Obama Said "Trayvon Martin Could Have Been My Son"

You are correct but such a mistake after all this time is not signficant. Also it should be noted that Obama like most of the nation had seen the photo of trayvon when he was l2 yrs. old that the media in violation of their code of conduct constantly ran with, thus-- misleading the public ---making them think that is what trayvon looked liked on the night he was killed. And coupled with that they constantly ran a disparaging photo of Z. The media bias in this case was outrageous but they got away with it. One of the low points in Ameican journalism...misleading the public and motivating several retaliatroy incidents of revenge which resulted in the death and grievious bodily harm of several innocent people. The media has blood on its hands. But they still to this day continue to lie about the trayvon affair.

Here is what Obama said:
Obama.... "when I think about this boy, I think about my own kids. And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together -- federal, state and local -- to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.

So I'm glad that not only is the Justice Department looking into it, I understand now that the governor of the state of Florida has formed a task force to investigate what's taking place. I think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen. And that means that examine the laws and the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident.

But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon. And I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves, and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened".

Thus with all the power of the federal government and the state of Florida this case was invesitgated as thoroughly as is humanly possible.....the evidence was gathered...it was presented at trial and the jury in one of the great examples of how a jury needs to operate...basing their decision on the actual facts of the case declared Z was not guilty as charged. Even Jimmy Carter said the jury made the right decision...and no one is more liberal than Jimmy Carter.
You say all this to say what exactly?

What's the underlying point as it relates to the OP?
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First of all the dispatcher had no legal authority to order Z to do anything.
Who had authority to order anything? Did that give Zimmerman the right to follow the youngster? Did Zimmerman have any authority following the youngster?

What she actually said after asking Z if he was following Trayvon....which Z did just for a very short time trying to figure out which way trayvon had run off to so he could answer the dispatches question of which way did he run? Z had answered in the affirmative when the dispatcher asked if he was following trayvon...then the dispatcher said and I quote "we do not need you to do that" Z answered in the affirmative, agreeing to stop trying to follow Trayvon who had completely eluded him at this point anyhow.
How do you know this to be a fact?

You should have watched the trial.
There's a thing call work, it typically occurs during the weekday from 9am to 5pm or so, perhaps you have heard of it. IOW, who had time for that except lazy people w/no jobs?

Time and again when these discussions of the trayvon affair erupt...one sees so many who comment on the case without knowing the facts...hence all the confusion continues.
You seem to be quite the expert on this matter.

That being the case, care to list some of the common misinformation about this case as you see it?
First of all the dispatcher had no legal authority to order Z to do anything.
Who had authority to order anything? Did that give Zimmerman the right to follow the youngster? Did Zimmerman have any authority following the youngster?

What she actually said after asking Z if he was following Trayvon....which Z did just for a very short time trying to figure out which way trayvon had run off to so he could answer the dispatches question of which way did he run? Z had answered in the affirmative when the dispatcher asked if he was following trayvon...then the dispatcher said and I quote "we do not need you to do that" Z answered in the affirmative, agreeing to stop trying to follow Trayvon who had completely eluded him at this point anyhow.
How do you know this to be a fact?

You should have watched the trial.
There's a thing call work, it typically occurs during the weekday from 9am to 5pm or so, perhaps you have heard of it. IOW, who had time for that except lazy people w/no jobs?

Time and again when these discussions of the trayvon affair erupt...one sees so many who comment on the case without knowing the facts...hence all the confusion continues.
You seem to be quite the expert on this matter.

That being the case, care to list some of the common misinformation about this case as you see it?
No I remember it all too well from when it happened and I am not confused.
The lyin fake news media as is not to be unexpected decieved the American Public and obama by using a photograph of a glowering George Zimmerman which looked like a mug shot while consistently running a 5-year-old image of Trayvon Martin that pictured him as an innocent-looking 12-year-old child rather than the 17-year-old near adult he was at the time of the shooting.

Now I am sure everyone remembers the innocent looking child of l2 yr old Trayvon but by the time of his encounter with Z he had grown up and was l7 yrs. old and here is how he actully looked when he was killed.

