison.

Speaking for myself, I would rather see him left to his own thuggish behavior, because eventually someone will "stand their ground" with him, and extend to him some of their own vigilante justice.
Just a side note here. If anyone should appreciate the jury system is is the Negroes....had they rather go back to the days when there was a lot of vigilante justice? Me think not...thus they are shooting themselves in the head when they dirty dog our legal system, which of course is not perfect due mainly to the fact it has been so heavily subverted by liberal judges.

Also regarding the days of vigilant justice....most of them victims of lynching were guilty and there also were many whites lynched.

Just a side note here, Z should be in prison.

Speaking only for myself, I would like for him to eventually become a recipient of his own actions.

He has a history of behavior that will someday end with someone "standing their ground" with him. Even as early as age 21 he has had encounters with law enforcement and survived to talk about it.

The system eventually catches up with everyone.
He automatically assumed Trayvon was a victim. He took a side because of race. That is racist
Being shot by a Barney Fife wannabe kinds really sorta does make Trayvon the victim.
He was shot while attempting to murder George, jackass.

Zimmerman murdered him.
Actually ... no, he was acquitted.

And he should of been found guilty. Also I'm aware of the verdict and it was a travesty.

If Trayvon had been White, you would never have heard of the case. If Trayvon had been White, and Zimmerman had been Black, you and your ilk would have wanted to canonize him.
Notice she never points out any specifics.
You STILL haven't posted your credentials, is that specific enough? It's been days and still nothing.

Your alleged reality consists of calling people who are equally or more educated/accomplished than you uneducated and unsuccessful.
I did.
I have a BS and MS in C.I.S. and I’ve listed just a few of the Financial firms at which I’ve produced systems.
And you accept the fact that Ass has a BS in C.I.S. and has never written a program to earn that BS just because he’s Black.
I did.
I have a BS and MS in C.I.S. and I’ve listed just a few of the Financial firms at which I’ve produced systems.
And you accept the fact that Ass has a BS in C.I.S. and has never written a program to earn that BS just because he’s Black.
I didn't ask for your resume, I asked for your credentials. Why would you think I believe him just because he's Black? He's the only person who offered his credentials and of course the first thing you did was denigrate his accomplishments and his credentials. I don't know which school he graduated from but all one has to do is review the curriculum of the university to see what classes he was required to complete in order to earn his degree. Not every one who works in IT writes code.

As far as my mom, you do realize that key punch operators while not developers were producing the code cards that contained the computer instructions that allowed the computer to run and execute it's applications right? The take away is that she started in a lower level position in IT and retired from a supervisory position as a system analyst with hiring/firing authority. You mentioned regarding her as well that her position didn't require writing code, yet she was consistently promoted throughout her career which to even a person such as yourself can understand the implications I presume?

So you don't have any certifications?
I did.
I have a BS and MS in C.I.S. and I’ve listed just a few of the Financial firms at which I’ve produced systems.
And you accept the fact that Ass has a BS in C.I.S. and has never written a program to earn that BS just because he’s Black.
I didn't ask for your resume, I asked for your credentials. Why would you think I believe him just because he's Black? He's the only person who offered his credentials and of course the first thing you did was denigrate his accomplishments and his credentials. I don't know which school he graduated from but all one has to do is review the curriculum of the university to see what classes he was required to complete in order to earn his degree. Not every one who works in IT writes code.

As far as my mom, you do realize that key punch operators while not developers were producing the code cards that contained the computer instructions that allowed the computer to run and execute it's applications right? The take away is that she started in a lower level position in IT and retired from a supervisory position as a system analyst with hiring/firing authority. You mentioned regarding her as well that her position didn't require writing code, yet she was consistently promoted throughout her career which to even a person such as yourself can understand the implications I presume?

So you don't have any certifications?
First of all, I’m not going to do a drive by discussion.
You’re here it you’re not here.

MSCE is worth less than toilet paper; it’s a mechanism for MS to make money from Indian H1-Bs.
Pick up a book and see the crap you have to “study” to pass it.
You can’t be too bright if you accept a college that handed out a degree in Computer “anything” and you’ve never written a program.

Prior to GW swamping the US with H1-Bs, people working in Back Office IT related departments did get raises.
Today you can’t even get a job as a janitor.
I did.
I have a BS and MS in C.I.S. and I’ve listed just a few of the Financial firms at which I’ve produced systems.
And you accept the fact that Ass has a BS in C.I.S. and has never written a program to earn that BS just because he’s Black.
I didn't ask for your resume, I asked for your credentials. Why would you think I believe him just because he's Black? He's the only person who offered his credentials and of course the first thing you did was denigrate his accomplishments and his credentials. I don't know which school he graduated from but all one has to do is review the curriculum of the university to see what classes he was required to complete in order to earn his degree. Not every one who works in IT writes code.

As far as my mom, you do realize that key punch operators while not developers were producing the code cards that contained the computer instructions that allowed the computer to run and execute it's applications right? The take away is that she started in a lower level position in IT and retired from a supervisory position as a system analyst with hiring/firing authority. You mentioned regarding her as well that her position didn't require writing code, yet she was consistently promoted throughout her career which to even a person such as yourself can understand the implications I presume?

So you don't have any certifications?
By the way, I still know zip about you, but I feel like I know your mother.

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