Obama says he will not enforce the law.

Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shit in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?
I agree - "there has been an obvious shit in focus towards criminals and national security deportations"...from Hillary and Obama. :p
That was a nice typo... now do you want to address the topic?
It wasn't a typo ... it was a FREUDIAN SLIP. :p
Im shock that you aren't a lawyer, you seem to have such an excellent grasp of our legal system. I'm sure Obama will be in jail by years end with all these laws he is breaking, especially once your boy Trump gets elected. It should be an easy win for him once Hill gets put in the slammer. You should be a happy camper, what are you doing on here bitching so much??

Wow... a response that doesn't sound like it came from a block of concrete. First of all, I'm not a supporter of the world's richest professional clown. Bernie would be better than him or hitlery.

Again nice deflection.

Again, your moonbat messiah has refused to do his job. The fact that you don't care says everything about you. You clearly do not have the capacity to think.
That was a nice typo... now do you want to address the topic?


I mean I'm sure you'll go to the rallies, but just try looking around for awhile. The people shitting on cop cars aren't really your friends.

I am of course aware that I could be talking to a guy who did some of the shitting.

This is what you all look like when asked to provide substantive answers.

Dodgeball anyone??
You literally just said he was breaking immigration laws. Also, "Undocumented Immigrants"? Hilarious, no, they're breaking the law by being here and should never be allowed to be employed, and anyone that does employ them should be thrown in jail, along with said illegals they employed.
Pot smokers are breaking the law in Colorado and Washington as well... do you want to arrest all of them too?
'smatter Slade, you against the Constitution and Rule of law, too? Think ANY President should just be able to do whatever the hell they want? News Flash: That's not a President. It's a dictator.
I think the President is doing what his resources allow him to do and he is working on making a smart plan to handle the situation. We don't have the resources to round up, arrest and deport 11 million people. He is focusing on criminals and new crossers. People that have been here for years and who are working in our communities he is trying to give them an option to work legally. That means they pay taxes... Imagine that! You all are idiots that distort the situation and you think i'm way off. Look at all the bitching and nobody has presented a real plan on what they want to do besides throw them in jail and deport them... Come back to reality, I want to visit Saturn and slide on the rings but i'm not pissed at Obama for not letting me go.

And you all ignore the fact that Obama has deported a record number of illegals:
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Only if you count people turned around at the border as a deporation.

High deportation figures are misleading

In fact, "...A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data."
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
Nice dodge on the question. You're pretty good at writing a lot of words and saying absolutely nothing


You walked into the question, it's YOU who need an answer turd. That's how arguments work.

The meat puppet faggot REFUSES to do his job. That's the point of this OP. You don't get to interject a question before you recognize the fact the messiah has declared his intent to commit a felony;

Not enforcing the law is his job, all federal employees can face serious charges for refusing to do their jobs especially when it can be determined that damages have been suffered due to gross negligence.

You're a drone.

BTW bed wetter, Sly answered your dumbass "question". Quite well I might add.

I want him to enforce the law.
How should he do that is a valid question.
Cut them off all federal aid, no school, no medical, no job.
Deport them. If country of origin doesn't want them back dump them in the ocean.

Another dodge with zero substance... And with even more words... Amazing
I know you're good at this 'not reading' thing, but being unable to read doesn't change that he already gave you the answer. He needs to enforce the law by throwing these illegals in jail, deporting them, or both. He could also be a REAL president by making the punishment for hiring these illegals much more severe. Anyone caught hiring and/or employing these illegals should be thrown in jail, or deported with them, and also suffer a massive fine. We really don't need to spend the money to deport them, if they can't go to school, go to college, get a job, collect federal aid, or get treated at the hospital. Show them that breaking the law actually has consequences.
Ok, fair statements... Now we have a limited amount of money and manpower and 11 million people that you want arrested and deported. So we can't just go get all of them, there needs to be a plan. Our resources right now are going towards arresting and deporting criminals and recent border crossers. Do you object to that plan? If you want to put more resources towards that effort then who else should be focus on and how much do you want to spend? Where does that money come from?

