Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

oh well, you put him in office now get to have him shit all over you, while he rants on his mighty high horse

what a joke of President
You put Bush 1 and Bush 2 in office and they both shit on all of us. I'd like to say both were jokes but what they did to this country is NOT funny!
Granted Bush 2 did... but Bush 1, how did he shit on us?

While the republicans suck, it's nothing like how bad these democrats suck.
Obama is a complete embarrassment as a President. Was he just trying to piss off Christians? For what purpose? I'm not a Christian and it pissed me off.

Obama promised he'd stand with the Jihadists

What about the Cherokee?

Ive been taught from the time I could read that Indians have had their lands taken, I really dont think there are many people alive today who are really ok with that history. But now that you have made your point that The cherokee were unfairly treated. What does that at all have to do with world conflicts today involving Islam.? Nothing. No matter what you believe or Obama or anyone else belives in the west, the radicals in the ME and Europe believe what they are doing is following Islam.

So Obama tells Christians to get off their High Horse, as adults and children are being murdered by ISIS, women are being sold into slavery by them, they are destroying evry bit of culture in their path that is different from their Koran,..... and Obama is compelled to make americans feel guilty for things done 100 years ago , or hundreds of years ago. nevermind that Christians were a driving force in ending slavery and the civil rights movement. Obama can only focus on the negative aspect. Why? and things that happened a long time ago. youve got a president who doesnt trust the American people to handle information, thats why all the bullshit

Obama told the truth! Conservatism couched in the guise of Christianity has been as bad as ISIS or Al Queda in this country against minorities. Take note also of the Draconian attitudes towards women shown by right wingers. The misogyny exhibited by American Christian conservatives descends to the level of that offered by the Taliban. Given those parameters with which to work, it's no wonder the President doesn't trust conservatives to handle information.
You must be kidding other wise your just as much an asshole as the president.
And YOU must be watching the world through a pinhole. Your tunnel vision is evident!
oh well, you put him in office now get to have him shit all over you, while he rants on his mighty high horse

what a joke of President
You put Bush 1 and Bush 2 in office and they both shit on all of us. I'd like to say both were jokes but what they did to this country is NOT funny!
Granted Bush 2 did... but Bush 1, how did he shit on us?

While the republicans suck, it's nothing like how bad these democrats suck.
Bush 1 PRODUCED Bush 2, thats one way he shit on us.

Well, what are you going to do about all that sucking the repubilcans and democrats are doing? Run for ORIFICE?
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Everything he said was inappropriate and irrelevant to current events.

Making the statements he made allows current evil doers an excuse because evil was done centuries ago.

Not a single crusader is alive today, not are their children, grand children, great grand children and so on and so on and so on.

If this is not an example of deranged thought process.......
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...

Like maybe 1000 years ago....
How about we deal with what's happening in real time.
I wish my past sins could be wiped out that easily.....

Your sins of a thousand years ago are now forgiven.

What obama said is that in the past, Christians have killed in the name of their religion but refers to isis is a death cult.

And the point flies right over the head of the leftist derps.
There were two inquisitions. The medieval inquisition that saw approximately 1000 die and the Spanish inquisition that killed approximately 2000. The total isn't even one good weekend to isis.
There were two inquisitions. The medieval inquisition that saw approximately 1000 die and the Spanish inquisition that killed approximately 2000. The total isn't even one good weekend to isis.

Well, yeah. But no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Don't muslims stone gays to death. Brutal. Here in the west we stick to criticism....Like Carlie Hedo....Muslims don't accept criticism or mockery.Some muslims chop off heads, shoot up innocent people in delis, burn people to death. We in the west we are really getting tired of this bushtit.
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

But as is usual with this asshole, its only part of the truth, with the important part left out.

The important part being that Christians in the West in general, and America in particular, have reformed themselves with the help of Thomas Jefferson's Wall of Separation between church and state. Christian abuses of 500 years ago, no longer exist because the power of the government has been taken away from religion...and so jews, catholics, and protestants live in harmony...unlike Islam which recognizes no separation of religion from government.

