Obama says to Christians "Get off your high horse, you used to kill people too"

Christians haven't done this shit in 400 years. Do you see Christian by the hundreds of thousands using jesuses name to enslave and bomb people??? Obama is a piece of shit.

Communism never was about religion
The world wars weren't either

What these radical islamic fucks are doing is in allah's name.
Have you forgotten that Nazi Christians orchestrated and carried out the Holocaust? Lutherans and Catholics alike? And don't neglect to say there was some semblance of a religious motive involved...They killed millions of men, women and children because they were Jews. It didn't matter whether their hapless victims were Jewish converts, secular Jews or even Christian converts. It didn't matter that they looked like Kirk Douglas or Albert Einstein (both Jews) the Nazi Christians did their duty and murdered wantonly.

And they are still at it today in 2015 ? Were you alive when the Nazi's were baking Jews ? Were even your parents ?
Was that a Christian Nazi that burned that Jordanian alive in a cage the other day ? Was it Christians that hacked the heads off the two Japanese prisoners before that ? How about the American journalist ? And are Christians covering their women from head to toe and keeping them housed when their alone ? Huh ? HUH ?!!!!!!!!!
So it only counts if it has been done in the last few years? Is there some kind of Statute of Limitations?
4th or 5th thread on this.

Everything he said is true.

Yep, but what you intellectually challenged libs lack is an IQ, ummm, probably somewhere around 70 or lower is your level, because at an IQ level of 80 or higher YOU FUCKING REALIZE THAT THE MOTHER FUCKING CRUSADES HAPPENED CENTURIES AGO, WHILE THE FUCKERS WHO WORSHIP IN ISLAM BURNED A HUMAN BEING ALIVE ARE DOING SO TODAY IN THE YEAR 2015 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Christians are burning witches in Africa today too. Doesn't make the religion a cause-and-effect.

See the thread linked right above. We've done all this, to death.

And as far as "recent" stuff -- I won't link the image, it's too graphic -- but this happened in 20th century Nebraska. I really don't think there was any "Islam" involved.
You people truly are mental midgets.

Why izzat? Because I demolished your point?
Poor baby.
Lol !!! By bringing up a handful of cases that are not connected together, and are not part of a movement around the world ?!!! :laugh:

You're a retard !

Hey -- don't want to get shown up, don't make stupid points.

"You're a retard"? What are you, seven years old? :lmao:
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...

Like maybe 1000 years ago....
How about we deal with what's happening in real time.
I wish my past sins could be wiped out that easily.....

So I guess we owe muslims now and you wont mind if we start killing em whole sale.
That way we can hold a grudge and continue the war for another thousand years.
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...

Like maybe 1000 years ago....
How about we deal with what's happening in real time.
Col. John Chivington was a Methodist Minister. That was hardly a thousand years ago.
I think the most disgraceful thing about the entire Iraq war was that American Christians stood by and watched Iraqi Christians get slaughtered without lifting a finger to help any of them. How could they do such a despicable thing? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to this country? Any?

By time Obama because president, they were mostly crucified, murdered or chased from the country. Republicans who call themselves Christian let that happen.

This from the Christian Science Monitor:

The impact of Bush linking 9 11 and Iraq - CSMonitor.com

Right-Wing Christians Against Bush s Sins

Christians have been targeted since 2003 as part of the violence that has spread throughout Iraq. The worst violence has been in regions with diverse ethnic and religious groups, such as Baghdad and Mosul, where the majority of Iraq’s Christians live. For example, the State Department reported last year that Muslim extremists “warned Christians living in Baghdad’s Dora district to convert, leave or be killed.” The report documented that many Christians have been driven out of these areas. The threat of violence or even death appears to have been an extremely potent motivator to get people to leave.

When Christians leave Iraq, where do they go?

Most have gone to the neighboring countries of Syria and Jordan. Fewer have ended up in Western countries.

