Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response.

Tired of such responses?

Fair enough.

Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same.

Problem solved.

"faux equivalencies"?
My question for irrational Obama haters and other rightwing extremists is; do you think the citizens of Iraq felt terrorized when American GI's showed up in their neighborhoods to beat down their doors after weeks and weeks and weeks of being shocked and awed?

Is the United States a nation founded on "Christian" principles?

It's already been established, many times over, that we killed and terrorized the citizens of Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with the citizens of Iraq...

Wikileaks v Iraq Body Count: how many deaths were there

Number of deaths

Iraq Body Count 2003-2011 ............................................................................... 114,212
Iraq War Logs new 'Civilian' and comparable 'Host Nation' remaining - cntrl est 13,750
Iraq War Logs ‘Host Nation’ combatant - central estimate.................................. 5,575
Iraq War Logs ‘Enemy’ (minus IBC overlaps) - central estimate......................... 20,499
Insurgents killed June-December 2003 ............................................................... 597
Insurgents killed May 2004................................................................................... 652
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed March 2009....................................................... 59
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed 2010–2011 ........................................................ 2,187
TOTAL IRAQI ........................................................................................................ 157,531
US & Coalition military killed 2003–2011................................................................ 4,802
TOTAL ................................................................................................................... 162,333

"I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." ~ Lieutenant General William G. Boykin
...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response.

Tired of such responses?

Fair enough.

Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same.

Problem solved.

"faux equivalencies"?
My question for irrational Obama haters and other rightwing extremists is; do you think the citizens of Iraq felt terrorized when American GI's showed up in their neighborhoods to beat down their doors after weeks and weeks and weeks of being shocked and awed?

Is the United States a nation founded on "Christian" principles?

It's already been established, many times over, that we killed and terrorized the citizens of Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with the citizens of Iraq...

Wikileaks v Iraq Body Count: how many deaths were there

Number of deaths

Iraq Body Count 2003-2011 ............................................................................... 114,212
Iraq War Logs new 'Civilian' and comparable 'Host Nation' remaining - cntrl est 13,750
Iraq War Logs ‘Host Nation’ combatant - central estimate.................................. 5,575
Iraq War Logs ‘Enemy’ (minus IBC overlaps) - central estimate......................... 20,499
Insurgents killed June-December 2003 ............................................................... 597
Insurgents killed May 2004................................................................................... 652
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed March 2009....................................................... 59
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed 2010–2011 ........................................................ 2,187
TOTAL IRAQI ........................................................................................................ 157,531
US & Coalition military killed 2003–2011................................................................ 4,802
TOTAL ................................................................................................................... 162,333

"I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." ~ Lieutenant General William G. Boykin

That's a bold claim, to suggest that US Forces targeted civilians in Iraq. Have proof? Before you claim me to be some republican war monger, I opposed the War, so avoid using that argument from the get go. If you are going to make claims that the policy of the US and her Allies was to target civilians, you need to provide proof.

Also, I would like to see evidence that the Iraq War was declared in the name of Christ and to kill or convert non-Christians.

Otherwise, if you cannot back up these claims, your claim at equivalency between Islam and Christianity utterly fails.
...Translation: I know that I, Kondor, am talking out of my rear bird feathers so I will keep ducking and lying...
Copycatting the style, are we?

How unimaginative.

However, as to substance...

Feel free to point out where I have ducked (evaded) any aspect of the conversation.


Feel free to point out where I have lied.

...Kondor failed three pages ago with the silly "Core" lecture that burst apart in flames.

Your simple declaring it thus does not render it thus.

I assert that the Core Teachings of Christianity (those teachings and values supposedly espoused directly by Jesus of Nazareth) are purely those of love and peace.

I assert that the Core Teachings of Islam contain a high volume of embedded Rationalizations and Permissions to wage war and commit violence against Infidels and those who oppose the adherents of Islam.

I further assert that - of these two - the Core Teachings of Islam are far more dangerous on the dogmatic and philosophical level, and that they are far more easily susceptible to manipulation to wage war or to commit violence or to oppress Unbelievers.

Muhammed said that it was OK to kill and oppress the opponents of Islam and other Unbelievers.

Jesus of Nazareth said to turn the other cheek and to love thy neighbor - unconditionally.

