Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

I am truly ashamed of President Barack Obama's position in this matter.

Although I voted for him twice, both times, it was with great reluctance, as the best of a poor range of choices.

I now have a bad case of buyer's (voter's) remorse, and repent of my former votes, although I accept that I have now gotten what I voted for.

Personally, he has been losing me, slowly but surely, for at least a couple of years, and his new reliance upon Rule by Imperial Decree pretty much capped that for me.

But, this last bit... serving-up faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity... giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Radical Militant Islam) is the Last Straw.

I now want the guy gone from public life and removed from power, in our peaceful and time-honored tradition, and want January 20, 2017, to hurry up and come, as quickly as possible, while minimizing the damage that this Failed Messiah can do, in his remaining 23 months at the helm.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but did I phukk-up by voting for him (twice!), or what?

I'm sorry, America... I'm soooooo sorry for my little part in this.

You are showing your honesty.
You should be proud that you are not a sheep.
As I have said with absolute objectivity - ANYONE - who still supports Obama is either woefully uninformed, or dishonest.
When Bush was President there was plenty of conservative ire over him. Why on earth there can't be more people like yourself to just be honest and drop the facade,
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
Onl they brain dead believe "Obama IS a muslim."

When did become against the law to be a Muslim in this nation?

Islam is not compatible with freedom.
Neither is Christianity. Without the Constitution, we would have the major sects trying to control the government (the Where r my Keys) to dominate the weaker sects. That is why we have the 1st Amendment and the anti-religious clauses in the document.


But, within the confines of the United States, Christianity is a "native" belief-system, and not an "alien" one.

To our way of thinking, Theocracy of any kind is a bad thing, by comparison.

But I would rather be ruled by Theocrats who hail from the same Tradition of Beliefs, than by Theocrats who hail from an Alien Belief System.

Especially when the Core of OUR Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in love and tolerance, and when the core of the ALIEN Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in blood and intolerance and inflexibility and misogyny.

Fortunately, WE do not allow clerics of ANY kind to rule over us.

Your moral relativism is very clearly stated.

I know Christians and Muslims both "rooted in love and tolerance" and others who are not.
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............

Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM.

OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......

To those that continue this stupid game about not saying what we think of RADICAL ISLAM.

4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

But as is usual with this asshole, its only part of the truth, with the important part left out.

The important part being that Christians in the West in general, and America in particular, have reformed themselves with the help of Thomas Jefferson's Wall of Separation between church and state. Christian abuses of 500 years ago, no longer exist because the power of the government has been taken away from religion...and so jews, catholics, and protestants live in harmony...unlike Islam which recognizes no separation of religion from government.

So, this complete asshole and fool, in response to Muslims burning a man alive in a cage, decides to go lecture a bunch of Christians about what Christians did 500 and 1000 years ago.

Fuck him. He is either a moron or a muslim or both. And in any event, he is dangerous to the country he is suppose to be serving.
You words are harsh but so are the realities articulated by President Obama. As I have maintained throughout this thread, Obama's indictment of European and American Christianity doesn't necessarily go back 500 or a 1000 years ago. The nefarious premise embedded in the Manifest Destiny underlined the notion of genocide against American aboriginals.The promulgators and executors of that manifesto were non other than YOUR Christian ancestors. But not only did they carry out the deed enthusiastically, they invented more efficient guns and concocted diabolical methodology to accomplish their deadly invasion, thievery and murder. And now their descendants point at crime statistics and complain about a relatively few Black criminals.

Your kind is also myopic when it comes to the Nazi Christians who decimated European Jewry. I'll repeat that as often as necessary and Obama should too. You "conservatives" certainly don't hesitate to use convenient crime statistical data your people compiled to marginalize the entire Black community.

I can't help but to feel that Christians will use state sanctioned violence in the future and be just as callously indifferent as their predecessors in 19th Century America, Nazi Germany and aboard the Enola Gay over Tokyo. Or, do White people stop being Christians while committing state sanctioned murder and don their Christian robes only after the deed has been done?

WIth all I have said being true, I am not so naive as to think that some enemies of this country wouldn't do the same to us if they could. I would rather it be them than us. But the Christian aggression shown against the Jews and hapless slaves or newly freed ex-slaves is inexcusable in nations proclaiming Christianity as an ideal. Our Christian culture is no more or less violent than any out there. Most Christians. though, are not nearly as ready to be suicidal as muslim radicals are. We truly believe we should help them to die for their country, and I agree if they mess with us.

Killing our citizens and our allies is messing with us.

Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue.

When did become against the law to be a Muslim in this nation?

Islam is not compatible with freedom.
Neither is Christianity. Without the Constitution, we would have the major sects trying to control the government (the Where r my Keys) to dominate the weaker sects. That is why we have the 1st Amendment and the anti-religious clauses in the document.


