Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............

Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM.

OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......

The US has waged war with radical Christians too, despite it's own government backed atrocities throughout history!
The President does not excuse jihadist barbarism and he corrects the moral relativism of so called Christians.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.
The Core Teachings of Islam are absolutely saturated with bloody examples of times when it is permissible (according to their vision of the godhead) to wage war and to commit violence against Unbelievers and to defend the Faithful, and with permissions by both The Deity and their Founder to do just that.

I do not remember Jesus of Nazareth saying that it was OK to wage war or commit violence against Unbelievers.

Perhaps I missed the memo.
You did. The OT and the NT are included in the memo right along with all of the bloodshed caused by Christianity over the last two thousand years. Time does not wash out the blood, dontcha know, and we can find examples plenty from 1939 until this year, as you well know.

Your brand of Christianity is not superior, bub. So much blood has been shed in the name of Jesus.

It is your Christian duty to understand that and to protect the unbelievers who are not jihadists.

Are you doing that?
I am truly ashamed of President Barack Obama's position in this matter.

Although I voted for him twice, both times, it was with great reluctance, as the best of a poor range of choices.

I now have a bad case of buyer's (voter's) remorse, and repent of my former votes, although I accept that I have now gotten what I voted for.

Personally, he has been losing me, slowly but surely, for at least a couple of years, and his new reliance upon Rule by Imperial Decree pretty much capped that for me.

But, this last bit... serving-up faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity... giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Radical Militant Islam) is the Last Straw.

I now want the guy gone from public life and removed from power, in our peaceful and time-honored tradition, and want January 20, 2017, to hurry up and come, as quickly as possible, while minimizing the damage that this Failed Messiah can do, in his remaining 23 months at the helm.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but did I phukk-up by voting for him (twice!), or what?

I'm sorry, America... I'm soooooo sorry for my little part in this.

Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!

Did I wrong you in some previous life?

Did somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning?

Where in the hell does this Hate Whitey disease that you're suffering from, originate?

In any event, I didn't do diddly-squat to insult you, or to call you a liar, or to denigrate you, or to question your loyalty or motives.

Consequently, and in light of the fact that you fired first, and drew first blood...

You may now consider yourself cleared to blow it out your ass, at your discretion, and earliest convenience.

Get off my back, pissant.
In other words he plays word games with WAR............Whether you like it our not, WE ARE AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. OOPs I said RADICAL ISLAM..............Oh shit..............CAN'T call it that................Um Um change the fucking name......STFU.
You are a relative moralist hiding behind the cloak of Christianity. The drape is pulled back,and there you are, the pretend Christian humbug.
Whatever................FREE SPEECH ZONE HERE.............we are not at the WH..................too dang bad.....................as he says you can't say this and that about RADICAL ISLAM.........................

Save your preaching for someone who cares..................this isn't one of Obama's NO FREE SPEECH ZONES...........If it was then you have to say enemy combatants..........In FORD HOOD..........WORK PLACE VIOLENCE.................

You know, everything but RADICAL ISLAM AND TERRORISM.
Only you are saying that your free speech is being denied. It is not. It is being revealed for what it is: hatred. Islam does not equal Islamic jihadism and terrorism, any more than the KKK and the Aryan churches equal Christianity.
The Core Teachings of Islam are absolutely saturated with bloody examples of times when it is permissible (according to their vision of the godhead) to wage war and to commit violence against Unbelievers and to defend the Faithful, and with permissions by both The Deity and their Founder to do just that.

I do not remember Jesus of Nazareth saying that it was OK to wage war or commit violence against Unbelievers.

Perhaps I missed the memo.
You did. The OT and the NT are included in the memo right along with all of the bloodshed caused by Christianity over the last two thousand years. Time does not wash out the blood, dontcha know, and we can find examples plenty from 1939 until this year, as you well know...
Can't refute the 'differences in Core Teachings' concept, can you?

That's alright... everybody understands your falling back upon automatic gainsay and deflection, as a coping mechanism.

...Your brand of Christianity is not superior, bub...
What 'brand of Christianity' would that be? The 'brand' that holds that war and violence is prohibited under any-and-all circumstances? Is not such a 'brand', ipso facto, superior to one that condones and even encourages violence?

...So much blood has been shed in the name of Jesus...
Yep. And ALL of it in direct and 180-degrees-out Opposition to what he taught during the course of his ministry, methinks.

...It is your Christian duty to understand that and to protect the unbelievers who are not jihadists. Are you doing that?
Not really. Pure Christianity calls for nonviolence under any and all circumstances. Jesus of Nazareth said nothing about protecting unbelievers. But 'protection' implies being willing to commit 'defensive' violence, rather than turning the other cheek, yes?

And, as to whether or not I am doing that...

No, I am not, although I do not go out of my way to persecute or harm unbelievers.

Good thing for me that I'm a Christian -leaning agnostic (Doubting Thomas) rather than a True Christian (in its purest Core Teachings sense) then, eh?
To those that continue this stupid game about not saying what we think of RADICAL ISLAM.

