Obama says carrying a gun "undermines justice"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Like all democrats, obozo opposes americans taking care of themselves. All problems are to be solved by the feds.

Obama to Citizens of Ferguson: Carrying a Gun 'Undermines Justice' | The Daily Sheeple

Aug 19, 2014

With National Guard now stationed in Ferguson, Missouri as the riots and protests there continue over the shooting death of an unarmed teen by police, Obama held a press conference where he said that citizens carrying guns undermines justice.

"While I understand the passions and the anger that arise over the death of Michael Brown, giving in to that anger by looting or carrying guns, and even attacking the police, only serves to raise tensions and stir chaos,” Obama told a news conference. “It undermines, rather than advancing, justice.” -
What's been occurring in Ferguson underscores one of the glaring flaws of gun control advocate's contention that everyone would be better off if only the police and military had guns.

Riots break out and the police are under so much pressure to not "inflame" the rioters that they pull back and let local stores be looted...telling the store owners that they are on their own.

The truth of the matter is that you ARE on your own when it comes to protecting yourself, your loved ones and your property from violent felons. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a phone call to 911 is going to save the day.
What's been occurring in Ferguson underscores one of the glaring flaws of gun control advocate's contention that everyone would be better off if only the police and military had guns.

Riots break out and the police are under so much pressure to not "inflame" the rioters that they pull back and let local stores be looted...telling the store owners that they are on their own.

The truth of the matter is that you ARE on your own when it comes to protecting yourself, your loved ones and your property from violent felons. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a phone call to 911 is going to save the day.

Exactly. Cops are only good for filling out paperwork for the insurance company AFTER a crime occurs...if you want to survive, handle your own business. Be situationally aware. Recognize the potential threats and have a plan.

Remember; When seconds count, the police are MINUTES away.
You shouldn't feel the need to carry a gun to protect yourself. You should feel safe enough that no weapon is needed.
Yes that would be lovely...but that's not how the real world works, unfortunately.

An armed society is a polite society
. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

Robert A. Heinlein
Funny...he's protected 24/7 ....by people with guns.

That's pretty typical of the Prog Elites who promote restrictions on guns for the Small Folk.
Yes that would be lovely...but that's not how the real world works, unfortunately.

An armed society is a polite society
. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

Robert A. Heinlein

It's how Australia works.
I'm curious, Noomi...have you ever been the victim of an assault?
I doubt it.
It's always the people who live farthest away from a problem who are the "experts".

It is generally lack of proximity to non-Whites that makes an area liberal because it allows liberals to maintain false views of non-Whites without reality constantly contradicting their ideology.
I'm curious, Noomi...have you ever been the victim of an assault?

Two sexual assaults, and several assaults while in High School.

I do not feel so unsafe as to need a gun with me, though. I do not fear that my fellow citizen may pull a weapon out and start shooting.
Were He sincere he'd order His Secret Service detail to surrender their weapons immediately.

But sincerity?

Gimme a break!

* Remembering when the guards at the White House shot a disturbed woman driving her car *
You shouldn't feel the need to carry a gun to protect yourself. You should feel safe enough that no weapon is needed.
Well sweetie, thats a nice fantasy but in reality some choose weapons and others choose karate
I fought full contact Karate back in the 80's and that didn't keep me from getting the living tar beat out of me by six guys in a parking lot back then. The Police showed up but my attackers were long gone. Broken cheekbone, nose and 3 ribs. All in about two minutes. I don't ever want any of my loved ones to go through that. I carry a concealed weapon.
What's been occurring in Ferguson underscores one of the glaring flaws of gun control advocate's contention that everyone would be better off if only the police and military had guns.

Riots break out and the police are under so much pressure to not "inflame" the rioters that they pull back and let local stores be looted...telling the store owners that they are on their own.

The truth of the matter is that you ARE on your own when it comes to protecting yourself, your loved ones and your property from violent felons. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a phone call to 911 is going to save the day.

And i think everyone knows that. The idea that we'll all be safer if only the police can legally have guns is nonsense. Everyone knows the cops will then constantly be "losing guns" meaning selling them to thugs.

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