These are neither exaggerations nor lies nor a method of ducking any question that you or others might have posed.

These are recorded and well-documented and well-accepted facts.

If you can convince the audience that these assertions are false, then, by all means, have at it.

Otherwise, there is no crash-and-burn or 'fail' associated with my own observations and assertions regarding differences in Core Teachings between the two.

So... c'mon, mine good colleague... here's your chance to just impress the ever-loving hell outta all of us... stun us with your overwhelming intellectual response.

Show us the Lies or Ducking associated with any of my summarization... here, or in pages past.

Go for it, Big Guy.

We're all waiting for your brilliant counterpointing to begin - as opposed to your heretofore juvenile and baseless allegations of failure and lying and all the rest.

All to often when religion is intertwined with government, peace becomes a causality of war.

Thank God for the
and jakestarkey our resident republican once again rushes to the defense of obama

though this time it was more ardent than i've ever seen before......i'm holy shit why defend obama on this if you're a republican?
...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response.

Tired of such responses?

Fair enough.

Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same.

Problem solved.

"faux equivalencies"?
My question for irrational Obama haters and other rightwing extremists is; do you think the citizens of Iraq felt terrorized when American GI's showed up in their neighborhoods to beat down their doors after weeks and weeks and weeks of being shocked and awed?

Is the United States a nation founded on "Christian" principles?

It's already been established, many times over, that we killed and terrorized the citizens of Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with the citizens of Iraq...

Wikileaks v Iraq Body Count: how many deaths were there

Number of deaths

Iraq Body Count 2003-2011 ............................................................................... 114,212
Iraq War Logs new 'Civilian' and comparable 'Host Nation' remaining - cntrl est 13,750
Iraq War Logs ‘Host Nation’ combatant - central estimate.................................. 5,575
Iraq War Logs ‘Enemy’ (minus IBC overlaps) - central estimate......................... 20,499
Insurgents killed June-December 2003 ............................................................... 597
Insurgents killed May 2004................................................................................... 652
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed March 2009....................................................... 59
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed 2010–2011 ........................................................ 2,187
TOTAL IRAQI ........................................................................................................ 157,531
US & Coalition military killed 2003–2011................................................................ 4,802
TOTAL ................................................................................................................... 162,333

"I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." ~ Lieutenant General William G. Boykin

That's a bold claim, to suggest that US Forces targeted civilians in Iraq. Have proof? Before you claim me to be some republican war monger, I opposed the War, so avoid using that argument from the get go. If you are going to make claims that the policy of the US and her Allies was to target civilians, you need to provide proof.

Also, I would like to see evidence that the Iraq War was declared in the name of Christ and to kill or convert non-Christians.

Otherwise, if you cannot back up these claims, your claim at equivalency between Islam and Christianity utterly fails.

Either your post is a lame attempt at being a comedian or you have a reading problem, I didn't say anything like what you misunderstood me to say - try again, this time with honesty-----honesty and/or intelligence... thanks, in advance.
I am truly ashamed of President Barack Obama's position in this matter.

Although I voted for him twice, both times, it was with great reluctance, as the best of a poor range of choices.

I now have a bad case of buyer's (voter's) remorse, and repent of my former votes, although I accept that I have now gotten what I voted for.

Personally, he has been losing me, slowly but surely, for at least a couple of years, and his new reliance upon Rule by Imperial Decree pretty much capped that for me.

But, this last bit... serving-up faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity... giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Radical Militant Islam) is the Last Straw.

I now want the guy gone from public life and removed from power, in our peaceful and time-honored tradition, and want January 20, 2017, to hurry up and come, as quickly as possible, while minimizing the damage that this Failed Messiah can do, in his remaining 23 months at the helm.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but did I phukk-up by voting for him (twice!), or what?

I'm sorry, America... I'm soooooo sorry for my little part in this.

Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!

Did I wrong you in some previous life?

Did somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning?

Where in the hell does this Hate Whitey disease that you're suffering from, originate?

In any event, I didn't do diddly-squat to insult you, or to call you a liar, or to denigrate you, or to question your loyalty or motives.

Consequently, and in light of the fact that you fired first, and drew first blood...

You may now consider yourself cleared to blow it out your ass, at your discretion, and earliest convenience.

