Obama Says GOP/Commies Mounting Assault on Constitution

GOP COMMIES? This is surreal.

Its what liberals do, accuse others of the crimes they are guilty of---racism, greed, treason, and now even being a communist.

Its fucking laughable.

there are all two faced hypocrites
they called Bush everything they could dream up...And just go through this board and see the names and labels they put Republicans

and most of the them are just out and out LIARS with the things they accuse Republicans...like the whole Republican party and the people who are Republican are Racist...but they can elect a Racist from the KKK, but he said he was sorry, so in their world that makes them NOT RACIST.. Obama knows how to keep his base riled up and turn up the hate for others...
he's a absolute snake he pits the people of this country against each other

this Democrat party is nothing but viciousness name calling and their base isn't any better.... and not just against the Gop, but now they are now going after THE PEOPLE in this country...they make me ill
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Can't trust those Putin-loving GOP commies to do anything what's right for America anymore.

Obama Calls GOP Debt Ceiling Demands an Assault on US ?Constitutional Structure? - ABC News

WASHINGTON — On the eve of another fiscal showdown with congressional Republicans, President Obama is outright refusing to negotiate over an increase to the nation’s debt limit, saying doing so would alter “the constitutional structure of this government entirely.”

Well, nobody but the far-left moonbat brigade ever said Obama was smart.
GOP COMMIES? This is surreal.

It is pretty amazing, but the right wingers suddenly are madly in love with Putin.

It's pretty amazing that liberals are all of a sudden madly in love with Obama supplying terrorist with weapons and intel. Not to mention how addicted to more a year than Bush did?

It's pretty amazing how they claimed they are for peace and love, but with Obama he can drop bombs on anyone he wants...they have become bloodthirsty chicken hawks-war mongers

and what funny, it they took every sides with any country and dictator who was against BUSH..they creamed their jeans over Chavez calling Bush a dog while on American soil....now look at them accusing people of being in love with putin..

they are small little people who do nothing but regurgitate what their party says or what they hear on some left wing hate site and hypocrites
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Hmmm, let's see, Osama was replaced by what's his name, and he was promptly killed. Than another #2 popped up who was promptly droned to death by Obama. Ok, that's 2 #2's gone, zapped, zilched, zeroed. I think I heard a third number 2 to replace Osama surfaced but alas... *POOF*, gone.

And now you say Ayman al-Zawahiri is the new number 2... ok.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Are you truly this stupid? Ayman al-Zawahiri was second in command of Al-Qaeda behind only Bin Laden when Bin Laden was killed Zawahiri became the new Al-Qaeda leader and has been the leader ever since and is to this day your lack of knowledge is truly astounding.

If it wasn't for your dream boy Reagan, the taliban never would exist.


Though back on topic, the right wing trash are getting butthurt once again trying to hold the nation hostage, to keep medical care away from the poor and needy.

Now just to finish up regarding the truth about the Taliban you must understand about who really funded and armed the Taliban.

A woman I despise with every fiber of my being.

A woman who gave such power to such evil men whose degradation and imprisonment of the women of Afghanistan will be forever hated by myself and others who have tried desperately over the years to reinstate their human rights and dignity.

Needless to say, I did not mourn her demise. Not one bit.

For years, during her second tenure as PM, Bhutto lied brazenly to Washington about the extent to which Pakistan, with her approval, was covertly arming and funding the Taliban.

As Bhutto admitted in a 2002 interview: "Once I gave the go-ahead that they should get the money, I don't know how much money they were ultimately given ... I know it was a lot. It was just carte blanche."

For Bhutto, the objective was to keep a new Afghanistan yoked to Pakistan and out of India's orbit. (Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud was considered far too Delhi-friendly.)

Out of this relationship would flow the riches of a Pakistan-controlled trucking industry circumventing Kabul – a modern Silk Road trade incorporating the markets of Central Asia – the never realized gas pipeline from Turkmenistan, and training camps, off the Pakistan reservation, for fighters deployed to Kashmir.

Bhutto had an economic and political vision for Pakistan, one that depended largely on creating a compliant client state next door. It all got away from her, as it did also from the ISI.

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster | Toronto Star

Benazir's gift to her sisters in Afghanistan. I hope she is rotting in Hell.