So, this complete asshole and fool, in response to Muslims burning a man alive in a cage, decides to go lecture a bunch of Christians about what Christians did 500 and 1000 years ago.

Fuck him. He is either a moron or a muslim or both. And in any event, he is dangerous to the country he is suppose to be serving.
You words are harsh but so are the realities articulated by President Obama. As I have maintained throughout this thread, Obama's indictment of European and American Christianity doesn't necessarily go back 500 or a 1000 years ago. The nefarious premise embedded in the Manifest Destiny underlined the notion of genocide against American aboriginals.The promulgators and executors of that manifesto were non other than YOUR Christian ancestors. But not only did they carry out the deed enthusiastically, they invented more efficient guns and concocted diabolical methodology to accomplish their deadly invasion, thievery and murder. And now their descendants point at crime statistics and complain about a relatively few Black criminals.

Your kind is also myopic when it comes to the Nazi Christians who decimated European Jewry. I'll repeat that as often as necessary and Obama should too. You "conservatives" certainly don't hesitate to use convenient crime statistical data your people compiled to marginalize the entire Black community.

I can't help but to feel that Christians will use state sanctioned violence in the future and be just as callously indifferent as their predecessors in 19th Century America, Nazi Germany and aboard the Enola Gay over Tokyo. Or, do White people stop being Christians while committing state sanctioned murder and don their Christian robes only after the deed has been done?

WIth all I have said being true, I am not so naive as to think that some enemies of this country wouldn't do the same to us if they could. I would rather it be them than us. But the Christian aggression shown against the Jews and hapless slaves or newly freed ex-slaves is inexcusable in nations proclaiming Christianity as an ideal. Our Christian culture is no more or less violent than any out there. Most Christians. though, are not nearly as ready to be suicidal as muslim radicals are. We truly believe we should help them to die for their country, and I agree if they mess with us.
Christians haven't done this shit in 400 years. Do you see Christian by the hundreds of thousands using jesuses name to enslave and bomb people??? Obama is a piece of shit.

Communism never was about religion
The world wars weren't either

What these radical islamic fucks are doing is in allah's name.
Have you forgotten that Nazi Christians orchestrated and carried out the Holocaust? Lutherans and Catholics alike? And don't neglect to say there was some semblance of a religious motive involved...They killed millions of men, women and children because they were Jews. It didn't matter whether their hapless victims were Jewish converts, secular Jews or even Christian converts. It didn't matter that they looked like Kirk Douglas or Albert Einstein (both Jews) the Nazi Christians did their duty and murdered wantonly.

And we shouldn't forget where the holocaust came from. A) Both Catholic and Protestant ministers preached hatred toward Jews for hundred of years. B) Hitler was raised Catholic. C) Hitler was educated in a Catholic school, D) Hitler justified murdering Jews by using Godly and Biblical reasoning...etc.

Selected quotes from Mein Kampf
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

And this excerpt from a speech by Hitler on April 12, 1922

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. - Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
Obama promised he'd stand with the Jihadists

What about the Cherokee?

Ive been taught from the time I could read that Indians have had their lands taken, I really dont think there are many people alive today who are really ok with that history. But now that you have made your point that The cherokee were unfairly treated. What does that at all have to do with world conflicts today involving Islam.? Nothing. No matter what you believe or Obama or anyone else belives in the west, the radicals in the ME and Europe believe what they are doing is following Islam.

So Obama tells Christians to get off their High Horse, as adults and children are being murdered by ISIS, women are being sold into slavery by them, they are destroying evry bit of culture in their path that is different from their Koran,..... and Obama is compelled to make americans feel guilty for things done 100 years ago , or hundreds of years ago. nevermind that Christians were a driving force in ending slavery and the civil rights movement. Obama can only focus on the negative aspect. Why? and things that happened a long time ago. youve got a president who doesnt trust the American people to handle information, thats why all the bullshit

Obama told the truth! Conservatism couched in the guise of Christianity has been as bad as ISIS or Al Queda in this country against minorities. Take note also of the Draconian attitudes towards women shown by right wingers. The misogyny exhibited by American Christian conservatives descends to the level of that offered by the Taliban. Given those parameters with which to work, it's no wonder the President doesn't trust conservatives to handle information.

