Obama says carrying a gun "undermines justice"

I fought full contact Karate back in the 80's and that didn't keep me from getting the living tar beat out of me by six guys in a parking lot back then. The Police showed up but my attackers were long gone. Broken cheekbone, nose and 3 ribs. All in about two minutes. I don't ever want any of my loved ones to go through that. I carry a concealed weapon.

For decades i've carried a folding lockback knife with a 4 inch blade. Guns are pretty bulky and heavy but this knife weighs maybe 2 ounces. Everyone should do it.
For decades i've carried a folding lockback knife with a 4 inch blade. Guns are pretty bulky and heavy but this knife weighs maybe 2 ounces. Everyone should do it.

karambit FTW. Best knife for self defense. I have 2. Both assisted opening. You can carry them anywhere and have them in your hand and ready in half a second.
There are people walking the streets with no regard whatsoever for anyone but themselves. Now you can choose to pretend that they aren't there (something that they will LOVE by the way!) or you can take steps to protect yourself and the people you care about.
karambit FTW. Best knife for self defense. I have 2. Both assisted opening. You can carry them anywhere and have them in your hand and ready in half a second.
What's the old expression about bringing a knife to a gunfight? LOL If I'm going to get arrested for the use of deadly force...I want it to be a gun and not a knife. That's just me though...
Two sexual assaults, and several assaults while in High School.

I do not feel so unsafe as to need a gun with me, though. I do not fear that my fellow citizen may pull a weapon out and start shooting.
Your fellow citizens don't need to worry about guns. They are too busy assaulting you without one.

How in the hell do you get through two sexual assaults and still arrive at the conclusion you are better off not defending yourself?
What's the old expression about bringing a knife to a gunfight? LOL If I'm going to get arrested for the use of deadly force...I want it to be a gun and not a knife. That's just me though...

Whatever it takes to destroy the threat. Situational awareness will usually prevent you from being ambushed..now if you walk around with your head down texting, you'll be a victim..or a statistic.

...but yes...you're correct. knife versus gun is a bad. Don't get in that position and all is well.
What's the old expression about bringing a knife to a gunfight? LOL If I'm going to get arrested for the use of deadly force...I want it to be a gun and not a knife. That's just me though...

Yeah but the knife is always there. How many people carry a gun ALL the time outside their house or apartment.? Do you? I always have a knife in my pocket plus a fixed-blade knife taped to my bike and one right next to the driver's seat in my car.
Your fellow citizens don't need to worry about guns. They are too busy assaulting you without one.

How in the hell do you get through two sexual assaults and still arrive at the conclusion you are better off not defending yourself?

Gun carry is illegal here.

If I had the legal right, I would carry a knife, but those are banned as well. Which is okay, because I have been fine for the last ten years. Haven't had a worry.
...but yes...you're correct. knife versus gun is a bad. Don't get in that position and all is well.

I don't know about that. Knives are scarier than guns. People get shot all the time and drive themselves to the ER. But you get slashed with a knife, even in an arm or leg,and you're in trouble. Doesn't have to be a torso hit.
Tell you what Obama...

I'll stop carrying my guns when your Secret Service people stop carrying theirs.
Gun carry is illegal here.

If I had the legal right, I would carry a knife, but those are banned as well. Which is okay, because I have been fine for the last ten years. Haven't had a worry.

Australia won't let you carry a knife??? That's effed up. Is pepper spray allowed? Are you allowed any weapons at all.? How about a baseball bat.?
I don't know about that. Knives are scarier than guns. People get shot all the time and drive themselves to the ER. But you get slashed with a knife, even in an arm or leg,and you're in trouble. Doesn't have to be a torso hit.
Check out a karambit and the damage they can do...youtube has videos.
They create horrific wounds. :D

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