Get off my back, pissant.
You really take offense at the most trivial things, tsk! tsk! :lol: Truth is a MOTHA ain't it?
Translation: "I was unnecessarily rude to someone who does not think the same way I do, but I am not man enough to admit error or overzealousness and apologize, so, I'll simply attempt to trivialize the original hostility or insult, in a juvenile attempt to make the Objecting Party appear overly-sensitive." That doesn't even qualify as a 'nice try'.
That is not a translation, that is PROJECTION. Any objective comparison of the narratives of our exchange
above puts the defining character of your "translation" squarely in your ad hominem laced responses!
That is merely your perspective. Mine differs.
...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response.

Tired of such responses?

Fair enough.

Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same.

Problem solved.

"faux equivalencies"?
My question for irrational Obama haters and other rightwing extremists is; do you think the citizens of Iraq felt terrorized when American GI's showed up in their neighborhoods to beat down their doors after weeks and weeks and weeks of being shocked and awed?

Is the United States a nation founded on "Christian" principles?

It's already been established, many times over, that we killed and terrorized the citizens of Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with the citizens of Iraq...

Wikileaks v Iraq Body Count: how many deaths were there

Number of deaths

Iraq Body Count 2003-2011 ............................................................................... 114,212
Iraq War Logs new 'Civilian' and comparable 'Host Nation' remaining - cntrl est 13,750
Iraq War Logs ‘Host Nation’ combatant - central estimate.................................. 5,575
Iraq War Logs ‘Enemy’ (minus IBC overlaps) - central estimate......................... 20,499
Insurgents killed June-December 2003 ............................................................... 597
Insurgents killed May 2004................................................................................... 652
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed March 2009....................................................... 59
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed 2010–2011 ........................................................ 2,187
TOTAL IRAQI ........................................................................................................ 157,531
US & Coalition military killed 2003–2011................................................................ 4,802
TOTAL ................................................................................................................... 162,333

"I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." ~ Lieutenant General William G. Boykin
1. Was the Iraq War fought in the name of and to glorify the Christian vision of the godhead?

2. Did the Founder of Christianity - Jesus of Nazareth - call for death to Unbelievers?

3. Was the Iraq War fought in obedience to that call from Jesus of Nazareth?

If the answers to all questions are 'yes', then your stats have meaning in this context.

If the answers to all questions are 'no', then your stats are irrelevant to a discussion of 'equivalencies' between the Core Teachings of Christianity and Islam.

Hope that helps.
...Do you have any idea how tired and lame this is by now?...
Doesn't matter, Pogo.

Every time some fool attempts to equate Islam with Christianity in the context of present-day violence, I'll jump in with exactly this sort of response.

Tired of such responses?

Fair enough.

Get those who attempt to serve-up (or agree with) such faux equivalencies to cease and desist, and I'll be only too happy to do the same.

Problem solved.

"faux equivalencies"?
My question for irrational Obama haters and other rightwing extremists is; do you think the citizens of Iraq felt terrorized when American GI's showed up in their neighborhoods to beat down their doors after weeks and weeks and weeks of being shocked and awed?

Is the United States a nation founded on "Christian" principles?

It's already been established, many times over, that we killed and terrorized the citizens of Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with the citizens of Iraq...

Wikileaks v Iraq Body Count: how many deaths were there

Number of deaths

Iraq Body Count 2003-2011 ............................................................................... 114,212
Iraq War Logs new 'Civilian' and comparable 'Host Nation' remaining - cntrl est 13,750
Iraq War Logs ‘Host Nation’ combatant - central estimate.................................. 5,575
Iraq War Logs ‘Enemy’ (minus IBC overlaps) - central estimate......................... 20,499
Insurgents killed June-December 2003 ............................................................... 597
Insurgents killed May 2004................................................................................... 652
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed March 2009....................................................... 59
Insurgents & Iraqi soldiers killed 2010–2011 ........................................................ 2,187
TOTAL IRAQI ........................................................................................................ 157,531
US & Coalition military killed 2003–2011................................................................ 4,802
TOTAL ................................................................................................................... 162,333

"I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." ~ Lieutenant General William G. Boykin

That's a bold claim, to suggest that US Forces targeted civilians in Iraq. Have proof? Before you claim me to be some republican war monger, I opposed the War, so avoid using that argument from the get go. If you are going to make claims that the policy of the US and her Allies was to target civilians, you need to provide proof.

