Obama Scared to Take Random Questions at Press Conference

Don't get it confused now. I'm not holding grudges and neg reping anyone (even though its not worth anything). You are the ones who constantly bring insults to the table when i was simply stating that Obama, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, was trying to keep his press conference structured on to the point. Another way to look at it also is something had to be done about the country's national debt and infrastructure. He needed to explain that to the American people. Right wingers are trying to shut the operation down. America dosent have time for people like you to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on your CEO's golden paracheuts when they run their businesses into the ground. somethings needs to be done.

ahh i see

So to keep his press conference structured he fields questions from joke websites like the huffington post? lmao

and to keep down the national debt he is going to spend over a trillion dollars in a stimulus bill that has more pork then sealy's friday night date?

I see

It has to happen because of bushes mess up. Money has to be spent to get us out of debt. Its a cycle. and please name a press conference that bush didnt feild questions?


Yes history has shown us to get us out of recessions and depressions the government needs to get invovled

ie the new deal.

Yes thats why the great depression lasted 10 years longer in this country compared to anywhere else in the world...

Thats not my point numbnutz...bush did field questions but he wasn't fielding questions from human events.com was he!

He didn't have hannity or rush sitting front row did he

Obama did that shit, and its laughable
Hey I'm new here, but I just wanted to say that people are looking to make Obama look bad so they can say I told you so, but the man walked into one of the worst economic situations in American history as well as a nasty foreign policy mess...so people need to understand he can't make everything better overnight and that it will take a long time to get things moving. So these reporters attacking him and people posting this anti-obama nonsense need to chill out and let the man work.

Street, I see where your getting your information from. First...were you around when carter was in office? That's all the farther you need to go with the worst economic situations.
Also, there has been a terror build up since the 1970's which culminated 9-11-2001. Somebody had to take charge. I'm glad a democrat wasn't in the office at the time. Remember how many terror strikes we had under Clinton?
It's not going to take overnight, but with obama's stimulus bill, it's going to saddle your great grandkids with taxes and inflation. Government spending it's way out of a recession is a train wreck. It's never work when tried before.
Lastly, this is a forum of opinions, we have a God given right to express ours. So your the one that needs to take a chill pill.
Let me get this straight......

The guys on the right are complaining about the revelation that D.C. Press conferences and public speeches are propaganda tools by the government??

Worst, the guys on the left are trying to defend it as "legitimate"???

Where have you been?? Government using the press for propaganda measures have existed since the Beginning of this nation. Newspapers were used to gain political support for ratifying the constitution. Now, it is some evil because certain "political leaning" elements of the press is favored over other "credential press".

Learn some true civics and government. I am laughing at this thread
ahh i see

So to keep his press conference structured he fields questions from joke websites like the huffington post? lmao

and to keep down the national debt he is going to spend over a trillion dollars in a stimulus bill that has more pork then sealy's friday night date?

I see

It has to happen because of bushes mess up. Money has to be spent to get us out of debt. Its a cycle. and please name a press conference that bush didnt feild questions?


Yes history has shown us to get us out of recessions and depressions the government needs to get invovled

ie the new deal.

Yes thats why the great depression lasted 10 years longer in this country compared to anywhere else in the world...

Thats not my point numbnutz...bush did field questions but he wasn't fielding questions from human events.com was he!

He didn't have hannity or rush sitting front row did he

Obama did that shit, and its laughable

He has the same press that every President has. And we are talking about real journalist not Rush Limbaugh. Someone who reports propoganda? Come on now. Second, He dosent get to pick who to covers his conference. It's a press conference. You know? For the Press
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So much for free press huh?

But considering that it is in the white house, you could expect it to be subjective already because the white house itself always decides who gets in an who does not get in. But still ...
This messiah has feet of clay. Above all he must not be tripped up by apostates from the MSM. They will have to learn their places in these press conferences, and they are getting a subtle warning.

But I doubt that he will be able to pull this of outside of the white house.
The fix is in. President Obama went to a high school in Colorado as part of the trip for the signing ceremony for the Stimulus Bill and his very words caused laughter among the students in the audience. There was no reporting of this incident by the MSM. Had that been President Bush it would have been all over the networks and NPR. We can’t trust them to report on this president.

