Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

Again, the problem is not Islam nor the tenets of that faith..

Clearly the obvious is not obvious to those blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

Here are the words of one prominent Mideast Muslim (just days before the recent Paris attacks) who apparently disagrees with you:
(CNN) Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has called for a "religious revolution," asking Muslim leaders to help in the fight against extremism.

In a speech celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muḥammad, which coincided with New Year's Day, he said they had no time to lose.

"I say and repeat, again, that we are in need of a religious revolution. You imams are responsible before Allah. The entire world is waiting on you. The entire world is waiting for your word ... because the Islamic world is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost. And it is being lost by our own hands," el-Sisi said.

"We need a revolution of the self, a revolution of consciousness and ethics to rebuild the Egyptian person -- a person that our country will need in the near future," the President said.

El-Sisi, himself a pious man, was elected in May after leaving the military to run for the office.

A former defense minister, he led the ouster of Mohamed Morsy -- the Islamist who was Egypt's first democratically elected President -- and has long positioned himself as a more secular option, and defender against extremist views.

"It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible that this thinking -- and I am not saying the religion -- I am saying this thinking," el-Sisi said.

Egypt s President calls for a religious revolution - CNN.com
I think this sums him up. And we TRIED to warn you


Limbaugh: Obama’s ‘High Horse’ Speech Is Dangerous
"The president is directly and indirectly promoting religious beliefs that are hostile to Western values."

On his radio show Thursday, Rush Limbaugh unloaded on President Obama for his “high horse” remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast earlier that day in which the president drew a moral equivalence between radical Islamic terror and dark episodes in the history of Christianity. The president’s choice to attack Christianity at an event designed to unite, Limbaugh argued, revealed just how much he resents this country and how actively he is seeking to humble the West. Not only was the speech insulting, suggested Limbaugh, it's dangerous.

Saying the president's Prayer Breakfast speech “dots the I, crosses the T” on his worldview, Limbaugh said it’s clear, “we have a man who really has a problem with this country.”

He has a problem with this nation's founding. He has a deep-seated problem with this nation's existence. He doesn't like the fact that we're a superpower, thinks it's not been honestly earned. We're cheaters and we're thieves. We are rich beyond the rest of the world's comprehension, not because we've had a unique way of creating wealth and prosperity. No, no, no, no! We've run around the world and we've stolen things from other people. We've stolen cultural things; we've stolen resources; we've stolen money.

Obama clearly believes “there's nothing special about the US,” said Limbaugh; the only “special” thing about us, he suggested, is our racist, bigoted founding:

The US was founded as a racist, slave, bigoted nation, and we still haven't paid the price for that as far as he's concerned. Why on earth would you go to the National Prayer Breakfast with thousands of Christians from across the spectrum and insult them? And at the same time, try to downplay the present day threat? And not just downplay it, but to try to put it in some sort of context as, "Hey, nothing unique here! Been there, done that. You Christians did just the same kind of stuff back in the days of the Crusades! Let's not get on our high horse, here...

all of it here:
Limbaugh Obama s High Horse Speech Is Dangerous Truth Revolt


Lush Rimjob thinks "humility" is a bad idea??

I am truly ashamed of President Barack Obama's position in this matter.

Although I voted for him twice, both times, it was with great reluctance, as the best of a poor range of choices.

I now have a bad case of buyer's (voter's) remorse, and repent of my former votes, although I accept that I have now gotten what I voted for.

Personally, he has been losing me, slowly but surely, for at least a couple of years, and his new reliance upon Rule by Imperial Decree pretty much capped that for me.

But, this last bit... serving-up faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity... giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Radical Militant Islam) is the Last Straw.

I now want the guy gone from public life and removed from power, in our peaceful and time-honored tradition, and want January 20, 2017, to hurry up and come, as quickly as possible, while minimizing the damage that this Failed Messiah can do, in his remaining 23 months at the helm.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but did I phukk-up by voting for him (twice!), or what?

I'm sorry, America... I'm soooooo sorry for my little part in this.

Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!

Did I wrong you in some previous life?

Did somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning?

Where in the hell does this Hate Whitey disease that you're suffering from, originate?

In any event, I didn't do diddly-squat to insult you, or to call you a liar, or to denigrate you, or to question your loyalty or motives.

Consequently, and in light of the fact that you fired first, and drew first blood...

You may now consider yourself cleared to blow it out your ass, at your discretion, and earliest convenience.

Get off my back, pissant.
You really take offense at the most trivial things, tsk! tsk! :lol: Truth is a MOTHA ain't it?
Translation: "I was unnecessarily rude to someone who does not think the same way I do, but I am not man enough to admit error or overzealousness and apologize, so, I'll simply attempt to trivialize the original hostility or insult, in a juvenile attempt to make the Objecting Party appear overly-sensitive." That doesn't even qualify as a 'nice try'.
Translation: I know that I, Kondor, am talking out of my rear bird feathers so I will keep ducking and lying. Kondor failed three pages ago with the silly "Core" lecture that burst apart in flames.
Christians need to get off their high horse whether they used to kill people or not, if for no other reason than to comport with Christian dogma.
Killing violates Christian dogma, although clerics and secular rulers over time have twisted or ignored Christian dogma, in order to attain their ends.

The trouble with Islamic dogma is that no twisting or ignoring is required, to attain such ends.

The enablers are embedded within Islamic dogma.
Horseshit. That is the only appropriate answer to a person who is deliberately lying. Kondor, stop lying.
Obama should immediately resign!

