Obama says the private sector is "DOING JUST FINE" LMAO

Obama is toast. He is running the worst re-election campaign in history. and yes, the Dems have lost virtually every race since he was elected.
We have nationwide government austerity policies ongoing for months/years now at the state and local levels.

That has resulted not only in the direct loss of hundreds of thousands of government jobs, but the indirect loss of jobs in the private sector for companies doing business with state and local governments.

For conservatives:

1. That's a good thing.

2. That's Obama's fault and why he shouldn't be re-elected.

Did it occur to you that when you run out of money you should stop spending? Most state and local governments have balanced budget amendments specifically to control spending. Austerity is what happens when you're broke.
And really enough of the "Obama inherited this" crap. Obama was a sitting senator who BEGGED the American people for the job of fixing our economy. He claimed his policies would be effective and that he had a plan. Well they haven't been and he apparently had no plan.

Read what you just posted.

You praise the states for getting rid of hundreds of thousands of jobs,

and then you attack Obama because those jobs have disappeared, as if it were his fault.

You're a perfect example of the conservatives I was describing.
We have nationwide government austerity policies ongoing for months/years now at the state and local levels.

That has resulted not only in the direct loss of hundreds of thousands of government jobs, but the indirect loss of jobs in the private sector for companies doing business with state and local governments.

For conservatives:

1. That's a good thing.

2. That's Obama's fault and why he shouldn't be re-elected.

Did it occur to you that when you run out of money you should stop spending? Most state and local governments have balanced budget amendments specifically to control spending. Austerity is what happens when you're broke.
And really enough of the "Obama inherited this" crap. Obama was a sitting senator who BEGGED the American people for the job of fixing our economy. He claimed his policies would be effective and that he had a plan. Well they haven't been and he apparently had no plan.

Obama went along with the GOP's 'plan', extending the Bush tax cuts, he added to those tax cuts,
and he gave the GOP, according to Boehner, 98% of what they wanted in the debt ceiling deal.

NOW the Republicans are running against their own 'plans' as if they were Obama's.
As is usually the case, the wingnuts telepathic receiver can only receive nonsense from big money so the wingnut can go to bed fat dumb and unhappy. You guys need to remove that receiving unit and start thinking on your own.

'The Recovery’s Fate, Back in Consumers’ Hands'

By Paul J. Lim

"One bright spot in the lusterless recovery that started in 2009 has been the performance of the private sector."

Mr. Obama’s point at his news conference was that for more than two years, monthly jobs reports have shown growth in the private sector, but continuing cutbacks in the public sector as state and local governments slash jobs in their struggle to balance their budgets; the public sector — not the private sector — most needs additional government help.
The private sector is doing fine:cuckoo:??
I started a construction company on long island in 1974--4 years after returning from Vietnam.
Have gone through some hard times and some great times,but never seen the likes of what is happening now.

Have a colonial home on the north shore of long island, refinanced 5 years ago to add a modest apartment for my 88 year old mother (Rosie the reviter) put in new windows, siding and energy efficient heating system. At the time mortgage payments were easy to pay. Also the increased value of the home off set the input of money for up dating.
Now selling this 3000 sq ft colonial on a acre of land on the north shore of long island will never cover the mortgage + the near $100,000.00 of my own cash will never be recovered.

What to do I never would of dreamed that after nearly 38 years later business would be so screwed up that I would be thinking of not paying my Mtg for a few years (can be done) save up the payments + some cash and buy something out of state in a more affordable area and let the banks and Obama who caused this mess and do not know how to get the money flowing again eat the loss as I have to. Oh yea my name will be mud but there are ways around that.
So when my home is foreclosed in a few years and I have kept the Mtg payments in a safe place could be as much as $150,000.00 this will be the only way to get some of my investment back (maybe sooner). If the home values do not return who is going to pay the Property taxes? no one lets see what the libs are going to do then.

PS: If recovery does not happen soon I will not be alone. If Obama is reelected in November I will stop paying my Mtg then and through the many angles in the court system hold off Foreclosure as long as I can.