You are nothing but a partisan hack.
Who said anything about parties but YOU? :lol:

You can't hide it, it's plain as day. Everything is Boosh did it, Booshes are bad. Obama good. Don't try and pretend you aren't. 90% of people are in that donkey vs elephant war, and can't see what's really going on. Keep supporting the big 2, and you get exactly what you deserve.
Obama is a complete embarrassment as a President. Was he just trying to piss off Christians? For what purpose? I'm not a Christian and it pissed me off.

Why get pissed off because what he said is true?

If you believe what he said is true, you know nothing about the crusades. Muslimes have committed more atrocities than any group in human history. And they are showing up huge now. So keep the head buried in the sand, pretending the christians are just as bad. I swear the left will back anything that is anti christian, no matter how bad they are.

And I am not religious, my religion is music. But I was brought up Lutheran, so I will stand with christians if need be.
Don't muslims stone gays to death. Brutal. Here in the west we stick to criticism....Like Carlie Hedo....Muslims don't accept criticism or mockery.Some muslims chop off heads, shoot up innocent people in delis, burn people to death. We in the west we are really getting tired of this bushtit.

Yeah, and the party that claims to be pro gay, along with it's supporters seem to back islam, or anything that is anti christian really. That is akin to eating your own young.
Christians haven't done this shit in 400 years. Do you see Christian by the hundreds of thousands using jesuses name to enslave and bomb people??? Obama is a piece of shit.

Communism never was about religion
The world wars weren't either

What these radical islamic fucks are doing is in allah's name.
Have you forgotten that Nazi Christians orchestrated and carried out the Holocaust? Lutherans and Catholics alike? And don't neglect to say there was some semblance of a religious motive involved...They killed millions of men, women and children because they were Jews. It didn't matter whether their hapless victims were Jewish converts, secular Jews or even Christian converts. It didn't matter that they looked like Kirk Douglas or Albert Einstein (both Jews) the Nazi Christians did their duty and murdered wantonly.

And they are still at it today in 2015 ? Were you alive when the Nazi's were baking Jews ? Were even your parents ?
Was that a Christian Nazi that burned that Jordanian alive in a cage the other day ? Was it Christians that hacked the heads off the two Japanese prisoners before that ? How about the American journalist ? And are Christians covering their women from head to toe and keeping them housed when their alone ? Huh ? HUH ?!!!!!!!!!
65 -70 years ago isn't all that long ago. That was the early 20th Century, ya know not 400 years go! Those were contemporary atrocities. But if you want even more modern connections to Christian atrocities you need not focus on foreign shores. The good ol Christian boys of the KKK were still headlining pogroms against Blacks and Jews to include sporadic executions and truck dragging murders as late as 1990. The terror only
ceased due to aggressive prosecution for murder and bankruptcy from lawsuits.

Show me these Christians who are killing women and children on a country wide scale. Show me some video of Christians driving down the freeway gunning down motorist with impunity. You cant because there are none... Unless of course you want show videos of a drive by in chicago..
The point is not whether Christians are presently engaged in wide scale murder, there is a graphic history of them doing so throughout written history including the recent past. Given their propensity for violence, as documented for all the world to see, that dangerous Christian precedent looms even now should the right circumstances permit.

Uh...yes that is the point.
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Days after they burned a man alive, the President excuses the behavior by saying "well...Christian white people did it 900 years ago too...so we should get off our high horses for being horrified they are doing this"
That is the message he sent.
"Yes it is terrible, but you guys did it too 900 years ago - so you know...same thing.

It was idiotic and weak.

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