Also, I would like to see evidence that the Iraq War was declared in the name of Christ and to kill or convert non-Christians.

Otherwise, if you cannot back up these claims, your claim at equivalency between Islam and Christianity utterly fails.

I had not seen your response, above, when I posted my own.

I, too, opposed our intervention in Iraq, and I, too, see the utter failure in this attempt at drawing faux equivalencies, regarding the Core Teachings of both belief systems.

The putting-on of hair shirts and self-flagellation manifested by some of these self-loathing America-hating drama queens never ceases to amaze me.
...Translation: I know that I, Kondor, am talking out of my rear bird feathers so I will keep ducking and lying...
Copycatting the style, are we?

How unimaginative.

However, as to substance...

Feel free to point out where I have ducked (evaded) any aspect of the conversation.


Feel free to point out where I have lied.

...Kondor failed three pages ago with the silly "Core" lecture that burst apart in flames.

Your simple declaring it thus does not render it thus.

I assert that the Core Teachings of Christianity (those teachings and values supposedly espoused directly by Jesus of Nazareth) are purely those of love and peace.

I assert that the Core Teachings of Islam contain a high volume of embedded Rationalizations and Permissions to wage war and commit violence against Infidels and those who oppose the adherents of Islam.

I further assert that - of these two - the Core Teachings of Islam are far more dangerous on the dogmatic and philosophical level, and that they are far more easily susceptible to manipulation to wage war or to commit violence or to oppress Unbelievers.

Muhammed said that it was OK to kill and oppress the opponents of Islam and other Unbelievers.

Jesus of Nazareth said to turn the other cheek and to love thy neighbor - unconditionally.

These are neither exaggerations nor lies nor a method of ducking any question that you or others might have posed.

These are recorded and well-documented and well-accepted facts.

If you can convince the audience that these assertions are false, then, by all means, have at it.

Otherwise, there is no crash-and-burn or 'fail' associated with my own observations and assertions regarding differences in Core Teachings between the two.

So... c'mon, mine good colleague... here's your chance to just impress the ever-loving hell outta all of us... stun us with your overwhelming intellectual response.

Show us the Lies or Ducking associated with any of my summarization... here, or in pages past.

Go for it, Big Guy.

We're all waiting for your brilliant counterpointing to begin - as opposed to your heretofore juvenile and baseless allegations of failure and lying and all the rest.

All to often when religion is intertwined with government, peace becomes a causality of war.

Thank God for the

Christendom experienced that very same thing.

Many centuries ago.

But we grew out of it, and subsequent wars - although oftentimes even more terrible due to advances in military technology and tactics - were, at least, reduced to secular nation-state -caliber issues, rather than primarily in the name of the godhead.

Islam has a lot of growing up to do, before it catches up, in connection with Modern Practical Application of Religious Tenets.

Trouble is, we now live in a nuclear world, with ultra-rapid transport, and instantaneous communication.

The world really doesn't have the luxury of waiting for Islam to finish growing up.

The rest of the world is going to be obliged to hurry these Medieval types along, at an accelerated pace, if they (and we) are to survive the process.
Obama told the truth and his bold indictment was not Faux News! I' am proud of a president who stands up and tells the truth for a change instead of telling "pseudo-conservatives what they want to hear! He isn't aiding or abetting the enemy, he is just putting things into historical perspective. What has he got to lose! You wouldn't support him even if he supported the illusion that Euro/American Christianity is as pristine as the driven snow! You would still hate him because he is the ink spot on your White egotistical sheet!
How is it truthful to say that we are on a moral high horse to condemn the actions of a violent death cult because of what medieval Christians did? That's propaganda not perspective.
What part of the 20th Century belongs to medieval times? I'm not going to allow you to skip over the holocaust and attempted Amerindian genocides. Did those events pass as Christian exploits or are we supposed to ignore them?
I'm not going to allow you to proclaim the Holocaust was a Christian endeavour and get away with it. Back it up, Einstein.
I asked the first questions that you have yet to answer...Answer them first before asking me to answer yours, Plato!
You made an idiotic comment and I called you on it. The Holocaust wasn't a Christian endeavour and you can't begin to support it.
Listen to this genius. He's on the internet and suggesting people go to the library to back up his wild claims. LOL

Given the way the president has been treated by "conservatives" during his tenure as president gives him license to fight back and say anything he pleases as long as it is true. Everything h said is documented and accessible to the entire world for perusal. Go to any pubic library anywhere in the world and you will find Christian atrocities in the you have sobered a bit, books therein. Obama didn't reveal any secrets. He just cited the evidence already revealed!