As he feels more and more vulnerable in this regard watch for him to become ever more self conscious, and repetitive; he used the word "crisis" twenty-five times in his short speech in Colorado.
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It has to happen because of bushes mess up. Money has to be spent to get us out of debt. Its a cycle. and please name a press conference that bush didnt feild questions?


Yes history has shown us to get us out of recessions and depressions the government needs to get invovled

ie the new deal.

Yes thats why the great depression lasted 10 years longer in this country compared to anywhere else in the world...

Thats not my point numbnutz...bush did field questions but he wasn't fielding questions from human events.com was he!

He didn't have hannity or rush sitting front row did he

Obama did that shit, and its laughable

He has the same press that every President has. And we are talking about real journalist not Rush Limbaugh. Someone who reports propoganda? Come on now. Second, He dosent get to pick who to covers his conference. It's a press conference. You know? For the Press

Oh brother.....anyone have a glass of Kool-Aid for this guy? :cuckoo:

Yes history has shown us to get us out of recessions and depressions the government needs to get invovled

ie the new deal.

Yes thats why the great depression lasted 10 years longer in this country compared to anywhere else in the world...

Thats not my point numbnutz...bush did field questions but he wasn't fielding questions from human events.com was he!

He didn't have hannity or rush sitting front row did he

Obama did that shit, and its laughable

He has the same press that every President has. And we are talking about real journalist not Rush Limbaugh. Someone who reports propoganda? Come on now. Second, He dosent get to pick who to covers his conference. It's a press conference. You know? For the Press

Oh brother.....anyone have a glass of Kool-Aid for this guy? :cuckoo:

I'm not a born again christian. If I remember right Bush was one. I thought it was the evangelists and born again christians that drank the Kool-Aid. So what flavor is it? Grape, Cherry?

Yes history has shown us to get us out of recessions and depressions the government needs to get invovled

ie the new deal.

Yes thats why the great depression lasted 10 years longer in this country compared to anywhere else in the world...

Thats not my point numbnutz...bush did field questions but he wasn't fielding questions from human events.com was he!

He didn't have hannity or rush sitting front row did he

Obama did that shit, and its laughable

He has the same press that every President has. And we are talking about real journalist not Rush Limbaugh. Someone who reports propoganda? Come on now. Second, He dosent get to pick who to covers his conference. It's a press conference. You know? For the Press

Oh brother.....anyone have a glass of Kool-Aid for this guy? :cuckoo:

Here is one of Bush's Press Conferences where he refuses to answer questions from left wing media....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56lZHG_xQAA]YouTube - Bush Gives Everyone The Finger[/ame]

Another Lie to the media....

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After George W. Bush, I didn't think it could get worse. I was clearly mistaken. If America can just limp along until November 2010, maybe real Conservatives can take Congress. In the meantime, things are looking very, very bad.

agree, Obama's been a train wreck his 1st 4 weeks
total bullshit. Obama has grown more into the office in a month than bush did in eight frigging years. Eat your little rightie hartons out.:lol:
He has the same press that every President has. And we are talking about real journalist not Rush Limbaugh. Someone who reports propoganda? Come on now. Second, He dosent get to pick who to covers his conference. It's a press conference. You know? For the Press
Oh brother.....anyone have a glass of Kool-Aid for this guy? :cuckoo:

Here is one of Bush's Press Conferences where he refuses to answer questions from left wing media....

Another Lie to the media....

I saw those press conferences in their actual historical context as I watch all presidential press conferences regardless of who that president may be. I do remember that I approved at the time of the president's answer in both cases. Those three reporters were asking questions of President Bush they would never have asked of Bill Cinton then or President Obama presently. I was then, and I am still now satisfied the president handled them correctly. The rest of it is just more of the MSM doing what they think they do best, mercilessly hammering a Republican president on contrived issues.
total bullshit. Obama has grown more into the office in a month than bush did in eight frigging years. Eat your little rightie hartons out.:lol:

You and gdaddy need to get a room, and when your done....smoke a "fattie."
Oh brother.....anyone have a glass of Kool-Aid for this guy? :cuckoo:

Here is one of Bush's Press Conferences where he refuses to answer questions from left wing media....

Another Lie to the media....