Also, do you realize that Obama has deported a record number of immigrants? What of that?
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013
You conveniently ignored my point about just cutting them off from federal aid, hospitals, education, and jobs. That would take no resources, and even if employers violated those laws, the fines can easily make up for the money spend throwing them in jail. Well, that and NOT giving them federal aid will save the government lots of tax-payer dollars. As I said, being unable to read doesn't change that I gave you an answer. Also, he's violated the constitution a record number of times, and attempted to legalize a record number of boarder-jumping criminals. This president is setting lots of records, isn't he? I'd also like to point out that he's been able to deport a 'record number' of illegals, because he refuses to stop them in the first place.
Pot smokers are breaking the law in Colorado and Washington as well... do you want to arrest all of them too?
'smatter Slade, you against the Constitution and Rule of law, too? Think ANY President should just be able to do whatever the hell they want? News Flash: That's not a President. It's a dictator.
I think the President is doing what his resources allow him to do and he is working on making a smart plan to handle the situation. We don't have the resources to round up, arrest and deport 11 million people. He is focusing on criminals and new crossers. People that have been here for years and who are working in our communities he is trying to give them an option to work legally. That means they pay taxes... Imagine that! You all are idiots that distort the situation and you think i'm way off. Look at all the bitching and nobody has presented a real plan on what they want to do besides throw them in jail and deport them... Come back to reality, I want to visit Saturn and slide on the rings but i'm not pissed at Obama for not letting me go.

And you all ignore the fact that Obama has deported a record number of illegals:
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Only if you count people turned around at the border as a deporation.

High deportation figures are misleading

In fact, "...A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data."
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
On the contrary, I don't think he did an amazing job with the economy, there is much to be desired. But I do like him and can acknowledge the good that he has done. People like you are so blind with hate and frustration that EVERYTHING Obama is bad. I just posted a link from ICE that you ignored which shows positive progress with deportations and immigration. Why can't anybody acknowledge it... Your the 4th person i've asked about the link and the 4th person thats dodged the question.
Nice dodge on the question. You're pretty good at writing a lot of words and saying absolutely nothing


You walked into the question, it's YOU who need an answer turd. That's how arguments work.

The meat puppet faggot REFUSES to do his job. That's the point of this OP. You don't get to interject a question before you recognize the fact the messiah has declared his intent to commit a felony;

Not enforcing the law is his job, all federal employees can face serious charges for refusing to do their jobs especially when it can be determined that damages have been suffered due to gross negligence.

You're a drone.

BTW bed wetter, Sly answered your dumbass "question". Quite well I might add.

I want him to enforce the law.
How should he do that is a valid question.
Cut them off all federal aid, no school, no medical, no job.
Deport them. If country of origin doesn't want them back dump them in the ocean.

Another dodge with zero substance... And with even more words... Amazing
I know you're good at this 'not reading' thing, but being unable to read doesn't change that he already gave you the answer. He needs to enforce the law by throwing these illegals in jail, deporting them, or both. He could also be a REAL president by making the punishment for hiring these illegals much more severe. Anyone caught hiring and/or employing these illegals should be thrown in jail, or deported with them, and also suffer a massive fine. We really don't need to spend the money to deport them, if they can't go to school, go to college, get a job, collect federal aid, or get treated at the hospital. Show them that breaking the law actually has consequences.
Ok, fair statements... Now we have a limited amount of money and manpower and 11 million people that you want arrested and deported. So we can't just go get all of them, there needs to be a plan. Our resources right now are going towards arresting and deporting criminals and recent border crossers. Do you object to that plan? If you want to put more resources towards that effort then who else should be focus on and how much do you want to spend? Where does that money come from?

Also, do you realize that Obama has deported a record number of immigrants? What of that?
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013
You conveniently ignored my point about just cutting them off from federal aid, hospitals, education, and jobs. That would take no resources, and even if employers violated those laws, the fines can easily make up for the money spend throwing them in jail. Well, that and NOT giving them federal aid will save the government lots of tax-payer dollars. As I said, being unable to read doesn't change that I gave you an answer. Also, he's violated the constitution a record number of times, and attempted to legalize a record number of boarder-jumping criminals. This president is setting lots of records, isn't he? I'd also like to point out that he's been able to deport a 'record number' of illegals, because he refuses to stop them in the first place.
Many of these border crossing criminals that you are talking about are children that were brought over by their parents at a young age. They are students and workers that are trying to make a living and trying to raise their family's. The president and many in this country have compassion for people in that situation and don't think it best for our communities to focus on putting kids on the street rather than in schools and rounding up family's to deporting them. Esp when there are criminals out there... We do need to do something though and the proposal was to give them a path to work legally, pay taxes, and be a part of society without ripping apart communities. You all scream the A word and stomp your feet so we are left at a stand still.