Trayvon Martin was apparently a 17 year old undisciplined punk thug, drug dealing, thief and wannabe gangsta…
First of all the dispatcher had no legal authority to order Z to do anything.
That's funny. A "police" dispatcher has no authority to tell Zimmerman not to follow Martin yet Zimmerman somehow has the authority to play wanna be cop, confront Martin and demand that Martin explain what he's doing in "Zimmerman's" neighborhood.
First of all the dispatcher had no legal authority to order Z to do anything.
That's funny. A "police" dispatcher has no authority to tell Zimmerman not to follow Martin yet Zimmerman somehow has the authority to play wanna be cop, confront Martin and demand that Martin explain what he's doing in "Zimmerman's" neighborhood.

There you go: Lying again. Zimmerman even as just a private citizen(not to even take into account he was a watchman) has the right to call the police and report a suspicious person. Zimmerman did not confront Trayvon...you got it ass backwards. Check the link I posted about the trial. Zimmerman was on his phone when he got sucker punched by trayvon.

For those who have a problem with the Jurys verdict: A Few Questions for Those Upset by the Zimmerman Verdict (Updated)
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agreeing to stop trying to follow Trayvon who had completely eluded him at this point anyhow
The FL stalking statute that you posted in the thread about the Clearwater shooting indicates that a person who harasses or follows another is guilty of the offense of stalking. Harass is defined as "a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such person and serves no legitimate purpose". I'd wager that Martin was in substantial distress right up to the point that Zimmerman killed him. The FL stalking statute additionally defines a course of conduct as "a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose". In the least Zimmerman was engaged in a court of conduct that consisted of following Martin. By his own admittance, he lost Martin at least once yet managed to regain eyes on him, even though he was advised by police dispatch that he should not continue following Martin - how does that not meet the definition of stalking?

If it was Zimmerman's job as a security officer or some other licensee who's purview included confronting and questioning "suspicious individuals" that would be one thing. Then the only thing left would be why he has a suspicious mind when it comes to black people, whom he referred to as "fucking coons" in one of the 911 tapes. That comment points to his acts being motiviated by racial bias from which harassment can be inferred.
agreeing to stop trying to follow Trayvon who had completely eluded him at this point anyhow
The FL stalking statute that you posted in the thread about the Clearwater shooting indicates that a person who harasses or follows another is guilty of the offense of stalking. Harass is defined as "a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial emotional distress in such person and serves no legitimate purpose". I'd wager that Martin was in substantial distress right up to the point that Zimmerman killed him. The FL stalking statute additionally defines a course of conduct as "a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose". In the least Zimmerman was engaged in a court of conduct that consisted of following Martin. By his own admittance, he lost Martin at least once yet managed to regain eyes on him, even though he was advised by police dispatch that he should not continue following Martin - how does that not meet the definition of stalking?

If it was Zimmerman's job as a security officer or some other licensee who's purview included confronting and questioning "suspicious individuals" that would be one thing. Then the only thing left would be why he has a suspicious mind when it comes to black people, whom he referred to as "fucking coons" in one of the 911 tapes. That comment points to his acts being motiviated by racial bias from which harassment can be inferred.

The term 'fucking coons' was never used by Z...it was a distortion created by the fake news site, CNN................CNN Walks It Back: Oops, Zimmerman Didn't Say 'Coon,' He Said It Was 'Cold'!

Z had a very legitimate reason to follow Trayvon....though he only did that for a short period of time. He ceased when the dispactcher advised him they did not need him to do that. If Martin was in any distress it was of his own making. Since he was high on drugs I doubt he was in any distress whatsoever. More likely he was just having fun and thought beating up Z would even be more fun and impress his g/f who he was talking with on the phone most of the time he was out of sight of Z after running off. She advised him to just go home and he could have done that quickly and easily..he was a very,very short distance from where he was staying....again the whole time line of all that happened was laid out in court and trayvons phone record was a key part of that. Before you continue spouting off do a little study up ....the court record etc. After losing sight of Trayvon Z did not see Trayvon again until Trayvon came up behind and asked Z what his problem was...Z replied I do not have a problem and immediately got his phone out to call the police when Trayvon sucker punched him, knocked him to the ground and jumped on top of him and began banging Z's head on the sidewalk. Z never confronted or questioned Trayvon. Even when Trayvon spotted Z in his truck by the clubhouse and came up to him and circled Z's truck ....Z did not even roll down his windows he stayed on the phone to the dispatcher describing what was going on. The FBI did a thorough investigation of Z and issued a statement that Z was not a racist. He even had a black grandfather, his mother was peruvian. So he was a mixture, not even to mention he had volunteered to tutor black kids.

