Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

I am glad Christians have mellowed, but not Islamic extremist that are pissed at their Caliphates demise at the hands of the Christian nations...
So on one hand we aren't a Christian country but on the other we are, depending on the agenda put forward. We aren't fighting a religious war, they are.
I am glad Christians have mellowed, but not Islamic extremist that are pissed at their Caliphates demise at the hands of the Christian nations...
So on one hand we aren't a Christian country but on the other we are, depending on the agenda put forward. We aren't fighting a religious war, they are.
Yeah, they like to use their religion to justify tyranny and oppression..I would be dead already if I had to live in a Muslim nation...
Onl they brain dead believe "Obama IS a muslim."

When did become against the law to be a Muslim in this nation?

Who said it was against the law?

Obama recites the Call to prayer with a "First rate Arabic accent" (From an interview long since removed by the NY Times)

Why is Obama hiding his Muslim Faith and his love of sex with other men?

He doesn't want to make you jealous...
Look at these right wingers. They intentionally ignore the fact they left the Iraqi Christians out to dry. They try to blame Obama for what their fake war did to Christians in Iraq. They are such awful people.
Look at these right wingers. They intentionally ignore the fact they left the Iraqi Christians out to dry. They try to blame Obama for what their fake war did to Christians in Iraq. They are such awful people.
And at a drop of the hat many are wanting to deny certain religions their right to the 1st amendment.
"Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam" is one of the stupidest comments of the day.

Albeit subtley, its trying to deflect from what is happening in Islam today by focusing on Christianitys past. trying to make people feel guilty about Christianity so they dont open their mouths. And you got Obama saying this right after you see a guy burned to death. Its his attempt at moral relativism
Look at these right wingers. They intentionally ignore the fact they left the Iraqi Christians out to dry. They try to blame Obama for what their fake war did to Christians in Iraq. They are such awful people.

I agree with you only in that we should have stuckk up for the people over there who risked their lives to cooperate with us. Bush is to blame in some cases, but Mostly Obama. Obama handled the final withdrawal of US troops .
"Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam" is one of the stupidest comments of the day.

Albeit subtley, its trying to deflect from what is happening in Islam today by focusing on Christianitys past. trying to make people feel guilty about Christianity so they dont open their mouths. And you got Obama saying this right after you see a guy burned to death. Its his attempt at moral relativism
Actually the entire statement is that he said when making the comparison is, that people have hijacked religion to abuse....
Christians haven't done this shit in 400 years. Do you see Christian by the hundreds of thousands using jesuses name to enslave and bomb people??? Obama is a piece of shit.

Communism never was about religion
The world wars weren't either

What these radical islamic fucks are doing is in allah's name.
Have you forgotten that Nazi Christians orchestrated and carried out the Holocaust? Lutherans and Catholics alike? And don't neglect to say there was some semblance of a religious motive involved...They killed millions of men, women and children because they were Jews. It didn't matter whether their hapless victims were Jewish converts, secular Jews or even Christian converts. It didn't matter that they looked like Kirk Douglas or Albert Einstein (both Jews) the Nazi Christians did their duty and murdered wantonly.

And they are still at it today in 2015 ? Were you alive when the Nazi's were baking Jews ? Were even your parents ?
Was that a Christian Nazi that burned that Jordanian alive in a cage the other day ? Was it Christians that hacked the heads off the two Japanese prisoners before that ? How about the American journalist ? And are Christians covering their women from head to toe and keeping them housed when their alone ? Huh ? HUH ?!!!!!!!!!
65 -70 years ago isn't all that long ago. That was the early 20th Century, ya know not 400 years go! Those were contemporary atrocities. But if you want even more modern connections to Christian atrocities you need not focus on foreign shores. The good ol Christian boys of the KKK were still headlining pogroms against Blacks and Jews to include sporadic executions and truck dragging murders as late as 1990. The terror only
ceased due to aggressive prosecution for murder and bankruptcy from lawsuits.
"Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam" is one of the stupidest comments of the day.

Albeit subtley, its trying to deflect from what is happening in Islam today by focusing on Christianitys past. trying to make people feel guilty about Christianity so they dont open their mouths. And you got Obama saying this right after you see a guy burned to death. Its his attempt at moral relativism
Actually the entire statement is that he said when making the comparison is, that people have hijacked religion to abuse....

Sure he worded it very carefuly, but its always the same, Islam will never be criticized without also criticizing Christianity at the same time, no matter whats currently going on in the world
"Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam" is one of the stupidest comments of the day.

Albeit subtley, its trying to deflect from what is happening in Islam today by focusing on Christianitys past. trying to make people feel guilty about Christianity so they dont open their mouths. And you got Obama saying this right after you see a guy burned to death. Its his attempt at moral relativism
Actually the entire statement is that he said when making the comparison is, that people have hijacked religion to abuse....

And its not that I dissagree that Bad things have been done by people who have called themselves christians, but, when you have to criticize Christians at the same time your talking about Islamic Terrorists Actions around the world. Your giving your enemy the message that your not really serious about fighting them.
Im sure Egypt and Jordan have no problem calling Islamic Jihadis what they are. Obama does, he has to carefuly go out of his way to point out that there actions have nothing to do with Islam.