If it wasn't such a serious and sad situation i'd laugh at how distorted you all paint the picture. Why can't you just be honest and realistic so we can have a real conversation about substance?
'smatter Slade, you against the Constitution and Rule of law, too? Think ANY President should just be able to do whatever the hell they want? News Flash: That's not a President. It's a dictator.
I think the President is doing what his resources allow him to do and he is working on making a smart plan to handle the situation. We don't have the resources to round up, arrest and deport 11 million people. He is focusing on criminals and new crossers. People that have been here for years and who are working in our communities he is trying to give them an option to work legally. That means they pay taxes... Imagine that! You all are idiots that distort the situation and you think i'm way off. Look at all the bitching and nobody has presented a real plan on what they want to do besides throw them in jail and deport them... Come back to reality, I want to visit Saturn and slide on the rings but i'm not pissed at Obama for not letting me go.

And you all ignore the fact that Obama has deported a record number of illegals:
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Only if you count people turned around at the border as a deporation.

High deportation figures are misleading

In fact, "...A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data."
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
On the contrary, I don't think he did an amazing job with the economy, there is much to be desired. But I do like him and can acknowledge the good that he has done. People like you are so blind with hate and frustration that EVERYTHING Obama is bad. I just posted a link from ICE that you ignored which shows positive progress with deportations and immigration. Why can't anybody acknowledge it... Your the 4th person i've asked about the link and the 4th person thats dodged the question.
I addressed the link, actually, but I can go in-depth if you like. Firstly, it shows different colors for criminals and 'non-criminals', completely ignoring that coming here illegally is a criminal offense.Secondly, as pointed out last time, he's deporting more because he's allowing more into the country.

Oh look, record number of illegals entering the country under Obama. Who would have thought?

I'm not blind with 'hate and frustration', I'm realistic. Obama has done NOTHING good for the country. There is not a single policy he has implemented that has helped this country at all, as everything he has done has been to progress the Liberal agenda.

You walked into the question, it's YOU who need an answer turd. That's how arguments work.

The meat puppet faggot REFUSES to do his job. That's the point of this OP. You don't get to interject a question before you recognize the fact the messiah has declared his intent to commit a felony;

Not enforcing the law is his job, all federal employees can face serious charges for refusing to do their jobs especially when it can be determined that damages have been suffered due to gross negligence.

You're a drone.

BTW bed wetter, Sly answered your dumbass "question". Quite well I might add.

Another dodge with zero substance... And with even more words... Amazing
I know you're good at this 'not reading' thing, but being unable to read doesn't change that he already gave you the answer. He needs to enforce the law by throwing these illegals in jail, deporting them, or both. He could also be a REAL president by making the punishment for hiring these illegals much more severe. Anyone caught hiring and/or employing these illegals should be thrown in jail, or deported with them, and also suffer a massive fine. We really don't need to spend the money to deport them, if they can't go to school, go to college, get a job, collect federal aid, or get treated at the hospital. Show them that breaking the law actually has consequences.
Ok, fair statements... Now we have a limited amount of money and manpower and 11 million people that you want arrested and deported. So we can't just go get all of them, there needs to be a plan. Our resources right now are going towards arresting and deporting criminals and recent border crossers. Do you object to that plan? If you want to put more resources towards that effort then who else should be focus on and how much do you want to spend? Where does that money come from?

Also, do you realize that Obama has deported a record number of immigrants? What of that?
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013
You conveniently ignored my point about just cutting them off from federal aid, hospitals, education, and jobs. That would take no resources, and even if employers violated those laws, the fines can easily make up for the money spend throwing them in jail. Well, that and NOT giving them federal aid will save the government lots of tax-payer dollars. As I said, being unable to read doesn't change that I gave you an answer. Also, he's violated the constitution a record number of times, and attempted to legalize a record number of boarder-jumping criminals. This president is setting lots of records, isn't he? I'd also like to point out that he's been able to deport a 'record number' of illegals, because he refuses to stop them in the first place.
Many of these border crossing criminals that you are talking about are children that were brought over by their parents at a young age. They are students and workers that are trying to make a living and trying to raise their family's. The president and many in this country have compassion for people in that situation and don't think it best for our communities to focus on putting kids on the street rather than in schools and rounding up family's to deporting them. Esp when there are criminals out there... We do need to do something though and the proposal was to give them a path to work legally, pay taxes, and be a part of society without ripping apart communities. You all scream the A word and stomp your feet so we are left at a stand still.