They can't "listen" to a post, genius. But they can read them. Calm down, you are losing it.
I find it interesting that you wrote your pathetic rebuttal to my Nazi Christian premise at 12:52 PM. It is now 20:56 and you got not one agree, thank you or even an informative plug from your friends and allies. That's because they know the truth about the Nazis and their peculiar Christianity. Oh, you may get some of those accolades after your boyz read this; but, in your heart ,you will know its just because I mentioned it.
You came back with nothing. Where's the supporting evidence that the Holocaust was Christian? Go to the library and get back to us Slick. We'll listen just like we say things on the internet, it will be amusing either way.
Christians need to get off their high horse whether they used to kill people or not, if for no other reason than to comport with Christian dogma.
LOL. No Christian today has anything to do with what happened in medieval times, jackass.

This is the same flaming cop-out repeated over and over and over.
The point is that wags like this - as well as any number of posts here - keep desperately trying to convince anyone who will listen that the extremism in current news represents the institution (of Islam) whereas when our extremists do it they don't. That's double standard hypocritical bullshit. .

Either a tiny sample represents the whole, or it does not -- can't have it both ways. And of course the way it works is that it does not. This is a flaming cop-out to put the finger on an entire religion because it's easier to wrap weak intellects around the idea of putting people into a scary monster box than it is to deal with the real complexities of the real world.

Tough shit; the world just ain't that simple.
You're a blind man trying to lecture people about color. The world is a war with radical Islam. The world is not at war with a Christians because of what a few nuts have done or what happened in the middle ages. You don't understand why, we get it.
That is clearly what is happening, outlier, and you don't like it, obviously.

Stay with the facts and the logic guy, and I am with you, but pull the uber partisan hackery and your arguments will be obliterated.
Jake, you are embarrassing yourself... for God's sake, stop it.

The other way around, my friend. Quit being an uber hack.

You talk about Mohammed, folks will talk about the Criusades.

Get of your high horse, Kondor
and now for a great moment in US history when Christianity itself carried out this ISIS style barbeque...Note the victim of white Christianity the Religion was a mere 15 year old ...let us prey..
You sillies don't set any rules. Everytime you break them, we will knock you over.

Who is "we," JS? Yanno, it's getting harder and harder to defend your brand of "conservative" thought. You seem far to the left of Paint My House these days.
That is because anyone to the left of Genghis is a lefty to you.

I have no use for far right reactionaries or social cons. They are a disease in America.

I would love to know why the PC Police are so willing to deflect for the Jihadists.

We'll never know, of course, because they'll never be honest about it.

But imagine putting so much effort into spinning and deflecting for people who want you and your children dead, who treat women and gays so terribly, who are so vicious and oppressive and barbaric - today, right now, not decades or centuries ago. People who are such an aggressive cancer in this world.

Absolutely fascinating.

Last edited:
Other than unprovoked invasions, kidnappings , renderings, torture, assassination, detentions without charges, deadly covert action, overthrows of Democratically elected Government , Military interventions, drone bombings , mutually assured destruction [MAD] policies, nuclear weapons , napalm, white phosphorus, cluster bombs, agent orange and the support we give to tyrant dictators and other evil ones ...other than those few things and maybe a few others we are morally superior to Muslims
Okay, I readily admit to having completely skipped 358 posts as there's no question as to what most of them say.

Obuma did exactly what EVERY liberal does - lie and make up the old bugaboo instead of dealing with FACTS.

It makes no difference whether or not he's Muslin - although this does tend to confirm that he is. The point is - HE LIED! He made yet another stupid off-the-cuff remark that shows just how ignorant this so-called scholar is.

Once again, he has showed the world what a horrible mistake the small percentage of Americans who actually vote made.

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