Obama Scared to Take Random Questions at Press Conference

Well, one he is the first African American President, hes pretty young, and he has a world of ,for lack of better word, shit to get us out of because people like you voted BUSH in so maybe you should give Obama a break on trying to have a little bit of structure to his conference, politicians get nervous to. Um Secondly I agree with Ray how did he leave question unanswered. I watched it and I thought he answered the questions asked pretty well and clear. And third if you can debate without calling someone stupid it kinda makes you look like you have nothing to say other than insult the person who nullifies your point which lacks rationality. Oh wait i forgot that's what republicans do. haha just like you guys to tear a persons feelings or personal life down when you cant support your argument.
For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
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Well, one he is the first African American President, hes pretty young, and he has a world of ,for lack of better word, shit to get us out of because people like you voted BUSH in so maybe you should give Obama a break on trying to have a little bit of structure to his conference, politicians get nervous to. Um Secondly I agree with Ray how did he leave question unanswered. I watched it and I thought he answered the questions asked pretty well and clear. And third if you can debate without calling someone stupid it kinda makes you look like you have nothing to say other than insult the person who nullifies your point which lacks rationality. Oh wait i forgot that's what republicans do. haha just like you guys to tear a persons feelings or personal life down when you cant support your argument.
For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
yeah, i see you made his list early

how did that happen so fast
Well, one he is the first African American President, hes pretty young, and he has a world of ,for lack of better word, shit to get us out of because people like you voted BUSH in so maybe you should give Obama a break on trying to have a little bit of structure to his conference, politicians get nervous to. Um Secondly I agree with Ray how did he leave question unanswered. I watched it and I thought he answered the questions asked pretty well and clear. And third if you can debate without calling someone stupid it kinda makes you look like you have nothing to say other than insult the person who nullifies your point which lacks rationality. Oh wait i forgot that's what republicans do. haha just like you guys to tear a persons feelings or personal life down when you cant support your argument.
For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
yeah, i see you made his list early

how did that happen so fast

I made the list, too. Dive, what happened to you??
Well, one he is the first African American President, hes pretty young, and he has a world of ,for lack of better word, shit to get us out of because people like you voted BUSH in so maybe you should give Obama a break on trying to have a little bit of structure to his conference, politicians get nervous to. Um Secondly I agree with Ray how did he leave question unanswered. I watched it and I thought he answered the questions asked pretty well and clear. And third if you can debate without calling someone stupid it kinda makes you look like you have nothing to say other than insult the person who nullifies your point which lacks rationality. Oh wait i forgot that's what republicans do. haha just like you guys to tear a persons feelings or personal life down when you cant support your argument.
For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
yeah, i see you made his list early

how did that happen so fast
Look in the thread about flag draped coffins.

The little shit compares ol Bushie to Nazis and wants to use our war dead to further his lil agenda, like the true asshole he is.
Well, one he is the first African American President, hes pretty young, and he has a world of ,for lack of better word, shit to get us out of because people like you voted BUSH in so maybe you should give Obama a break on trying to have a little bit of structure to his conference, politicians get nervous to. Um Secondly I agree with Ray how did he leave question unanswered. I watched it and I thought he answered the questions asked pretty well and clear. And third if you can debate without calling someone stupid it kinda makes you look like you have nothing to say other than insult the person who nullifies your point which lacks rationality. Oh wait i forgot that's what republicans do. haha just like you guys to tear a persons feelings or personal life down when you cant support your argument.
For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
yeah, i see you made his list early

how did that happen so fast
this is the first time i saw the guy

For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
yeah, i see you made his list early

how did that happen so fast
Look in the thread about flag draped coffins.

The little shit compares ol Bushie to Nazis and wants to use our war dead to further his lil agenda, like the true asshole he is.
ah, i didnt read that thread
I never seen a post from him, either. He's pretty young, I think. Ya know young & dumb.
This type of press conference is usually very tightly controlled. The purpose was clearly to get a certain message out regardless of the type of questions asked. This is not unique to any one particular president or political party; this is how the White House gets its message out.