The List Of Trayvon Martin Revenge Attacks Is Growing Rapidly | Alternative

Revenge for Trayvon: Elderly man beaten for being white

Debate Argument: The U.S media is responsible for many anti white hate crimes. | Debate.org

Also it cannot be disputed that trayvon doubled back after he initially ran away. If he had continued running he could have been home in about a minute. All of this was brought out in court
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There you go: Lying again. Zimmerman even as just a private citizen(not to even take into account he was a watchman) has the right to call the police and report a suspicious person. Zimmerman did not confront Trayvon...you got it ass backwards. Check the link I posted about the trial. Zimmerman was on his phone when he got sucker punched by trayvon.
Why is your ego so fragile that you cannot bear someone not agreeing with you to the point that you have to accuse them of lying? The fact of the matter is, unless you were actually there you don't know what happened, you can only rely on what others have stated. You're presenting facts as you see them and I am presenting them as I see them and we have different perspectives yet I have never accused you of lying about what you're stating, at most I've indicated that you've been mistaken about certain details or facts in the case and that your perspective is tinted by your inherent racial bias.

For example, calling the police and reporting a suspicious person, even if the caller is motivated by a racial bias is entirely different than following someone or continuing to follow them after you've reported them to the police AND have been told by the police to stop following the individual. And I have no idea why you seem unable to understand how frightening it might be for an underaged individual to discover some creep following you to your home, particularly if you think you've lost him only to have him pop up again, thereby proving that he is indeed stalking you and it's not just your imagination or coincidental.

Lastly because Martin is no longer living Zimmerman was free to tell whatever story he wanted completely unchallenged. Just to give you some insight listen to Zimmerman on the original 911 tape and then listen to Zimmerman embellishing his call to 911 as he does his reenactment for the police detectives.

If I can locate the video of the two detective coaching him on how to beat the charges, I'll post it for you.
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Zimmerman directly disobeyed the orders of the police dispatcher who told him to stand down until an officer arrived.
That's a fucking lie, jackass.

He was told not to follow. Obviously Martin thought someone was following him. The kid had just gone to get a soda at halftime that was why ZImmerman thought he had something in his waistband. I believe Martin was also to blame because he simply could have outrun the bigger guy if he wanted to or just went home. he didnt need to double back, but, Zimmerman was carrying so that gave him a higher level of responsibility. Had he remained in his car everything would have been ok till the police showed up. In my opinion it was a bad situation all the way around with both parties misunderstanding the other's actions. But I still think Zimmerman probably would have gotten 3rd degree had the prosecution made that charge instead.
Zimmerman directly disobeyed the orders of the police dispatcher who told him to stand down until an officer arrived.
That's a fucking lie, jackass.

He was told not to follow. Obviously Martin thought someone was following him. The kid had just gone to get a soda at halftime that was why ZImmerman thought he had something in his waistband. I believe Martin was also to blame because he simply could have outrun the bigger guy if he wanted to or just went home. he didnt need to double back, but, Zimmerman was carrying so that gave him a higher level of responsibility. Had he remained in his car everything would have been ok till the police showed up. In my opinion it was a bad situation all the way around with both parties misunderstanding the other's actions. But I still think Zimmerman probably would have gotten 3rd degree had the prosecution made that charge instead.
Zimmerman directly disobeyed the orders of the police dispatcher who told him to stand down until an officer arrived.
That's a fucking lie, jackass.

He was told not to follow. Obviously Martin thought someone was following him. The kid had just gone to get a soda at halftime that was why ZImmerman thought he had something in his waistband. I believe Martin was also to blame because he simply could have outrun the bigger guy if he wanted to or just went home. he didnt need to double back, but, Zimmerman was carrying so that gave him a higher level of responsibility. Had he remained in his car everything would have been ok till the police showed up. In my opinion it was a bad situation all the way around with both parties misunderstanding the other's actions. But I still think Zimmerman probably would have gotten 3rd degree had the prosecution made that charge instead.