Sincerely one pissed off American business man in the private sector DOING FINE:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
wow, and we all thought debbie wasserman was the dumbest demorat in the country.

Just think, obama has been presented by his media lapdogs as a brilliantly articulate black man. If I were a black, I'd be pretty pisssed that such a dull-witted narcissist was paraded as being representative of blacks in this country.
So, has anyone proved Obama's point wrong?

That the private sector has been building jobs and profits, while the public sector has been losing jobs like there's no tomorrow, and could use some help?

I don't see that point dis proven anywhere in this thread...
So, has anyone proved Obama's point wrong?

That the private sector has been building jobs and profits, while the public sector has been losing jobs like there's no tomorrow, and could use some help?

I don't see that point dis proven anywhere in this thread...

Obama proved his point wrong. He retracted immediately.
Do you call 2% GDP growth and 8+% unemployment out of a recession "doing fine"?
The man does not know how to tell the truth. He's so used to spouting lies that the line between truth and fiction have become permanently blurred to him
The man does not know how to tell the truth. He's so used to spouting lies that the line between truth and fiction have become permanently blurred to him

The private sector is so alien to Obama he needs a passport to get there.
So, has anyone proved Obama's point wrong?

That the private sector has been building jobs and profits, while the public sector has been losing jobs like there's no tomorrow, and could use some help?

I don't see that point dis proven anywhere in this thread...

Obama proved his point wrong. He retracted immediately.
Do you call 2% GDP growth and 8+% unemployment out of a recession "doing fine"?

Context is everything.

His "retraction" was that: the economy, as in the overall economy, is not doing fine, including the public sector.

And, taken in context, the original point, that high unemployment was mainly due to layoffs in the public sector, is true.

The entire quote was as follows:

“The truth of the matter is that, as I said, we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last ... 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone. The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government, oftentimes cuts initiated by ... governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help that they have in the past from the federal government.”

Which is essentially true.

Even with public sector growth, if you're laying off a whole load of people, it's going to effect the overall economy, and it certainly is going to have an effect on unemployment.

Now certainly, one can make the point that they don't think the private sector is adding enough jobs.

But when corporate profits are higher than they've ever been, and corporations are simply taking their profits and hiring people in China and India for cents on the dollar, one can't really blame the president for that, especially when he has come out in support of lowering corporate taxes, just as the right has been suggesting.
So, has anyone proved Obama's point wrong?

That the private sector has been building jobs and profits, while the public sector has been losing jobs like there's no tomorrow, and could use some help?

I don't see that point dis proven anywhere in this thread...

The public sector was given billions to "help" them keep government workers employed in the Obama Stimulus while millions of people in the private sector were being laid off.

Now Obama is back asking for billions MORE to keep those same government workers employed while we all wait for him to figure out how economics works? What's amazing is that our economically challenged President STILL hasn't figured out that you need to stimulate growth in the private sector so that you have revenues to pay for the public sector. No, Barry's solution...as with most of his solutions to most of our problems...is to borrow more money and artificially prop up things while he twiddles his thumbs in the Oval Office and hopes for a recovery to take place.
So, has anyone proved Obama's point wrong?

That the private sector has been building jobs and profits, while the public sector has been losing jobs like there's no tomorrow, and could use some help?

I don't see that point dis proven anywhere in this thread...

Obama proved his point wrong. He retracted immediately.
Do you call 2% GDP growth and 8+% unemployment out of a recession "doing fine"?

Context is everything.

His "retraction" was that: the economy, as in the overall economy, is not doing fine, including the public sector.

And, taken in context, the original point, that high unemployment was mainly due to layoffs in the public sector, is true.

The entire quote was as follows:

“The truth of the matter is that, as I said, we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last ... 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone. The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government, oftentimes cuts initiated by ... governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help that they have in the past from the federal government.”

Which is essentially true.

Even with public sector growth, if you're laying off a whole load of people, it's going to effect the overall economy, and it certainly is going to have an effect on unemployment.

Now certainly, one can make the point that they don't think the private sector is adding enough jobs.