If it wasn't such a serious and sad situation i'd laugh at how distorted you all paint the picture. Why can't you just be honest and realistic so we can have a real conversation about substance?
We ARE being honest and realistic. They aren't supposed to be here. Here's a weird thought; how about they just come here legally? I came here legally, they can, too. The fact that you're defending law-breaking and acting like there's no process for legal immigration to the country is laughable. No, though, not all of them are children. That's silly. The actual reason a lot of illegals are coming here to start with is to make some quick cash, then hop back over the border and back to Mexico with the money they made. Well, that and dropping anchor babies, so bleeding hearts like you will say "B-BUT, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?". They shouldn't be here illegally, they can leave and come back the right way. Until then, they shouldn't benefit from anything this country has. Nobody should sell to them, nobody should hire them, they shouldn't be able to vote, they shouldn't get federal aid, they shouldn't get education, they shouldn't be able to go to the hospital, they should get out.
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I think the President is doing what his resources allow him to do and he is working on making a smart plan to handle the situation. We don't have the resources to round up, arrest and deport 11 million people. He is focusing on criminals and new crossers. People that have been here for years and who are working in our communities he is trying to give them an option to work legally. That means they pay taxes... Imagine that! You all are idiots that distort the situation and you think i'm way off. Look at all the bitching and nobody has presented a real plan on what they want to do besides throw them in jail and deport them... Come back to reality, I want to visit Saturn and slide on the rings but i'm not pissed at Obama for not letting me go.

And you all ignore the fact that Obama has deported a record number of illegals:
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Only if you count people turned around at the border as a deporation.

High deportation figures are misleading

In fact, "...A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data."
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
On the contrary, I don't think he did an amazing job with the economy, there is much to be desired. But I do like him and can acknowledge the good that he has done. People like you are so blind with hate and frustration that EVERYTHING Obama is bad. I just posted a link from ICE that you ignored which shows positive progress with deportations and immigration. Why can't anybody acknowledge it... Your the 4th person i've asked about the link and the 4th person thats dodged the question.
I addressed the link, actually, but I can go in-depth if you like. Firstly, it shows different colors for criminals and 'non-criminals', completely ignoring that coming here illegally is a criminal offense.Secondly, as pointed out last time, he's deporting more because he's allowing more into the country.

Oh look, record number of illegals entering the country under Obama. Who would have thought?

I'm not blind with 'hate and frustration', I'm realistic. Obama has done NOTHING good for the country. There is not a single policy he has implemented that has helped this country at all, as everything he has done has been to progress the Liberal agenda.
I'll get back to you tonight... heading to a BBQ
"Obama: I'm Still Not Enforcing Immigration Law, No Matter What The Court Says " (Daily Caller)

Didn't he take an oath of office to uphold our laws ? Just asking

This is a lie.

Immigration laws are in being enforced.

Priority is being given to gang members, drugs dealers, and other criminals to be deported first, which is appropriate and warranted.

When they've all been deported, 19 year old college students who came to the US legally when they were two will be next.
If those two year olds came here via illegal immigration they are illegal at 19, deport all of them now.
We ARE being honest and realistic. They aren't supposed to be here. Here's a weird thought; how about they just come here legally? I came here legally, they can, too. The fact that you're defending law-breaking and acting like there's no process legal immigration to the country is laughable. No, though, not all of them are children. That's silly. The actual reason a lot of illegals are coming here to start with is to make some quick cash, then hop back over the border and back to Mexico with the money they made. Well, that and dropping anchor babies, so bleeding hearts like you will say "B-BUT, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?". They shouldn't be here illegally, they can leave and come back the right way. Until then, they shouldn't benefit from anything this country has. Nobody should sell to them, nobody should hire them, they shouldn't be able to vote, they shouldn't get federal aid, they shouldn't get education, they shouldn't be able to go to the hospital, they should get out.

I think the President is doing what his resources allow him to do and he is working on making a smart plan to handle the situation. We don't have the resources to round up, arrest and deport 11 million people. He is focusing on criminals and new crossers. People that have been here for years and who are working in our communities he is trying to give them an option to work legally. That means they pay taxes... Imagine that! You all are idiots that distort the situation and you think i'm way off. Look at all the bitching and nobody has presented a real plan on what they want to do besides throw them in jail and deport them... Come back to reality, I want to visit Saturn and slide on the rings but i'm not pissed at Obama for not letting me go.

And you all ignore the fact that Obama has deported a record number of illegals:
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Only if you count people turned around at the border as a deporation.

High deportation figures are misleading

In fact, "...A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data."
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
On the contrary, I don't think he did an amazing job with the economy, there is much to be desired. But I do like him and can acknowledge the good that he has done. People like you are so blind with hate and frustration that EVERYTHING Obama is bad. I just posted a link from ICE that you ignored which shows positive progress with deportations and immigration. Why can't anybody acknowledge it... Your the 4th person i've asked about the link and the 4th person thats dodged the question.
I addressed the link, actually, but I can go in-depth if you like. Firstly, it shows different colors for criminals and 'non-criminals', completely ignoring that coming here illegally is a criminal offense.Secondly, as pointed out last time, he's deporting more because he's allowing more into the country.

