Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response. Tired of such responses? Fair enough. Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same. Problem solved.
You sillies don't set any rules. Everytime you break them, we will knock you over.
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC

It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video

ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------

Facts are irrelevant to those who prefer to live on myth contrary to fact.
As the OP title also did.
Yes and No................He chose those words carefully and this was a planned and practiced speech....................He did state that Christians need to get off their HIGH HORSES......................

He planned that to create a controversity over the wording............he practiced and planned that statement for the very reason we are arguing here in now.

He stated the HIGH HORSES comment as a hit on Christians, and then quoted the Crusades as examples of Religion in the same breath almost.................

The Crusades were over 800 years ago, and stating that even in the context with current events with ISIS is a political stab at Religion.
Then leave Mohammed out of the discussion.

You go offline, you get knocked over.

This will happen every time to you.
Kondor is merely spamming and trolling now.

Yes, the core of each religion is peace.

Yes, the outliers like Kondor and the defenders of jihaidst violence get knocked over.

Tis what is.
...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response. Tired of such responses? Fair enough. Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same. Problem solved.
You sillies don't set any rules. Everytime you break them, we will knock you over.
Who, pray tell, is "we"?
I will add for completeness------Obama's ----"Christians did it too" remark was truly IDIOTIC
It should be easy for you to provide a link to Obama saying in the National Prayer Breakfast speech "Christians did it too" since putting quotes around a statement that you are attributing to Obama means you're claiming he actually said - "Christians did it too". If you can't provide a link even the rightwing moderator's are probably going to give you a scolding and finger wag for false attribution.

Let me save you some time... Obama National Prayer Breakfast 2015 Text Transcript and Full Video

ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------

Facts are irrelevant to those who prefer to live on myth contrary to fact.
As the OP title also did.
Yes and No................He chose those words carefully and this was a planned and practiced speech....................He did state that Christians need to get off their HIGH HORSES......................

He planned that to create a controversity over the wording............he practiced and planned that statement for the very reason we are arguing here in now.

He stated the HIGH HORSES comment as a hit on Christians, and then quoted the Crusades as examples of Religion in the same breath almost.................

The Crusades were over 800 years ago, and stating that even in the context with current events with ISIS is a political stab at Religion.
Then leave Mohammed out of the discussion.

You go offline, you get knocked over.

This will happen every time to you.
I'm beginning to wonder if he's a "drinker"... he's definitely taken a turn to the Incoherent this day.
Last edited:
ok ------I did it carelessly------I am not writing a Petition to
a court------I am writing on a messageboard SHEEEESH. Are
you a lawyer? ---------you remind me of an encounter I had with
a retired lawyer------

Facts are irrelevant to those who prefer to live on myth contrary to fact.
As the OP title also did.
Yes and No................He chose those words carefully and this was a planned and practiced speech....................He did state that Christians need to get off their HIGH HORSES......................

He planned that to create a controversity over the wording............he practiced and planned that statement for the very reason we are arguing here in now.

He stated the HIGH HORSES comment as a hit on Christians, and then quoted the Crusades as examples of Religion in the same breath almost.................

The Crusades were over 800 years ago, and stating that even in the context with current events with ISIS is a political stab at Religion.
Then leave Mohammed out of the discussion.

You go offline, you get knocked over.

This will happen every time to you.
I'm beginning to wonder if he's a "drinker"... he's definitely taken a turn to the Incoherent this day.
He's losing it...............I agree.

The outliers like Kondor and Eagle spiral every lower.

Neither of you understand the Core Essentials of either religion obviously, and that will be kept being pointed out every time you stray beyond the truth, as you have been today and have had such pointed out.
The outliers like Kondor and Eagle spiral every lower.

Neither of you understand the Core Essentials of either religion obviously, and that will be kept being pointed out every time you stray beyond the truth, as you have been today and have had such pointed out.
An entirely juvenile and inadequate response... then again, I haven't seen much from you in recent times that was worth a damn, anyway, so, I'm not terribly surprised.

Crawl back into your bottle, or take another hit from that bong, and leave the serious discussion to those with the ability to participate.
Kondor, you are a light weight who always be corrected for your silly outlier positions.