But when corporate profits are higher than they've ever been, and corporations are simply taking their profits and hiring people in China and India for cents on the dollar, one can't really blame the president for that, especially when he has come out in support of lowering corporate taxes, just as the right has been suggesting.

The private sector is not "doing fine", Vast and Obama's boasting about adding 4.3 million jobs when they needed to add substantially more than that just to keep up with population growth is a joke. During his term of office they've added less than 4 million jobs when to keep up with population growth they needed to add 9 million jobs. The fact is...this Administration's "plan" for the economy is so all over the place that it's created a climate of economic gridlock. Yes, he's come out NOW with support for lowering corporate taxes after spending two years lambasting corporations for not paying their "fair share". Do you even know what Barack Obama's stance on ANYTHING to do with the economy is at this point? It seems to change depending on the latest unemployment and polling numbers. How does he expect businesses to make plans going forward with him as President?
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Soo... far be it from me to break in on this bubble fest, but...

Has private sector hiring not increased every month for the last 2 1/2 years?

Has public sector hiring not decreased for almost every month over that time period?

Have corporate profits not dramatically increased?

Has GDP not increased at a pretty good clip over that time period?

Did the DJIA fall back beneath 7000 while I had my head turned?

So, I'm not really seeing where what he said was incorrect here.

Perhaps you can help me.

As far as I can see, the only reason unemployment is still at 8.2 percent is that so many people have been laid off in the public sector.

public sector jobs are the driving forces behind bankrupting the states. Hello

How are state jobs obama's fault?

They just are! Shut Up! EVERYBODY knows THAT!
In Obama's universe any problem can be solved by liberal application of taxpayer funds and new programs run by smart academics.

In the real world it's a little more complicated.
So, has anyone proved Obama's point wrong?

That the private sector has been building jobs and profits, while the public sector has been losing jobs like there's no tomorrow, and could use some help?

I don't see that point dis proven anywhere in this thread...

The public sector was given billions to "help" them keep government workers employed in the Obama Stimulus while millions of people in the private sector were being laid off.

Now Obama is back asking for billions MORE to keep those same government workers employed while we all wait for him to figure out how economics works? What's amazing is that our economically challenged President STILL hasn't figured out that you need to stimulate growth in the private sector so that you have revenues to pay for the public sector. No, Barry's solution...as with most of his solutions to most of our problems...is to borrow more money and artificially prop up things while he twiddles his thumbs in the Oval Office and hopes for a recovery to take place.

Private sector profits have never been higher. How much more "stimulation" do you think they need?

Of course, they could raise revenue by raising the capital gains tax back to pre-Bush levels. But that would make too much sense.
The private sector is not "doing fine", Vast and Obama's boasting about adding 4.3 million jobs when they needed to add substantially more than that just to keep up with population growth is a joke. During his term of office they've added less than 4 million jobs when to keep up with population growth they needed to add 9 million jobs. The fact is...this Administration's "plan" for the economy is so all over the place that it's created a climate of economic gridlock. Yes, he's come out NOW with support for lowering corporate taxes after spending two years lambasting corporations for not paying their "fair share". Do you even know what Barack Obama's stance on ANYTHING to do with the economy is at this point? It seems to change depending on the latest unemployment and polling numbers. How does he expect businesses to make plans going forward with him as President?

How is it "boasting" when I said:

Now certainly, one can make the point that they don't think the private sector is adding enough jobs.


And Obama's plans have been "all over the place", because no matter what tack he tries to take, the GOP blocks it.

When they didn't have a majority in the house, they either filibusterered, or threatened to filibuster, every single piece of legislation that was proposed.

Now that they have the house, they've simply decided to make sure nothing at all happens.

That's where your "climate of economic gridlock" comes from.

But it's easy to blame the president, even though he doesn't make legislation on economic matters...
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The Martian private sector is doing fine. People, be fair, he meant Mars. All over Mars, Martians are going back to work. The flying saucer industry in particular has really taken off, with Martian engineers constructing the next generation of clean-fuel flying saucers to lead the way toward a new kind of interplanetary travel for the 21st century.


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