He is the most offensive and divisive President ever!

Once again he is excusing the actions of his Islamic friends and relatives by relating to events that happened centuries ago.

With every passing day this scheming, duplicitous idiot , sitting in this soiled White House, comes out with new ways to prove his loyalty to Islam and his hatred towards traditional America.

Obama should immediately resign!

He is the most offensive and divisive President ever!

Once again he is excusing the actions of his Islamic friends and relatives by relating to events that happened centuries ago.

With every passing day this scheming, duplicitous idiot , sitting in this soiled White House, comes out with new ways to prove his loyalty to Islam and his hatred towards traditional America.


He should "resign" and "is divisive" because he makes a speech about humiility? :disbelief:

Doublethink lives.
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC

It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC

It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video

ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC

It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video

ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------

Facts are irrelevant to those who prefer to live on myth contrary to fact.
As the OP title also did.
Christians need to get off their high horse whether they used to kill people or not, if for no other reason than to comport with Christian dogma.
LOL. No Christian today has anything to do with what happened in medieval times, jackass.
Then why do you talk about Mohammed, puh-leeze?

Muhummad is considered by muslims to be the PARAGON of virtue-----the ROLE MODEL FOR THE WORLD------
no one says that about King John (robin's nemesis)----
even though-----RICHARD THE LION HEARTED----
is often called a hero------no one demands that he be
worshiped and emulated. even robin hood is not a "god"
So you admit that you are a uber Christian lover and uber Muslim hater and are willing to cheat about it.

I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC

It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video

ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------

Facts are irrelevant to those who prefer to live on myth contrary to fact.
As the OP title also did.
Yes and No................He chose those words carefully and this was a planned and practiced speech....................He did state that Christians need to get off their HIGH HORSES......................

He planned that to create a controversity over the wording............he practiced and planned that statement for the very reason we are arguing here in now.

He stated the HIGH HORSES comment as a hit on Christians, and then quoted the Crusades as examples of Religion in the same breath almost.................

The Crusades were over 800 years ago, and stating that even in the context with current events with ISIS is a political stab at Religion.
...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response.

Tired of such responses?

Fair enough.

Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same.

Problem solved.
Last edited:
Mohamed was a 7th century Insurgent....................He used Insurgency and Gorilla tactics to raid Caravans............He slowly gained alliances and used military tactics and FEAR to control the region..........He slaughtered enemies in virtually the same fashion as ISIS does today................This Fear led to alliances, and more and more followers until he conquered the region and united the tribes..................which had already been at war with each other for a long time......................

He used Islam to create a cult..............based on WAR AND FEAR........................and he ordered the deaths of non believers even while holding alliances with other non believers.............

He used deceit and trickery to win the day, and after the unification history changed as the tribes bonded together to push forward a united front.............leading to an INVASION of the WEST and the killing of Christians in the region.................

Which led to a call for help...........permission from Rome..............and the Crusades.
...Translation: I know that I, Kondor, am talking out of my rear bird feathers so I will keep ducking and lying...
Copycatting the style, are we?

How unimaginative.

However, as to substance...

Feel free to point out where I have ducked (evaded) any aspect of the conversation.


Feel free to point out where I have lied.

...Kondor failed three pages ago with the silly "Core" lecture that burst apart in flames.

Your simple declaring it thus does not render it thus.

I assert that the Core Teachings of Christianity (those teachings and values supposedly espoused directly by Jesus of Nazareth) are purely those of love and peace.

I assert that the Core Teachings of Islam contain a high volume of embedded Rationalizations and Permissions to wage war and commit violence against Infidels and those who oppose the adherents of Islam.

I further assert that - of these two - the Core Teachings of Islam are far more dangerous on the dogmatic and philosophical level, and that they are far more easily susceptible to manipulation to wage war or to commit violence or to oppress Unbelievers.

Muhammed said that it was OK to kill and oppress the opponents of Islam and other Unbelievers.

Jesus of Nazareth said to turn the other cheek and to love thy neighbor - unconditionally.

These are neither exaggerations nor lies nor a method of ducking any question that you or others might have posed.

These are recorded and well-documented and well-accepted facts.

If you can convince the audience that these assertions are false, then, by all means, have at it.

Otherwise, there is no crash-and-burn or 'fail' associated with my own observations and assertions regarding differences in Core Teachings between the two.

So... c'mon, mine good colleague... here's your chance to just impress the ever-loving hell outta all of us... stun us with your overwhelming intellectual response.

Show us the Lies or Ducking associated with any of my summarization... here, or in pages past.

Go for it, Big Guy.

We're all waiting for your brilliant counterpointing to begin - as opposed to your heretofore juvenile and baseless allegations of failure and lying and all the rest.
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC

It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video

ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------

Facts are irrelevant to those who prefer to live on myth contrary to fact.
As the OP title also did.
Yes and No................He chose those words carefully and this was a planned and practiced speech....................He did state that Christians need to get off their HIGH HORSES......................

He planned that to create a controversity over the wording............he practiced and planned that statement for the very reason we are arguing here in now.

He stated the HIGH HORSES comment as a hit on Christians, and then quoted the Crusades as examples of Religion in the same breath almost.................

The Crusades were over 800 years ago, and stating that even in the context with current events with ISIS is a political stab at Religion.
Then leave Mohammed out of the discussion.

You go offline, you get knocked over.

This will happen every time to you.

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