When your logic and evidence are clear, I will support you, but when not, such as today, well, tough to be you.
Kondor, you are a light weight who always be corrected for your silly outlier positions.

When your logic and evidence are clear, I will support you, but when not, such as today, well, tough to be you.
Yes, I'm certain that, in your mind, this is exactly what is happening.
That is clearly what is happening, outlier, and you don't like it, obviously.

Stay with the facts and the logic guy, and I am with you, but pull the uber partisan hackery and your arguments will be obliterated.
Kondor is merely spamming and trolling now.

Yes, the core of each religion is peace.

Yes, the outliers like Kondor and the defenders of jihaidst violence get knocked over.

Tis what is.
What core is that? You claim Islam at its core is peaceful, yet the very founder of the religion spread it through conquest and subjugation. This is just a historically inaccurate claim on your part. Basically you are saying the founder of the religion isn't a real Muslim, which is absurd.
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Steinlight you are a known outlier, as goofy as Edward Baiamonte or PoliticalChic. Your comparison of Jesus, in whom you don't believe, with Mohammed, in whom you don't believe, is unsustainable because they lived in far different worlds.

I am getting bored: Steinlight, Kondor, Chiken, Eagle, Ilar the Welsher, and so forth and so on are simply wrong headed and boring. No wonder Obama had no trouble beating the GOP both times, and watch him with stand this Congress as easily as the last two Congresses.

Please Jeb, take the nomination and put these butt holes away.
Steinlight you are a known outlier, as goofy as Edward Baiamonte or PoliticalChic. Your comparison of Jesus, in whom you don't believe, with Mohammed, in whom you don't believe, is unsustainable because they lived in far different worlds.

I am getting bored: Steinlight, Kondor, Chiken, Eagle, Ilar the Welsher, and so forth and so on are simply wrong headed and boring. No wonder Obama had no trouble beating the GOP both times, and watch him with stand this Congress as easily as the last two Congresses.

Please Jeb, take the nomination and put these butt holes away.
FAKEY..............do us all a favor and just register Democrap.................because you don't support the GOP...............

The history of Mohamed is clear............Hell, his conquests are recorded in the Koran.................ISIS is quoting his teachings as they kill, rape, and murder....................MOST OF THE WORLD EVOLVED................

RADICAL ISLAM devolved.............and made a return to the 7th CENTURY..............which had been rejected for a time.
Steinlight you are a known outlier, as goofy as Edward Baiamonte or PoliticalChic. Your comparison of Jesus, in whom you don't believe, with Mohammed, in whom you don't believe, is unsustainable because they lived in far different worlds.

I am getting bored: Steinlight, Kondor, Chiken, Eagle, Ilar the Welsher, and so forth and so on are simply wrong headed and boring. No wonder Obama had no trouble beating the GOP both times, and watch him with stand this Congress as easily as the last two Congresses.

Please Jeb, take the nomination and put these butt holes away.
You like Jeb Bush? The last thing America needs, the World needs is another 8 years of failed neo-conservative policies. That statement just confirms you are a total joke.

I am not American, certainly not a Republican. The party is a joke these days, like you. The fact that you think calling me suffices as a response to a discussion on the history and foundation of Islam just shows how intellectually immature you are.

How about you provide some kind of proper rebuttal to my post. Instead of making absurd claims like the core of Islam is peaceful without any proof.
Says Steinlight, who makes a scientologist seem sane.
Another post of no substance on your part. How about instead of just attacking, you respond to my post where I showed that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, spread his faith by the sword. So at this point, you have two options. You can either concede the core of Islam is not peaceful and be honest about it. This would make you look reasonable. Or you could take the second option, and claim Muhammad wasn't a real Muslim. I think the second route would be absurd. But I would be curious to see you try and make that claim.

Or you could withdraw from the discussion and stop posting this nonsense before you look more foolish.
That is clearly what is happening, outlier, and you don't like it, obviously.

Stay with the facts and the logic guy, and I am with you, but pull the uber partisan hackery and your arguments will be obliterated.
Jake, you are embarrassing yourself... for God's sake, stop it.

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