The Plight of Iraq s Religious Minorities Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project

Republicans did a real number on Iraqi Christians.
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
Even if you accept the ridiculous premise that the Crusades has any relevance at all, WHY BRING IT UP? Obama has a reason why he says these things. He is not stupid even though he often appears to be.

Because he knows his base hates the dominant culture of their own country, so when he attacks that culture he knows his base heartily approves !
its been said 1,000 times. THINK. Why in the hell would ANY PRESIDENT say that they want to fundamentally transform the great USA?!
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.
Bullshit. He was using a bad thing to justify a current worse thing that he has some ulterior reason for not confronting. Perhaps out of identification? He's a traitor and needs to be put in prison.
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.
Bullshit. He was using a bad thing to justify a current worse thing that he has some ulterior reason for not confronting. Perhaps out of identification? He's a traitor and needs to be put in prison.
Well a retard would think that, yes. So are you playing a part or are you really that fucking dumb?
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.

And it isn't even always religion. Slaves were burned to death as a means of control here in the Americas; gays and "sodomites" too. Burning people as a terror/propaganda device predates Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Hinduism, and has been used by adherents of all of those faiths as well as 'pagans' and animists, all over the world for at least 3800 years.
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...
BE SPECIFIC and list the dates that happened. The Catholic religion reformed hundreds of years ago. And until the Islamic religion reforms we will have sanctioned religious wars and bloodshed.
what are "100's of years" in the eyes of a sky pixie?
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.

And it isn't even always religion. Slaves were burned to death as a means of control here in the Americas; gays and "sodomites" too. Burning people as a terror/propaganda device predates Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Hinduism, and has been used by adherents of all of those faiths as well as 'pagans' and animists, all over the world for at least 3800 years.
And religion was used to justify slavery and oppress homosexuals.

But it was just a means of rationalization, not a cause
Christians haven't done this shit in 400 years. Do you see Christian by the hundreds of thousands using jesuses name to enslave and bomb people??? Obama is a piece of shit.

Communism never was about religion
The world wars weren't either

What these radical islamic fucks are doing is in allah's name.
wrong. They're terrorists who CLAIM to be islamists. Just like the christians of yore who did the same stuff to maintain power claiming that it was what THEIR sky pixie wanted.
Terrorists claim religious cover; so did our slave owners; so did and do the white supremacist groups in America.
Using the muslim interloper hack president's (lack of) logic, all Americans of German heritage have no room to complain about islime terrorists because of the nazis in WWII.
Send obama to GITMO.
It has nothing to do with 'complaining.' The point was religion, just about any and every religion, can be or has been used to justify the most barbaric of actions. The conclusion we can then draw from that truth is that religion is not the cause of barbarism, but merely a tool used by people seeking to act as animals.

And it isn't even always religion. Slaves were burned to death as a means of control here in the Americas; gays and "sodomites" too. Burning people as a terror/propaganda device predates Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Hinduism, and has been used by adherents of all of those faiths as well as 'pagans' and animists, all over the world for at least 3800 years.
And religion was used to justify slavery and oppress homosexuals.

But it was just a means of rationalization, not a cause
And that's exactly the difference. One was used as an excuse and Islam is NOW used as a reason.
The more he does this the more his followers love him for it.
Yeah, no Christians or Christian leaders have ever demanded that anything or anybody be killed for the glory of the cross...

Thats Obama's way of silencing anyone who criticizes the radicals in Islam who are still reading their book litteraly word for word. Why he feels compelled to do that, I dont know, probably something instilled in him from his college days when he learned that America was everything that was wrong with the world.
Obama really exposed himself. He's going to extreme lengths that only a muslim would go to to defend their religion. Obama IS a muslim. Media wants to say this, but can't due to the backlash. They can't even suggest it. Black and white clear as day. there's no doubt. I also think rev wright was just somebody Obama found to claim he was a christian where he showed up 1 time and said, "I can just pick any body."

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