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Guilt by association baby... the r-wingers excel at leveling those charges. What's good for the goose is good for the the gander. Live with it Putin-lovers .
Okay, al-Qaeda lover.

Let me guess...it's no longer good for the goose, is it?

Pssst... al-Qaeda leader dead, his name was 'Osama' killed by Obama. Remember? So, no al-Qaeda lovers on this side. Try again amateur.

Obama had nothing to do with taking out Bin Laden. It was our brave men in uniform that did it. As far as giving credit to who gave the order, that credit goes to Leon Panetta who nearly pulled Obama's arm out his shoulder from twisting it so hard to give the order. Where was Obama during the raid? Playing cards cuz he couldn't watch.

The only thing killed by Obama is America and her Constitution.

As for you misconception of those in the GOP being Putin lovers, what you are completely missing is, they like most Americans realize Putin is a highly intelligent former high ranking KGB officer, which good enough reason not to love him. The problem is, Putin is a grandmaster playing chess, while Obama, along with his fellow idiots McCain, Graham, Boehner and Kerry are playing checkers. When you have all the lies and scandals of Obama, it is not that people are lovin Putin, it's just they trust Obama even less than than Putin.....and I doubt they trust Putin any further than they could throw him, and they can't even grab ahold of him. Just goes to show what a lying, divisive America-hater Obama is.

Ohhhh...and wasn't it a bunch of left-wing Democrats in our media who had a love affair with Gorbachev over Reagan? Yep, it sure was. Nobody in this country has a love affair with Putin like lefties did with Gorbachev over Reagan.
Guilt by association baby... the r-wingers excel at leveling those charges. What's good for the goose is good for the the gander. Live with it Putin-lovers .
Okay, al-Qaeda lover.

Let me guess...it's no longer good for the goose, is it?

Pssst... al-Qaeda leader dead, his name was 'Osama' killed by Obama. Remember? So, no al-Qaeda lovers on this side. Try again amateur.

then why are you aiding al qaeda backed rebels?
You fool.

For years now the leader of AQ has beenZawahiri. He has been alive and kicking ass all over the middle east with al Qaeda. He was Bin Laden's second in command for over a decade.

Your beloved President lied to you when he touted that he had crushed AQ.

Now the AQ that we're talking about in particular is al Nusra, the AQ branch in Syria. The *cough* rebels that liberals hope will overthrow Assad.

Damn you truly are ignorant in the true sense of the word.

al who?


Bin Laden is irreplaceable. No one replaces Osama bin Laden quite like "Osama" himself. Try as they might, no one. Not ever.
You have proof that bin duckin is not replaceable?

No? I didn't think so.

Is Ronald Reagan replaceable? No? I rest my case.
No one loves Putin.

Russia has not been a communist country for close to 20 years.
As a nation it is a more business friendly country than many US states.

There are more millionaires in Russia per capita than on the EU or the USA.

Oddly enough, lower tax, less spending, lower unemployment.

A free market economy.

Could it be? Putin sounds like a reincarnated Ronald Reagan conservative. No wonder you love him comrade.
Okay, al-Qaeda lover.

Let me guess...it's no longer good for the goose, is it?

Pssst... al-Qaeda leader dead, his name was 'Osama' killed by Obama. Remember? So, no al-Qaeda lovers on this side. Try again amateur.
Psst he was replaced by Ayman al-Zawahiri the current Al - Qaeda leader who is still very much alive and has pulled off attacks in Libya, Iraq,and Afghanistan and of course has fighters in with the rebels in Syria the ones we keep talking about arming you might try getting all the facts next time.

Pssst. Al Zawhiri replaced bin Laden years before bin Laden was taken out. At the time bin Laden was so bravely taken out by our own osama-obama, bin Laden was dying, had not been active for years and was guarded by his wives.
Can't trust those Putin-loving GOP commies to do anything what's right for America anymore.

Obama Calls GOP Debt Ceiling Demands an Assault on US ?Constitutional Structure? - ABC News

WASHINGTON — On the eve of another fiscal showdown with congressional Republicans, President Obama is outright refusing to negotiate over an increase to the nation’s debt limit, saying doing so would alter “the constitutional structure of this government entirely.”