Case in point, Obama said 99 percent of Muslims want just want we want. Its a bullshit number he made up, because the real truth is probably around 75or 80 percent at best. But the 25 percent that wants Shariah law imposed around the world is a big problem. Obama is just not talking straight for political expediency
thats what bothers me
"Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam" is one of the stupidest comments of the day.

Albeit subtley, its trying to deflect from what is happening in Islam today by focusing on Christianitys past. trying to make people feel guilty about Christianity so they dont open their mouths. And you got Obama saying this right after you see a guy burned to death. Its his attempt at moral relativism
Actually the entire statement is that he said when making the comparison is, that people have hijacked religion to abuse....

And its not that I dissagree that Bad things have been done by people who have called themselves christians, but, when you have to criticize Christians at the same time your talking about Islamic Terrorists Actions around the world. Your giving your enemy the message that your not really serious about fighting them.
Im sure Egypt and Jordan have no problem calling Islamic Jihadis what they are. Obama does, he has to carefuly go out of his way to point out that there actions have nothing to do with Islam.

Case in point, Obama said 99 percent of Muslims want just want we want. Its a bullshit number he made up, because the real truth is probably around 75or 80 percent at best. But the 25 percent that wants Shariah law imposed around the world is a big problem. Obama is just not talking straight for political expediency
thats what bothers me
Me too...
"TOMMY! I told you not to take cookies from the cookie jar!"
"I know mommy. But I saw Sally take a cookie last week so that makes it OK for me right mommy?"
Typical fucking LIB. mindset.
Dear GOD. Can you please speed up the next couple of years?

Liberal logic:

Mother: "Tommy, I saw you take a cookie out of the cookie jar !"

Tommy: "Yes mother, but a classmates great great great great great great grandfather took a turnip out of someones garden !"

Mother: "Why didn't you tell me this earlier ? Go ahead and take all you want then !"
Anyone notice how everything we claim about this lying piece of American hating shit is true?
Fuck you liberals.
The Obidiot takes himself far too seriously as all narcissists do. He lectures us about getting up on our high horses while he arrogantly and condescendingly talks down to us from his high hobby horse.

The following OP explains why the Obidiot feels it's necessary to talk about the Crusades. I've copied the summation of the article below the link.

Obama's Comparison of Christianity to Radical Islam Defies Logic
Obama s Comparison of Christianity to Radical Islam Defies Logic RealClearPolitics

When Obama alludes to the evils of medieval Christianity, he fails to acknowledge the key word: “medieval.” What made medieval Christianity backward wasn’t Christianity but medievalism.

It is perverse that Obama feels compelled to lecture the West about not getting too judgmental on our “high horse” over radical Islam’s medieval barbarism in 2015 because of Christianity’s medieval barbarism in 1215.

It’s also insipidly hypocritical. President Obama can’t bring himself to call the Islamic State “Islamic,” but he’s happy to offer a sermon about Christianity’s alleged crimes at the beginning of the last millennium.

We are all descended from cavemen who broke the skulls of their enemies with rocks for fun or profit. But that hardly mitigates the crimes of a man who does the same thing today. I see no problem judging the behavior of the Islamic State and its apologists from the vantage point of the West’s high horse, because we’ve earned the right to sit in that saddle.
The Obidiot takes himself far too seriously as all narcissists do. He lectures us about getting up on our high horses while he arrogantly and condescendingly talks down to us from his high hobby horse.

The following OP explains why the Obidiot feels it's necessary to talk about the Crusades. I've copied the summation of the article below the link.

Obama's Comparison of Christianity to Radical Islam Defies Logic
Obama s Comparison of Christianity to Radical Islam Defies Logic RealClearPolitics

When Obama alludes to the evils of medieval Christianity, he fails to acknowledge the key word: “medieval.” What made medieval Christianity backward wasn’t Christianity but medievalism.

It is perverse that Obama feels compelled to lecture the West about not getting too judgmental on our “high horse” over radical Islam’s medieval barbarism in 2015 because of Christianity’s medieval barbarism in 1215.

It’s also insipidly hypocritical. President Obama can’t bring himself to call the Islamic State “Islamic,” but he’s happy to offer a sermon about Christianity’s alleged crimes at the beginning of the last millennium.

We are all descended from cavemen who broke the skulls of their enemies with rocks for fun or profit. But that hardly mitigates the crimes of a man who does the same thing today. I see no problem judging the behavior of the Islamic State and its apologists from the vantage point of the West’s high horse, because we’ve earned the right to sit in that saddle.

I have yet to see anyone link to these supposed remarks but I do see a whole lot of memory loss among the rabble here about shit far far closer in time and place than the 13th century like this...

Even if you accept the ridiculous premise that the Crusades has any relevance at all, WHY BRING IT UP? Obama has a reason why he says these things. He is not stupid even though he often appears to be.
What we are learning is there were actually good reasons the crusades happened.

The education we have been taught and the incessant attacks on the church has been going on for centuries.

While unrighteous things indeed went on, the call for the crusades was imperative.

Liberals of course have been fed false teaching forever. They really have no real clue about history or the crusades. They have their little version which feeds their biased hatred for everything christian.
Obama has been given the perfect opportunity to defeat ISIS, the Jordanian President has gone into full Rambo mode. Obama should be right behind him saying "I got your back big guy, just tell me what you need". Instead we get this mealy mouth swat at Christians. WTF?

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