I saw those press conferences in their actual historical context as I watch all presidential press conferences regardless of who that president may be. I do remember that I approved at the time of the president's answer in both cases. Those three reporters were asking questions of President Bush they would never have asked of Bill Cinton then or President Obama presently. I was then, and I am still now satisfied the president handled them correctly. The rest of it is just more of the MSM doing what they think they do best, mercilessly hammering a Republican president on contrived issues.

So you agree with being "kept in the dark" so to speak? And I'm sure reporters would have asked the same questions to Clinton or Obama, if it had been Clinton or Obama who got us into this mess.
total bullshit. Obama has grown more into the office in a month than bush did in eight frigging years. Eat your little rightie hartons out.:lol:

You and gdaddy need to get a room, and when your done....smoke a "fattie."

Why are you still invovled in this debate? Actually I think I'm gonna get a DUI and do some rails. Oh yea and when I get caught I'll get my Dad to bail me our on many different occasions.
No wonder the journalists bow to this guy... They have to kiss his ass so they don't get cut off from asking questions....

Now that's "Change" for you.

Barack Obama Prescreens Reporters at Press-Conference - WSJ.com

You wingnuts keep saying that. Me? I think it's enough change to have someone who's not a blithering idiot in the white house. Funny that.

BTW, I've gone through your threads, and I can't seem to find the ones that talk about Baby Bush's treatment of Helen Thomas.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... :lol:

Why do you whine like the right wingers, who you claim are whiners? Are you a right winger too?

After all, Obama is the one who claimed Bush failed economic policy got us here. Yet when Bush proposed a failed economic policy "bailout" in October 2008, Obama had no problem voting with him. When it was obvious at that time, he should have voted against it. Because of the bailout, these companies that should have failed now are able to reward their execs with bonuses and replace their workforce with foreigners. I guess Bush and Obama have something in common (see Colin Powell).
total bullshit. Obama has grown more into the office in a month than bush did in eight frigging years. Eat your little rightie hartons out.:lol:

You and gdaddy need to get a room, and when your done....smoke a "fattie."

Why are you still invovled in this debate? Actually I think I'm gonna get a DUI and do some rails. Oh yea and when I get caught I'll get my Dad to bail me our on many different occasions.

No wonder the journalists bow to this guy... They have to kiss his ass so they don't get cut off from asking questions....

Now that's "Change" for you.

Barack Obama Prescreens Reporters at Press-Conference - WSJ.com

You wingnuts keep saying that. Me? I think it's enough change to have someone who's not a blithering idiot in the white house. Funny that.

BTW, I've gone through your threads, and I can't seem to find the ones that talk about Baby Bush's treatment of Helen Thomas.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... :lol:

Ha.ha.--Let's talk about the questions at this press conference. You know the one about this stimulus bill that the person you voted for: stated--"if this bill does not pass immediately our economy will go into a castatrophic decline that we may never recover from."

All of America watching this televised news conference--prime time T.V.--so which questions does he choose to answer:

1. Mr. President how to you feel about coffins being photographed? Obama takes several precious minutes to answer that one.
2. Mr. President what are you going to do about Iraq & Afganistan? Obama takes several precious minutes to answer that one.
3. Mr. President--(Helen Thomas) do you believe that there are terrorists in Pakistan? Obama takes several precious minutes to answer that one.
4. Mr. President what do you think about the baseball player that admitted to taking steriods? Obama takes several precious minutes to answer that one.

All the while, according to the person you voted for--the sky was falling on our economy--& we may never recover from it. Yet he choose to field the above questions, instead of answering the hard ones he knew was coming--if he didn't waste a lot of time with the above reporters.

And you refer to George Bush as being a bumbling IDIOT! That's a riot--still LOL. President Bush could certainly slaughter a word in the English language every once in a while, but when he was done with a televised news conference--we all knew exactly what was going on. He didn't field his questions, or prepare in advance which reporters he was going to call upon--nor rehearse the answers he would give. And he took the hard questions. In fact often, I would watch him sideline reporters on stupid questions by answering with a simple yes or no--I have already answered that & then immidiately go to another reporter. That's why the main stream media hated G.W. Bush in this country--he didn't put up with their B.S.

Obama is terrified of random questions being asked by reporters or the audiance--& after I have seen some of his adoring media & fans in action, it's very clear to me that those people are prepared & so is he--way in advance of the question. The "Oh my God" McDonalds wierdo--was a complete set-up. That guy deserves an academy award for great acting.
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