Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

Given the way the president has been treated by "conservatives" during his tenure as president gives him license to fight back and say anything he pleases as long as it is true. Everything h said is documented and accessible to the entire world for perusal. Go to any pubic library anywhere in the world and you will find Christian atrocities in the books therein. Obama didn't reveal any secrets. He just cited the evidence already revealed!

Really? That is your argument?
His little lecture was not an informative speech. It's intent was not to inform. Everyone knows the Crusades happened.
His speech was a persuasive speech. The intent is to influence thought, to persuade someone to see a point that you want to make.
"*Lest we get on our high horse"...in other words..."let's not think we are better than them".
This is 2015. It is not 1095. What people did 900 years ago doesn't have a f*cking thing to do with what these monsters are doing now!! Not a single f*cking thing!
They are hanging, stoning, beheading and burning burning people alive - and this President wants us to find common ground with that???
It was an asinine, stupid and weak thing to say.
Like I said - an ISIS recruiter couldn't have said it better,
Obama at the prayer breakfast:

Despicable words from a thoroughly despicable lying sub human.

Funny that no one has yet been able to actually link these alleged "words at a prayer breakfast".
Wonder why. Must be something inconvenient in there. :dunno:

Do these words even exist? Has the Ministry of Truth not retroactively written them yet?
Tune in next week for more ongoing mysteries here at USMB Theater....
Obama at the prayer breakfast:

Despicable words from a thoroughly despicable lying sub human.

Funny that no one has yet been able to actually link these alleged "words at a prayer breakfast".
Wonder why. Must be something inconvenient in there. :dunno:

Do these words even exist? Has the Ministry of Truth not retroactively written them yet?
Tune in next week for more ongoing mysteries here at USMB Theater....
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss. Having it both ways: Priceless! :eusa_dance:

I like the ad hom on the end as a bonus track too. Nice touch.

Minute 8............................was good up until then................He is attacking religion in general led by the ISIS comments that I agree with................
'Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"'

It comes as no surprise that most on the right fail to comprehend the president's meaning.

As correctly noted by another poster elsewhere, Christianity has had the benefit of some 500 years of secularism, where Christianity manifests mostly in Western liberal democracies, the propensity of many Christians to use force and violence to advance Christian dogma – both religious and political – has been significantly mitigated.

Islam, on the other hand, and for the most part, has not had this benefit, where the force and violence used by a tiny minority of non-representative Muslims is a reflection of the authoritarian dictatorships and kingdoms in which they live, not the sanctioned tenets of Islam.
We understand his meaning very well. Better than he, in fact. He was trying to minimize the threat of the terrorists by attempting to obfuscate the issue with Medieval times. And you make terrorists sound like victims as if they are simply a product of their environment with no responsibility today.
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss.
Like I said..."to a retard". Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense.

LOL, obviously your brain never turns on.
Obama at the prayer breakfast:

Despicable words from a thoroughly despicable lying sub human.

Funny that no one has yet been able to actually link these alleged "words at a prayer breakfast".
Wonder why. Must be something inconvenient in there. :dunno:

Do these words even exist? Has the Ministry of Truth not retroactively written them yet?
Tune in next week for more ongoing mysteries here at USMB Theater....

THANK YOU. God DAMN that was like pulling teeth --- took two days. Finally I have something to work with.
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss. Having it both ways: Priceless! :eusa_dance:

You're clear for take-off. :cuckoo:

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss. Having it both ways: Priceless! :eusa_dance:

You're clear for take-off. :cuckoo:

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss.
Like I said..."to a retard". Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense.

LOL, obviously your brain never turns on.

LOL obviously that's irrelevant. Logic doesn't depend on what today's date is, nor on emotional hissyfits.
Once again for the slow readers --

EITHER a tiny sample represents the whole;
OR it does not.

You don't get to go "uh, it applies here but not there because I'm more afraid of this one".
That's simply not an option.

Get it yet?

btw it would be "as I said" not "like I said".
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss. Having it both ways: Priceless! :eusa_dance:

You're clear for take-off. :cuckoo:


Obama at the prayer breakfast:

Despicable words from a thoroughly despicable lying sub human.

Funny that no one has yet been able to actually link these alleged "words at a prayer breakfast".
Wonder why. Must be something inconvenient in there. :dunno:

Do these words even exist? Has the Ministry of Truth not retroactively written them yet?
Tune in next week for more ongoing mysteries here at USMB Theater....

THANK YOU. God DAMN that was like pulling teeth --- took two days. Finally I have something to work with.

google is amazing.
At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.
Oh sure, if we ignore the fact that one is a threat today and the others aren't it all makes perfect sense. To a retard.


:click: OFF

:click: ON

Sooooo convenient! No muss no fuss. Having it both ways: Priceless! :eusa_dance:

You're clear for take-off. :cuckoo:


sky pilot you'll never never never reach the sky,.
If the hack president muslim apologist could go back in time he'd tell the muslims who were being slaughtered by the crusaders that they have no reason to complain because one day they will be slaughtering innocents incessantly.
That's how absurd this idiot president's rationalization is.
Obama at the prayer breakfast:

Despicable words from a thoroughly despicable lying sub human.

Funny that no one has yet been able to actually link these alleged "words at a prayer breakfast".
Wonder why. Must be something inconvenient in there. :dunno:

Do these words even exist? Has the Ministry of Truth not retroactively written them yet?
Tune in next week for more ongoing mysteries here at USMB Theater....

THANK YOU. God DAMN that was like pulling teeth --- took two days. Finally I have something to work with.

google is amazing.

Google's damn handy. I was pushing it back when it was just one of several engines.

But me I do things a little differently from some here -- I don't presume to tell other people what they're saying. So when they won't say what the fuck they're talking about and ramble on as if everybody knows what they refer to, I have no starting point. This thread was started with no link at all. I asked for one in post 9, got crickets. At least two other threads, same thing. One guy last night called me a serial pederast for asking the question. That's just fucking bizarre. If you have a point you should be able to say what the fuck it is, and it's not my job to do that.
Obama at the prayer breakfast:

Despicable words from a thoroughly despicable lying sub human.

Funny that no one has yet been able to actually link these alleged "words at a prayer breakfast".
Wonder why. Must be something inconvenient in there. :dunno:

Do these words even exist? Has the Ministry of Truth not retroactively written them yet?
Tune in next week for more ongoing mysteries here at USMB Theater....

THANK YOU. God DAMN that was like pulling teeth --- took two days. Finally I have something to work with.

google is amazing.

Google's damn handy. I was pushing it back when it was just one of several engines.

But me I do things a little differently from some here -- I don't presume to tell other people what they're saying. So when they won't say what the fuck they're talking about and ramble on as if everybody knows what they refer to, I have no starting point. This thread was started with no link at all. I asked for one in post 9, got crickets. At least two other threads, same thing. One guy last night called me a serial pederast for asking the question. That's just fucking bizarre. If you have a point you should be able to say what the fuck it is, and it's not my job to do that.

I didn't start this thread and was simply engaging...............I actually look up stuff even if it isn't a thread I started................
So I'm running the video right now and just heard the line about the Crusades and the Inquisition, following a reference to Naziism, which went on to racist violence. Out of all of those I see the wags here choose to single out the one furthest back in the past (Crusades) and ignore all the rest.

I'm starting to see why nobody wanted to link this. Thanks again.::thup:

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