But, within the confines of the United States, Christianity is a "native" belief-system, and not an "alien" one.

To our way of thinking, Theocracy of any kind is a bad thing, by comparison.

But I would rather be ruled by Theocrats who hail from the same Tradition of Beliefs, than by Theocrats who hail from an Alien Belief System.

Especially when the Core of OUR Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in love and tolerance, and when the core of the ALIEN Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in blood and intolerance and inflexibility and misogyny.

Fortunately, WE do not allow clerics of ANY kind to rule over us.

Your moral relativism is very clearly stated.

I know Christians and Muslims both "rooted in love and tolerance" and others who are not.

Oh, there's no Moral Relatism whatsoever at work here.

This is purely about the Core Teachings that lie at the heart of both belief systems.

The Core Teachings of Christianity are pure love and tolerance.

The Core Teachings of Islam are enablers for warfare and violence directed against Unbelievers.

There is no question that Practical Application of these Core Teachings is mixed and imperfect on both sides.

But what signifies in the long run is the Baseline for each, and how susceptible each is, to manipulation in support of violence.
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
"The Core Teachings of Christianity are pure love and tolerance. The Core Teachings of Islam are enablers for warfare and violence directed against Unbelievers." So says a supposed Christian moral relativist. Yes, we know what you believe.
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"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Look at these right wingers. They intentionally ignore the fact they left the Iraqi Christians out to dry. They try to blame Obama for what their fake war did to Christians in Iraq. They are such awful people.

I agree with you only in that we should have stuckk up for the people over there who risked their lives to cooperate with us. Bush is to blame in some cases, but Mostly Obama. Obama handled the final withdrawal of US troops .

The Christian population was cut in half before Obama became president. Worse, Bush put nothing in place to help those people. All he did was turn over a steaming pile of shit to Obama and Republicans said "Here, it's ALL yours".

That is a clear attempt to change the subject as Liberals do when they have no response. However, I will agree with you that Christians in the Middle East are and have been decimated because NEITHER Party nor the media seems to give a shit about them. That is a terrible injustice but a completely different subject than Obama being clueless.
There was no change of subject. So get off your high horse. This is about whether or not Christians can be just as low as radical Muslims. What percentage of the Republican Party isn't Christian. Republican Christians invaded Iraq by basically blackmailing the rest of the county. Example: You are with us or with the terrorists". What kind of lowlife scum says such a thing?

And then, once they invaded Iraq, they stood by while the country was destroyed over rioting and only protected the oil fields. We know that for a fact. It was very recent history. And Republican Christians did nothing as the majority of Iraqi Christians were raped, crucified, murdered and chased from a country they had lived in for generations. Republicans did that. They were in charge. They did that beyond a doubt.

So saying the subject is being changed is more denial. The evidence of terrible Republican Christian misdeeds is all around us. They only skip the terrible violence that goes along with such terrible policies because they haven't felt secure enough to cross that line.
Onl they brain dead believe "Obama IS a muslim."

When did become against the law to be a Muslim in this nation?

Islam is not compatible with freedom.
Neither is Christianity. Without the Constitution, we would have the major sects trying to control the government (the Where r my Keys) to dominate the weaker sects. That is why we have the 1st Amendment and the anti-religious clauses in the document.


But, within the confines of the United States, Christianity is a "native" belief-system, and not an "alien" one.

To our way of thinking, Theocracy of any kind is a bad thing, by comparison.

But I would rather be ruled by Theocrats who hail from the same Tradition of Beliefs, than by Theocrats who hail from an Alien Belief System.

Especially when the Core of OUR Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in love and tolerance, and when the core of the ALIEN Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in blood and intolerance and inflexibility and misogyny.

Fortunately, WE do not allow clerics of ANY kind to rule over us.

Liberals would too. They just like blowing smoke up everyone's ass. If they wouldn't... They would move.
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The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Yes, it is absurd, and a license (or relativistic implicit license,anyway) for the savages to carry on.
"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Yes, it is absurd, and a license (or relativistic implicit license,anyway) for the savages to carry on.
So all the president has to say is stop and they will stop?
"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Yes, it is absurd, and a license (or relativistic implicit license,anyway) for the savages to carry on.
So all the president has to say is stop and they will stop?
Be careful there..........Obama might put another red line in the sand.

"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Yes, it is absurd, and a license (or relativistic implicit license,anyway) for the savages to carry on.
So all the president has to say is stop and they will stop?

But the idiot doesn't have to pour gasoline on the fire, and serve-up faux equivalencies and rationalizations that further enable them, either, does he?
Well you can't let an opportunity for war be subdued...


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