Obama says the private sector is "DOING JUST FINE" LMAO

What proof do the right wing puppets have about the private sector so that they continue whining about Obama? Do any of them even know how they could tell how the private sector was doing? Nah, when all you do is whine about the president, all you do is whine. When Bush II was making a mess of things they all cheered, now if you can square that fact with job growth and the improvement in the market under Obama, you realize the right wing is still whining three years on. Cry babies cry, it's all you do. http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/226685-america-the-stupid-3.html#post5421162
Wont be long till this little gem is in some Romney ads.

What a stupid thing to say. The man better stay on his notes in the upcoming debates or he will sink himself with his own words.

I was soooo happy to see Romney jump right on this red meat.... he didnt waste any time criticizing it publicly.

McCain would've waited to see what a focus group of RINO's wanted him to say. :lol:

Show how incredible stupid he really is. He knows well how Obama really feels about jobs and the economy. The smart thing for Romny to have done is let this go because it show his :desperation. cuckoo:
He don't have much else to attack Obama on. Smoking gun was a cap gun?:lol:
If you don't know the simple facts, why are you making yourself look like a moron by arguing them?


The simple fact is we've never seen a real estate collapse like this one since the Depression, if even then. Nor have we seen such a state and local cutback in spending, leading to massive layoffs.

Nor do we have the cyclical industrial manufacturing base we once had that would normally carry us out of a business cycle downturn.

Nor have we ever seen consumers this much in debt, nor have we ever seen this many households needing 2 jobs to maintain their standard of living.

cry me a river, hes also had extraordinary tools put at his disposal, its 33 months since the end of the recession, suck it up, reality time.

So the nature of the recession is irrelevant?

What extraordinary tools? List them.
His point, clear to anyone who understands English, is that private sector jobs are growing and the big drag on employment are state and local government layoffs. It's also a point that happens to be true.

Hos point is you are an idiot? Because he clearly made the point that was not his point later.
Oh look ... Here's a big surprise for y'all ...

The LYING rw's have taken PART of a phrase and posted it. Oh sure, the LYING rw posted the video but rw's are known for being really REEEEELYY stoopid and we all know they don't want the whole story cuz then they'd have to admit they're cherry picking.

Just goes to show you (or shows to go you) that rw's are just plain flat out stupid and bigoted.

They KNOW what they want to know.

Note to others - if you haven't already, listen to the entire speech and you'll hear what the prez actually said.
Oh look ... Here's a big surprise for y'all ...

The LYING rw's have taken PART of a phrase and posted it. Oh sure, the LYING rw posted the video but rw's are known for being really REEEEELYY stoopid and we all know they don't want the whole story cuz then they'd have to admit they're cherry picking.

Just goes to show you (or shows to go you) that rw's are just plain flat out stupid and bigoted.

They KNOW what they want to know.

Note to others - if you haven't already, listen to the entire speech and you'll hear what the prez actually said.

Which explains why Obama explained that he didn't actually mean what he said.
He is just a community organizer that doesn't know what the hell he is doing, that's all.

This is what happens when people put someone in charge based on skin color alone.
We have nationwide government austerity policies ongoing for months/years now at the state and local levels.

That has resulted not only in the direct loss of hundreds of thousands of government jobs, but the indirect loss of jobs in the private sector for companies doing business with state and local governments.

For conservatives:

1. That's a good thing.

2. That's Obama's fault and why he shouldn't be re-elected.

Did it occur to you that when you run out of money you should stop spending? Most state and local governments have balanced budget amendments specifically to control spending. Austerity is what happens when you're broke.
And really enough of the "Obama inherited this" crap. Obama was a sitting senator who BEGGED the American people for the job of fixing our economy. He claimed his policies would be effective and that he had a plan. Well they haven't been and he apparently had no plan.
that was during a recession - obviously incorrect.

WTF does that have to do with this MORONIC President saying the Private Sector is doing Fine?

what do you expect after the 07-09 Recession, deepest since the 1930s Great Depression - the Recession was curtailed by the Administration in June of 09 with positive GDP since that quarter to the present -

it is up to the private sector to show improvement not the gov't to do it for them.

The steeper the recession, the steeper the recovery. This has been the rule in every recession.
So Obama looks worse, not better, every time he complains how bad it was.
Job creation is the lowest of any recovery,not even enough to absorb the growing labor force.

Because public sector job losses are offsetting private sector job gains.

What the hell did you people think was going to happen when your entire party platform consists of "shrinking government"?


Small companies are going out of business. Major investment has shifted to overseas, where there is a more stable legal system and economy.

There's a "more stable legal system in India, China and Singapore?

What have you been smoking exactly? I want some.

Investment has shifted overseas because corporations have no sense of patriotism, and are taking their jobs to countries where they can pay workers 20 cents an hour.

But even with all those jobs being sent overseas, there is still a net surplus in the private sector in the US, and has been for some time.