There are a few of them on here that just keep lying and lying simply because lies are all they are left with. And, even worse the media keeps lying about the case.
Zimmerman directly disobeyed the orders of the police dispatcher who told him to stand down until an officer arrived.
That's a fucking lie, jackass.

He was told not to follow. Obviously Martin thought someone was following him. The kid had just gone to get a soda at halftime that was why ZImmerman thought he had something in his waistband. I believe Martin was also to blame because he simply could have outrun the bigger guy if he wanted to or just went home. he didnt need to double back, but, Zimmerman was carrying so that gave him a higher level of responsibility. Had he remained in his car everything would have been ok till the police showed up. In my opinion it was a bad situation all the way around with both parties misunderstanding the other's actions. But I still think Zimmerman probably would have gotten 3rd degree had the prosecution made that charge instead.

There are a few of them on here that just keep lying and lying simply because lies are all they are left with. And, even worse the media keeps lying about the case.

They feel they have no choice....they must preserve that myth of black victimhood and evil white racists even though Z was not white and the FBI cleared him of being a racist
Z had a very legitimate reason to follow Trayvon....though he only did that for a short period of time.
Again, the FL stalking statute stipulates

"course of conduct as "a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose"​

If Martin was in any distress it was of his own making. Since he was high on drugs I doubt he was in any distress whatsoever. More likely he was just having fun and thought beating up Z would even be more fun and impress his g/f who he was talking with on the phone most of the time he was out of sight of Z after running off.

If the toxocology report had indicated that Martin was actually under the influence at the time of the shooting, don't you think O'Mara would have pounded that point home, especially after they were granted their motion to introduce the tox report into evidence so that the jury would be privy to it's content? Instead the report indicated that Martin had "trace amounts" of THC in his system

The levels of THC detected don’t reflect Martin’s character or even his state of mind the night he was shot. For one, they are so low as to almost certainly not be connected to recent intoxication: 1.5 nanograms of THC were found as well as 7.3 nanograms of THC-COOH, a metabolite of THC that can stay in the system for weeks after cannabis has been smoked. Immediately after inhaling, THC levels typically rise to 100 to 200 nanograms per milliter of blood, although there can be a great deal of variation.​

The FBI did a thorough investigation of Z and issued a statement that Z was not a racist. He even had a black grandfather, his mother was peruvian. So he was a mixture, not even to mention he had volunteered to tutor black kids.
I'd like to read that report, do you have a link?

If a non-black person has black family members or associates, etc., yet still refers to any other black people not in their own circle as the n-word or using any racial slur, that means that they still are a racist, irrespective of their seeming acceptance of the black people that are peripheral to their life.
Zimmerman directly disobeyed the orders of the police dispatcher who told him to stand down until an officer arrived.
That's a fucking lie, jackass.

He was told not to follow. Obviously Martin thought someone was following him. The kid had just gone to get a soda at halftime that was why ZImmerman thought he had something in his waistband. I believe Martin was also to blame because he simply could have outrun the bigger guy if he wanted to or just went home. he didnt need to double back, but, Zimmerman was carrying so that gave him a higher level of responsibility. Had he remained in his car everything would have been ok till the police showed up. In my opinion it was a bad situation all the way around with both parties misunderstanding the other's actions. But I still think Zimmerman probably would have gotten 3rd degree had the prosecution made that charge instead.

Once again he was not told not to follow, he was not ordered not to follow. The dispatchere merely said 'we do not need yo to do that' and Z replied o.k. it is all on the tape of the call Z made to 911 and the recording of it has been posted on here and not that far back. Try and keep up. Often suspects will put their hand in their pocket or in their wast band to try and make others think they have a weapon. Thus trayvon did that as he was approaching Z's truck when he first spotted Z watching him....he circled Z's truck checking him out and then took off running. Probably a ruse to trick Z or else he just changed his mind after he ran off and doubled back. There is no disputing that. It was all laid out in the trial...the complete time line of how everything occurred.

