Obama Saves America's Auto Industry! {KING}


Black Is Beautiful
Dec 1, 2013
Atlanta, Ga.

While republicans said it was a mistake to bail 'em out.


Welcome Black Man.

Do you think Black Democrats had anything to do with the Destruction of Detroit or do you blame it all on Republicans?
1.5 million auto jobs alone saved by Obama.

You are most certainly welcome.


Are you really that fucking ignorant, those 1.5 million jobs cost the country more than a million dollars EACH. That's not a good deal for anyone except the UAW.
Greed and loss of jobs did Detroit in. Unions got greedy, car companies got complacent and greedy at the same time. City government got greedy.

Then big bunches of jobs left. Wages fell. Obligations mounted. Bankrupt city.

Detroit will come back to some form of well run city. Never will be as large as it was. But still a viable city.

No matter what the Republicans say or do. Or not do.
Same thing could have been accomplished without a taxpayer bailout as has been done by many companies over the years.


Agree. 10 billion of taxpayer money got transferred to Unions---and Detroit still went broke.
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It's still Government Motors and they're still not to be trusted. Except, of course, by recipients of free Chevy Volts to go with their free Obamaphones. Think it won't happen?
Here we go again

Rehashing the same old made up BS

how sad they have to lie to make him some hero?
The government just sold off their last shares of GM.

The taxpayers didn't lose by bailing out these American citizens!

Bush bailed out Wall Street, Obama bailed out The Working Man!

Those ppl still have jobs because of Obama. America DID NOT LISTEN TO ROMNEY, and let our vaunted auto industry go bankrupt and cost millions their jobs. Which would've sent us spiraling further into a deep recession.

It took guts for Obama to do this.

He did it.

The Industry is saved and bouncing back strong.

The taxpayers got all their money back.

Thank you MR. PRESIDENT!

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I don't think the hundreds of thousands of widows and children whose GM stock was rendered worthless by The Great Obama Bankruptcy Scheme will be investing in "The New GM". They have nothing left to invest.

Ditto the bondholders.

Mark this well: This has established a pattern that will make it easy to simply repudiate the national debt and print up a new currency. Think Third Reich. Think Argentina.

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