Lower gov't employment is not responsible for rising unemployment. Sorry.
India doesn't have to worry that their gov't will impose some new expensive mandate. That's stability.
I had no idea companies were supposed to be patriotic (whatever that means). I thought they were supposed to make money.
Job creation is the lowest of any recovery,not even enough to absorb the growing labor force.

Because public sector job losses are offsetting private sector job gains.

What the hell did you people think was going to happen when your entire party platform consists of "shrinking government"?


Small companies are going out of business. Major investment has shifted to overseas, where there is a more stable legal system and economy.

There's a "more stable legal system in India, China and Singapore?

What have you been smoking exactly? I want some.

Investment has shifted overseas because corporations have no sense of patriotism, and are taking their jobs to countries where they can pay workers 20 cents an hour.

But even with all those jobs being sent overseas, there is still a net surplus in the private sector in the US, and has been for some time.


Lower gov't employment is not responsible for rising unemployment. Sorry.
India doesn't have to worry that their gov't will impose some new expensive mandate. That's stability.
I had no idea companies were supposed to be patriotic (whatever that means). I thought they were supposed to make money.

Hmm.. Patriotism is an emotion. How are corporations, which according to the left, do NOT consist of people supposed to feel an emotion?
I'm so grateful that Progressives are lead by this clueless fucking retard.

I wasn't sure we could have another blow out of Progressive in 2012 like we did in 2010 but with Greedy Public Unions, Obama, Reid and Pelosi leading the opposition we could win another 70 Congress seats, POTUS, the Senate and 1/2 the remaining state houses

Really? I bet you are full of shit.
I'm so grateful that Progressives are lead by this clueless fucking retard.

I wasn't sure we could have another blow out of Progressive in 2012 like we did in 2010 but with Greedy Public Unions, Obama, Reid and Pelosi leading the opposition we could win another 70 Congress seats, POTUS, the Senate and 1/2 the remaining state houses

Really? I bet you are full of shit.

This gentleman summed it up real good. Put your money where your mouth is.
I'm so grateful that Progressives are lead by this clueless fucking retard.

I wasn't sure we could have another blow out of Progressive in 2012 like we did in 2010 but with Greedy Public Unions, Obama, Reid and Pelosi leading the opposition we could win another 70 Congress seats, POTUS, the Senate and 1/2 the remaining state houses

Really? I bet you are full of shit.

No, really.

I can't imagine anything better than having to run against Obama on his economic record, Reid's criminally negligent Senate in refusing to pass a budget and Pelosi insisting we have to pass laws before we know what's in them

Obama won't run on his record so we'll run it if for him.

Obama Record

First ever Credit downgrade
Record Debt
Record Deficits (Bigger than entire Reagan budgets)
Proudly getting people using Food Stamps in record numbers
Fundamental cluelessness: The economy is/is not doing bad
Worst unemployment record since FDR fucked over the Middle Class for 8 years
I'm so grateful that Progressives are lead by this clueless fucking retard.

I wasn't sure we could have another blow out of Progressive in 2012 like we did in 2010 but with Greedy Public Unions, Obama, Reid and Pelosi leading the opposition we could win another 70 Congress seats, POTUS, the Senate and 1/2 the remaining state houses

Really? I bet you are full of shit.

No, really.

I can't imagine anything better than having to run against Obama on his economic record, Reid's criminally negligent Senate in refusing to pass a budget and Pelosi insisting we have to pass laws before we know what's in them

Obama won't run on his record so we'll run it if for him.

Obama Record

First ever Credit downgrade
Record Debt
Record Deficits (Bigger than entire Reagan budgets)
Proudly getting people using Food Stamps in record numbers
Fundamental cluelessness: The economy is/is not doing bad
Worst unemployment record since FDR fucked over the Middle Class for 8 years

And yet Obama will still win reelection and the Senate will stay Democrats, by one vote.
I'm so grateful that Progressives are lead by this clueless fucking retard.

I wasn't sure we could have another blow out of Progressive in 2012 like we did in 2010 but with Greedy Public Unions, Obama, Reid and Pelosi leading the opposition we could win another 70 Congress seats, POTUS, the Senate and 1/2 the remaining state houses

Really? I bet you are full of shit.

This gentleman summed it up real good. Put your money where your mouth is.

I did, I started a thread on the subject:

Really? I bet you are full of shit.

No, really.

I can't imagine anything better than having to run against Obama on his economic record, Reid's criminally negligent Senate in refusing to pass a budget and Pelosi insisting we have to pass laws before we know what's in them

Obama won't run on his record so we'll run it if for him.

Obama Record

First ever Credit downgrade
Record Debt
Record Deficits (Bigger than entire Reagan budgets)
Proudly getting people using Food Stamps in record numbers
Fundamental cluelessness: The economy is/is not doing bad
Worst unemployment record since FDR fucked over the Middle Class for 8 years

And yet Obama will still win reelection and the Senate will stay Democrats, by one vote.

Let's review the Democrat Record under Obama

Lost the Kennedy Seat
Lost NJ Governor
Lost VA Governor
Massive landslide Loss in 2010
Oh, won NY 26
Failed WI Recall

That's why I'm glad we're running against Obama's Progressive Record

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