Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Yes, it is absurd, and a license (or relativistic implicit license,anyway) for the savages to carry on.
So all the president has to say is stop and they will stop?
Be careful there..........Obama might put another red line in the sand.

he ran out of red powder for his chalk line....


Have you forgotten that Nazi Christians orchestrated and carried out the Holocaust? Lutherans and Catholics alike? And don't neglect to say there was some semblance of a religious motive involved...They killed millions of men, women and children because they were Jews. It didn't matter whether their hapless victims were Jewish converts, secular Jews or even Christian converts. It didn't matter that they looked like Kirk Douglas or Albert Einstein (both Jews) the Nazi Christians did their duty and murdered wantonly.

And they are still at it today in 2015 ? Were you alive when the Nazi's were baking Jews ? Were even your parents ?
Was that a Christian Nazi that burned that Jordanian alive in a cage the other day ? Was it Christians that hacked the heads off the two Japanese prisoners before that ? How about the American journalist ? And are Christians covering their women from head to toe and keeping them housed when their alone ? Huh ? HUH ?!!!!!!!!!
65 -70 years ago isn't all that long ago. That was the early 20th Century, ya know not 400 years go! Those were contemporary atrocities. But if you want even more modern connections to Christian atrocities you need not focus on foreign shores. The good ol Christian boys of the KKK were still headlining pogroms against Blacks and Jews to include sporadic executions and truck dragging murders as late as 1990. The terror only
ceased due to aggressive prosecution for murder and bankruptcy from lawsuits.

Show me these Christians who are killing women and children on a country wide scale. Show me some video of Christians driving down the freeway gunning down motorist with impunity. You cant because there are none... Unless of course you want show videos of a drive by in chicago..
The point is not whether Christians are presently engaged in wide scale murder, there is a graphic history of them doing so throughout written history including the recent past. Given their propensity for violence, as documented for all the world to see, that dangerous Christian precedent looms even now should the right circumstances permit.

Uh...yes that is the point.
Uh..no it isn't!

When did become against the law to be a Muslim in this nation?

Islam is not compatible with freedom.
Neither is Christianity. Without the Constitution, we would have the major sects trying to control the government (the Where r my Keys) to dominate the weaker sects. That is why we have the 1st Amendment and the anti-religious clauses in the document.


But, within the confines of the United States, Christianity is a "native" belief-system, and not an "alien" one.

To our way of thinking, Theocracy of any kind is a bad thing, by comparison.

But I would rather be ruled by Theocrats who hail from the same Tradition of Beliefs, than by Theocrats who hail from an Alien Belief System.

Especially when the Core of OUR Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in love and tolerance, and when the core of the ALIEN Pixie-in-the-Sky beliefs are rooted in blood and intolerance and inflexibility and misogyny.

Fortunately, WE do not allow clerics of ANY kind to rule over us.

Liberals would too. They just like blowing smoke up everyone's ass. If they wouldn't... They would move.

So would Conservatives. That's why we have to be an enlightened set of generations to rule this country. I think we fall short generally.
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.
"Using references to the distant past to relate to the current state of affairs is absurd and a license for current barbarians to continue."

No, it is not, and they will continue anyway, despite what you think.
Yes, it is absurd, and a license (or relativistic implicit license,anyway) for the savages to carry on.
Your moral relativism is clearly evidence and undermines your relativistic license to demean and entire people and their religion.

You will be called out every time you absurdly do that.
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.

As your understanding of the english language fails you again............As you have a serious comprehension problem with understanding what others post.
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.
The Core Teachings of Islam are absolutely saturated with bloody examples of times when it is permissible (according to their vision of the godhead) to wage war and to commit violence against Unbelievers and to defend the Faithful, and with permissions by both The Deity and their Founder to do just that.

I do not remember Jesus of Nazareth saying that it was OK to wage war or commit violence against Unbelievers.

Perhaps I missed the memo.
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Days after they burned a man alive, the President excuses the behavior by saying "well...Christian white people did it 900 years ago too...so we should get off our high horses for being horrified they are doing this"
That is the message he sent.
"Yes it is terrible, but you guys did it too 900 years ago - so you know...same thing.

It was idiotic and weak.
The American Indian massacres, slavery and the Nazi christian atrocities did NOT occur 900 years ago.
Ths White Christian enterprises happened during the last few centuries. The last as recent as the 20th century!
Does Obama look stronger now?
...So all the president has to say is stop and they will stop?

But the idiot doesn't have to pour gasoline on the fire, and serve-up faux equivalencies and rationalizations that further enable them, either, does he?
You are enabling the enemy with your denial of the obvious, not the President.
Oh, hell, I'm not denying Western (and our own) culpability regarding the motivations of various Radical and Militant Islamic groups that are our declared enemies.

It's just that our own fucking President should not be letting them off the hook in ANY way, while we scramble to adjust our own approach.

Your boy fucked up... he screwed the pooch... and you know it just as well as we do.

You're defending the Indefensible.
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Days after they burned a man alive, the President excuses the behavior by saying "well...Christian white people did it 900 years ago too...so we should get off our high horses for being horrified they are doing this"
That is the message he sent.
"Yes it is terrible, but you guys did it too 900 years ago - so you know...same thing.