Obama says it.
You believe it.
That settles it.
No one loves Putin.

Russia has not been a communist country for close to 20 years.
As a nation it is a more business friendly country than many US states.

There are more millionaires in Russia per capita than on the EU or the USA.

Oddly enough, lower tax, less spending, lower unemployment.

A free market economy.

Wasn't there a recent thread that Putin is more "American" than Obama by USMB right wingers?


The Founding Fathers would have agreed with Putin, the head of state of Russia, instead of Obama.

I would rather have Putin as our president than Obama. He is less of a communist.


Russian unemployment ranges from 1.1% in St. Petersburg to 46.9% in Ingushetia | Russia Beyond The Headlines

I guess it depends on where you live in Russia.

Obama is more of a socialist than Putin.
Russia is an unrestricted free market economy.
They learned from America before the far left wing radicals and criminals began the destruction of America.

Dang! With all the high praise being heaped Putin by the r-wing commie-lovers here on this forum you'd think Putin was the 2nd coming of Ronald Reagan. Who'd of thunk it?

Imagine that... Putin, a better class of conservative than Reagan.

Putin, more of a conservative than Reagan.
Wasn't there a recent thread that Putin is more "American" than Obama by USMB right wingers?


The Founding Fathers would have agreed with Putin, the head of state of Russia, instead of Obama.

I would rather have Putin as our president than Obama. He is less of a communist.


Russian unemployment ranges from 1.1% in St. Petersburg to 46.9% in Ingushetia | Russia Beyond The Headlines

I guess it depends on where you live in Russia.

Obama is more of a socialist than Putin.
Russia is an unrestricted free market economy.
They learned from America before the far left wing radicals and criminals began the destruction of America.

Unrestricted free market? You mean no rules or regulations? And unemployment of more then 49% in some areas? Move there fucktard. Reap what you obviously want to sow.

Putin hates gays, Putin hates the media also... no wonder the right admires the hell out of him.

Trying this again? You only look more foolish day by day.

The Taliban (which means students) started in the 90's.

You are partially right, the taliban were students, trained by Reagan with US military training and given US arms, later to be used against us. Thanks GOP! :eusa_hand:

Taliban still have Reagan's Stingers - Telegraph


They were left over weapons you idiot. You didn't even read your own link.:lol: The stingers were left over and the Taliban got their hands on them.

Reagan had nothing to do with the Taliban. Nothing at all.

Damn you libs really are ignorant.

Reagan gave them no arms. Reagan gave them no training.

The Taliban are the 90's asshole. Funded by Benazir Bhutto.

Now from your own link. Notice that the stingers are ancient. Oh and the Taliban have old Soviet weapons as well.

It is estimated the Taliban have at most 50 Stingers, and the Pentagon hopes they will be of limited use because their sensors and batteries will have deteriorated with age.
Related Articles

"It is likely that the Stingers will be concentrated in a few key areas to defend important buildings," said Mr Heyman. "That means that there might be perhaps seven or eight at any one site."

Furthermore, the Stingers are an old model, and counter-measures have improved since they were given to the Afghans. The Taliban also have hundreds of Soviet-made surface-to-air missile

Taliban still have Reagan's Stingers - Telegraph

Reagan called the Taliban, 'freedom-fighters'. Reagan armed those 'freedom-fighters'.

Reagan poured billions of dollars in U.S. support for the Afghan 'freedom-fighters to expel Soviet forces from Afghanistan, thus the early beginnings of al-Qaeda were built and came from that support.
For the moment, the r-wingers are in love with comrade Putin, in the future, it's al-Qaeda baby... just you watch! Osama bin Laden received lot's of sympathy from the r-wingers when mean old Obama killed him where he lived, "defenseless" they claimed he was.

Just give them time, the commie-loving r-wingers will throw Putin under the bus and adopt al-Qaeda as their latest hero's just to spite President Obama if need be. Mark my words.
Are you truly this stupid? Ayman al-Zawahiri was second in command of Al-Qaeda behind only Bin Laden when Bin Laden was killed Zawahiri became the new Al-Qaeda leader and has been the leader ever since and is to this day your lack of knowledge is truly astounding.