The other thing is that President Obama is still on his honeymoon with the media. Again, nothing new here; happens to every president. It will only be a matter of weeks before the news media begins to conduct its sniper attacks against the president or ambushing administration officials during interviews.

I don't ever recall seeing a press conference being this tightly controlled. Obama appeared to be reading the names of the reporters he called on from a list that had been given to him and didn't appear to even recognize some of the reporters he called on. It is not so much that Obama is still on a honeymoon with the media as that media access to Obama and other top administration officials is being tightly controlled by the White House, my guess is by Axelrod, and this contrasts sharply with the last administration, which was accused of being secretive, in which people like Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell and Wolfowitz spoke to the media whenever they chose to and made their own decisions about what to say.

The Obama team presents a more unified message that seems to be playing well with the public, but it certainly isn't the open and transparent government he had promised. Of course, they've only been in office for a month, and once Axelrod develops more confidence in Obama's ability to stand on his own two feet at a press conference, perhaps they'll open up the questions to more reporters.

While their message is unified, the fact that Obama had promised that Geithner would present a detailed bank rescue plan the next day and that Geithner was criticized by almost everyone because the plan lacked details makes me think the administration is less on the same page than the tightly controlled message they are putting out would suggest.

Too early to tell after only one press conference, don't you think? I'm confident that the novelty, charm, mystique or whatever it is you want to call it will soon wear off, and we'll see journalists asking harder questions that force President Obama and cast to answer more directly.

I clearly agree with you that this was never really intended to be a press conference. It was intended to be a campaign speech pushing the stimulus package disguised as a press conference and the media let him get away with it.
Hey I'm new here, but I just wanted to say that people are looking to make Obama look bad so they can say I told you so, but the man walked into one of the worst economic situations in American history as well as a nasty foreign policy mess...so people need to understand he can't make everything better overnight and that it will take a long time to get things moving. So these reporters attacking him and people posting this anti-obama nonsense need to chill out and let the man work.

Worst economic situation? Foreign policy mess? Sorry, got to disagree with you there. Recessions are a normal part of the economic cycle just like Winter is to Spring. Yes, there is certainly potential for this thing to go very bad very quickly, but to say this is the worst mess we've been in is simply nonsense. It's all about consumer confidence. When you have the President of the United States claiming that this is the worst economic situation we've faced, then you will have the worst economic situation ever because consumer confidence goes right out the window.

As for foreign policy "mess," can you explain how so? I know of no foreign policy matter that was ever neat and tidy. None. This is status quo as far as dealing with foreign nations go. But to call it a mess is to succumb to the political bait President Obama is throwing out to the American people: the situation is a mess, so anything President Obama does has got to be an improvement....it's the oldest trick in the book.
It has to happen because of bushes mess up. Money has to be spent to get us out of debt. Its a cycle. and please name a press conference that bush didnt feild questions?


Yes history has shown us to get us out of recessions and depressions the government needs to get invovled

ie the new deal.

Yes thats why the great depression lasted 10 years longer in this country compared to anywhere else in the world...

Thats not my point numbnutz...bush did field questions but he wasn't fielding questions from human events.com was he!

He didn't have hannity or rush sitting front row did he

Obama did that shit, and its laughable

He has the same press that every President has. And we are talking about real journalist not Rush Limbaugh. Someone who reports propoganda? Come on now. Second, He dosent get to pick who to covers his conference. It's a press conference. You know? For the Press


Are you always this fucking stupid or are you making a special effort today?

Real Journalists????? The huffington Post is real journalism? Ed Schultz is real journalism? You're a fucking retard if you believe that.

Please show me where Bush had Rush sitting front row....Please show me where Bush fielded questions from things like Human events.com or thehuman thinker or some other right wing blog?

Might want to grab a snickers cause it will be a while.