I'll refer that request to my friend Asclepias:
Kondor, my little birdbrain, cannot defend at all successfully the Core Teachings of either religion. the 'differences in Core Teachings' concept, can he?

He has fallen back on far right nonsense and deflection when you whines that "You are neither when you suggest "Good thing for me that I'm a Christian -leaning agnostic (Doubting Thomas) rather than a True Christian (in its purest Core Teachings sense) then, eh?"

Kondor is unable understand Christian duty, and you certainly don't understand Core Teachings of either Christianity or Islam.

Imagine having an agnostic trying to lecture believers on their religions. Ridiculous. :)
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Notice the same people falling all over themselves to say ISIS doesn't represent Islam, turn around and can't wait to use phrases like 'Republican Christians' and 'Nazi Christians'?

That's because you're apologizers. Your sole objective is to raise up who you see as the underdog and tear down who you see as being dominant.

Absolute hypocrites.
When someone makes a point to say something, why they say it, or feel the need to say something, it is important to focus on the words they chose to say. Afterall, this was not an impromptu statement. It was pre-written and on the prompter. SO they chose the words carefully.
"Lest we get on our high horse"...the meaning of this is easily apparent. The intention is to not separate ourselves from the terrorist, to empathize, to find common ground with. To say we are no different than people who are beheading, hanging, stoning and burning people alive. CURRENTLY.
I am truly ashamed of President Barack Obama's position in this matter.

Although I voted for him twice, both times, it was with great reluctance, as the best of a poor range of choices.

I now have a bad case of buyer's (voter's) remorse, and repent of my former votes, although I accept that I have now gotten what I voted for.

Personally, he has been losing me, slowly but surely, for at least a couple of years, and his new reliance upon Rule by Imperial Decree pretty much capped that for me.

But, this last bit... serving-up faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity... giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Radical Militant Islam) is the Last Straw.

I now want the guy gone from public life and removed from power, in our peaceful and time-honored tradition, and want January 20, 2017, to hurry up and come, as quickly as possible, while minimizing the damage that this Failed Messiah can do, in his remaining 23 months at the helm.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but did I phukk-up by voting for him (twice!), or what?

I'm sorry, America... I'm soooooo sorry for my little part in this.

Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!

Did I wrong you in some previous life?

Did somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning?

Where in the hell does this Hate Whitey disease that you're suffering from, originate?

In any event, I didn't do diddly-squat to insult you, or to call you a liar, or to denigrate you, or to question your loyalty or motives.

Consequently, and in light of the fact that you fired first, and drew first blood...

You may now consider yourself cleared to blow it out your ass, at your discretion, and earliest convenience.

Get off my back, pissant.
You really take offense at the most trivial things, tsk! tsk! :lol: Truth is a MOTHA ain't it?
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.
When someone makes a point to say something, why they say it, or feel the need to say something, it is important to focus on the words they chose to say. Afterall, this was not an impromptu statement. It was pre-written and on the prompter. SO they chose the words carefully.
"Lest we get on our high horse"...the meaning of this is easily apparent. The intention is to not separate ourselves from the terrorist, to empathize, to find common ground with. To say we are no different than people who are beheading, hanging, stoning and burning people alive. CURRENTLY.

Given the way the president has been treated by "conservatives" during his tenure as president gives him license to fight back and say anything he pleases as long as it is true. Everything h said is documented and accessible to the entire world for perusal. Go to any pubic library anywhere in the world and you will find Christian atrocities in the books therein. Obama didn't reveal any secrets. He just cited the evidence already revealed!
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.
What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
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Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.
What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass a Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
ISIS, as in the 7th Century Mohamed used these same tactics to come into power.
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.
What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.
Listen to this genius. He's on the internet and suggesting people go to the library to back up his wild claims. LOL

Given the way the president has been treated by "conservatives" during his tenure as president gives him license to fight back and say anything he pleases as long as it is true. Everything h said is documented and accessible to the entire world for perusal. Go to any pubic library anywhere in the world and you will find Christian atrocities in the books therein. Obama didn't reveal any secrets. He just cited the evidence already revealed!
'Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"'

It comes as no surprise that most on the right fail to comprehend the president's meaning.

As correctly noted by another poster elsewhere, Christianity has had the benefit of some 500 years of secularism, where Christianity manifests mostly in Western liberal democracies, the propensity of many Christians to use force and violence to advance Christian dogma – both religious and political – has been significantly mitigated.

Islam, on the other hand, and for the most part, has not had this benefit, where the force and violence used by a tiny minority of non-representative Muslims is a reflection of the authoritarian dictatorships and kingdoms in which they live, not the sanctioned tenets of Islam.
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.

What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.

At the risk of stating the obvious it's a comparison of consistent logic. If you want to go with the Composition Fallacy that the actions of a tiny band of extremist brigands represents by extension everyone in their religion, then you have to do the same for Nazis, Inquisitors, and in our own time KKK lynchings as well as abortion clinic bombers.

It's exactly the same logic. It either works or it doesn't but you don't get to switch it on and off like a reading lamp depending on what's convenient at the time.

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