It was idiotic and weak.
The American Indian massacres, slavery and the Nazi christian atrocities did NOT occur 900 years ago.
Ths White Christian enterprises happened during the last few centuries. The last as recent as the 20th century!
Does Obama look stronger now?
Obama looks like a jackass who just gave aid-and-comfort to the enemy.

Hurry... January 20, 2017.
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.
The Core Teachings of Islam are absolutely saturated with bloody examples of times when it is permissible (according to their vision of the godhead) to wage war and to commit violence against Unbelievers and to defend the Faithful, and with permissions by both The Deity and their Founder to do just that.

I do not remember Jesus of Nazareth saying that it was OK to wage war or commit violence against Unbelievers.

Perhaps I missed the memo.
White conservative Christians care nothing abut whether a target is of the same faith or not. If a nation has what they want or is perceived as a threat they are just as aggressive as Muslims in destroying those who get in their way. In times like those, the use of chaplains to reassure soldiers that what they are doing is right
and godly becomes paramount. So if they are killed in battle against the enemy, their souls will, ostensibly, not be forfeited. Doesn't that make a mockery out of the Commandment" Thou Shalt not Kill."? I'm not saying that is right or wrong but preservation of the state and status quo seems to trump the word of God every time under those circumstances!

But there are scriptural directives or at least implications of divine complicity in violence. Stoning, the invasion and battle of Jericho, and the adventures of Samson are a few examples that readily come to mind!
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Days after they burned a man alive, the President excuses the behavior by saying "well...Christian white people did it 900 years ago too...so we should get off our high horses for being horrified they are doing this"
That is the message he sent.
"Yes it is terrible, but you guys did it too 900 years ago - so you know...same thing.

It was idiotic and weak.

Expected from a group that still sees Boooooosshh ghost. Obama is the enemy and he is among us

Frankly, you are more of an enemy than Obama is! You have no compunction abut giving the enemy great intelligence information about how divided America is. At least support the duly elected leader of this country as that was the WIll of the People to elect him! To do less borders on treason.


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In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.
The Core Teachings of Islam are absolutely saturated with bloody examples of times when it is permissible (according to their vision of the godhead) to wage war and to commit violence against Unbelievers and to defend the Faithful, and with permissions by both The Deity and their Founder to do just that.

I do not remember Jesus of Nazareth saying that it was OK to wage war or commit violence against Unbelievers.

Perhaps I missed the memo.
White conservative Christians care nothing abut whether a target is of the same faith or not. If a nation has what they want or is perceived as a threat they are just as aggressive as Muslims in destroying those who get in their way. In times like those, the use of chaplains to reassure soldiers that what they are doing is right
and godly becomes paramount. So if they are killed in battle against the enemy, their souls will, ostensibly, not be forfeited. Doesn't that make a mockery out of the Commandment" Thou Shalt not Kill."? I'm not saying that is right or wrong but preservation of the state and status quo seems to trump the word of God every time under those circumstances!

But there are scriptural directives or at least implications of divine complicity in violence. Stoning, the invasion and battle of Jericho, and the adventures of Samson are a few examples that readily come to mind!
I have already (and repeatedly) served-up my thoughts on the vast differences between the Core Teachings of Christianity and the Core Teachings of Islam, and what these diffences mean for the general peace, and how these manifest in our present age. Those thoughts will have to stand or fall on their own merits. I won't rehash them here.
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Days after they burned a man alive, the President excuses the behavior by saying "well...Christian white people did it 900 years ago too...so we should get off our high horses for being horrified they are doing this"
That is the message he sent.
"Yes it is terrible, but you guys did it too 900 years ago - so you know...same thing.

It was idiotic and weak.

Expected from a group that still sees Boooooosshh ghost. Obama is the enemy and he is among us

Frankly, you are more of an enemy than Obama is! You have no compunction abut giving the enemy great intelligence information about how divided America is. At least support the duly elected leader of this country as that was the WIll of the People to elect him! To do less borders on treason.

Indeed. I've always been a non-conformist. I better work on my lemming status.

Thanks for the heads up

I am truly ashamed of President Barack Obama's position in this matter.

Although I voted for him twice, both times, it was with great reluctance, as the best of a poor range of choices.

I now have a bad case of buyer's (voter's) remorse, and repent of my former votes, although I accept that I have now gotten what I voted for.

Personally, he has been losing me, slowly but surely, for at least a couple of years, and his new reliance upon Rule by Imperial Decree pretty much capped that for me.

But, this last bit... serving-up faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity... giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Radical Militant Islam) is the Last Straw.

I now want the guy gone from public life and removed from power, in our peaceful and time-honored tradition, and want January 20, 2017, to hurry up and come, as quickly as possible, while minimizing the damage that this Failed Messiah can do, in his remaining 23 months at the helm.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but did I phukk-up by voting for him (twice!), or what?

I'm sorry, America... I'm soooooo sorry for my little part in this.

Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
How can the truth be idiotic? The real idiocy is to ignore the truth and allow dark history to repeat itself!
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