Hey I'm new here, but I just wanted to say that people are looking to make Obama look bad so they can say I told you so, but the man walked into one of the worst economic situations in American history as well as a nasty foreign policy mess...so people need to understand he can't make everything better overnight and that it will take a long time to get things moving. So these reporters attacking him and people posting this anti-obama nonsense need to chill out and let the man work.

Worst economic situation? Foreign policy mess? Sorry, got to disagree with you there. Recessions are a normal part of the economic cycle just like Winter is to Spring. Yes, there is certainly potential for this thing to go very bad very quickly, but to say this is the worst mess we've been in is simply nonsense. It's all about consumer confidence. When you have the President of the United States claiming that this is the worst economic situation we've faced, then you will have the worst economic situation ever because consumer confidence goes right out the window.

As for foreign policy "mess," can you explain how so? I know of no foreign policy matter that was ever neat and tidy. None. This is status quo as far as dealing with foreign nations go. But to call it a mess is to succumb to the political bait President Obama is throwing out to the American people: the situation is a mess, so anything President Obama does has got to be an improvement....it's the oldest trick in the book.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: If you repeat something often enough, it becomes self fulfilling.
For someone who claims to be making a list of idiots you are pretty stupid.

What difference does his skin color make, young simpleton?

Get your face out of Obama's ass and understand a POTUS has to be able to answer tough questions.

If he doesn't, get on him, Dubya couldn't do it, neither could Bubba or poppa Bush, which is why they all sucked.
yeah, i see you made his list early

how did that happen so fast
this is the first time i saw the guy


What do you expect from someone whose first idiotic thread on the boards is about what a good movie W. was.

This type of press conference is usually very tightly controlled. The purpose was clearly to get a certain message out regardless of the type of questions asked. This is not unique to any one particular president or political party; this is how the White House gets its message out.

The other thing is that President Obama is still on his honeymoon with the media. Again, nothing new here; happens to every president. It will only be a matter of weeks before the news media begins to conduct its sniper attacks against the president or ambushing administration officials during interviews.

I don't ever recall seeing a press conference being this tightly controlled. Obama appeared to be reading the names of the reporters he called on from a list that had been given to him and didn't appear to even recognize some of the reporters he called on. It is not so much that Obama is still on a honeymoon with the media as that media access to Obama and other top administration officials is being tightly controlled by the White House, my guess is by Axelrod, and this contrasts sharply with the last administration, which was accused of being secretive, in which people like Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell and Wolfowitz spoke to the media whenever they chose to and made their own decisions about what to say.

The Obama team presents a more unified message that seems to be playing well with the public, but it certainly isn't the open and transparent government he had promised. Of course, they've only been in office for a month, and once Axelrod develops more confidence in Obama's ability to stand on his own two feet at a press conference, perhaps they'll open up the questions to more reporters.

While their message is unified, the fact that Obama had promised that Geithner would present a detailed bank rescue plan the next day and that Geithner was criticized by almost everyone because the plan lacked details makes me think the administration is less on the same page than the tightly controlled message they are putting out would suggest.

Too early to tell after only one press conference, don't you think? I'm confident that the novelty, charm, mystique or whatever it is you want to call it will soon wear off, and we'll see journalists asking harder questions that force President Obama and cast to answer more directly.

I clearly agree with you that this was never really intended to be a press conference. It was intended to be a campaign speech pushing the stimulus package disguised as a press conference and the media let him get away with it.

Of course, I agree with you that Obama and his team are still trying to find their feet in Washington, and since these are very bright people who adapted well after making some mistakes during the campaign, I expect them to do better in the future. However, Obama was never especially strong in unscripted events during the campaign and he was exceptionally strong when working from a script, so I expect that as much as possible they will try to stick with staged events in which he will look his best.

How tough the media will get with him will depend on what the public's mood is since news today is nearly as much about entertainment value as providing information. If the public's attitude towards Obama sours, the media will get tougher with him, but it is unclear whether Obama will step up and answer their questions or become less accessible to the media and stage more events in which he will try to preempt troublesome questions.

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