If it wasn't for your dream boy Reagan, the taliban never would exist.


Though back on topic, the right wing trash are getting butthurt once again trying to hold the nation hostage, to keep medical care away from the poor and needy.


Trying this again? You only look more foolish day by day.

The Taliban (which means students) started in the 90's.

And don't give me that bullshit that others have tried that you can "trace back the origins" because if you want to play that idiotic left wing game, well then the Taliban and everyone else on the planet can trace back their origins to Adam and Eve.

Rise of the Taliban

In reaction to the warlordism prevalent in the country, and the lack of Pashtun representation in the Kabul government, a movement arose called the Taliban.

Many Taliban had been educated in madrasas in Pakistan and were largely from rural Pashtun backgrounds.

This group was made up of mostly Pashtuns that dedicated itself to removing the warlords, providing law and order, and imposing the strict Islamic Sharia law on the country.

In 1994 it developed enough strength to capture the city of Kandahar from a local warlord and proceeded to expand its control throughout Afghanistan, occupying Herat in September 1995, then Kabul in September 1996, and declaring the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (although there was no Emir).

By this time Afghanistan was in its 17th year of war. It had the highest infant, child and maternal mortality rates in Asia. An estimated 10 million landmines covered its terrain. Two-million refugees were in camps.

Pakistan recognized the Taliban as the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan in 1997. By the end of 2000, the Taliban occupied about 95% of the country, limiting the opposition to a small corner in the northeast Panshir valley.

Efforts by the UN, prominent Afghans living outside the country, and other interested countries to bring about a peaceful solution to the continuing conflict came to nothing, largely because of intransigence on the part of the Taliban.

History of Afghanistan (1992?present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, they came about in the 80's as they began a civil war with the Mujahdeen. They were one of the Mujahdeen and fought alongside other Mujahdeen against the Soviets. After the Soviets left, the Taliban then began a civil war with other Mujahdeen.

Russian invasion of Afghanistan
For the moment, the r-wingers are in love with comrade Putin, in the future, it's al-Qaeda baby... just you watch! Osama bin Laden received lot's of sympathy from the r-wingers when mean old Obama killed him where he lived, "defenseless" they claimed he was.

Just give them time, the commie-loving r-wingers will throw Putin under the bus and adopt al-Qaeda as their latest hero's just to spite President Obama if need be. Mark my words.

When it comes to these nut jobs, they will put anyone ahead of Obama, because they just cannot stand the fact that he is our President.
Can't trust those Putin-loving GOP commies to do anything what's right for America anymore.

Obama Calls GOP Debt Ceiling Demands an Assault on US ?Constitutional Structure? - ABC News

WASHINGTON — On the eve of another fiscal showdown with congressional Republicans, President Obama is outright refusing to negotiate over an increase to the nation’s debt limit, saying doing so would alter “the constitutional structure of this government entirely.”

Obongo was seeing reflections from his teleprompters, he's da commie...:eusa_angel:


By mid-1979, the United States had started a covert program to finance the mujahideen,[5] whose aim was later described by Carter's National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as to "induce a Soviet military intervention."

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Huntsman compares GOP to Communist Party of China

Huntsman compares GOP to Communist Party of China ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) – Former GOP White House contender Jon Huntsman on Monday explained the comparison he made between the Republican Party and Communist Party of China the night before as "waxing philosophical" on the state of politics.

On Sunday night Huntsman equated being disinvited by the Republican Party from a Florida fundraiser in March after he floated the idea of a third party to "what they do in China on party matters if you talk off script," according to political blog BuzzFeed.
Can't trust those Putin-loving GOP commies to do anything what's right for America anymore.

Obama Calls GOP Debt Ceiling Demands an Assault on US ?Constitutional Structure? - ABC News

WASHINGTON — On the eve of another fiscal showdown with congressional Republicans, President Obama is outright refusing to negotiate over an increase to the nation’s debt limit, saying doing so would alter “the constitutional structure of this government entirely.”

Obongo was seeing reflections from his teleprompters, he's da commie...:eusa_angel:


By mid-1979, the United States had started a covert program to finance the mujahideen,[5] whose aim was later described by Carter's National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as to "induce a Soviet military intervention."

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




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