He did take off running even though no one was chasing him. Z walked in the direction he had run off too for just a lil while til the dispatcher asked Z if he was following the suspect. Z replied in the affirmative and the dispatcher said "we do not need you to do that" Z replied O.K. After Z lost complete sight of trayvon it was esstimated that if he had continued running he could have been home in less than a minute. Even his g/f on the phone told him to go home. But for whatever reason or reasons Trayvon doubled back and the rest is history. Z should have remained in his truck but the dispatcher had asked him which direction Trayvon had run off too...so he was trying to determine that by going a short distance...it was a dark and rainy night....Trayvon easily got away from George, completely out of his sight. Now this is where folks need to use some common sense...George was a chubby over weight guy, way out of shape.. Trayvon was an athlete, a football player....no way George could have caught him. There is no doubt trayvon could have run circles around george. Compared to Trayvon George was a hapless guy. Yet some still want to believe That George chased down Trayvon and shot and killed hm just because he was black. Unfriggin believable but anytime these discussions pop up you will see some make that claim. There was no misunderstanding after Trayvon slugged George and jumped on top of him. At that point George began to fear for his life.

Well, we can conjecture about whether George was over-charged...but the truth of the matter is that he should never have been charged at all. And, of course that is what the Sanford investigators concluded. It was not until federal political pressure was brought to bear on the Governor of Fl. that George was charged. Obama and perhaps eric holder were misled by the media and particuarly that picture the media put up of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old and looked so innocent. The whole nation pretty much was deceived by that...how could such a sweet and innocent looking kid get shot and killed? That was how all the outrage began and the media just kept it going by twisting, fabricating etc.
There you go: Lying again. Zimmerman even as just a private citizen(not to even take into account he was a watchman) has the right to call the police and report a suspicious person. Zimmerman did not confront Trayvon...you got it ass backwards. Check the link I posted about the trial. Zimmerman was on his phone when he got sucker punched by trayvon.
Why is your ego so fragile that you cannot bear someone not agreeing with you to the point that you have to accuse them of lying? The fact of the matter is, unless you were actually there you don't know what happened, you can only rely on what others have stated. You're presenting facts as you see them and I am presenting them as I see them and we have different perspectives yet I have never accused you of lying about what you're stating, at most I've indicated that you've been mistaken about certain details or facts in the case and that your perspective is tinted by your inherent racial bias.

For example, calling the police and reporting a suspicious person, even if the caller is motivated by a racial bias is entirely different than following someone or continuing to follow them after you've reported them to the police AND have been told by the police to stop following the individual. And I have no idea why you seem unable to understand how frightening it might be for an underaged individual to discover some creep following you to your home, particularly if you think you've lost him only to have him pop up again, thereby proving that he is indeed stalking you and it's not just your imagination or coincidental.

Lastly because Martin is no longer living Zimmerman was free to tell whatever story he wanted completely unchallenged. Just to give you some insight listen to Zimmerman on the original 911 tape and then listen to Zimmerman embellishing his call to 911 as he does his reenactment for the police detectives.

If I can locate the video of the two detective coaching him on how to beat the charges, I'll post it for you.

No, what I have said is based on evidence, the trial, the recording of the 911 call, witnesses and the evidence provided by the sanford investigators and the Fbi. I have posted several links in regards to that. I even posted the transcript of the trial. And again....the dispatcher never told trayvon to stop following trayvon.....she merely suggested that they did not need him to do that and Z replied O.K. it was pointless anyway he had completely lost sight of Trayvon anyhow...no way he cold have followed him...he continued walking for a bit to get to a lighted area so he could see some house numbers in order to tell the police exactly where he was since they were on the way and he knew they would be arriving shortly.

How on earth do you think Z could have gotten ahead of Trayvon or even caught up with him...Trayvon was running, george was walking and even if he had want to run and chase down trayvon there was no way he could do that. Get real girl. Z was out of shape, over weight and Trayvon was a athlete in good shape. No contest...anyone that makes the claim you just made does not have much reasoning ability or they are attempting to deceive. If what you say was true the jury would have found him guilty. The coons comment was started by cnn and then they redacted it...all this has been posted and recently. You are not keeping up. You just come on here and make assertions that the fake media claimed or you heard it from someone else. All the evidence and investigations contradict your claims.
I think you have to read my posts carefully.
I try to post very precise ideas.
I don't know if the "No" refers to my first question, the second one or both. I do realize that you're very precise in your responses but you're equally precise in your derogatory racist and demeaning comments and I don't understand why.

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