Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

"Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam" is one of the stupidest comments of the day.
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.

And it isn't even always religion. Slaves were burned to death as a means of control here in the Americas; gays and "sodomites" too. Burning people as a terror/propaganda device predates Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Hinduism, and has been used by adherents of all of those faiths as well as 'pagans' and animists, all over the world for at least 3800 years.
And religion was used to justify slavery and oppress homosexuals.

But it was just a means of rationalization, not a cause
And that's exactly the difference. One was used as an excuse and Islam is NOW used as a reason.
You are no different that the jihadists in the use of sophistry.
oh well, you put him in office now get to have him shit all over you, while he rants on his mighty high horse

what a joke of President
The left believes jihad is justified. We need a new holy war to settle the issue.
Christians haven't done this shit in 400 years. Do you see Christian by the hundreds of thousands using jesuses name to enslave and bomb people??? Obama is a piece of shit.

Communism never was about religion
The world wars weren't either

What these radical islamic fucks are doing is in allah's name.

This guy did it right in my stomping grounds.

I know, I know --- "when we do it it doesn't count"....
He killed thousands of non believers and created 90+ percent of the wars in the world? Either he's a bad ass or you are off the charts stupid.
Obama is a complete embarrassment as a President. Was he just trying to piss off Christians? For what purpose? I'm not a Christian and it pissed me off.

Obama promised he'd stand with the Jihadists

What about the Cherokee?

Ive been taught from the time I could read that Indians have had their lands taken, I really dont think there are many people alive today who are really ok with that history. But now that you have made your point that The cherokee were unfairly treated. What does that at all have to do with world conflicts today involving Islam.? Nothing. No matter what you believe or Obama or anyone else belives in the west, the radicals in the ME and Europe believe what they are doing is following Islam.

So Obama tells Christians to get off their High Horse, as adults and children are being murdered by ISIS, women are being sold into slavery by them, they are destroying evry bit of culture in their path that is different from their Koran,..... and Obama is compelled to make americans feel guilty for things done 100 years ago , or hundreds of years ago. nevermind that Christians were a driving force in ending slavery and the civil rights movement. Obama can only focus on the negative aspect. Why? and things that happened a long time ago. youve got a president who doesnt trust the American people to handle information, thats why all the bullshit

Obama told the truth! Conservatism couched in the guise of Christianity has been as bad as ISIS or Al Queda in this country against minorities. Take note also of the Draconian attitudes towards women shown by right wingers. The misogyny exhibited by American Christian conservatives descends to the level of that offered by the Taliban. Given those parameters with which to work, it's no wonder the President doesn't trust conservatives to handle information.
You must be kidding other wise your just as much an asshole as the president.
"TOMMY! I told you not to take cookies from the cookie jar!"
"I know mommy. But I saw Sally take a cookie last week so that makes it OK for me right mommy?"
Typical fucking LIB. mindset.
Dear GOD. Can you please speed up the next couple of years?
"TOMMY! I told you not to take cookies from the cookie jar!"
"I know mommy. But I saw Sally take a cookie last week so that makes it OK for me right mommy?"
Typical fucking LIB. mindset.
Dear GOD. Can you please speed up the next couple of years?
No let him continue to poison the well for his fellow dems the last election was about him,they can do it again in two.
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...
You have 1,000 years of history to catch up to.
Except that African Christians are burning people alive they believe to be witches in today's context...
They are probably more into Voodoo than Christianity, many cultures blend religions, but it should be dealt with as well but they aren't exactly the global threat of al queada, Taliban or ISIS.
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...
You have 1,000 years of history to catch up to.
Except that African Christians are burning people alive they believe to be witches in today's context...
They are probably more into Voodoo than Christianity, many cultures blend religions, but it should be dealt with as well but they aren't exactly the global threat of al queada, Taliban or ISIS.
I am glad Christians have mellowed, but not Islamic extremist that are pissed at their Caliphates demise at the hands of the Christian nations...
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.

And it isn't even always religion. Slaves were burned to death as a means of control here in the Americas; gays and "sodomites" too. Burning people as a terror/propaganda device predates Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Hinduism, and has been used by adherents of all of those faiths as well as 'pagans' and animists, all over the world for at least 3800 years.
And religion was used to justify slavery and oppress homosexuals.

But it was just a means of rationalization, not a cause
And that's exactly the difference. One was used as an excuse and Islam is NOW used as a reason.
Based on what evidence?
Why is obozo apologizing again for Christian behavior hundreds of years ago? He does know the year is 2015 right?

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