Obama says carrying a gun "undermines justice"

Like all democrats, obozo opposes americans taking care of themselves. All problems are to be solved by the feds.

Detroit Police Chief tells his people, buy a gun.
Like all democrats, obozo opposes americans taking care of themselves. All problems are to be solved by the feds.

Detroit police chief James Craig – nicknamed “Hollywood” for his years spent in the LAPD and his seeming love of being in front of the camera – has repeatedly called on “good” and “law-abiding” Detroiters to arm themselves against criminals in the city.
I do believe he was referencing the ones carrying guns that are causing problems...Not the populace at large that are not causing problems with carrying guns...

“While I understand the passions and the anger that arise over the death of Michael Brown, giving in to that anger by looting or carrying guns, and even attacking the police, only serves to raise tensions and stir chaos,” Obama told a news conference. “It undermines, rather than advancing, justice"
Gun carry is illegal here.

If I had the legal right, I would carry a knife, but those are banned as well. Which is okay, because I have been fine for the last ten years. Haven't had a worry.

Do the criminals in your country obey these weapon bans?
What's been occurring in Ferguson underscores one of the glaring flaws of gun control advocate's contention that everyone would be better off if only the police and military had guns.

Riots break out and the police are under so much pressure to not "inflame" the rioters that they pull back and let local stores be looted...telling the store owners that they are on their own.

The truth of the matter is that you ARE on your own when it comes to protecting yourself, your loved ones and your property from violent felons. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a phone call to 911 is going to save the day.

when the government breaks down and can not fulfill it obligations

it is left to the people to do so

never give up your firearms

you may need them
You shouldn't feel the need to carry a gun to protect yourself. You should feel safe enough that no weapon is needed.

Like this 60 year old man in Sydney?

I'll bet he felt perfectly safe, right up until three men with bats beat him to death in front of his wife.

Two sexual assaults, and several assaults while in High School.

I do not feel so unsafe as to need a gun with me, though. I do not fear that my fellow citizen may pull a weapon out and start shooting.

apparently those two "sexual assaults" were nothing mor than guy or kid patting your ass......, but why ?????
You shouldn't feel the need to carry a gun to protect yourself. You should feel safe enough that no weapon is needed.

that seems to be sadly ignorant. I was mugged in an allegedly safe neighborhood many years ago. I only had the gun through blind luck-a cop friend had asked to see it at the range and I had a carry permit. It actually saved the muggers' lives by shooting one of them. You see If I didn't have the SW pistol I would have had to use the folding knife (I always carry a knife) after being assaulted. and I have had extensive training with knives. And with a knife you keep cutting until your attackers stop moving. meaning they are dead.

but to claim you don't need to carry a gun is silly. I also have had fairly extensive martial arts training. its good against perhaps one untrained mope. you get jumped by several people, your only real option is to kill and to kill really quickly
Gun carry is illegal here.

If I had the legal right, I would carry a knife, but those are banned as well. Which is okay, because I have been fine for the last ten years. Haven't had a worry.

You won't, till the next time.
Like all democrats, obozo opposes americans taking care of themselves. All problems are to be solved by the feds.

This is a lie.

That the OP is a liar comes as no surprise, of course.

As already correctly noted, the president is referring to the illegal carrying of guns, not concealed carry or open carry in jurisdictions where authorized.

That the OP and conservatives responding to this thread feel the need to lie about what the president said is both desperate and pathetic.

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