Oh look, record number of illegals entering the country under Obama. Who would have thought?

I'm not blind with 'hate and frustration', I'm realistic. Obama has done NOTHING good for the country. There is not a single policy he has implemented that has helped this country at all, as everything he has done has been to progress the Liberal agenda.
This graph you posted shows a negative or decreasing level of unauthorized immigrant population under Obama, which is what has happened in recent years...

So we have a negative flow of people coming in, a record number of deportations and a higher percentage of people committing crimes being deported, and you are complaining about this?

Funny you diss on me for my reading comprehension then you do this
Only if you count people turned around at the border as a deporation.

High deportation figures are misleading

In fact, "...A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data."
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
On the contrary, I don't think he did an amazing job with the economy, there is much to be desired. But I do like him and can acknowledge the good that he has done. People like you are so blind with hate and frustration that EVERYTHING Obama is bad. I just posted a link from ICE that you ignored which shows positive progress with deportations and immigration. Why can't anybody acknowledge it... Your the 4th person i've asked about the link and the 4th person thats dodged the question.
I addressed the link, actually, but I can go in-depth if you like. Firstly, it shows different colors for criminals and 'non-criminals', completely ignoring that coming here illegally is a criminal offense.Secondly, as pointed out last time, he's deporting more because he's allowing more into the country.

Oh look, record number of illegals entering the country under Obama. Who would have thought?

I'm not blind with 'hate and frustration', I'm realistic. Obama has done NOTHING good for the country. There is not a single policy he has implemented that has helped this country at all, as everything he has done has been to progress the Liberal agenda.
This graph you posted shows a negative or decreasing level of unauthorized immigrant population under Obama, which is what has happened in recent years...

So we have a negative flow of people coming in, a record number of deportations and a higher percentage of people committing crimes being deported, and you are complaining about this?

Funny you diss on me for my reading comprehension then you do this
No, it shows the illegal immigration leveling off at a rate that's much higher than what we've had under anyone else. Funny you can't seem to read a graph. Also, both of those higher rates are because the illegal immigration rate is much higher under him than anyone else.
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Oh man, just counting the days till the foreigner asshole is gone. He's been in violation of his oath of office for years. He should have been Impeached. For his IRS abuses alone, he should have been removed.
Good to consider... Apparently, there has been an obvious shift in focus towards criminals and national security deportations, which is a good thing. would you agree?

FY 2015 ICE Immigration Removals
No, he's not doing everything in his power. He's violated the constitution 64 times. With that sort of leeway, and the majority he had at the start of his term, he was able to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to dump all over the economy, businesses, and the American people in general. Your faith in this failed president is amusing. Delusional, but amusing nonetheless.
On the contrary, I don't think he did an amazing job with the economy, there is much to be desired. But I do like him and can acknowledge the good that he has done. People like you are so blind with hate and frustration that EVERYTHING Obama is bad. I just posted a link from ICE that you ignored which shows positive progress with deportations and immigration. Why can't anybody acknowledge it... Your the 4th person i've asked about the link and the 4th person thats dodged the question.
I addressed the link, actually, but I can go in-depth if you like. Firstly, it shows different colors for criminals and 'non-criminals', completely ignoring that coming here illegally is a criminal offense.Secondly, as pointed out last time, he's deporting more because he's allowing more into the country.

Oh look, record number of illegals entering the country under Obama. Who would have thought?

I'm not blind with 'hate and frustration', I'm realistic. Obama has done NOTHING good for the country. There is not a single policy he has implemented that has helped this country at all, as everything he has done has been to progress the Liberal agenda.
This graph you posted shows a negative or decreasing level of unauthorized immigrant population under Obama, which is what has happened in recent years...

So we have a negative flow of people coming in, a record number of deportations and a higher percentage of people committing crimes being deported, and you are complaining about this?

Funny you diss on me for my reading comprehension then you do this
No, it shows the illegal immigration leveling off at a rate that's much higher than what we've had under anyone else. Funny you can't seem to read a graph. Also, both of those higher rates are because the illegal immigration rate is much higher under him than anyone else.
This is just classic... I'm not one to rub it in but it's tempting given the condescending tone you are speaking to me with... Show that graph to the smartest person you know and have them explain it to you. It shows the exact opposite of what you claim. Perhaps now you can say something nice?
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